Ejemplo n.º 1
 def expand(self, ratio):
   if self.celldm:
     for i in range(3):
       self.celldm[i] = self.celldm[i] * ratio
     self.R = qtk.fractional2xyz(self.R_scale, self.celldm)
     self.R = self.R * ratio
Ejemplo n.º 2
  def read_cif(self, name, **kwargs):
    xyz = open(name, 'r')
    content = xyz.readlines()

    l_list = filter(lambda x: '_cell_length_' in x, content)
    a_list = filter(lambda x: '_cell_angle_' in x, content)
    l = [float(filter(None, l_str.split(' '))[1]) for l_str in l_list]
    a = [float(filter(None, a_str.split(' '))[1]) for a_str in a_list]
    a = np.cos(np.array(a) * (np.pi / 180.))

    fx, fy, fz = map(len, [
      filter(lambda x: '_atom_site_fract_x' in x, content),
      filter(lambda x: '_atom_site_fract_y' in x, content),
      filter(lambda x: '_atom_site_fract_z' in x, content),

    if (fx, fy, fz) != (1, 1, 1):
      qtk.exit("Failed! Only fractional coordingates are implemented")

    r_flag = filter(lambda x: '_atom_site_occupancy' in x, content)
    r_ind = content.index(r_flag[0]) + 1
    atoms = np.array(
      [filter(None, r_str.split(' ')) for r_str in content[r_ind:]]

    self.periodic = True
    self.celldm = np.concatenate([l, a])
    self.R_scale = atoms[:, 3:6].astype(float)
    self.R = qtk.fractional2xyz(self.R_scale, self.celldm)
    self.type_list = atoms[:, 0].tolist()
    self.Z = np.array(map(qtk.n2Z, atoms[:, 0]))
    self.N = len(self.Z)
    self.string = ['' for _ in range(self.N)]
    self.name = name
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def expand(self, ratio):
   if self.celldm:
     for i in range(3):
       self.celldm[i] = self.celldm[i] * ratio
     self.R = qtk.fractional2xyz(self.R_scale, self.celldm)
     self.R = self.R * ratio
Ejemplo n.º 4
  def read_xyz(self, name, **kwargs):
    xyz = open(name, 'r')
    content = xyz.readlines()
    content = [line.replace('\t', ' ') for line in content]

    prop_list = ['charge', 'celldm', 'scale', 'symmetry']
    for prop in prop_list:
        prop_str = filter(lambda x: prop in x, content)[0]
        prop_str = re.sub('.*:', '', prop_str)
        prop_data = prop_str.split(' ')
        prop_data = filter(None, prop_data)
        if len(prop_data) == 1:
            setattr(self, prop, float(prop_data[0]))
          except Exception as exc:
            if prop == 'symmetry':
              setattr(self, prop, prop_data[0].strip())
        elif len(prop_data) > 1:
          setattr(self, prop, [float(_) for _ in prop_data])
      except ValueError as exc:
        setattr(self, prop, False)
        qtk.warning("setting attribute %s with error: %s" % \
          (prop, exc))
        setattr(self, prop, False)
    if not self.charge:
      self.charge = 0
    if self.celldm or self.scale:
      self.periodic = True
    if self.celldm:
       assert len(self.celldm) == 6

    self.N = int(content[0])
    coord_list = content[2 : self.N + 2]
    coord = [filter(None,[a for a in entry.split(' ')]) 
             for entry in coord_list]
    type_list = list(np.array(coord)[:,0])
    self.type_list = [str(elem) for elem in type_list]
    self.Z = [qtk.n2Z(elem) for elem in self.type_list]
    self.Z = np.array(self.Z)
    self.R = np.array(coord)[:,1:4].astype(float)

    self.box = False
    if self.celldm:
      self.periodic = True
      angle = self.celldm[3:]
      angle_sum = sum([abs(entry) for entry in angle])
      if angle_sum == 0:
        self.box = self.celldm[:3]

      self.R_scale = copy.deepcopy(self.R)
      self.R = qtk.fractional2xyz(self.R_scale, self.celldm)
Ejemplo n.º 5
  def read_xyz(self, name, **kwargs):
    xyz = open(name, 'r')
    content = xyz.readlines()
    content = [line.replace('\t', ' ') for line in content]

    prop_list = ['charge', 'celldm', 'scale', 'symmetry', 'isolated']
    for prop in prop_list:
        prop_str = filter(lambda x: prop in x, content)[0]
        prop_str = re.sub('.*:', '', prop_str)
        prop_data = prop_str.split(' ')
        prop_data = filter(None, prop_data)
        if len(prop_data) == 1:
            setattr(self, prop, float(prop_data[0]))
          except Exception as exc:
            if prop == 'symmetry' or prop == 'isolated':
              setattr(self, prop, prop_data[0].strip())
        elif len(prop_data) > 1:
          setattr(self, prop, [float(_) for _ in prop_data])
      except ValueError as exc:
        setattr(self, prop, False)
        qtk.warning("setting attribute %s with error: %s" % \
          (prop, exc))
        setattr(self, prop, False)

    # convert celldm acoording to proper symmetry is still not working 
    # universally due to abinit and vasp k-point sampling 
    # require explicity reciprocal coordinate
    #if hasattr(self, 'symmetry') and self.symmetry in ['bcc', 'fcc']:
    #  new_dm = copy.deepcopy(self.celldm)
    #  if np.linalg.norm(np.array(new_dm[3:])) < 1E-5:
    #    lattice_cube = np.array(new_dm[:3]) * np.eye(3)
    #    if self.symmetry == 'fcc':
    #      vec1 = (lattice_cube[1] + lattice_cube[2])/2
    #      vec2 = (lattice_cube[0] + lattice_cube[2])/2
    #      vec3 = (lattice_cube[0] + lattice_cube[1])/2
    #    elif self.symmetry == 'bcc':
    #      vec1 = (-lattice_cube[0] + lattice_cube[1] + lattice_cube[2])/2
    #      vec2 = ( lattice_cube[0] - lattice_cube[1] + lattice_cube[2])/2
    #      vec3 = ( lattice_cube[0] + lattice_cube[1] - lattice_cube[2])/2
    #    nv1 = vec1 / np.linalg.norm(vec1)
    #    nv2 = vec2 / np.linalg.norm(vec2)
    #    nv3 = vec3 / np.linalg.norm(vec3)
    #    new_dm = [
    #      np.linalg.norm(vec1),
    #      np.linalg.norm(vec2),
    #      np.linalg.norm(vec3),
    #      np.dot(nv2, nv3),
    #      np.dot(nv1, nv3),
    #      np.dot(nv1, nv2),
    #    ]
    #    qtk.warning(
    #      "symmetry is %s but celldm is set to cubic, reset from %s to %s"\
    #      % (self.symmetry, str(self.celldm), str(new_dm))
    #    )
    #    self.celldm = new_dm
    if not self.charge:
      self.charge = 0
    if self.celldm or self.scale:
      self.periodic = True
    if self.celldm:
       assert len(self.celldm) == 6

    self.N = int(content[0])
    prop_list = content[1]
        self.prop_list = np.array(prop_list.split(' ')).astype(float)
        self.prop_list = prop_list
    coord_list = content[2 : self.N + 2]
    coord = [filter(None,[a for a in entry.replace("\n", '').split(' ')]) 
             for entry in coord_list]
    type_list = list(np.array(coord)[:,0])
    self.type_list = [str(elem) for elem in type_list]
    self.Z = [qtk.n2Z(elem) for elem in self.type_list]
    self.Z = np.array(self.Z)
    self.R = np.array(coord)[:,1:4].astype(float)

    self.box = False
    if self.celldm:
      self.periodic = True
      angle = self.celldm[3:]
      angle_sum = sum([abs(entry) for entry in angle])
      if angle_sum == 0:
        self.box = self.celldm[:3]

      if not self.isolated:
        self.R_scale = copy.deepcopy(self.R)
        self.R = qtk.fractional2xyz(self.R_scale, self.celldm)