Ejemplo n.º 1
def main():
    option_parser, options, args = parse_command_line_parameters(**script_info)

    create_dir(options.output_dir, fail_on_exist=False)

    master_tree, support_trees = load_tree_files(options.master_tree,
    # get support of each node in master
    new_master, bootstraps = bootstrap_support(master_tree, support_trees)

    write_bootstrap_support_files(new_master, bootstraps, options.output_dir,
Ejemplo n.º 2
def main():
    option_parser, options, args = parse_command_line_parameters(**script_info)

    create_dir(options.output_dir, fail_on_exist=False)

    master_tree, support_trees = load_tree_files(options.master_tree,
    # get support of each node in master
    new_master, bootstraps = bootstrap_support(master_tree, support_trees)

    write_bootstrap_support_files(new_master, bootstraps, options.output_dir,
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_bootstrap_support(self):
        """ bootstrap_support should have correct bootstrap for a tree with 

        unlabeled internal nodes 
        master_tree = parse_newick('((a:2,b:3):2,(c:1,d:2):7);')
             /-------.5 /-a
        ---1|           \-b
             \------.5 /-c
        t1 = parse_newick('((a:6,b:8.2):2,(c:1,d:2):7);') # same structure
        t2 = parse_newick('((a:2,b:3,c:33):2,d:7);') # abc are siblings
        new_master, bootstraps = tc.bootstrap_support(master_tree, [t1, t2])
        self.assertFloatEqual(sorted(bootstraps.values()),sorted([1.0, .5, .5]))
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_bootstrap_support(self):
        """ bootstrap_support should have correct bootstrap for a tree with 

        unlabeled internal nodes 
        master_tree = parse_newick("((a:2,b:3):2,(c:1,d:2):7);")
             /-------.5 /-a
        ---1|           \-b
             \------.5 /-c
        t1 = parse_newick("((a:6,b:8.2):2,(c:1,d:2):7);")  # same structure
        t2 = parse_newick("((a:2,b:3,c:33):2,d:7);")  # abc are siblings
        new_master, bootstraps = tc.bootstrap_support(master_tree, [t1, t2])
        self.assertFloatEqual(sorted(bootstraps.values()), sorted([1.0, 0.5, 0.5]))
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def test_bootstrap_support_labeled(self):
        """ bootstrap_support should have correct bootstrap on a tree 

        with labeled internal nodes
        master_tree = parse_newick('((a:2,b:3)ab:2,(c:1,d:2)cd:7)rt;')
             /-------.5 /-a
        ---1|           \-b
             \------.5 /-c
        t1 = parse_newick('((a:6,b:8.2)hi:2,(c:1,d:2):7);') # same structure
        t2 = parse_newick('((a:2,b:3,c:33)ho:2,d:7);') # abc are siblings
        new_master, bootstraps = tc.bootstrap_support(master_tree, [t1, t2])
        expected = dict([('ab', .5),('cd',.5),('rt',1.0)])
        self.assertFloatEqual(bootstraps, expected)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def test_bootstrap_support_labeled(self):
        """ bootstrap_support should have correct bootstrap on a tree

        with labeled internal nodes
        master_tree = parse_newick('((a:2,b:3)ab:2,(c:1,d:2)cd:7)rt;')
             /-------.5 /-a
        ---1|           \-b
             \------.5 /-c
        t1 = parse_newick('((a:6,b:8.2)hi:2,(c:1,d:2):7);')  # same structure
        t2 = parse_newick('((a:2,b:3,c:33)ho:2,d:7);')  # abc are siblings
        new_master, bootstraps = tc.bootstrap_support(master_tree, [t1, t2])
        expected = dict([('ab', .5), ('cd', .5), ('rt', 1.0)])
        self.assertDictEqual(bootstraps, expected)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def test_bootstrap_support_subset(self):
        """ bootstrap_support should have correct bootstrap on a tree 

        when one support tree is missing a tip
        master_tree = parse_newick("((a:2,b:3)ab:2,(c:1,d:2)cd:7)rt;")
             /-------.5 /-a
        ---1|           \-b
             \------.5 /-c
        t1 = parse_newick("((a:6,b:8.2)hi:2,(c:1,d:2):7);")  # same structure
        t2 = parse_newick("((a:2,b:3,c:33)ho:2,d:7);")  # abc are siblings
        t3 = parse_newick("((a:6)hi:2,(c:1,d:2):7);")  # b missing
        t4 = parse_newick("(a:8,(c:1,d:2):7);")  # b missing, and pruned
        new_master, bootstraps = tc.bootstrap_support(master_tree, [t1, t2, t3, t4])
        expected = dict([("cd", 0.75), ("rt", 1.0)])
        self.assertFloatEqual(bootstraps, expected)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def test_bootstrap_support_subset(self):
        """ bootstrap_support should have correct bootstrap on a tree 

        when one support tree is missing a tip
        master_tree = parse_newick('((a:2,b:3)ab:2,(c:1,d:2)cd:7)rt;')
             /-------.5 /-a
        ---1|           \-b
             \------.5 /-c
        t1 = parse_newick('((a:6,b:8.2)hi:2,(c:1,d:2):7);') # same structure
        t2 = parse_newick('((a:2,b:3,c:33)ho:2,d:7);') # abc are siblings
        t3 = parse_newick('((a:6)hi:2,(c:1,d:2):7);') # b missing
        t4 = parse_newick('(a:8,(c:1,d:2):7);') # b missing, and pruned
        new_master, bootstraps = tc.bootstrap_support(master_tree, 
            [t1, t2,t3,t4])
        expected = dict([('cd',.75),('rt',1.0)])
        self.assertFloatEqual(bootstraps, expected)