Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_repr(self):
        array2d = [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
        arrayrepr = repr(np.array(array2d))
        array_id = (3, 4)
        data = DataArray(preset_data=array2d)

        self.assertEqual(repr(data), 'DataArray[2,2]:\n' + arrayrepr)

        data.array_id = array_id
                         'DataArray[2,2]: ' + str(array_id) + '\n' + arrayrepr)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _create_data_array(
        action_indices: Tuple[int],
        parameter: Parameter = None,
        is_setpoint: bool = False,
        name: str = None,
        label: str = None,
        unit: str = None,
        """Create a data array from a parameter and result.

        The data array shape is extracted from the result shape, and the current
        loop dimensions.

        The data array is added to the current data set.

            parameter: Parameter for which to create a DataArray. Can also be a
                string, in which case it is the data_array name
            result: Result returned by the Parameter
            action_indices: Action indices for which to store parameter
            is_setpoint: Whether the Parameter is used for sweeping or measuring
            label: Data array label. If not provided, the parameter label is
                used. If the parameter is a name string, the label is extracted
                from the name.
            unit: Data array unit. If not provided, the parameter unit is used.

            Newly created data array

        if parameter is None and name is None:
            raise SyntaxError(
                "When creating a data array, must provide either a parameter or a name"

        if len(running_measurement().data_arrays) >= self.max_arrays:
            raise RuntimeError(
                f"Number of arrays in dataset exceeds "
                f"Measurement.max_arrays={self.max_arrays}. Perhaps you forgot"
                f"to encapsulate a loop with a Sweep()?"

        array_kwargs = {
            "is_setpoint": is_setpoint,
            "action_indices": action_indices,
            "shape": self.loop_shape,

        if is_setpoint or isinstance(result, (np.ndarray, list)):
            array_kwargs["shape"] += np.shape(result)

        # Use dummy index (1, ) if measurement is performed outside a Sweep
        if not array_kwargs["shape"]:
            array_kwargs["shape"] = (1,)

        if isinstance(parameter, Parameter):
            array_kwargs["parameter"] = parameter
            # Add a custom name
            if name is not None:
                array_kwargs["full_name"] = name
            if label is not None:
                array_kwargs["label"] = label
            if unit is not None:
                array_kwargs["unit"] = unit
            array_kwargs["name"] = name
            if label is None:
                label = name[0].capitalize() + name[1:].replace("_", " ")
            array_kwargs["label"] = label
            array_kwargs["unit"] = unit or ""

        # Add setpoint arrays
        if not is_setpoint:
            array_kwargs["set_arrays"] = self._add_set_arrays(
                action_indices, result, parameter=parameter, name=(name or parameter.name)

        data_array = DataArray(**array_kwargs)

        data_array.array_id = data_array.full_name
        data_array.array_id += "_" + "_".join(str(k) for k in action_indices)


        with self.timings.record(['dataset', 'save_metadata']):

        # Add array to set_arrays or to data_arrays of this Measurement
        if is_setpoint:
            self.set_arrays[action_indices] = data_array
            self.data_arrays[action_indices] = data_array

        return data_array