Ejemplo n.º 1
    def testZimbraClientAuth(self):

        zclient = ZimbraClient('')
        zclient.transport = MockTransport()
        zclient.authenticator = MockAuthenticator()

        zclient.authenticate(self.account_name, self.password)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def testZimbraClientAuth(self):

        zclient = ZimbraClient('')
        zclient.transport = MockTransport()
        zclient.authenticator = MockAuthenticator()

        zclient.authenticate(self.account_name, self.password)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def call():

        p = load_properties()

        zclient = ZimbraClient(soap.soap_url(p[pconstant.HOSTNAME]))
        zclient.authenticate(p[pconstant.ACCOUNT_NAME], p[pconstant.PASSWORD])

        return f(p, zclient)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def testZimbraClientNoRequest(self):

        zclient = ZimbraClient('')
        zclient.transport = MockTransport()
        zclient.authenticator = MockAuthenticator()

        zclient.authenticate(self.account_name, self.password)

        self.assertRaises(ZimbraClientException, zclient.invoke, '', '', {})
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def testZimbraClientNoRequest(self):

        zclient = ZimbraClient('')
        zclient.transport = MockTransport()
        zclient.authenticator = MockAuthenticator()

        zclient.authenticate(self.account_name, self.password)

        self.assertRaises(ZimbraClientException, zclient.invoke, '', '', {})
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def testZimbraClientRequest(self):

        zclient = ZimbraClient('')
        zclient.transport = MockTransport()
        zclient.authenticator = MockAuthenticator()

        zclient.authenticate(self.account_name, self.password)

        params = {}
        res = zclient.invoke(zconstant.NS_ZIMBRA_ACC_URL,
                             sconstant.GetInfoRequest, params)

        self.assertEqual(self.account_name, res.name)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def testZimbraClientRequest(self):

        zclient = ZimbraClient('')
        zclient.transport = MockTransport()
        zclient.authenticator = MockAuthenticator()

        zclient.authenticate(self.account_name, self.password)

        params = {}
        res = zclient.invoke(zconstant.NS_ZIMBRA_ACC_URL,

        self.assertEqual(self.account_name, res.name)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def call():

        p = load_properties()

        proxy_url = soap.proxy_url(p[pconstant.PROXY_HOSTNAME],
        zclient = ZimbraClient(soap.soap_url(p[pconstant.HOSTNAME]),
        zclient.authenticate(p[pconstant.ACCOUNT_NAME], p[pconstant.PASSWORD])

        return f(p, zclient)
Ejemplo n.º 9
class ZimbraUtilClient:
    Zimbra client support class.

    It returns ZimbraClient results in a way more digerible by plone.
    def __init__(self, url, username='', password=''):
        self.url = url
        p = urlparse.urlparse(self.url)
        self.server_url = '{0}://{1}'.format(p.scheme, p.netloc)
        self.client = ZimbraClient(url)
        self.username = username
        self.password = password
        if username:

    def authenticate(self):
        self.client.authenticate(self.username, self.password)

    def get_raw_emails(self, folder=None, searchable_text='',
                   offset=0, limit=10,
                   recip='1', sortBy='dateDesc', types='conversation'):
        """Returns list of email conversations.

          @folder - if given, return list of emails from inside this folder
          @serchable_text - Text the email should have to be shown.
          @offset - if given, return list of emails starting from start
          @limit - return 'limit' number of emails
          @recip - whether to return 'to' email adress instead of 'from' for
                   sent messages and conversations
          @sort_by - sort result set by given field
        query = {
            'types': types,
            'limit': limit,
            'offset': offset,
            'recip': recip,
            'sortBy': sortBy,

        if folder:
            query['query'] = 'in:%s' % folder

        if searchable_text:
            query['query'] = searchable_text

        result = self.search(query)
        return result

    def get_emails(self, folder=None, searchable_text='',
                   offset=0, limit=10,
                   recip='1', sortBy='dateDesc', types='conversation'):
        result = self.get_raw_emails(folder=folder,
                searchable_text=searchable_text, offset=offset, limit=limit,
                recip=recip, sortBy=sortBy, types=types)
        return [self._dict_from_mail(x) for x in result]

    def get_address_book(self, offset=0, limit=100):
        '''Returns the address book of the user.'''
        query = {
            'types': 'contact',
            'sortBy': 'nameAsc',
            'offset': offset,
            'limit': limit,
            'query': 'in:contacts'
        result = self.search(query)
        return result

    def search(self, query):
        '''Returns the result of making the given query.'''
        result = self.client.invoke('urn:zimbraMail', 'SearchRequest', query)
        # if we have activated returnAllAttrs, result is a tuple.
        # We're interested here only in its first element
        if type(result) == tuple:
            result = result[0]

        # Get the result out of the list
        if not isinstance(result, list):
            result = [result]

        return result

    def get_email(self, eid):
        """Returns email by given id.

        It also marks conversation as read.
        result = self.client.invoke('urn:zimbraMail', 'GetConvRequest',
            {'c': {'id': eid, 'fetch': 'all', 'html': '1'}})[0].m

        # TODO: make zimbra conversation as read
        if not isinstance(result, list):
            result = [result]

        return result

    def get_email_thread(self, eid):
        """Returns conversation emails by given id.

        It also marks conversation as read.
        result = self.get_email(eid)

        thread = []
        for item in result:
            from_ = [su(e._getAttr('p')) for e in item.e
                        if e._getAttr('t') == 'f']
            from_ = from_[0] if len(from_) else ''
            to = u', '.join([su(e._getAttr('d')) for e in item.e
                        if e._getAttr('t') == 't'])

                'from': from_,
                'to': to,
                'body': item,
                'id': item._getAttr('_orig_id'),
                'date': item._getAttr('d'),

            return thread

    def _dict_from_mail(self, mail):
        """Converts a zimbra mail into a dictionary"""
        people = getattr(mail, 'e', [])
        if not people:
            people = []
        elif not isinstance(people, list):
            people = [people]

        # prepare subject
        subject = getattr(mail, 'su', '') or 'No Subject'

        dct = {
            'subject': su(subject),
            'body': u'%s (%s) - %s - %s' % (u', '.join([p._getAttr('d')
                    for p in people]), mail._getAttr('n'), su(mail.su),
                    su(getattr(mail, 'fr', ''))),
            'unread': u'u' in (mail._getAttr('f') or ''),
            'id': mail._getAttr('_orig_id'),
            'date': mail._getAttr('d'),
            'cid': mail._getAttr('cid'),
        return dct

    def create_task(self, dct):
        """Creates a task, given its description as a dictionary"""
        task = dict(**dct)
        for k, v in task.items():
            if v is None:
                task[k] = u''
        task['startDate'] = self._stringFromDate(task['startDate'])
        task['endDate'] = self._stringFromDate(task['endDate'])

        query = {
            'm': {
              #'l' : '24486', # List id. It could be ommited
              'inv': {
                'comp': {
                  'name': task.get('subject', ''),
                  'loc': task.get('location', ''),
                  'percentComplete': task.get('percentComplete', '0'),
                  'status': task.get('status', 'NEED'),    # Not started
                  'priority': task.get('priority', '5'),   # Normal
                  'or': {'a': task['author'],              # Required
                         'd': task.get('authorName', ''),
              'mp': {
                'ct': 'multipart/alternative',
                'mp': {
                    'ct': 'text/plain',
                    'content': task.get('content', '')}},
        if task['content']:
            query['m']['mp'] = {'ct': 'text/plain',
                                'content': task['content']}
        if task['startDate']:
            query['m']['inv']['comp']['s'] = {'d': task['startDate']}
        if task['endDate']:
            query['m']['inv']['comp']['e'] = {'d': task['endDate']}

        response, _ = self.client.invoke('urn:zimbraMail',
                'CreateTaskRequest', query)
        response = self.get_message(response._getAttr(u'invId'))
        task = self._taskFromGetMsgResponse(response)
        return task

    def get_message(self, id):
        '''Returns a message (mail, task, etc), given its id.'''
        query = {"_jsns": "urn:zimbraMail",
                 "m": {'id': id, 'html': 1, 'needExp': 1, 'max': 250000}}
        response, attrs = self.client.invoke('urn:zimbraMail',
                'GetMsgRequest', query)
        return response

    def get_all_tasks(self):
        '''Returns all the zimbra tasks of the authenticated user.'''
        query = {'query': 'in:"tasks"', 'types': 'task', }
        response, _ = self.client.invoke('urn:zimbraMail',
                'SearchRequest', query)
        if type(response) != list:
            response = [response]
        return [self._taskFromSearchResponse(x) for x in response]

    def _taskFromGetMsgResponse(self, response):
        '''Returns a ZimbraTask given a zimbra CreateTaskResponse.'''
        id = response._getAttr('_orig_id')
        title = response.inv.comp._getAttr('name')
        body = getattr(response.inv.comp, 'fr', u'')
        return ZimbraTask(id, title, self.server_url, body)

    def _taskFromSearchResponse(self, response):
        '''Returns a ZImbraTask given a zimbra SearchResponse.'''
        id = response._getAttr('invId')
        title = response._getAttr('name')
        body = getattr(response, 'fr', u'')
        return ZimbraTask(id, title, self.server_url, body)

    def _stringFromDate(self, date=None):
        if not date:
            return ''
        return date.strftime('%Y%m%d')