Ejemplo n.º 1
    def create_vertex(self, params):

        if params is None:
            raise Exception("Tried to create a vertex with params = None!")

        # Label directories with stoichiometry
        base_vert_dir = self.dir + "/" + params["stoichiometry_string"] 

        # Loop over verticies with the same stochiometry
        version = 1
        while True:

            vertex_dir = base_vert_dir + "_v{0}".format(version)

            # We've found a free vertex name
            if not os.path.isdir(vertex_dir): break

            # Vertex name exists, increment version
            version += 1
            # If these verticies are the same (as far as
            # the network is concerned), return the one that
            # already exists
            vertex = alch_vertex(vertex_dir)
            if self.parameters_comp(params, vertex.params):
                log("Vertex {0} already exists".format(vertex.name), "alchemy.log")
                return vertex

        # Initialize the vertex directory
        os.system("mkdir "+vertex_dir)
        new_vertex        = alch_vertex(vertex_dir)
        new_vertex.params = params
        log("Created vertex {0}".format(new_vertex.name), "alchemy.log")
        return new_vertex
Ejemplo n.º 2
def randomly_mutate(structure, mutations, check_valid):

    # Nice header to mutation
    line = "{:^64}".format("Mutating " + structure["stochiometry_string"])
    div = "".join(["-" for c in line])
    log("\n" + div, "alchemy.log")
    log(line, "alchemy.log")
    log(div, "alchemy.log")

    # Mutate the structure until a valid
    # mutation is found
    mutation = None
    while True:

        mutation = mutations[random.randrange(len(mutations))](structure)

        # Mutations return None if there was no sensible
        # way to apply them
        if mutation is None:
            log("    Mutation returned None, trying again...", "alchemy.log")

        # Check validty of the mutation
        if not check_valid(mutation):
            log("    Mutation invalid, trying again...", "alchemy.log")

        # Mutation valid, return it
        return mutation

    raise Exception("Failed to generate a random mutation.")
Ejemplo n.º 3
def tc_calculation_complete(dirname):

    elph_in = dirname+"/elph.in"
    if not os.path.isfile(elph_in):
        return False

    # Parse the number of sigma values
    # fromthe .in file
    n_sig = None
    with open(elph_in) as f:
        for line in f:
            if "el_ph_nsigma" in line:
                n_sig = int(line.split("=")[-1].replace(",",""))

    if n_sig is None:
        log("Could not parse el_ph_nsigma from "+elph_in)
        return False

    # If there are less than that many a2F files, the calculation
    # has not completed
    all_exist = True
    for i in range(1, n_sig+1):
        if not os.path.isfile(dirname + "/a2F.dos{0}".format(i)):
            all_exist = False

    return all_exist
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def a2f_float(self, word):
     f = float(word)
     if math.isnan(f):
         msg = "NaN appeared in "+self.filename+"!" 
         f = 0.0
     return f
Ejemplo n.º 5
Archivo: tests.py Proyecto: miicck/qet
def run_test_lah10_fm3m():

    # Create and move to a directory to
    # run the test from
    old_path = os.getcwd()
    os.system("mkdir lah10_fm3m_test")

        # Relax the structure
        rlx = relax(lah10_fm3m)

        # Calculate the density of states
        ds = dos(lah10_fm3m)

        # Calculate the projected density of states
        pdos = proj_dos(lah10_fm3m)

        # Calculate phonons on a grid
        ph = phonon_grid(lah10_fm3m)


    # Restore old directory
Ejemplo n.º 6
def substitute_random_atom(structure, restrict_to=None):

    # Choose the atom to be replaced
    atoms = structure["atoms"]
    i_replace = random.randrange(len(atoms))
    to_replace = atoms[i_replace][0]
    sub = propose_substitution(to_replace, restrict_to=restrict_to)

    fs = "Replacing atom {0} ({1}) with {2} in {3}"
    fs = fs.format(i_replace, to_replace, sub,
    log(fs, "alchemy.log")

    # Make the replacement
    structure["atoms"][i_replace][0] = sub

    return structure
Ejemplo n.º 7
def remove_random_atom(structure):

    # Dont remove the last atom
    if len(structure["atoms"]) == 1:
        return None

    # Copy the atom list and remove a random atom from the result
    i_rem = random.randrange(len(structure["atoms"]))
    atom_removed = structure["atoms"][i_rem]

    fs = "Removing atom {0} in {1}\n    Removed {2} @ {3:8.6f} {4:8.6f} {5:8.6f}"
    fs = fs.format(i_rem, structure["stoichiometry_string"], atom_removed[0],
    log(fs, "alchemy.log")

    del structure["atoms"][i_rem]
    return structure
Ejemplo n.º 8
def shuffle_atoms(structure):

    # No point shuffling a single atom
    if len(structure["atoms"]) == 1:
        return None

    # Shuffle the atoms into each others locations
    atoms = structure["atoms"]
    new_pos = [a[1] for a in atoms]
    for i in range(len(new_pos)):
        atoms[i][1] = new_pos[i]

    log("Shuffled atoms in {0}".format(structure["stoichiometry_string"]),

    return structure
Ejemplo n.º 9
def substitute_random_species(structure, restrict_to=None):

    # Choose the type to be replaced
    to_replace = structure["species"]
    to_replace = to_replace[random.randrange(len(to_replace))][0]

    # Choose the type to replace it with
    sub = propose_substitution(to_replace, restrict_to=restrict_to)

    fs = "Replacing {0} with {1} in {2}"
    fs = fs.format(to_replace, sub, structure["stoichiometry_string"])
    log(fs, "alchemy.log")

    # Make the replacement
    for i, a in enumerate(structure["atoms"]):
        if a[0] == to_replace: structure["atoms"][i][0] = sub

    return structure
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def parse(self, filename):

        # Get the directory of this calculation
        dos_dir  = os.path.dirname(filename)
        dos_file = dos_dir + "/pwscf.dos" 

        # Throw an error if the .dos file doesn't exist
        if not os.path.isfile(dos_file):
            msg = "Could not find the DOS file {0}"
            msg = msg.format(dos_file)
            raise RuntimeError(msg)
        # Parse the .dos file
        energies  = []
        densities = []
        first_line = True
        with open(dos_file) as f:
            for line in f:

                # Skip the first line
                if first_line:
                    fermi_energy  = float(line.split()[-2])
                    fermi_energy *= EV_TO_RY 
                    first_line    = False

                # Parse the energy and density
                e, d = [float(w) for w in line.split()[0:2]]
                energies.append(e * EV_TO_RY)

        # Store the results
        self["DOS energies"] = energies
        self["DOS (energy)"] = densities
        self["fermi energy"] = fermi_energy

        # Linearly interpolate to get the DOS at
        # the fermi level
        for i in range(len(energies)):
            if energies[i] > fermi_energy:
                r = (energies[i] - fermi_energy)/(energies[i] - energies[i-1])
                self["DOS (E_F)"] = densities[i]*(1-r) + densities[i-1]*r
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def __init__(self, 

        # The directory representing this network, verticies will be
        # represented by subdirectories within base_dir.
        # If None, a new directory of the form network_i will be created
        # If base_dir exists, we will load the network in base_dir
        # Otherwise a new network will be created with name base_dir
        base_dir = None,                            

        # Function used to compare two parameters sets of the same stochiometry
        # returns true if they should be considered as the same vertex.
        parameters_comp = lambda s1, s2 : True,  # Default: same stoichiometry => same vertex


        # Generate new network name
        if base_dir is None:
            i = 1
            while True:
                if not os.path.isdir("network_{0}".format(i)):
                    base_dir = "network_{0}".format(i)
                i += 1

        # Ensure the network directory exists
        created = False
        if not os.path.isdir(base_dir):
            os.system("mkdir "+base_dir)
            created = True

        # Use the absolute path from here on
        base_dir  = os.path.abspath(base_dir)
        self.dir  = base_dir
        self.name = base_dir.split("/")[-1]

        # Record the parameters comparison function
        self.parameters_comp = parameters_comp

        if created: log("Created network "+self.dir, "alchemy.log")
            fs = "Loaded network {0} with {1} verticies"
            fs = fs.format(self.dir, len(self.verticies))
            log(fs, "alchemy.log")
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def choose_mutation(self, mutations, objective=None):
        # Get scores for mutations that already appear in the network
        scores    = self.get_mutation_scores(objective=objective)
        max_score = max(scores[m] for m in scores) if len(scores) > 0 else 1.0

        # Give untested mutations a high score (so they will be tested soon)
        for m in mutations:
            if not m in scores:
                scores[m] = max_score

        # Rescale scores to [-1,1] by dividing by the
        # maximum absolute score (note scores of 0 remain unchanged).
        # This is done to decrease score sensitivity to the order 
        # of magnidute of the objective function.
        max_abs = max(abs(scores[m]) for m in scores) 
        if max_abs > 10e-5:
            scores  = {m : scores[m]/max_abs for m in scores}

        # Map to [0, 1]
        scores  = {m : (1.0 + scores[m])/2.0 for m in scores}

        # Generate probabilities so that the maximum possible
        # ratio between most and least probable is 10 : 1
        probs = {m : 10.0**scores[m] for m in scores}
        tot   = sum(probs[m] for m in probs)
        probs = {m : probs[m]/tot for m in probs}
        # Report the probabilities
        max_l = max(len(m) for m in probs)
        fs    = "    {0:"+str(max_l)+"} {1}"
        log("Mutation probabilities:", "alchemy.log")
        for m in probs: log(fs.format(m, probs[m]), "alchemy.log")

        # Choose according to that probability
        rnd = random.random()
        tot = 0.0
        for m in probs:
            tot += probs[m]
            if tot > rnd: return m

        raise Exception("Should not be able to get here!")
Ejemplo n.º 13
def tc_from_a2f_eliashberg_recursive(root_dir):

    # Run over all a2F.dos files and calculate Tc
    for f in listfiles(root_dir):
        if not "a2F.dos" in f: continue
        log("Calculating Tc for "+f, "tc.log")
            tc_res = tc_from_a2f_file_eliashberg(f)
            log("Success", "tc.log")
            for mu in tc_res:
                log("    Mu = {0}, Tc = {1}".format(mu, tc_res[mu]), "tc.log")
        except Exception as e: 
            log("Failed with excpetion:\n"+str(e), "tc.log")
Ejemplo n.º 14
def duplicate_random_atom(structure):

    # Copy a random atom
    atoms = structure["atoms"]
    i_dupe = random.randrange(len(atoms))
    new_atom = copy.deepcopy(atoms[i_dupe])

    fs = "Duplicating atom {0} in {1}".format(
        i_dupe, structure["stoichiometry_string"])
    fs += "\n    Duplicated {0} @ {1:8.6f} {2:8.6f} {3:8.6f}".format(
        new_atom[0], *new_atom[1])

    # Displace it by a gaussian
    for j in range(3):
        new_atom[1][j] += random.gauss(0, 0.1)

    fs += "\n    New atom   {0} @ {1:8.6f} {2:8.6f} {3:8.6f}".format(
        new_atom[0], *new_atom[1])
    log(fs, "alchemy.log")

    return structure
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def expand_to_minimize(self,
        objective, # Objective to minimize
        mutations, # List of allowed mutations to vertex parameters
        # Function used to determine if a mutated structure is valid
        is_valid = lambda s : True

        if len(mutations) == 0:
            raise Exception("No mutations specified in expand_to_minimize")

        log("Choosing a mutation to apply (minimizing {0})".format(objective.__name__), "alchemy.log")
        mut_name = self.choose_mutation([m.__name__ for m in mutations], objective=objective)
        mut = None
        for m in mutations:
            if m.__name__ == mut_name:
                mut = m
        if mut is None: mut = random.choice(mutations)
        log("Selected mutation {0}".format(mut.__name__), "alchemy.log")

        log("Choosing vertex to expand (minimizing {0})...".format(objective.__name__), "alchemy.log")
        vert = self.vertex_chooser(objective)
        log("Vertex chosen: "+vert.name, "alchemy.log")
        self.expand_vertex(vert, mut, is_valid)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def tc_from_gap_function(filename, plot=False): 
    from   scipy.optimize import curve_fit
    import numpy          as     np

    # Parse the superconducting gap vs temperature
    ts = []
    gs = []
    with open(filename) as f:
        for l in f:
            vals = [float(w) for w in l.split()]
            if len(vals) != 3: continue

    # Interpolate g(t) data to a finer grid
    #ts_interp = np.linspace(min(ts), max(ts), len(ts)*5)
    #gs_interp = [np.interp(t, ts, gs) for t in ts_interp]
    #ts = ts_interp
    #gs = gs_interp

    # Guess tc from just where gap first goes above
    # 5% of the maximum on decreasing Tc
    tc_guess = 0
    for i in range(len(ts)-1, -1, -1):
        tc_guess = ts[i]
        if gs[i] > 0.05 * max(gs): break

    def gap_model(t, tc, gmax):
        t = np.array([min(ti, tc) for ti in t])
        return gmax * np.tanh(1.74*np.sqrt(tc/t - 1))

        p0 = [tc_guess, max(gs)*2]
        par, cov = curve_fit(gap_model, ts, gs, p0)
        if plot:
            import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
            plt.plot(ts, gs, marker="+", label="data")
            ts_interp = np.linspace(min(ts), max(ts), 200)
            plt.plot(ts_interp, gap_model(ts_interp, *par), label="fit")
            plt.axvline(par[0], color="black", linestyle=":", label="Tc = "+str(par[0]))

    except Warning as warn:
        log("Gap function fit failed with warning:", "tc.log")
        log(str(warn), "tc.log")
        par = [0, p0[1]]
        cov = float("inf")
    except Exception as err:
        log("Gap function fit failed with error:", "tc.log")
        log(str(err), "tc.log")
        raise err

    if np.isfinite(cov).all():
        tc  = par[0]
        err = cov[0][0]**0.5
        log("Tc covariance is infinite!", "tc.log")
        tc  = tc_guess
        err = float("inf")

    return tc, err
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def run(self, filename=None, path="./", required=True):

        if filename is None:
            filename = self.default_filename()

        log("Starting {0} {1} calculation ({2}) at {3}:".format(
            "required" if required else "optional", self.exe(), filename, path))
        # Remove trailing /'s from path
        path = path.strip()
        path = path.rstrip("/")

        inf  = path+"/"+filename+".in"
        outf = path+"/"+filename+".out"
        # Test to see if the calculation is complete
        if is_complete(outf):

            # Log that we are skipping this complete calculation
            msg = "Calculation \"{0}\" is complete, skipping..."
            return self.parse_output(outf)

        else: # Calculation not complete

            # Create input file, run calculation
            recover = os.path.isfile(outf)

            log("Generating input file...")
            with open(inf, "w") as f:

            log("Setting up command to run...")

            # Get number of processes
            np  = self.in_params["cores_per_node"]*self.in_params["nodes"]
            ppn = self.in_params["cores_per_node"]

            # Setup parallelism scheme
            if self.image_parallelization_allowed():
                # Use k-point/image parallelism
                pools  = self.in_params["pools"]
                images = self.in_params["images"]
                qe_flags = "-nk {0} -ni {1}".format(pools, images) 
                # Just use k-point parallelism
                qe_flags = "-nk {0}".format(np)

            # Apply overriden q-e location
            bin = self.in_params["path_override"]
            if len(bin) > 0: bin += "/"

            # Get the thing that we will run mpi with
            mpirun = self.in_params["mpirun"]

                # Check if mpirun accepts -ppn flag
                subprocess.check_output([mpirun, "-ppn", "1", "ls"])
                cmd = "cd {0}; {1} -ppn {2} -np {3} {4} {5} -i {6} > {7}"
                cmd = cmd.format(path, mpirun, ppn, np, bin + self.exe(), qe_flags, inf, outf)
                # Doesn't accept -ppn flag
                cmd = "cd {0}; {1} -np {2} {3} {4} -i {5} > {6}"
                cmd = cmd.format(path, mpirun, np, bin + self.exe(), qe_flags, inf, outf)


            # Start tracking thread
            tracking = cpu_tracking_thread(filename=filename+".cpu")

                # Run calculation, log stdout/stderr
                stdout = subprocess.check_output([cmd], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True)
                log(stdout, filename="qet.stdout")
            except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
                # Log subprocess errror


            # Check for success
            if not is_complete(outf):

                if required:
                    msg = "Calculation {0} did not complete, stopping!"
                    msg = msg.format(outf)
                    raise RuntimeError(msg)
                    msg = "Calculation {0} did not complete, but isn't required, continuing..."
                    return None


                # Parse the output
                return self.parse_output(outf)
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def gen_param(self, key):

        # Count the atoms
        if key == "nat":
            return len(self["atoms"])

        # Count the atom types
        if key == "ntyp":
            return len(self["species"])

        # Get a list of the species
        # with masses and pseudo names
        if key == "species":
            spec = []
            for a in self["atoms"]:
                if a[0] in spec: continue

            for i, s in enumerate(spec):
                spec[i] = [s, elements[s]["mass number"], s + ".UPF"]

            return spec

        if key == "a": return np.linalg.norm(self["lattice"][0])
        if key == "b": return np.linalg.norm(self["lattice"][1])
        if key == "c": return np.linalg.norm(self["lattice"][2])

        if key == "alpha":
            lat = self["lattice"]
            ret = np.dot(lat[1], lat[2])
            ret = np.arccos(ret) * 180 / np.pi
            return ret

        if key == "beta":
            lat = self["lattice"]
            ret = np.dot(lat[0], lat[2])
            ret = np.arccos(ret) * 180 / np.pi
            return ret

        if key == "gamma":
            lat = self["lattice"]
            ret = np.dot(lat[0], lat[1])
            ret = np.arccos(ret) * 180 / np.pi
            return ret

        # Work out the space group
        if key == "space_group_name":
            return self["space_group_name"]

        # Work out the number of symmetry operations
        if key == "sym_ops":
            return self["sym_ops"]

        # Work out a good BZ path
        if key == "bz_path" or key == "high_symmetry_bz_points":
                import seekpath
            except ImportError:
                log("Could not import seekpath!")
                raise ImportError("Could not import SeeKpath!")

            # Convert the structure into a form that SeeKpath can digest
            frac_coords = []
            atom_numbers = []
            unique_names = []

            for a in self["atoms"]:
                if not a[0] in unique_names:

            for a in self["atoms"]:

            # Call SeeKpath to get the BZ path
            structure = (self["lattice"], frac_coords, atom_numbers)
            path = seekpath.get_path(structure,

            # Work out how many points we have along each segment of the BZ path
            pc = path["point_coords"]
            segs = [[np.array(pc[p[0]]),
                     np.array(pc[p[1]])] for p in path["path"]]
            seg_names = [[p[0], p[1]] for p in path["path"]]
            seg_lengths = [np.linalg.norm(s[1] - s[0]) for s in segs]
            tot_length = sum(seg_lengths)
            seg_counts = [
                max(int(self["bz_path_points"] * l / tot_length), 2)
                for l in seg_lengths

            kpoints = []  # Will contain the k-points in the path
            high_symm_points = {
            }  # Will contain the names of high-symmetry points along the path

            for i, c in enumerate(seg_counts):
                pts = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, c)
                pts = [segs[i][0] + (segs[i][1] - segs[i][0]) * p for p in pts]
                high_symm_points[len(kpoints)] = seg_names[i][0]

                if i + 1 < len(seg_names) and seg_names[i][1] == seg_names[
                        i + 1][0]:
                    kpoints.pop()  # Remove repeated high symmetry point
                    high_symm_points[len(kpoints) - 1] = seg_names[i][1]

            self["high_symmetry_bz_points"] = high_symm_points
            self["bz_path"] = kpoints

            if key == "bz_path": return kpoints
            else: return high_symm_points

        # Find the pseudo_dir that contains
        # all of the needed pseudopotentials
        if key == "pseudo_dir":

            # Work out which pseudo_dirs contain
            # which pseudopotentials
            found_in = {}
            for s, m, p in self["species"]:
                found_in[p] = []
                for pd in self["pseudo_dirs"]:
                    if not os.path.isdir(pd): continue
                    if p in os.listdir(pd):

            # See if any one pseudo_dir contains
            # all of the needed pseudods
            for pd in self["pseudo_dirs"]:

                has_all = True
                for p in found_in:
                    if not pd in found_in[p]:
                        has_all = False

                # This pseudo_dir contains all the
                # needed pseudos, go ahead and use it
                if has_all: return pd

            # See if we can combine pseudos from
            # multiple directories
            for p in found_in:

                if len(found_in[p]) == 0:
                    err = "Could not find the pseudopotentail "
                    err += p + " in any of:"
                    for pd in self["pseudo_dirs"]:
                        err += "\n" + pd
                    raise ParamNotFound(err)

            # Create a file with the pseudopotential origin locations
            pof = open("pseudopotential_origin", "w")

            # We have found all the pseudos, collect
            # them into the working directory
            for p in found_in:

                # Copy the fist found pseudo to
                # working directory
                os.system("cp " + found_in[p][0] + "/" + p + " .")
                pof.write(p + " from " + found_in[p][0] + "\n")

            return "./"

        # Get a dictionary of the form atom name : count
        if key == "atom_counts":
            atom_counts = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
            for a in self["atoms"]:
                if a[0] in atom_counts: atom_counts[a[0]] += 1
                else: atom_counts[a[0]] = 1
            return atom_counts

        # Reurn the stochiometry
        # of the given cell as a string
        if key == "stoichiometry_string":
            atom_counts = self["atom_counts"]
            ss = ""
            for a in atom_counts:
                ss += a + "_{0}_".format(atom_counts[a])
            ss = ss[0:-1]
            return ss

        # Get an estimate for the volume of the
        # cell by approximating each atom as
        # a covalent-radius sphere
        if key == "covalent_volume":
            vol = 0.0
            for a in self["atoms"]:
                vol += elements[a[0]]["covalent radius"]**3.0
            return np.pi * vol * 4.0 / 3.0

        # Default to ecutrho = 10*ecutwfc
        if key == "ecutrho": return 10 * self["ecutwfc"]

        # Generate the qpoint grid
        if key == "qpoint_grid":

            # Generate qpoint grid from spacing/min_q_grid_size
            rlat = np.linalg.inv(self["lattice"]).T
            qps = float(self["qpoint_spacing"])
            b2q = lambda b: int(np.linalg.norm(b) / qps)
            grid = [max(self["min_q_grid_size"], b2q(b)) for b in rlat]
            if self["force_cube_grids"]: grid = [max(grid) for g in grid]
            return grid

        # Get individual components of qpoint grid
        if key == "nq1": return self["qpoint_grid"][0]
        if key == "nq2": return self["qpoint_grid"][1]
        if key == "nq3": return self["qpoint_grid"][2]

        # Get individial components of interpolated qpoint grid
        if key == "ph_interp_nq1":
            return self["qpoint_grid"][0] * self["ph_interp_amt"]
        if key == "ph_interp_nq2":
            return self["qpoint_grid"][0] * self["ph_interp_amt"]
        if key == "ph_interp_nq3":
            return self["qpoint_grid"][0] * self["ph_interp_amt"]

        # Phonon interpolation output files from prefix
        if key == "ph_interp_dos_file":
            return self["ph_interp_prefix"] + ".dos"
        if key == "ph_interp_freq_file":
            return self["ph_interp_prefix"] + ".freq"
        if key == "ph_interp_modes_file":
            return self["ph_interp_prefix"] + ".modes"
        if key == "ph_interp_eig_file":
            return self["ph_interp_prefix"] + ".eig"

        # Generate the kpoint grid
        if key == "kpoint_grid":

            if "kpoint_spacing" in self.par:

                # Generate kpoint grid from spacing
                rlat = np.linalg.inv(self["lattice"]).T
                kps = float(self["kpoint_spacing"])
                b2k = lambda b: int(np.linalg.norm(b) / kps)
                return [b2k(b) for b in rlat]

            elif "kpts_per_qpt" in self.par:

                # Generate kpoint grid from qpoint grid
                kpq = self["kpts_per_qpt"]
                qpg = self["qpoint_grid"]
                return [kpq * q for q in qpg]


                msg = "Could not generate k-point grid from parameter set."
                raise ParamNotFound(msg)

        # Default to k-point parallelism
        if key == "pools": return self["cores_per_node"] * self["nodes"]
        if key == "images": return 1

        # Get the default k-point grids for calculating Tc
        if key == "tc_kpqs":
            return [self["kpts_per_qpt"] - 1, self["kpts_per_qpt"]]

        # Default q-e bin/ path = environment path
        if key == "path_override": return ""

        # If total_walltime is > 0, this will be the time returned by
        # time.time() when we will run out of walltime. Otherwise is -1.
        if key == "end_time":
            if self["total_walltime"] < 0:
                return -1
                return parameters.first_init_time + self["total_walltime"]

        # Returns the maximum seconds we let a calculation run for
        # from this moment in time. Is equal to the end_time minus
        # the current time minus the tidy_up_time.
        if key == "max_seconds":
            if self["end_time"] < 0:
                return 10e7  # No end time => essentially infinite time
            return max(self["end_time"] - time.time() - self["tidy_up_time"],

        # This wasn't one of the generatable objects, treat
        # this as a KeyError, so we use the QE default value
        # (if there is one)
        exept = "Key \"{0}\" cold not be generated in parameters object."
        raise KeyError(exept.format(key))
Ejemplo n.º 19
from qet.params       import parameters
from qet.calculations import calculate_tc
from qet.logs         import log
import os
import sys

# Make, and move to the calculation directory
f = sys.argv[1]
dname = f.replace(".in","")
os.system("mkdir "+dname)

# Start the calculation
log("Starting TC calculation in "+dname)
p = parameters()
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def __init__(self, filename=None):

        # Record the first initialization time
        if parameters.first_init_time is None:
            parameters.first_init_time = time.time()
            log("First init time set to {0}".format(

        # Set the default parameters
        # any unspecified parameters will be left
        # unspecified in input files and therefore
        # result in QE default values being used
        self.par = {}

        self["outdir"] = "./"  # outdir = working dir
        self["ibrav"] = 0  # no bravis-lattice index
        self["ecutwfc"] = 60  # plane-wave cutoff (Ry)
        self["occupations"] = "smearing"  # treat as metallic
        self["degauss"] = 0.02  # metal smearing width (Ry)
        self["qpoint_spacing"] = 0.15  # qpoint spacing (2pi A^-1)
            "min_q_grid_size"] = 2  # The minimum q-points to a side for a q-point grid
        self["force_cube_grids"] = False  # true if grids must be of form NxNxN
        self["kpts_per_qpt"] = 10  # ratio of kpt to qpt grid
        self["ldisp"] = True  # use a grid of q-points
        self["reduce_io"] = True  # reduce io to a strict minimum
        self["fildvscf"] = "dvscf"  # potential variation file
        self["electron_phonon"] = "interpolated"  # electron-phonon method
        self["el_ph_sigma"] = 0.0025  # smearing spacing
        self["el_ph_nsigma"] = 50  # smearing points
        self["fildyn"] = "matdyn"  # dynamical matrix prefix
        self["flfrc"] = "force_constants"  # force constants filename
        self["zasr"] = "simple"  # acoustic sum rule to apply
            "ph_interp_amt"] = 8  # phonon interpolation grid size (as multiple of qpoint_grid)
            "ndos"] = 200  # number of energy steps to use when interpolating DOS
            "ph_interp_prefix"] = "ph_interp"  # the prefix to give to files produced by phonon interpolations
        self["pseudo_dirs"] = []  # directories to search for pseudopotentials
            "bz_path_points"] = 100  # the approximate number of points along a BZ path
            "total_walltime"] = 129600  # allocated walltime in seconds (negative => treat as infinite)
            "tidy_up_time"] = 1800  # time reserved for tidying up at end of total_walltime
        self["mpirun"] = "mpirun"  # The mpi runner that we want to use

        # By default, assume cores_per_node is
        # equal to the number of cores where the
        # script is running and nodes = 1
        self["nodes"] = 1
            import multiprocessing
            self["cores_per_node"] = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
        except ImportError:
            self["cores_per_node"] = 1

        # Add HOME/pseudopotentials and PSEUDO_DIR to the
        # pseudopotential directories to search, if they exist
        if "HOME" in os.environ:
            pd = os.environ["HOME"] + "/pseudopotentials"
            if not pd in self["pseudo_dirs"]: self["pseudo_dirs"].append(pd)
        if "PSEUDO_DIR" in os.environ:
            pd = os.environ["PSEUDO_DIR"]
            if not pd in self["pseudo_dirs"]: self["pseudo_dirs"].append(pd)

        if not filename is None:

        # Output timing information
        log("Initialized parameters object at time {0}".format(time.time()))
        log("    first_init_time : {0}".format(parameters.first_init_time))
        log("    total_walltime  : {0}".format(self["total_walltime"]))
        log("    end_time        : {0}".format(self["end_time"]))
        log("    max_seconds     : {0}".format(self["max_seconds"]))
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def expand_vertex(self, vertex, param_mutation, is_valid):

        if not os.path.isdir(vertex.dir):
            raise Exception("Tried to expand a vertex that wasn't in the network!")

        # Nice formatting
        expand_text = "{:^64}".format("Expanding vertex "+vertex.name)
        underline   = "".join("-" for c in expand_text)
        log("\n"+expand_text, "alchemy.log")
        log(underline, "alchemy.log")

        # Apply mutation, return None on failure
        mutation = param_mutation(vertex.params)
        if mutation is None: 
            log("Mutation {0} returned None".format(param_mutation.__name__), "alchemy.log")
            log(underline, "alchemy.log")
            return None

        # Check structure produced is valid
        if not is_valid(mutation):
            log("Mutation {0} produced invalid structure".format(param_mutation.__name__), "alchemy.log")
            log(underline, "alchemy.log")
            return None

        # Adjust the volume of the new structure in an
        # attempt to accomodate the mutation
        cov_volume_factor = mutation["covalent_volume"]/vertex.params["covalent_volume"]
        lat_volume_factor = np.linalg.det(mutation["lattice"])/np.linalg.det(vertex.params["lattice"])
        volume_boost = cov_volume_factor / lat_volume_factor
        mutation["lattice"] *= volume_boost ** (1.0/3.0)

        # Create new vertex
        new_vertex = self.create_vertex(mutation)
        new_vertex.add_parent(vertex, param_mutation.__name__)
        log(underline, "alchemy.log")
        return new_vertex
Ejemplo n.º 22
def eval_objective(structure, objective, structure_compare):

    name = structure["stochiometry_string"]
    version = 1
    log("Evaluating objective for {0}".format(name), "alchemy.log")

    # Find previous versions
    for d in os.listdir("."):
        if not os.path.isdir(d): continue
        if not d.startswith(name): continue
        version += 1

        # Parse the structure to see if it's
        # the same (according to structure_compare),
        # and we need not re-do the optimization
        lattice = []
        atoms = []
        with open(d + "/objective.log") as f:
            for line in f:
                splt = line.split()

                if splt[0] == "lattice":
                    lattice.append([float(w) for w in splt[1:]])

                if splt[0] == "atom":
                    atoms.append([splt[1], [float(w) for w in splt[2:]]])

                if splt[0] == "objective":
                    obj = float(splt[1])

        if structure_compare(lattice, atoms, structure["lattice"],

            # Structre is the same as previously evaluated
            log("    From equivalent structure in " + d, "alchemy.log")
            log("    Objective = {0}".format(obj), "alchemy.log")
            return obj

    # Count previous objective evaluations
    # so we know which evaluation this is
    objective_number = 1
    for d in os.listdir("."):
        if not os.path.isdir(d): continue
        if not os.path.isfile(d + "/objective.log"): continue
        objective_number += 1

    # Create the directory to evaluate this
    # objective in
    obj_dir = "{0}_v{1}".format(name, version)
    log("    From new directory " + obj_dir, "alchemy.log")
    os.system("mkdir " + obj_dir)

    # Try to calculate the objective
    # set to inf if failed
        # Evaluate and record the objective
        obj = objective(structure)

    except Exception as e:

        # Flag failed calculation, but don't stop
            "    Objective evaluation failed with below error\n    {0}".format(
                e), "alchemy.log")
        obj = float("inf")

    # Write the results of the objective eval
    with open("objective.log", "w") as f:

        # Write the objective/evaluation number to file
        f.write("n {0}\n".format(objective_number))
        f.write("objective {0}\n".format(obj))

        # Note the structure, in case we arrive at the
        # same structure later
        for l in structure["lattice"]:
            f.write("lattice {0} {1} {2}\n".format(*l))
        for a in structure["atoms"]:
            f.write("atom {0} {1} {2} {3}\n".format(a[0], *a[1]))

    # Move back to previous directory

    log("    Objective = {0}".format(obj), "alchemy.log")
    return obj
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def objective(self, objective):

        # Return stored objective value
        stored = self.get_evaluated_objectives()
        if objective.__name__ in stored: 
            return stored[objective.__name__]

        # Attempt to evaluate the objective. 
        # If evaluataion fails (i.e the underlying objective
        # could not be evaluated), the objective is set to inf.
        # If evaluation is already underway on another process (i.e we cannot 
        # acquire objective_lock within some timeout), return inf this time,
        # but do not store inf for future retrieval.
            with self.lock("objective_lock").acquire(timeout=1.0):

                # Set the working directory to the vertex directory
                old_wd = os.getcwd()

                    # Attempt to evaluate the objective
                    log("Evaluating objective in {0}".format(self.name), "alchemy.log")
                    obj = objective(self.params)

                    # If the objective has length 2, we assume it has the form
                    # [objective value, new structure]. If it has length 1 assume 
                    # it is of the form [objective value], but issue a warning,
                    # as the function should probably have not returned a list if
                    # there was only one thing to return. All other lengths are errors.
                    if hasattr(obj, "__len__"):
                        if   len(obj) >  2: raise Exception("Objective returned too many results!")
                        elif len(obj) == 0: raise Exception("Objective returned too few results!")
                        elif len(obj) == 1:
                            fs = "objective assumed to be of the form [objective value] in {0}"
                            log(fs.format(self.name), "alchemy.warnings")
                            obj = obj[0]
                            fs = "Objective returned [objective value, new structure] in {0}"
                            log(fs.format(self.name), "alchemy.log")
                            self.params = obj[1]
                            obj = obj[0]

                    fs = "evaluated objective in {2}\n    {0} = {1}"
                    log(fs.format(objective.__name__, obj, self.name), "alchemy.log")

                except Exception as e:
                    # Failed to evaluate the objective, set it to inf
                    fs = "failed to evaluate the objective\n    {0} in {1}"
                    log(fs.format(objective.__name__, self.name), "alchemy.log")
                    log("error: {0}".format(e), "alchemy.log")
                    obj = float("inf")

                # Write the values of all the objectives to file
                with self.lock("obj_file_lock"):
                    stored = self.get_evaluated_objectives()
                    stored[objective.__name__] = obj
                    with open("objectives", "w") as f:
                        for o in stored:
                            f.write("{0}:{1}\n".format(o, stored[o]))

                # Restore working directory
                return obj

        except Timeout:
            fs = "Evaluation already underway in {0}".format(self.name)
            log(fs, "alchemy.log")
            return float("inf")
Ejemplo n.º 24
def calculate_tc(parameters, 

    log("Tc calculation using parameters:")

    # Get the k-point grid sizes
    # needed to determine the most sensible
    # double-delta smearing parameter.
    kpq = parameters["tc_kpqs"]

    kpqs = {}
    for k in kpq:
        kpqs["kpq_{0}".format(k)] = k

    # Save working directory
    base_wd = os.getcwd()

    # Run an electron-phonon coulping calculation
    # for each of the kpoint grid sizes
    for dirname in kpqs:

            if tc_calculation_complete(dirname):
                log("Calculation " + base_wd + "/" + dirname + " complete, skipping...")

            # Go into a directory for this kpoint grid
            os.system("mkdir "+dirname)
            log("Switched to directory "+dirname)

            # Setup the kpoint grid for this directory
            parameters["kpts_per_qpt"] = kpqs[dirname]

            # relax the structure
            parameters["la2F"] = False # We don't need the a2F flag for the relaxation
            res = relax(parameters).run()
            parameters["atoms"]   = res["relaxed atoms"]
            parameters["lattice"] = res["relaxed lattice"]

            # Calculate the projected density of states/bandstructure
            except Exception as ignored_ex:
                log("Encountered an expection when carrying out non-essential task.")

            if not skip_elph:

                # We're gonna need the Eliashberg function from now on
                # (unless we're just doing the phonons)
                parameters["la2F"] = not phonons_only

                # Run the succesion of neccasary calculations
                if phonons_only: phonon_grid(parameters).run()
                else: electron_phonon_grid(parameters).run()

                # We're recovering just the phonon information
                # from an electron-phonon calculation
                if phonons_from_elph:
                    parameters["la2F"] = False


                # El-Ph complete, tidy up the huge files created
                if tidy_after:

        except Exception as e:

            # Return to the base directory
            raise e
        # Go back to the base directory
Ejemplo n.º 25
def optimize(
    start_structure,  # Structure to begin from
    objective,  # Objective function to minimize; called as objective(structure)
    mutations,  # Allowed mutations of the structure (see alchemy.mutations)
    check_valid=lambda s: True,  # Check if a given structure is allowable
    max_iter=100,  # Maximum optimization steps
    # Function that determines if two structures of the same stochiometry are simmilar enough
    # to not need recalculating, takes (lattice_1, atoms_1, lattice_2, atoms_2)
    structure_compare=lambda l1, a1, l2, a2: False):

    # Check arguments are sensible
    if not isinstance(start_structure, parameters):
        raise TypeError("The input structure should be a 'parameters' object!")

    optimize_start_time = datetime.now()

    # Create the optimization directory
    opt_dir = "alchemical_optimization"
    n = 0
    while os.path.isdir(opt_dir):
        n += 1
        opt_dir = "alchemical_optimization_{0}".format(n)
    os.system("mkdir " + opt_dir)

    # Set the opt_dir as our working directory
    log("Starting optimization...", "alchemy.log")

    # Initilize the structure and the
    # value of the objective
    structure = start_structure
    last_obj = eval_objective(structure, objective, structure_compare)

    # Initilize the path
    path = [{"structure": structure, "objective": last_obj, "proposal": False}]

    # Run optimization iterations
    iteration = 1
    while True:

        # Generate a new structure
        new_structure = randomly_mutate(structure, mutations, check_valid)
        new_obj = eval_objective(new_structure, objective, structure_compare)

        # Add it as a "proposal" point
        # along the path
            "structure": new_structure,
            "objective": new_obj,
            "proposal": True

        log("Old objective value: {0}".format(last_obj), "alchemy.log")
        log("New objective value: {0}".format(new_obj), "alchemy.log")

        if new_obj < last_obj:

            # Accept new structure
            structure = new_structure
            last_obj = new_obj
            log("Mutation accepted", "alchemy.log")

            log("Mutation rejected", "alchemy.log")

        # Record accepted (or reverted)
        # structure/objective
            "structure": structure,
            "objective": last_obj,
            "proposal": False

        iteration += 1
        if iteration > max_iter:
            log("\nMax iter = {0} hit, stopping.".format(max_iter),

    # Output time taken
    optimize_end_time = datetime.now()
    fs = "Optimization compete, total time {0}"
    fs = fs.format(optimize_end_time - optimize_start_time)
    log(fs, "alchemy.log")

    return path