[comment] Treat content as text for the comment line [trash] Ignore content """ user_obedient = False while not user_obedient: line2 = raw_input(' line2 = [cgmp] ').strip().lower() if line2 == "": line2 = 'cgmp' if line2 == 'comment' or line2 == 'cgmp' or line2 == 'trash': user_obedient = True # query closed shell print """ Are open-shell or non-singlets are present among your systems (or subsystems in the case of dimers)? """ isOS = qcdb.query_yes_no(' isOS =', False) # query database type print """ What is the nature of the systems in your incipient database? [1] I have a bunch of plain molecules (no need to act on any subsystems) that I want to be able to act upon in parallel. [2] I have a bunch of molecules that I want to form into a database whose reference quantity corresponds to various combinations thereof. [3] I have a bunch of dimers (only dimer, no monomer, files should be present) that I want to form into a database whose reference quantity is interaction energy. Your final database may of course resemble any combination of these choices. This is but a humble script to get you started. """ user_obedient = False while not user_obedient:
e.g., aug-cc-pvdz or 6-31+G* or cc-pvtz may-cc-pvtz aug-cc-pvtz """) bases = [] user_obedient = False while not user_obedient: temp = raw_input(' bases = ').strip() ltemp = temp.split() for item in ltemp: btemp = qcdb.basislist.corresponding_basis(item, role='BASIS') if btemp: bases.append(btemp) user_obedient = True else: print(' Basis set %s not recognized.' % (item)) proceed = qcdb.query_yes_no(' Proceed anyway? =', False) if proceed: bases.append(item) user_obedient = True else: bases = [] user_obedient = False break # query castup preference print(""" Do cast up from smaller basis set? """) user_obedient = False while not user_obedient:
[comment] Treat content as text for the comment line [trash] Ignore content """) user_obedient = False while not user_obedient: line2 = input(' line2 = [cgmp] ').strip().lower() if line2 == "": line2 = 'cgmp' if line2 == 'comment' or line2 == 'cgmp' or line2 == 'trash': user_obedient = True # query closed shell print(""" Are open-shell or non-singlets are present among your systems (or subsystems in the case of dimers)? """) isOS = qcdb.query_yes_no(' isOS =', False) # query database type print(""" What is the nature of the systems in your incipient database? [1] I have a bunch of plain molecules (no need to act on any subsystems) that I want to be able to act upon in parallel. [2] I have a bunch of molecules that I want to form into a database whose reference quantity corresponds to various combinations thereof. [3] I have a bunch of dimers (only dimer, no monomer, files should be present) that I want to form into a database whose reference quantity is interaction energy. Your final database may of course resemble any combination of these choices. This is but a humble script to get you started. """) user_obedient = False while not user_obedient:
[comment] Treat content as text for the comment line [trash] Ignore content """ user_obedient = False while not user_obedient: line2 = raw_input(" line2 = [cgmp] ").strip().lower() if line2 == "": line2 = "cgmp" if line2 == "comment" or line2 == "cgmp" or line2 == "trash": user_obedient = True # query closed shell print """ Are open-shell or non-singlets are present among your systems (or subsystems in the case of dimers)? """ isOS = qcdb.query_yes_no(" isOS =", False) # query database type print """ What is the nature of the systems in your incipient database? [1] I have a bunch of plain molecules (no need to act on any subsystems) that I want to be able to act upon in parallel. [2] I have a bunch of molecules that I want to form into a database whose reference quantity corresponds to various combinations thereof. [3] I have a bunch of dimers (only dimer, no monomer, files should be present) that I want to form into a database whose reference quantity is interaction energy. Your final database may of course resemble any combination of these choices. This is but a humble script to get you started. """ user_obedient = False while not user_obedient: