Ejemplo n.º 1
    def setup_taylor_grad(self):
        s_manifold = self.mdims['s_manifold']
        m_gradients = self.mdims['m_gradients']
        r_points = self.mdims['r_points']
        l_labels = self.mdims['l_labels']

        D = np.eye(r_points) - 1.0 / r_points * np.ones((r_points, r_points))
        for j in range(m_gradients):
            # v : columns correspond to the vertices of triangle j
            v = self.v[:, self.faces[:, j]]
            # v0 : centroid of triangle j
            v0 = self.v_grad[:, j]

            # E : each row is a tangent vector at v0 pointing to a vertex
            E = np.zeros((3, 3))
            self.log(v0, v.T, E)

            # C : basis of tangent space at v0, orthonormal wrt. euclidean metric
            c1 = normalize(E[0, :]).ravel()
            c2 = normalize(E[1, :] - E[1, :].dot(c1) * c1).ravel()
            C = np.vstack((c1, c2)).T

            # M { r_points, s_manifold }
            M = E.dot(C)

            self.A[j] = M.T.dot(D).dot(M)
            self.B[j] = M.T.dot(D)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, refinement=2, vecs=None):
        """ Setup a triangular grid on the 2-sphere.

            vecs : array of shape (3, l_labels)
            refinement : if vecs is None, the triangulation is generated using
                         trisphere(refinement), defined below
        if vecs is None:
            vecs, tris = trisphere(refinement)
            vecs = normalize(vecs)
            assert (vecs.shape[0] == 3)
            vecs = normalize(vecs)
            sv = SphericalVoronoi(vecs.T)
            tris = sv._tri.simplices.T
        assert (tris.shape[0] == 3)

        s_manifold = 2
        m_gradients = tris.shape[1]
        r_points = 3
        l_labels = vecs.shape[1]

        logging.info("Set up for 2-sphere with {l} labels and {m} gradients." \
            .format(s=s_manifold, l=l_labels,m=m_gradients))

        self.v = vecs
        self.faces = tris
        self.mdims = {
            's_manifold': s_manifold,
            'm_gradients': m_gradients,
            'r_points': r_points,
            'l_labels': l_labels

        self.v_grad = np.zeros((3, m_gradients), order='C')
        for j in range(m_gradients):
            # v : columns correspond to the vertices of triangle j
            v = self.v[:, self.faces[:, j]]
            # v0 : centroid of triangle j
            # taking the mean is a bottle neck here!
            self.v_grad[:, j] = self.mean(v).ravel()

        # b { l_labels }
        # P { m_gradients, r_points }
        # b : vol. elements, s.t. sum(self.b) converges to 4*PI as n to inf
        self.b = np.zeros((l_labels, ), order='C')
        self.b[:] = sphere_areas(vecs)
        self.b_precond = 1.0 / np.sqrt(np.einsum('i,i->', self.b, self.b))
        self.P = np.zeros((m_gradients, r_points), order='C', dtype=np.int64)
        self.P[:] = tris.T

        # A { m_gradients, s_manifold, s_manifold }
        # B { m_gradients, s_manifold, r_points }
        self.A = np.zeros((m_gradients, s_manifold, s_manifold), order='C')
        self.B = np.zeros((m_gradients, s_manifold, r_points), order='C')

Ejemplo n.º 3
    def embed_barycentric(self, x):
        """ Embed a 3D vector into the triangulation using barycentric coordinates.

            x : the vector to be embedded, numpy array of shape (3,)

            numpy array of shape (l_labels,)

        Test code:
        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> from qball.sphere import load_sphere
        >>> n = 2
        >>> mf = load_sphere(refinement=n)
        >>> for theta, phi in zip([23,42,76,155,143,103], [345,220,174,20,18,87]):
        >>>     f_in = np.asarray([
        >>>         np.sin(theta*np.pi/180.0)*np.cos(phi*np.pi/180.0),
        >>>         np.sin(theta*np.pi/180.0)*np.sin(phi*np.pi/180.0),
        >>>         np.cos(theta*np.pi/180.0)
        >>>     ])
        >>>     f_out = mf.mean(mf.v, mf.embed_barycentric(f_in)[:,None]).ravel()
        >>>     err = np.sqrt(sum((f_in-f_out)**2))
        >>>     print("theta: {}, phi: {}, err: {}".format(theta, phi, err))
        >>>     assert err <= 1e-15

        xn = normalize(x)[:, 0]
        labels, tri = self.get_triangle(xn)
        assert labels is not None

        _, _, _, alph = barylinear_prep(self, tri, xn)
        weights = np.zeros((self.mdims['l_labels'], ), order='C')
        weights[labels] = alph
        return weights
Ejemplo n.º 4
def barylinear_prep(sph, tri, x):
    """ Helper function for the calculation of barylinear interpolations in tri
        at x on the sphere sph

        sph : instance of qball.sphere.Sphere
        tri : array of shape (3, 3), columns correspond to vertices v_i
        x : point at which the interpolation is to be evaluated

        N : array of shape (3, 3), each row is a unit tangent vector at x
            pointing to a vertex of tri
        C : array of shape (2, 3), orthonormal basis for tangent space at x
        A : array of shape (2, 2), matrix for computing barycentric coordinates
            of x; expressed in the basis C
        alph : array of shape (3,), barycentric coordinates of x
    s_manifold = 2
    r_points = 3

    # E : each row is a tangent vector at x pointing to a vertex of tri
    E = np.zeros((3, 3))
    sph.log(x, tri.T, E)
    N = normalize(E.T).T

    c2 = normalize(N[1] - N[1].dot(N[0]) * N[0]).ravel()
    C = np.vstack((N[0], c2))

    # transform tangent vectors to basis C
    N = N.dot(C.T)
    E = E.dot(C.T)

    A = np.vstack((E[1] - E[0], E[2] - E[0])).T
    alph = np.hstack((0, np.linalg.solve(A, -E[0])))
    alph[0] = 1 - sum(alph[1:])

    return N, C, A, alph
Ejemplo n.º 5
def synth_unimodal_odfs(qball_sphere,
                        cutoff=2 * np.pi,
    verts = qball_sphere.vertices
    l_labels = verts.shape[0]

    # `const_width` unimodals for each entry of `directions`
    val_base = 1e-6 * 290
    vals = [tightness * val_base, val_base, val_base]
    vecs = normalize(
            [[np.sin(phi * np.pi / 180.0),
              np.cos(phi * np.pi / 180.0), 0] for phi in directions]).T).T
    voxels = [
        multi_tensor_odf(verts, np.array((vals, vals)), [v, v], [50, 50])
        for v in vecs

    if cutoff < 1.5 * np.pi:
        # cut off support of distribution functions
        for v, vox in zip(vecs, voxels):
            for k in range(l_labels):
                v_diff1 = verts[k] - v
                v_diff2 = verts[k] + v
                if np.einsum('n,n->', v_diff1, v_diff1) > cutoff**2 \
                   and np.einsum('n,n->', v_diff2, v_diff2) > cutoff**2:
                    vox[k] = 0

    fin = np.zeros((l_labels, const_width * len(voxels)), order='C')
    for i, vox in enumerate(voxels):
        i1 = i * const_width
        i2 = (i + 1) * const_width
        fin[:, i1:i2] = np.tile(vox, (const_width, 1)).T
    normalize_odf(fin, sphere_vol)
    return fin
Ejemplo n.º 6
def trisphere(n):
    """ Calculates a sphere triangulation of 12*(4^n) vertices.

    The algorithm starts from an icosahedron (12 vertices, 20 triangles) and
    applies the following procedure `n` times: Each triangular face is split
    into four triangles using the triangle's edge centers as new vertices.

        n : grade of refinement; n=0 means 12 vertices (icosahedron).

        tuple (verts, tris)
        verts : numpy array, each column corresponds to a point on the sphere
        tris : numpy array, each column defines a triangle on the sphere
               through indices into `verts`
    # Regular icosahedron:
    # (X, Z) : solution to X/Z = Z/(X + Z) and 1 = X^2 + Z^2
    X = ((5 - 5**0.5) / 10)**0.5
    Z = (1 - X**2)**0.5

    # verts { 3, 12 }
    verts = np.array([[-X, 0.0, Z], [X, 0.0, Z], [-X, 0.0, -Z], [X, 0.0, -Z],
                      [0.0, Z, X], [0.0, Z, -X], [0.0, -Z, X], [0.0, -Z, -X],
                      [Z, X, 0.0], [-Z, X, 0.0], [Z, -X, 0.0], [-Z, -X,

    # tris { 3, 20 }
    tris = np.array([[0, 4, 1], [0, 9, 4], [9, 5, 4], [4, 5, 8], [4, 8, 1],
                     [8, 10, 1], [8, 3, 10], [5, 3, 8], [5, 2, 3], [2, 7, 3],
                     [7, 10, 3], [7, 6, 10], [7, 11, 6], [11, 0, 6], [0, 1, 6],
                     [6, 1, 10], [9, 0, 11], [9, 11, 2], [9, 2, 5], [7, 2,
    # t = np.array([[0, 1, 4]]).T;

    for i in range(n):
        vn = verts

        # numv : current number of verts
        numv = vn.shape[1]

        # edgecenters : symmetric matrix of indices into `vn`
        edgecenters = np.zeros([verts.shape[1]] * 2, dtype=np.int64)

        # iterate over triangles, adding edge centers to `vn` and
        # making note of it in `edgecenters`
        for tri in tris.T:
            # the if clauses make sure we don't get duplicates
            if tri[0] < tri[1]:
                vn = np.hstack(
                     normalize(0.5 * (verts[:, tri[0]] + verts[:, tri[1]]))))
                edgecenters[tri[0], tri[1]] = numv
                edgecenters[tri[1], tri[0]] = numv
                numv += 1
            if tri[1] < tri[2]:
                vn = np.hstack(
                     normalize(0.5 * (verts[:, tri[1]] + verts[:, tri[2]]))))
                edgecenters[tri[1], tri[2]] = numv
                edgecenters[tri[2], tri[1]] = numv
                numv += 1
            if tri[2] < tri[0]:
                vn = np.hstack(
                     normalize(0.5 * (verts[:, tri[2]] + verts[:, tri[0]]))))
                edgecenters[tri[2], tri[0]] = numv
                edgecenters[tri[0], tri[2]] = numv
                numv += 1

        # tn { 3, 4*tris.shape[1] }
        # build up as list then convert to numpy array
        tn = []

        # each triangle is split into four using the edge centers
        for tri in tris.T:
            a = edgecenters[tri[1], tri[2]]
            b = edgecenters[tri[2], tri[0]]
            c = edgecenters[tri[0], tri[1]]
            if a == 0 or b == 0 or c == 0:
            tn.extend([[tri[0], c, b], [tri[1], a, c], [tri[2], b, a],
                       [a, b, c]])
        tn = np.asarray(tn).T

        verts = vn
        tris = tn
    return verts, tris
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def exp(self, location, vfrom):
     """ exp_l(v) = cos(|v|) * l  + sin(|v|) * v/|v| """
     c = np.sqrt(np.einsum('i,i->', vfrom, vfrom))
     pto = np.cos(c) * location + np.sin(c) / max(np.spacing(1), c) * vfrom
     # normalizing prevents errors from accumulating
     return normalize(pto).reshape(-1)