def test_perform_actual_upgrade_2_to_3_empty():

    v2fixpath = os.path.join(fixturepath, 'db_files', 'version2')

    dbname_old = os.path.join(v2fixpath, 'empty.db')

    if not os.path.exists(dbname_old):
        pytest.skip("No db-file fixtures found. You can generate test db-files"
                    " using the scripts in the "
                    " repo")

    with temporarily_copied_DB(dbname_old, debug=False, version=2) as conn:

        assert get_user_version(conn) == 2

        desc_query = 'SELECT run_description FROM runs'

        with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as excinfo:
            atomic_transaction(conn, desc_query)

        assert error_caused_by(excinfo, 'no such column: run_description')


        assert get_user_version(conn) == 3

        c = atomic_transaction(conn, desc_query)
        assert len(c.fetchall()) == 0
def test_perform_actual_upgrade_2_to_3_empty_runs():

    v2fixpath = os.path.join(fixturepath, 'db_files', 'version2')

    dbname_old = os.path.join(v2fixpath, 'empty_runs.db')

    if not os.path.exists(dbname_old):
        pytest.skip("No db-file fixtures found. You can generate test db-files"
                    " using the scripts in the "
                    " repo")

    with temporarily_copied_DB(dbname_old, debug=False, version=2) as conn:

def test_perform_actual_upgrade_2_to_3_some_runs():

    v2fixpath = os.path.join(fixturepath, 'db_files', 'version2')

    dbname_old = os.path.join(v2fixpath, 'some_runs.db')

    if not os.path.exists(dbname_old):
        pytest.skip("No db-file fixtures found. You can generate test db-files"
                    " using the scripts in the"
                    " repo")

    with temporarily_copied_DB(dbname_old, debug=False, version=2) as conn:

        assert get_user_version(conn) == 2


        desc_query = 'SELECT run_description FROM runs'

        c = atomic_transaction(conn, desc_query)
        assert len(c.fetchall()) == 10

        # retrieve the json string and recreate the object

        sql = f"""
              SELECT run_description
              FROM runs
              WHERE run_id == 1
        c = atomic_transaction(conn, sql)
        json_str = one(c, 'run_description')

        unversioned_dict = json.loads(json_str)
        idp = InterDependencies._from_dict(
        assert isinstance(idp, InterDependencies)

        # here we verify that the dependencies encoded in
        # tests/dataset/legacy_DB_generation/
        # are recovered

        p0 = [p for p in idp.paramspecs if == 'p0'][0]
        assert p0.depends_on == ''
        assert p0.depends_on_ == []
        assert p0.inferred_from == ''
        assert p0.inferred_from_ == []
        assert p0.label == "Parameter 0"
        assert p0.unit == "unit 0"

        p1 = [p for p in idp.paramspecs if == 'p1'][0]
        assert p1.depends_on == ''
        assert p1.depends_on_ == []
        assert p1.inferred_from == ''
        assert p1.inferred_from_ == []
        assert p1.label == "Parameter 1"
        assert p1.unit == "unit 1"

        p2 = [p for p in idp.paramspecs if == 'p2'][0]
        assert p2.depends_on == ''
        assert p2.depends_on_ == []
        assert p2.inferred_from == 'p0'
        assert p2.inferred_from_ == ['p0']
        assert p2.label == "Parameter 2"
        assert p2.unit == "unit 2"

        p3 = [p for p in idp.paramspecs if == 'p3'][0]
        assert p3.depends_on == ''
        assert p3.depends_on_ == []
        assert p3.inferred_from == 'p1, p0'
        assert p3.inferred_from_ == ['p1', 'p0']
        assert p3.label == "Parameter 3"
        assert p3.unit == "unit 3"

        p4 = [p for p in idp.paramspecs if == 'p4'][0]
        assert p4.depends_on == 'p2, p3'
        assert p4.depends_on_ == ['p2', 'p3']
        assert p4.inferred_from == ''
        assert p4.inferred_from_ == []
        assert p4.label == "Parameter 4"
        assert p4.unit == "unit 4"

        p5 = [p for p in idp.paramspecs if == 'p5'][0]
        assert p5.depends_on == ''
        assert p5.depends_on_ == []
        assert p5.inferred_from == 'p0'
        assert p5.inferred_from_ == ['p0']
        assert p5.label == "Parameter 5"
        assert p5.unit == "unit 5"