Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _removeRobot(self, robot_virtual):
        Removes a Virtual robot (Robot inheriting from RobotVirtual) from a
        simulated instance

            robot_virtual - The virtual robot to be removed
        for camera in robot_virtual.camera_dict.values():
            if id(camera) in Camera._getCameraHandlesDict():

Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _clearInstance(self, physics_client):
        INTERNAL METHOD, Called to kill the processes of modules running in a
        simulated instance, before resetting or stopping it.

            physics_client - The client id of the simulated instance that will
            be cleared
        for module in RobotModule._getInstances():
            if module.getPhysicsClientId() == physics_client:

        for camera in Camera._getCameraHandlesDict().values():
            if physics_client == camera.getPhysicsClientId():
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def _clearInstance(self, physics_client):
        INTERNAL METHOD, Called to kill the processes running in a simulated
        instance, before resetting or stopping it.

            physics_client - The client id of the simulated instance that will
            be cleared
        for laser in Laser._getInstances():
            if laser.physics_client == physics_client:

        for camera in Camera._getInstances():
            if camera.physics_client == physics_client:

        for controller in BaseController._getInstances():
def create_dataset(number_images=8000, image_size=(60, 80), dir_dataset="dataset", dir_bkgd="dataset/background_dataset", keep_green=False):
    Create a dataset of first-person-view images of the Pepper robot moving its right arm.
    A simulated Pepper created thanks to qibullet moves its arm in front of a green wall by randomly changing
    its shoulder roll in [-1,0], shoulder pitch in [-1,1], elbow roll in [0, 1], and elbow yaw in [-1, 1].
    This green background is then replaced by images from another dataset.

        number_images - number of images to generate
        image_size - (height, width) of the generated images
        dir_dataset - directory where to save the dataset
        dir_bkgd - directory where to find the background dataset
        keep_green - flag to also save the original images with the green background
    # todo: define the joints to be explored as inputs

    # check background directory
    if not os.path.exists(dir_bkgd):
        print("Error: incorrect path for the background dataset - {} doesn't exists.".format(dir_bkgd))
    # list the background images
    bkgd_images_list = glob.glob(dir_bkgd + "/*.png")
    if len(bkgd_images_list) == 0:
        print("Error: the directory {} doesn't contain any png image.".format(dir_bkgd))

    # check destination directory
    if os.path.exists(dir_dataset):
        ans = input("> The folder {} already exists; do you want to overwrite its content? [y,n]: ".format(dir_dataset))
        if ans is not "y":
            print("exiting the program")

    # create directories if necessary
    dir_combined = dir_dataset + "/combined"
    if not os.path.exists(dir_combined):
    if keep_green:
        dir_green = dir_dataset + "/green"
        if not os.path.exists(dir_green):

    # check the desired image_size
    camera_resolution = (240, 320)
    if any([a > b for a, b in zip(image_size, camera_resolution)]):
        ans = input("Warning: the desired image size is larger than Pepper's camera resolution (240, 320). Continue? [y, n]: ")
        if ans is not "y":
            print("exiting the program")

    # initialize the simulator

    # configure OpenGL settings
    pb.configureDebugVisualizer(pb.COV_ENABLE_RENDERING, 1)
    pb.configureDebugVisualizer(pb.COV_ENABLE_RGB_BUFFER_PREVIEW, 0)
    pb.configureDebugVisualizer(pb.COV_ENABLE_DEPTH_BUFFER_PREVIEW, 0)
    pb.configureDebugVisualizer(pb.COV_ENABLE_SEGMENTATION_MARK_PREVIEW, 0)

    # command the server to run in realtime

    # set gravity
    pb.setGravity(0, 0, -9.81)

    # use pybullet own data files

    # create the Pepper robot
    pepper = PepperVirtual()
    pepper.loadRobot([0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1])
    pepper_id = 1

    # define the initial posture
    joint_parameters = list()
    for name, joint in pepper.joint_dict.items():
        if "Finger" not in name and "Thumb" not in name:
            if name == "HeadPitch":
                pepper.setAngles(name, -0.253, 1.0)
            elif name == "HeadYaw":
                pepper.setAngles(name, -0.7, 1.0)
                pepper.setAngles(name, 0, 1.0)
            joint_parameters.append((len(joint_parameters), name))

    # subscribe to the camera

    # turn the Pepper around to avoid shadows
    pb.resetBasePositionAndOrientation(pepper_id, posObj=[0, 0, 0], ornObj=pb.getQuaternionFromEuler((0, 0, 1.25 * np.pi)))

    # add a green wall in front of Pepper
    wall = pb.createVisualShape(pb.GEOM_BOX, halfExtents=[0.1, 3, 1], rgbaColor=[0, 1, 0, 1])
    pb.createMultiBody(baseVisualShapeIndex=wall, basePosition=[-0.65, 0, 1])

    # allocate memory
    joints_configs = np.full((number_images, 4), np.nan)

    # generate the images
    print("generating the data...")
    for t in range(number_images):

        if t % max(1, number_images//100) == 0:
            print("\r{:3.0f}%".format((t+1)/number_images * 100), end="")

        # draw random joints configurations
        RShoulRoll_val = float(np.random.rand(1) - 1)
        RElbRoll_val = float(np.random.rand(1))
        RElbYaw_val = float(2 * np.random.rand(1) - 1)
        RShoulPitch_val = float(2 * np.random.rand(1) - 1)

        # set the posture
        pepper.setAngles("RShoulderRoll", RShoulRoll_val, 1)
        pepper.setAngles("RElbowRoll", RElbRoll_val, 1)
        pepper.setAngles("RElbowYaw", RElbYaw_val, 1)
        pepper.setAngles("RShoulderPitch", RShoulPitch_val, 1)

        # wait for the movement to be finished

        # get the camera input and display it
        img = pepper.getCameraFrame()
        cv2.imshow("bottom camera", img)

        # save the joint_configuration
        joints_configs[t, :] = [RShoulRoll_val, RElbRoll_val, RElbYaw_val, RShoulPitch_val]

        # downscale the image
        image_green = cv2.resize(img, dsize=image_size[::-1], interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST)

        # save the green image lossless
        if keep_green:
            filename = dir_green + "/img_green_{:05}.png".format(t)
            cv2.imwrite(filename, image_green, [cv2.IMWRITE_PNG_COMPRESSION, 0])

        # draw a random background
        background = cv2.imread(np.random.choice(bkgd_images_list))

        # rescale the background if necessary
        if not background.shape == image_size:
            background = cv2.resize(background, dsize=image_size[::-1], interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST)

        # fill the green background with the background image
        to_fill = (image_green[:, :, 0] == 0) & (image_green[:, :, 1] == 141) & (image_green[:, :, 2] == 0)
        image_green[to_fill, :] = background[to_fill, :]

        # save the composite image lossless
        filename = dir_combined + "/img_{:05}.png".format(t)
        cv2.imwrite(filename, image_green, [cv2.IMWRITE_PNG_COMPRESSION, 0])

        # display the composite image
        cv2.imshow('mit', image_green)

    # stop the simulation
    for camera in Camera._getInstances():
    for controller in BaseController._getInstances():

    # save the joint configuration data
    with open(dir_combined + "/positions.txt", 'w') as file:
        json.dump(joints_configs.tolist(), file)
    if keep_green:
        with open(dir_green + "/positions.txt", 'w') as file:
            json.dump(joints_configs.tolist(), file)

    print("data generation finished")