Ejemplo n.º 1
    def setEdit(self, editWidget, foregroundColor, backGroundColor, borderColor, \
                selectionColor, selectionBackGroundColor, opacity):
        # se i colori sono None allora non vengono alterati
        # caso particolare per borderColor = "" non viene disegnato
        # opacity = 0-100
        oldFmt = self.styleSheet().split(";")
        fmt = "rgba({0},{1},{2},{3}%)"

        c = QColor(foregroundColor)
        rgbStrForeColor = "color: " + fmt.format(str(c.red()), str(
            c.green()), str(c.blue()), str(opacity)) + ";"

        c = QColor(backGroundColor)
        rgbStrBackColor = "background-color: " + fmt.format(
            str(c.red()), str(c.green()), str(c.blue()), str(opacity)) + ";"

        c = QColor(borderColor)
        rgbStrBorderColor = "border-color: " + fmt.format(
            str(c.red()), str(c.green()), str(c.blue()), str(opacity)) + ";"
        fmtBorder = "border:1px;border-style:solid;"

        c = QColor(selectionColor)
        rgbStrSelectionColor = "selection-color: " + fmt.format(
            str(c.red()), str(c.green()), str(c.blue()), str(opacity)) + ";"

        c = QColor(selectionBackGroundColor)
        rgbStrSelectionBackColor = "selection-background-color: " + fmt.format(
            str(c.red()), str(c.green()), str(c.blue()), str(opacity)) + ";"

        fontSize = 8 + self.size

        fmt = rgbStrForeColor + \
              rgbStrBackColor + \
              fmtBorder + \
              rgbStrBorderColor + \
              rgbStrSelectionColor + \
              rgbStrSelectionBackColor + \
              "font-size: " + str(fontSize) + "pt;"

Ejemplo n.º 2
    def set_color(self, variable: str, color: QColor) -> list:
        Produces R code that creates a variable from color input.

        :param variable: string. Name of the variable.
        :param color: QColor. Red, green, blue and alpha values.
        :return: string. R code that constructs the color hex string.

        commands = []
            '{0} <- rgb({1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, maxColorValue = 255)'.format(
                variable, color.red(), color.green(), color.blue(),

        return commands
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def _assertWhite(self, color: QColor):
     self.assertEqual(color.red(), 255)
     self.assertEqual(color.green(), 255)
     self.assertEqual(color.blue(), 255)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def _assertBlack(self, color: QColor):
     self.assertEqual(color.red(), 0)
     self.assertEqual(color.green(), 0)
     self.assertEqual(color.blue(), 255)