Ejemplo n.º 1
def update_post():
    ticket_name = request.form.get('ticket_name')
    email = session['logged_in']
    quantity = request.form.get('quantity')
    price = request.form.get('price')
    expiration = request.form.get('expiration')
    errors = []
    update_msg = 'Failed to update the ticket(s): '

    if not valid.validate_name(ticket_name):
            "The name of the ticket cannot be: blank, contain more than 60 characters, contain soecial characters, or any white space"
    #if not valid.validate_quantity(quantity) and int(quantity)!=0:
    #errors.append("You may only sell between 0 and a hundred tickets inclusive")

    if not valid.validate_quantity(quantity):
            "You may only sell between one and a hundred tickets inclusive, and quantity listed must be in numeric form"

    if not valid.validate_price(price):
            "Prices must be between $10 and $100 (whole numbers only)")
    if not valid.validate_date(expiration):
            "Date must be in the format YYYYMMDD, no separators and cannot be blank"

    if len(errors) == 0:
        ticket = tic.update_ticket(ticket_name, quantity, price, expiration,

        if ticket is None:
            update_msg = 'Successfully updated the ticket(s)'
    if len(errors) > 0:
        update_msg += ", ".join(
            errors) + "."  #adding all of the errors to the updat message

    resp = make_response(redirect('/', code=303))
    resp.set_cookie('update_msg', update_msg)
    return resp
Ejemplo n.º 2
def buy_post():
    ticket_name = request.form.get('ticket_name')  # Set ticket name from form
    email = session['logged_in']  # Set email from logged in session
    quantity = request.form.get('quantity')  # Set quanity from from
    errors = []  # Create an empty arry to store errors
    buy_msg = 'Failed to buy the ticket(s): '  # Set buy_msg to a failed message

    user = usr.get_user(email)
    balance = user.balance / 100

    # Check that the ticket name meets requirements
    if not valid.validate_name(ticket_name):
            "The name of the ticket must be no more than 60 characters using alphanumeric characters with no spaces at the begining and end"
    # Check that the quantity is valid
    if not quantity.isdigit():
        errors.append("Quantity must be entered using 0-9")
    elif not valid.validate_quantity(quantity) or int(quantity) == 0:
        errors.append("You may only buy between 0 and 100 tickets inclusive")

    # If no errors in input
    if len(errors) == 0:

        # Try to buy the ticket
        ticket = tic.buy_ticket(ticket_name, quantity, balance, email)

        # If successfully bought change buy msg to show that
        if ticket is None:
            buy_msg = 'Successfully bought the ticket(s).'

        # If failed add to errors
            buy_msg = buy_msg + str(ticket)

    # If there are errors in input create message
    elif len(errors) > 0:
        buy_msg += ", ".join(
            errors) + "."  #adding all of the errors to the update message

    resp = make_response(redirect('/', code=303))
    resp.set_cookie('buy_msg', buy_msg)
    return resp
Ejemplo n.º 3
def sell_post():
	When someone tries to post a ticket listing to this route,
	validate the details, and if validation is successful
	attempt to list the ticket; may fail if ticket has already been posted by user.
    email = session['logged_in']
    ticket_name = request.form.get('ticket_name')
    quantity = request.form.get('quantity')
    price = request.form.get('price')
    expiration = request.form.get('expiration')
    errors = []
    sell_msg = 'Failed to list the ticket(s): '

    if not valid.validate_name(ticket_name):
            "The name of the ticket names must be longer than 6-characters, shorter than 60 characters, and be alpha-numeric with spaces (spaces are not allowed at the beginning or the end)"
    if not valid.validate_quantity(quantity):
            "You may only sell between 1 and 100 tickets at a time with SeetGeek"
    if not valid.validate_price(price):
            "Prices must be between $10 and $100 (whole numbers only)")
    if not valid.validate_not_expired(expiration):
            "Ticket cannot be expired and must conform to YYYYMMDD format")
    if len(errors) == 0:
        ticket = tic.add_ticket(ticket_name, quantity, price, expiration,
        if ticket is None:
            sell_msg = 'Successfully listed the ticket(s)'

    #merge the errors together.
    if len(errors) > 0:
        sell_msg += ", ".join(errors) + "."

    resp = make_response(redirect('/', code=303))
    resp.set_cookie('sell_msg', sell_msg)
    return resp
def test_validation_name_valid():
    test_name = "aaaaaa"
    assert valid.validate_name(test_name) is True
def test_validation_name_tooshort():
    test_name = "a"
    assert valid.validate_name(test_name) is False
def test_validation_name_nomatch():
    test_name = "@@@@@@"
    assert valid.validate_name(test_name) is False