Ejemplo n.º 1
    def processAlgorithm(self, parameters, context, feedback):
        Here is where the processing itself takes place.
        log = feedback.setProgressText

        input_raster = self.parameterAsRasterLayer(parameters, self.INPUT_RASTER, context)

        # Check that the input raster has been loaded correctly
        if not input_raster.isValid():
            error_message = "Layer failed to load."
            return {'error': error_message}

        # Check that the input raster is in the right CRS
        input_raster_crs = input_raster.crs().authid()
        if input_raster_crs == "EPSG:102003":
            log("The input raster is in the right CRS: EPSG:102003. Check")
            error_message = "The input raster isn't in the right CRS. It must be in EPSG:102003. The one you input was in " + str(input_raster_crs) + "."
            return {'error': error_message}

        # Check that the input raster has the right pixel size
        units_per_pixel_x = input_raster.rasterUnitsPerPixelX()
        units_per_pixel_y = input_raster.rasterUnitsPerPixelY()
        if units_per_pixel_x != 30 or units_per_pixel_y != 30:
            if round(units_per_pixel_x) == 30 and round(units_per_pixel_y) == 30:
                feedback.pushDebugInfo("Your input raster pixels weren't exactly 30x30 meters, but were close enough that the program will continue to run. Your input raster pixels were " + str(units_per_pixel_x) + "x" + str(units_per_pixel_y) + ".")
                error_message = "The input raster should have 30x30 meter pixels. The one you input has " + str(units_per_pixel_x) + "x" + str(units_per_pixel_y) + "."
                return {'error': error_message}
            log("The input raster's pixel size is correct: 30x30. Check")

        input_vector = self.parameterAsVectorLayer(parameters, self.MASK_LAYER, context)

        # Check that the input vector is in the right CRS
        input_vector_crs = input_vector.crs().authid()
        if input_vector_crs == "EPSG:102003":
            log("The input mask layer is in the right CRS: EPSG:102003. Check")
            error_message = "The input mask layer isn't in the right CRS. It must be in EPSG:102003. The one you input was in " + str(input_vector_crs) + "."
            return {'error': error_message}

        # Get the input table of esv research data into a list of lists so we can work with it
        input_esv_index = self.parameterAsEnum(parameters, self.INPUT_ESV, context)
        input_esv_file = self.ESV_CSVS[input_esv_index]
        input_esv_table = []
        with open(os.path.join(__esv_data_location__, input_esv_file), newline='') as f:
            reader = csv.reader(f)
            for row in reader:

        # Check to make sure the input table of esv research data has 6 columns
        if len(input_esv_table[0]) != 6:
            error_message = "The Input table of ESV research data should have 6 columns, the one you input has " + str(len(input_esv_table[0]))
            return {'error': error_message}
            log("Input table of ESV research data has 6 columns. Check")

        # Check to make sure the input table of esv research data has NLCD codes in its first column
        input_esv_table_column_1_values = [row[0] for row in input_esv_table]
        nlcd_codes = ['11', '21', '22', '23', '24', '31', '41', '42', '43', '52', '71', '81', '82', '90', '95']
        if all(str(i) in nlcd_codes for i in input_esv_table_column_1_values[1:]):
            log("The input input table of esv research data has the correct NLCD codes in the first column. Check")
            error_message = "The first column of the input table of esv research data isn't all legitimate NLCD codes. They must all be one of these values: " + str(nlcd_codes) + ". The table you input had these values: " + str(input_esv_table_column_1_values[1:])
            return {'error': error_message}

        # Append input raster and input vector filenames to end of output clipped raster filename
        if isinstance(parameters['CLIPPED_RASTER'], QgsProcessingOutputLayerDefinition):
            dest_name = input_raster.name() + "-CLIPPED_BY-" + input_vector.name()
            setattr(parameters['CLIPPED_RASTER'], 'destinationName', dest_name)
        elif isinstance(parameters['CLIPPED_RASTER'], str):  # for some reason when running this as part of a model parameters['OUTPUT_ESV_TABLE'] isn't a QgsProcessingOutputLayerDefinition object, but instead is just a string
            if parameters['CLIPPED_RASTER'][0:7] == "memory:":
                parameters['CLIPPED_RASTER'] = input_raster.name() + "-CLIPPED_BY-" + input_vector.name()

        clipped_raster_destination = self.parameterAsOutputLayer(parameters, self.CLIPPED_RASTER, context)

        # Clip the input raster by the input mask layer (vector)
        log("Clipping raster...")
        processing.run("gdal:cliprasterbymasklayer", {'INPUT': input_raster, 'MASK': input_vector.source(), 'ALPHA_BAND': False, 'CROP_TO_CUTLINE': True, 'KEEP_RESOLUTION': False, 'DATA_TYPE': 0, 'OUTPUT': clipped_raster_destination}, context=context, feedback=feedback)
        log("Done clipping raster.")

        # Summarize the raster, i.e. calculate the pixel counts and total area for each NLCD value
        log("Summarizing raster...")
        html_output_path = self.parameterAsFileOutput(parameters, self.HTML_OUTPUT_PATH, context)
        clipped_raster = QgsRasterLayer(clipped_raster_destination)
        processing.run("native:rasterlayeruniquevaluesreport", {'INPUT': clipped_raster, 'BAND': 1, 'OUTPUT_HTML_FILE': html_output_path}, context=context, feedback=feedback)
        log("Done summarizing raster.")

        log("Calculating ecosystem service values for clipped raster...")
        # Process html output of rasterlayeruniquevaluesreport algorithm into a table so we can do stuff with it
        input_html = open(html_output_path, 'r', encoding='latin1')
        input_html_string = input_html.read()
        # Instantiate the parser and then parse the table elements into a python list of lists
        p = HTMLTableParser()
        raster_summary_table = p.tables[0]
        del raster_summary_table[0]  # Delete the header row

        # Check to make sure the input raster is an NLCD raster, i.e. has the right kinds of pixel values
        raster_summary_table_column_1_values = [row[0] for row in raster_summary_table]
        if all(str(i) in nlcd_codes for i in raster_summary_table_column_1_values):
            log("The input raster has the correct NLCD codes for pixel values. Check")
            error_message = "The input raster's pixels aren't all legitimate NLCD codes. They must all be one of these values: " + str(nlcd_codes) + ". The raster you input had these values: " + str(raster_summary_table_column_1_values)
            return {'error': error_message}

        # Create list of fields (i.e. column names) for the output esv table
        output_esv_table_fields = QgsFields()
        # Create fields for the min, max, and mean of each unique
        # ecosystem service (i.e. water, recreation, etc)
        unique_eco_services = set([row[2] for row in input_esv_table[1:]])
        for eco_service in unique_eco_services:
            min_field_str = eco_service.lower().replace(" ", "-").replace(",", "") + "_" + "min"
            mean_field_str = eco_service.lower().replace(" ", "-").replace(",", "") + "_" + "mean"
            max_field_str = eco_service.lower().replace(" ", "-").replace(",", "") + "_" + "max"
        # Then append three more columns for the totals

        # Append input raster filename to end of output esv table filename
        if isinstance(parameters['OUTPUT_ESV_TABLE'], QgsProcessingOutputLayerDefinition):
            dest_name = self.OUTPUT_ESV_TABLE_FILENAME_DEFAULT.replace(" ", "_") + "-" + input_esv_file.split(".")[0] + "-" + parameters['CLIPPED_RASTER'].destinationName
            setattr(parameters['OUTPUT_ESV_TABLE'], 'destinationName', dest_name)
        elif isinstance(parameters['OUTPUT_ESV_TABLE'], str):  # for some reason when running this as part of a model parameters['OUTPUT_ESV_TABLE'] isn't a QgsProcessingOutputLayerDefinition object, but instead is just a string
            if parameters['OUTPUT_ESV_TABLE'][0:7] == "memory:":
                parameters['OUTPUT_ESV_TABLE'] = parameters['OUTPUT_ESV_TABLE'].replace(" ", "_") + "-" + input_esv_file.split(".")[0] + "-" + parameters['CLIPPED_RASTER'].destinationName

        # Create the feature sink for the output esv table, i.e. the place where we're going to start
        # putting our output data. The 'dest_id' variable is used
        # to uniquely identify the feature sink, and must be included in the
        # dictionary returned by the processAlgorithm function.
        (sink, dest_id) = self.parameterAsSink(parameters, self.OUTPUT_ESV_TABLE, context, output_esv_table_fields)

        result = {self.CLIPPED_RASTER: clipped_raster_destination,
                  self.OUTPUT_ESV_TABLE: dest_id}

        # Compute the number of steps to display within the progress bar
        total = 100.0 / len(raster_summary_table) if len(raster_summary_table) else 0

        area_units_conversion_factor = 0.0001  # Going from meters squared to hectares

        # Populate the output table (feature sink) with values
        for raster_summary_current, raster_summary_row in enumerate(raster_summary_table):
            # Stop the algorithm if cancel button has been clicked
            if feedback.isCanceled():

            nlcd_code = raster_summary_row[0]
            pixel_count = raster_summary_row[1]
            area = raster_summary_row[2]

            new_feature = QgsFeature(output_esv_table_fields)
            new_feature.setAttribute(0, nlcd_code)
            new_feature.setAttribute(2, pixel_count)
            new_feature.setAttribute(3, area)

            total_min = 0
            total_mean = 0
            total_max = 0

            for row in input_esv_table:
                if row[0] == nlcd_code:
                    new_feature.setAttribute(1, row[1])  # Set the value of the second column in the output table, the nlcd description
                    input_es_name = row[2].lower().replace(" ", "-")
                    for field_index in output_esv_table_fields.allAttributesList():
                        output_es = output_esv_table_fields.field(field_index).name().split("_")
                        output_es_name = output_es[0].lower()
                        if len(output_es) > 1:
                            output_es_stat = output_es[1].lower()
                            if input_es_name == output_es_name:
                                if output_es_stat == "min":
                                    nlcd_es_min = float(row[3].replace(',', '').replace('$', ''))*float(area)*float(area_units_conversion_factor)
                                    new_feature.setAttribute(field_index, '${:,.0f}'.format(nlcd_es_min))
                                    total_min = total_min + nlcd_es_min
                                elif output_es_stat == "mean":
                                    nlcd_es_mean = float(row[4].replace(',', '').replace('$', ''))*float(area)*float(area_units_conversion_factor)
                                    new_feature.setAttribute(field_index, '${:,.0f}'.format(nlcd_es_mean))
                                    total_mean = total_mean + nlcd_es_mean
                                elif output_es_stat == "max":
                                    nlcd_es_max = float(row[5].replace(',', '').replace('$', ''))*float(area)*float(area_units_conversion_factor)
                                    new_feature.setAttribute(field_index, '${:,.0f}'.format(nlcd_es_max))
                                    total_max = total_max + nlcd_es_max
                            elif output_es_name == "total":
                                if output_es_stat == "min":
                                    new_feature.setAttribute(field_index, '${:,.0f}'.format(total_min))
                                elif output_es_stat == "mean":
                                    new_feature.setAttribute(field_index, '${:,.0f}'.format(total_mean))
                                elif output_es_stat == "max":
                                    new_feature.setAttribute(field_index, '${:,.0f}'.format(total_max))

            # Add the feature to the sink
            sink.addFeature(new_feature, QgsFeatureSink.FastInsert)

            # Update the progress bar
            feedback.setProgress(int(raster_summary_current * total))
        log("Done calculating ecosystem service values for clipped raster.")

        # Return the results of the algorithm, which includes the clipped raster
        # and the output esv table
        return result