Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _u3fix(self, qc):
        nst = 2**len(self.mes_qbt)
        bins = [format(i, '0%db' % len(self.mes_qbt)) for i in range(nst)]

        # ideal result of this circuit
        ideal = execute(qc, backend=QASM, shots=self.shots * 10)
        idealcounts = ideal.result().get_counts()
        idealst = np.array(
            [idealcounts.get(i, 0) / (self.shots * 10) for i in bins])
        # making noise model with error rate
        u3error = depolarizing_error(self.one_error, 1)
        # start simulations
        mean_fid = []
        std_fid = []
        for two_err in tqdm(self.two_error):
            mid = []
            noise_model = NoiseModel()
            cxerror = depolarizing_error(two_err, 2)
            noise_model.add_all_qubit_quantum_error(u3error, ['u3'])
            noise_model.add_all_qubit_quantum_error(cxerror, ['cx'])
            for t in range(self.extime):
                # execute!
                job = execute(qc,
                counts = job.result().get_counts()
                stvec = [counts.get(i, 0) / self.shots for i in bins]
                stf = state_fidelity(idealst, stvec)
        return mean_fid, std_fid
    def test_reduce_noise_model(self):
        """Test reduction mapping of noise model."""
        error1 = depolarizing_error(0.5, 1)
        error2 = depolarizing_error(0.5, 2)
        roerror1 = [[0.9, 0.1], [0.5, 0.5]]
        roerror2 = [[0.8, 0.2, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0],
                    [0, 0, 0.1, 0.9]]

        model = NoiseModel()
        model.add_all_qubit_quantum_error(error1, ['u3'], False)
        model.add_quantum_error(error1, ['u3'], [1], False)
        with self.assertWarns(DeprecationWarning):
            model.add_nonlocal_quantum_error(error2, ['cx'], [2, 0], [3, 1],
        model.add_all_qubit_readout_error(roerror1, False)
        model.add_readout_error(roerror2, [0, 2], False)

        remapped_model = remap_noise_model(model, [0, 1, 2],
        target = NoiseModel()
        target.add_all_qubit_quantum_error(error1, ['u3'], False)
        target.add_quantum_error(error1, ['u3'], [1], False)
        target.add_all_qubit_readout_error(roerror1, False)
        target.add_readout_error(roerror2, [0, 2], False)
        self.assertEqual(remapped_model, target)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def mixed_unitary_noise_model():
    """Return test rest mixed unitary noise model"""
    noise_model = NoiseModel()
    error1 = depolarizing_error(0.1, 1)
    noise_model.add_all_qubit_quantum_error(error1, ['u1', 'u2', 'u3'])
    error2 = depolarizing_error(0.1, 2)
    noise_model.add_all_qubit_quantum_error(error2, ['cx'])
    return NoiseWithDescription(noise_model, "Mixed Unitary Noise")
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_remap_all_qubit_quantum_errors(self):
        """Test remapper doesn't effect all-qubit quantum errors."""
        model = NoiseModel()
        error1 = depolarizing_error(0.5, 1)
        error2 = depolarizing_error(0.5, 2)
        model.add_all_qubit_quantum_error(error1, ['u3'], False)
        model.add_all_qubit_quantum_error(error2, ['cx'], False)

        remapped_model = remap_noise_model(model, [[0, 1], [1, 0]], warnings=False)
        self.assertEqual(model, remapped_model)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def test_remap_nonlocal_quantum_errors(self):
        """Test remapping of non-local quantum errors."""
        model = NoiseModel()
        error1 = depolarizing_error(0.5, 1)
        error2 = depolarizing_error(0.5, 2)
        model.add_nonlocal_quantum_error(error1, ['u3'], [0], [1], False)
        model.add_nonlocal_quantum_error(error2, ['cx'], [1, 2], [3, 0], False)

        remapped_model = remap_noise_model(model, [[0, 1], [1, 2], [2, 0]], warnings=False)
        target = NoiseModel()
        target.add_nonlocal_quantum_error(error1, ['u3'], [1], [2], False)
        target.add_nonlocal_quantum_error(error2, ['cx'], [2, 0], [3, 1], False)
        self.assertEqual(remapped_model, target)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def get_noise(p1, p2, p4, pu3=0):
    '''Returns noise model for given error probabilities for 1, 2, and 4
    qubit gates, as well as a separate probability for u3 gates
    error_1 = depolarizing_error(p1, 1)
    error_2 = depolarizing_error(p2, 2)
    error_4 = depolarizing_error(p4, 4)
    error_u3 = depolarizing_error(pu3, 1)
    noise_model = NoiseModel()
    noise_model.add_all_qubit_quantum_error(error_1, ['x', 'h']) 
    noise_model.add_all_qubit_quantum_error(error_2, ['cx']) 
    noise_model.add_all_qubit_quantum_error(error_4, ['c3x']) 
    noise_model.add_all_qubit_quantum_error(error_u3, ['u3']) 
    return noise_model
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_process_characterisation_complete_noise_model() -> None:
    my_noise_model = NoiseModel()

    readout_error_0 = 0.2
    readout_error_1 = 0.3
            [1 - readout_error_0, readout_error_0],
            [readout_error_0, 1 - readout_error_0],
            [1 - readout_error_1, readout_error_1],
            [readout_error_1, 1 - readout_error_1],

    my_noise_model.add_quantum_error(depolarizing_error(0.6, 2), ["cx"],
                                     [0, 1])
    my_noise_model.add_quantum_error(depolarizing_error(0.5, 1), ["u3"], [0])
    my_noise_model.add_quantum_error(pauli_error([("X", 0.35), ("Z", 0.65)]),
                                     ["u2"], [0])
    my_noise_model.add_quantum_error(pauli_error([("X", 0.35), ("Y", 0.65)]),
                                     ["u1"], [0])

    back = AerBackend(my_noise_model)
    char = cast(Dict[str, Any], back.characterisation)

    dev = Device(
        char.get("NodeErrors", {}),
        char.get("EdgeErrors", {}),
        char.get("Architecture", Architecture([])),

    assert char["GenericTwoQubitQErrors"][(0, 1)][0][1][0] == 0.0375
    assert char["GenericTwoQubitQErrors"][(0, 1)][0][1][15] == 0.4375
    assert char["GenericOneQubitQErrors"][0][0][1][0] == 0.125
    assert char["GenericOneQubitQErrors"][0][0][1][3] == 0.625
    assert char["GenericOneQubitQErrors"][0][1][1][0] == 0.35
    assert char["GenericOneQubitQErrors"][0][1][1][1] == 0.65
    assert char["GenericOneQubitQErrors"][0][2][1][0] == 0.35
    assert char["GenericOneQubitQErrors"][0][2][1][1] == 0.65
    assert dev.get_error(OpType.U3, dev.nodes[0]) == 0.375
    assert dev.get_error(OpType.CX, (dev.nodes[0], dev.nodes[1])) == 0.5625
    assert dev.get_error(OpType.CX, (dev.nodes[1], dev.nodes[0])) == 0.80859375
    assert char["ReadoutErrors"][0] == [[0.8, 0.2], [0.2, 0.8]]
    assert char["ReadoutErrors"][1] == [[0.7, 0.3], [0.3, 0.7]]
Ejemplo n.º 8
def noise(prob_1=0.0, prob_2=0.0):
    # Depolarizing quantum errors
    error_1 = depolarizing_error(prob_1, 1)
    error_2 = depolarizing_error(prob_2, 2)

    # Add errors to noise model
    noise_model = NoiseModel()
    noise_model.add_all_qubit_quantum_error(error_1, ['u1', 'u2', 'u3'])
    noise_model.add_all_qubit_quantum_error(error_2, ['cx'])

    # Get basis gates from noise model
    basis_gates = noise_model.basis_gates

    return noise_model, basis_gates
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def test_remap_quantum_errors(self):
        """Test remapping of quantum errors."""
        model = NoiseModel()
        error1 = depolarizing_error(0.5, 1)
        error2 = depolarizing_error(0.5, 2)
        model.add_quantum_error(error1, ['u3'], [0], False)
        model.add_quantum_error(error2, ['cx'], [1, 2], False)

        with self.assertWarns(DeprecationWarning):
            remapped_model = remap_noise_model(model, [[0, 1], [1, 2], [2, 0]],
        target = NoiseModel()
        target.add_quantum_error(error1, ['u3'], [1], False)
        target.add_quantum_error(error2, ['cx'], [2, 0], False)
        self.assertEqual(remapped_model, target)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def test_truncate_nonlocal_noise(self):
        """Test qubit truncation with non-local noise."""
        # Circuit that uses just 2-qubits
        circuit = QuantumCircuit(10, 1)
        circuit.measure(5, 0)

        # Add non-local 2-qubit depolarizing error
        # that acts on qubits [4, 6] when X applied to qubit 5
        noise_model = NoiseModel()
        error = depolarizing_error(0.1, 2)
        noise_model.add_nonlocal_quantum_error(error, ['x'], [5], [4, 6])

        qasm_sim = Aer.get_backend('qasm_simulator')
        backend_options = self.BACKEND_OPTS.copy()
        backend_options["truncate_verbose"] = True
        backend_options['optimize_ideal_threshold'] = 1
        backend_options['optimize_noise_threshold'] = 1

        result = execute(circuit, 
        metadata = result.results[0].metadata
        self.assertTrue('truncate_qubits' in metadata, msg="truncate_qubits must work.")
        active_qubits = sorted(metadata['truncate_qubits'].get('active_qubits', []))
        mapping = metadata['truncate_qubits'].get('mapping', [])
        active_remapped = sorted([i[1] for i in mapping if i[0] in active_qubits])
        self.assertEqual(active_qubits, [4, 5, 6])
        self.assertEqual(active_remapped, [0, 1, 2])
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def test_measure_sampling_with_quantum_noise(self):
        """Test QasmSimulator measure with deterministic counts with sampling and readout-error"""
        readout_error = [0.01, 0.1]
        noise_model = NoiseModel()
        depolarizing = {'u3': (1, 0.001), 'cx': (2, 0.02)}
        readout = [[1.0 - readout_error[0], readout_error[0]],
                   [readout_error[1], 1.0 - readout_error[1]]]
        for gate, (num_qubits, gate_error) in depolarizing.items():
                depolarizing_error(gate_error, num_qubits), gate)

        shots = 1000
        circuits = ref_measure.measure_circuits_deterministic(
        targets = ref_measure.measure_counts_deterministic(shots)
        qobj = assemble(circuits, self.SIMULATOR, shots=shots)
        result = self.SIMULATOR.run(
            qobj, noise_model=noise_model,

        for res in result.results:
            self.assertIn("measure_sampling", res.metadata)
            self.assertEqual(res.metadata["measure_sampling"], False)

        # Test sampling was disabled
        for res in result.results:
            self.assertIn("measure_sampling", res.metadata)
            self.assertEqual(res.metadata["measure_sampling"], False)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def get_noise(noisy):
    """Returns a noise model when input is not False or None.
    A string will be interpreted as the name of a backend, and the noise model of this will be extracted.
    A float will be interpreted as an error probability for a depolarizing+measurement error model.
    Anything else (such as True) will give the depolarizing+measurement error model with default error probabilities."""
    if noisy:
        if type(noisy) is str: # get noise information from a real device (via the IBM Q Experience)
            device = get_backend(noisy)
            noise_model = noise.device.basic_device_noise_model( device.properties() )
        else: # make a simple noise model for a given noise strength
            if type(noisy) is float:
                p_meas = noisy
                p_gate1 = noisy
            else: # default values
                p_meas = 0.08
                p_gate1 = 0.04

            error_meas = pauli_error([('X',p_meas), ('I', 1 - p_meas)]) # bit flip error with prob p_meas
            error_gate1 = depolarizing_error(p_gate1, 1) # replaces qubit state with nonsense with prob p_gate1
            error_gate2 = error_gate1.kron(error_gate1) # as above, but independently on two qubits

            noise_model = NoiseModel()
            noise_model.add_all_qubit_quantum_error(error_meas, "measure") # add bit flip noise to measurement
            noise_model.add_all_qubit_quantum_error(error_gate1, ["u1", "u2", "u3"]) # add depolarising to single qubit gates
            noise_model.add_all_qubit_quantum_error(error_gate2, ["cx"]) # add two qubit depolarising to two qubit gates
        noise_model = None
    return noise_model
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def test_measure_sampling_with_quantum_noise(self):
        """Test QasmSimulator measure with deterministic counts with sampling and readout-error"""
        readout_error = [0.01, 0.1]
        noise_model = NoiseModel()
        depolarizing = {'u3': (1, 0.001), 'cx': (2, 0.02)}
        readout = [[1.0 - readout_error[0], readout_error[0]],
                   [readout_error[1], 1.0 - readout_error[1]]]
        for gate, (num_qubits, gate_error) in depolarizing.items():
                depolarizing_error(gate_error, num_qubits), gate)

        shots = 1000
        circuits = ref_measure.measure_circuits_deterministic(
        targets = ref_measure.measure_counts_deterministic(shots)
        qobj = assemble(circuits, self.SIMULATOR, shots=shots)
        result = self.SIMULATOR.run(
            qobj, noise_model=noise_model,
        self.assertTrue(getattr(result, 'success', False))
        sampling = (self.BACKEND_OPTS.get(
            "method", "automatic").startswith("density_matrix"))
        self.compare_result_metadata(result, circuits, "measure_sampling",
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def fidelity_drop(self, qc, drawing=True, **kwargs):
     nqc = transpile(qc, optimization_level=0, basis_gates=['cx', 'u3'])
     # HACK efficient ways?
     if isinstance(self.one_error,
                   (float, int)) and isinstance(self.two_error,
                                                (float, int)):
         fidelitis, std = self.fixed_fidelity(nqc)
         # FIXME more easy way
         self.pattern = 0
     # FIXME more seeable
     elif isinstance(self.one_error,
                     (float, int)) and isinstance(self.two_error,
                                                  (np.ndarray, list)):
         fidelities, std = self._u3fix(nqc)
         self.pattern = 1
     elif isinstance(self.two_error,
                     (float, int)) and isinstance(self.one_error,
                                                  (np.ndarray, list)):
         cxerror = depolarizing_error(self.two_error, 2)
         fidelities, std = self._cxfix(nqc)
         self.pattern = 2
         fidelities, std = self._nofix(nqc)
         self.pattern = 3
     if drawing:
         self._draw(fidelities, std, **kwargs)
     return fidelities
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def test_raises_duplicate_qubits(self):
     """Test duplicate qubits raises exception"""
     model = NoiseModel()
     self.assertRaises(NoiseError, remap_noise_model, model, [[0, 1], [2, 1]], warnings=False)
     model = NoiseModel()
     error = depolarizing_error(0.5, 1)
     model.add_quantum_error(error, ['u3'], [2], False)
     self.assertRaises(NoiseError, remap_noise_model, model, [[3, 2]], warnings=False)
def amplified_qiskit_model(name, amplification=1, gate_time=0.001):
    provider = IBMQ.load_account()
    device = provider.get_backend(name)
    properties = device.properties()
    noise_model = NoiseModel()

    # depolarizing error
    cnot_depol_errs = [
        x.parameters[0].value for x in properties.gates if x.gate == 'cx'
    ave_cnot_error = sum(cnot_depol_errs) / len(
        cnot_depol_errs) / amplification
    cnot_depol_error = depolarizing_error(ave_cnot_error, 2)

    single_depol_errs = [
        x.parameters[0].value for x in properties.gates if x.gate != 'cx'
    ave_single_error = sum(single_depol_errs) / len(
        single_depol_errs) / amplification
    single_depol_error = depolarizing_error(ave_single_error, 1)

    # amp damp
    t1s = [x[0].value for x in properties.qubits]
    ave_t1 = sum(t1s) / len(t1s)
    t1_ratio = gate_time / (ave_t1 * amplification)
    amp_gamma = 1 - np.exp(-t1_ratio)
    amp_error = amplitude_damping_error(amp_gamma)

    # phase damp
    t2s = [x[1].value for x in properties.qubits]
    ave_t2 = sum(t2s) / len(t2s)
    t2_ratio = gate_time / (ave_t2 * amplification)
    phase_gamma = 1 - np.exp(-t2_ratio)
    phase_error = phase_damping_error(phase_gamma)

    thermal_error = amp_error.compose(phase_error)
        single_depol_error.compose(thermal_error), ['u1', 'u2', 'u3'])

        cnot_depol_error.compose(thermal_error.tensor(thermal_error)), ['cx'])

    return noise_model
Ejemplo n.º 17
def get_noise(p_meas, p_gate):
    error_meas = pauli_error([('X', p_meas), ('I', 1 - p_meas)])
    error_gate1 = depolarizing_error(p_gate, 1)
    error_gate2 = error_gate1.tensor(error_gate1)

    noise_model = NoiseModel()
    noise_model.add_all_qubit_quantum_error(error_meas, "measure")
    noise_model.add_all_qubit_quantum_error(error_gate1, ["x"])
    noise_model.add_all_qubit_quantum_error(error_gate2, ["cx"])

    return noise_model
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def noise_model(self):
     readout_error = [0.01, 0.1]
     depolarizing = {'u3': (1, 0.001), 'cx': (2, 0.02)}
     noise = NoiseModel()
     readout = [[1.0 - readout_error[0], readout_error[0]],
                [readout_error[1], 1.0 - readout_error[1]]]
     for gate, (num_qubits, gate_error) in depolarizing.items():
             depolarizing_error(gate_error, num_qubits), gate)
         return noise
Ejemplo n.º 19
def get_noise(p_meas,p_gate):

    error_meas = pauli_error([('X',p_meas), ('I', 1 - p_meas)])
    error_gate1 = depolarizing_error(p_gate, 1)
    error_gate2 = error_gate1.tensor(error_gate1)

    noise_model = NoiseModel()
    noise_model.add_all_qubit_quantum_error(error_meas, "measure") # measurement error is applied to measurements
    noise_model.add_all_qubit_quantum_error(error_gate1, ["x"]) # single qubit gate error is applied to x gates
    noise_model.add_all_qubit_quantum_error(error_gate2, ["cx"]) # two qubit gate error is applied to cx gates
    return noise_model 
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def noise_model_depol(self):
     """ Creates a new noise model for testing purposes """
     readout_error = [0.01, 0.1]
     params = {'u3': (1, 0.001), 'cx': (2, 0.02)}
     noise = NoiseModel()
     readout = [[1.0 - readout_error[0], readout_error[0]],
                [readout_error[1], 1.0 - readout_error[1]]]
     for gate, (num_qubits, gate_error) in params.items():
             depolarizing_error(gate_error, num_qubits), gate)
         return noise
Ejemplo n.º 21
def get_noise(p_meas, p_gate):
    """Define a noise model."""
    error_meas = pauli_error([("X", p_meas), ("I", 1 - p_meas)])
    error_gate1 = depolarizing_error(p_gate, 1)
    error_gate2 = error_gate1.tensor(error_gate1)

    noise_model = NoiseModel()
    noise_model.add_all_qubit_quantum_error(error_meas, "measure")
    noise_model.add_all_qubit_quantum_error(error_gate1, ["u1", "u2", "u3"])
    noise_model.add_all_qubit_quantum_error(error_gate2, ["cx"])

    return noise_model
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def __get_counts(self, params: List[float or int], shots: int = 1000) -> dict:
        Here we run the circuit according to the given parameters for each gate and return the counts for each state.

        :param params: List of the parameters of the RY and RX gates of the circuit.
        :param shots: Total number of shots the circuit must execute
        # Error probabilities
        prob_1 = 0.001  # 1-qubit gate
        prob_2 = 0.01  # 2-qubit gate

        # Depolarizing quantum errors
        error_1 = depolarizing_error(prob_1, 1)
        error_2 = depolarizing_error(prob_2, 2)

        # Add errors to noise model
        noise_model = noise.NoiseModel()
        noise_model.add_all_qubit_quantum_error(error_1, ['u1', 'u2'])
        noise_model.add_all_qubit_quantum_error(error_2, ['cx'])

        # Get basis gates from noise model
        basis_gates = noise_model.basis_gates

        # Make a circuit
        circ = QuantumCircuit(2, 2)

        # Set gates and measurement
        circ.ry(params[0], 0)
        circ.rx(params[1], 1)
        circ.cx(0, 1)
        circ.measure([0, 1], [0, 1])

        # Perform a noisy simulation and get the counts
        # noinspection PyTypeChecker
        result = execute(circ, Aer.get_backend('qasm_simulator'),
                         noise_model=noise_model, shots=shots).result()
        counts = result.get_counts(0)

        return counts
Ejemplo n.º 23
def test_process_characterisation_incomplete_noise_model() -> None:

    my_noise_model = NoiseModel()

    my_noise_model.add_quantum_error(depolarizing_error(0.6, 2), ["cx"],
                                     [0, 1])
    my_noise_model.add_quantum_error(depolarizing_error(0.5, 1), ["u3"], [1])
    my_noise_model.add_quantum_error(depolarizing_error(0.1, 1), ["u3"], [3])
    my_noise_model.add_quantum_error(pauli_error([("X", 0.35), ("Z", 0.65)]),
                                     ["u2"], [0])
    my_noise_model.add_quantum_error(pauli_error([("X", 0.35), ("Y", 0.65)]),
                                     ["u1"], [2])

    back = AerBackend(my_noise_model)
    char = cast(Dict[str, Any], back.characterisation)

    c = Circuit(4).CX(0, 1).H(2).CX(2, 1).H(3).CX(0, 3).H(1).X(0).measure_all()
    assert back.valid_circuit(c)

    dev = Device(
        char.get("NodeErrors", {}),
        char.get("EdgeErrors", {}),
        char.get("Architecture", Architecture([])),
    nodes = dev.nodes
    assert set(dev.architecture.coupling) == set([
        (nodes[0], nodes[1]),
        (nodes[0], nodes[2]),
        (nodes[0], nodes[3]),
        (nodes[1], nodes[2]),
        (nodes[1], nodes[3]),
        (nodes[2], nodes[0]),
        (nodes[2], nodes[1]),
        (nodes[2], nodes[3]),
        (nodes[3], nodes[0]),
        (nodes[3], nodes[1]),
        (nodes[3], nodes[2]),
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def _nofix(self, qc):
        nst = 2**len(self.mes_qbt)
        bins = [format(i, '0%db' % len(self.mes_qbt)) for i in range(nst)]

        # ideal result of this circuit
        ideal = execute(qc, backend=QASM, shots=self.shots * 10)
        idealcounts = ideal.result().get_counts()
        idealst = np.array(
            [idealcounts.get(i, 0) / (self.shots * 10) for i in bins])
        # start simulations
        if len(self.one_error) != len(self.two_error):
            raise ValueError('length of array of one error \
                              and two error must be the same.')

        mean_fid = []
        std_fid = []
        for one_er, two_er in tqdm(zip(self.one_error, self.two_error)):
            mid = []
            # HACK: might be efficient in top layer
            noise_model = NoiseModel()
            u3error = depolarizing_error(one_er, 1)
            cxerror = depolarizing_error(two_er, 2)
            noise_model.add_all_qubit_quantum_error(u3error, ['u3'])
            noise_model.add_all_qubit_quantum_error(cxerror, ['cx'])

            for t in range(self.extime):
                job = execute(qc,
                counts = job.result().get_counts()
                stvec = [counts.get(i, 0) / self.shots for i in bins]
                stf = state_fidelity(idealst, stvec)
        return mean_fid, std_fid
Ejemplo n.º 25
def test_circuit_compilation_complete_noise_model() -> None:
    my_noise_model = NoiseModel()
    my_noise_model.add_quantum_error(depolarizing_error(0.6, 2), ["cx"],
                                     [0, 1])
    my_noise_model.add_quantum_error(depolarizing_error(0.6, 2), ["cx"],
                                     [0, 2])
    my_noise_model.add_quantum_error(depolarizing_error(0.6, 2), ["cx"],
                                     [0, 3])
    my_noise_model.add_quantum_error(depolarizing_error(0.6, 2), ["cx"],
                                     [1, 2])
    my_noise_model.add_quantum_error(depolarizing_error(0.6, 2), ["cx"],
                                     [1, 3])
    my_noise_model.add_quantum_error(depolarizing_error(0.6, 2), ["cx"],
                                     [2, 3])
    my_noise_model.add_quantum_error(depolarizing_error(0.5, 1), ["u3"], [0])
    my_noise_model.add_quantum_error(depolarizing_error(0.5, 1), ["u3"], [1])
    my_noise_model.add_quantum_error(depolarizing_error(0.5, 1), ["u3"], [2])
    my_noise_model.add_quantum_error(depolarizing_error(0.5, 1), ["u3"], [3])

    back = AerBackend(my_noise_model)

    c = Circuit(4).CX(0, 1).H(2).CX(2, 1).H(3).CX(0, 3).H(1).X(0).measure_all()
    assert back.valid_circuit(c)
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def test_measure_sampling_with_quantum_noise(self):
        """Test QasmSimulator measure with deterministic counts with sampling and readout-error"""
        readout_error = [0.01, 0.1]
        noise_model = NoiseModel()
        depolarizing = {'u3': (1, 0.001), 'cx': (2, 0.02)}
        readout = [[1.0 - readout_error[0], readout_error[0]],
                   [readout_error[1], 1.0 - readout_error[1]]]
        for gate, (num_qubits, gate_error) in depolarizing.items():
                depolarizing_error(gate_error, num_qubits), gate)

        shots = 1000
        circuits = ref_measure.measure_circuits_deterministic(
        targets = ref_measure.measure_counts_deterministic(shots)
        qobj = assemble(circuits, self.SIMULATOR, shots=shots)
        result = self.SIMULATOR.run(qobj,
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def test_measure_sampling_with_quantum_noise(self, method, device):
        """Test AerSimulator measure with deterministic counts with sampling and readout-error"""
        readout_error = [0.01, 0.1]
        noise_model = NoiseModel()
        depolarizing = {'u3': (1, 0.001), 'cx': (2, 0.02)}
        readout = [[1.0 - readout_error[0], readout_error[0]],
                   [readout_error[1], 1.0 - readout_error[1]]]
        for gate, (num_qubits, gate_error) in depolarizing.items():
                depolarizing_error(gate_error, num_qubits), gate)

        backend = self.backend(method=method,
        shots = 1000
        circuits = ref_measure.measure_circuits_deterministic(
        targets = ref_measure.measure_counts_deterministic(shots)
        result = backend.run(circuits, shots=shots).result()
        sampling = (method == "density_matrix")
        self.compare_result_metadata(result, circuits, "measure_sampling",
Ejemplo n.º 28
# +
ex1_mean = []
ex1_std = []

ex2_mean = []
ex2_std = []

ex3_mean = []
ex3_std = []

ex4_mean = []
ex4_std = []
extime = 10

u3_error = depolarizing_error(0.001, 1)
qw_step = range(1, 11)
gate_error = np.arange(0, 0.03, 0.001)
# errors, steps= np.meshgrid(gate_error, qw_step)

bins = [format(i, '02b') for i in range(2**2)]
step = 5
opt_qc = four_node(True, step)
job = execute(opt_qc, backend=qasm_sim, shots=100000)
count = job.result().get_counts(opt_qc)
ideal_prob = [count.get(i, 0)/100000 for i in bins]
for cxerr in tqdm(gate_error):
# noise model
    error_model = NoiseModel()
    cx_error = depolarizing_error(cxerr, 2)
    error_model.add_all_qubit_quantum_error(u3_error, ['u3', 'u2'])
#  2. Specific qubit quantum error
#  3. Non-local quantum error
# ### All-qubit quantum error
# This applies the same error to any occurrence of an instruction, regardless of which qubits it acts on.
# It is added as `noise_model.add_all_qubit_quantum_error(error, instructions)`:

# In[9]:

# Create an empty noise model
noise_model = NoiseModel()

# Add depolarizing error to all single qubit u1, u2, u3 gates
error = depolarizing_error(0.05, 1)
noise_model.add_all_qubit_quantum_error(error, ['u1', 'u2', 'u3'])

# Print noise model info

# ### Specific qubit quantum error
# This applies the error to any occurrence of an instruction acting on a specified list of qubits. Note that the order of the qubit matters: For a 2-qubit gate an error applied to qubits [0, 1] is different to one applied to qubits [1, 0] for example.
# It is added as `noise_model.add_quantum_error(error, instructions, qubits)`:

# In[10]:

# Create an empty noise model
noise_model = NoiseModel()
Ejemplo n.º 30
def get_noise(p):
    error_1 = depolarizing_error(p, 1)
    noise_model = NoiseModel()
    noise_model.add_all_qubit_quantum_error(error_1, ['x', 'u3']) 
    return noise_model