Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test_pass_non_idempotence_passset(self):
     """ A pass set that is not idempotent. """
     passmanager = PassManager()
     passmanager.add_passes([PassA_TP_NR_NP(), PassB_TP_RA_PA()], ignore_preserves=True)
     self.assertScheduler(self.dag, passmanager, ['run transformation pass PassA_TP_NR_NP',
                                                  'run transformation pass PassA_TP_NR_NP',
                                                  'run transformation pass PassB_TP_RA_PA'])
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def test_analysis_pass_is_idempotent(self):
     """ Analysis passes are idempotent. """
     passmanager = PassManager()
     self.assertScheduler(self.dag, passmanager, ['run analysis pass PassE_AP_NR_NP',
                                                  'set property as 1'])
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_lookahead_mapper_finds_minimal_swap_solution(self):
        """Of many valid SWAPs, test that lookahead finds the cheapest path.

        For a two CNOT circuit: cx q[0],q[2]; cx q[0],q[1]
        on the initial layout: qN -> qN
        (At least) two solutions exist:
        - SWAP q[0],[1], cx q[0],q[2], cx q[0],q[1]
        - SWAP q[1],[2], cx q[0],q[2], SWAP q[1],q[2], cx q[0],q[1]

        Verify that we find the first solution, as it requires fewer SWAPs.

        qr = QuantumRegister(3)
        circuit = QuantumCircuit(qr)
        circuit.cx(qr[0], qr[2])
        circuit.cx(qr[0], qr[1])

        dag_circuit = circuit_to_dag(circuit)

        coupling_map = Coupling(couplinglist=[(0, 1), (1, 2)])

        pass_manager = PassManager()
        mapped_dag = transpile_dag(dag_circuit, pass_manager=pass_manager)

        self.assertEqual(mapped_dag.count_ops().get('swap', 0),
                         dag_circuit.count_ops().get('swap', 0) + 1)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_lookahead_mapper_doesnt_modify_mapped_circuit(self):
        """Test that lookahead mapper is idempotent.

        It should not modify a circuit which is already compatible with the
        coupling map, and can be applied repeatedly without modifying the circuit.

        qr = QuantumRegister(3, name='q')
        circuit = QuantumCircuit(qr)
        circuit.cx(qr[0], qr[2])
        circuit.cx(qr[0], qr[1])
        original_dag = circuit_to_dag(circuit)

        # Create coupling map which contains all two-qubit gates in the circuit.
        coupling_map = Coupling(couplinglist=[(0, 1), (0, 2)])

        pass_manager = PassManager()
        mapped_dag = transpile_dag(original_dag, pass_manager=pass_manager)

        self.assertEqual(original_dag, mapped_dag)

        second_pass_manager = PassManager()
        remapped_dag = transpile_dag(mapped_dag,

        self.assertEqual(mapped_dag, remapped_dag)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def test_pass_option_precedence(self):
     """ The precedence of options is, in order of priority:
      - The passset option
      - The Pass Manager option
      - Default
     passmanager = PassManager(ignore_preserves=False, ignore_requires=True)
     tp_pass = PassA_TP_NR_NP()
     passmanager.add_passes(tp_pass, ignore_preserves=True)
     the_pass_in_the_workinglist = next(iter(passmanager.working_list))
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def test_pass_non_idempotence_pm(self):
     """ A pass manager that considers every pass as not idempotent, allows the immediate
     repetition of a pass"""
     passmanager = PassManager(ignore_preserves=True)
     passmanager.add_passes(PassA_TP_NR_NP())  # Normally removed for optimization, not here.
     passmanager.add_passes(PassB_TP_RA_PA())  # Normally required is ignored for optimization,
     # not here
     self.assertScheduler(self.dag, passmanager, ['run transformation pass PassA_TP_NR_NP',
                                                  'run transformation pass PassA_TP_NR_NP',
                                                  'run transformation pass PassA_TP_NR_NP',
                                                  'run transformation pass PassB_TP_RA_PA'])
Ejemplo n.º 7
class TestControlFlowPlugin(SchedulerTestCase):
    """ Testing the control flow plugin system. """
    def setUp(self):
        self.passmanager = PassManager()
        self.dag = DAGCircuit.fromQuantumCircuit(

    def test_control_flow_plugin(self):
        """ Adds a control flow plugin with a single parameter and runs it. """
        FlowController.add_flow_controller('do_x_times', DoXTimesController)
            [PassB_TP_RA_PA(), PassC_TP_RA_PA()], do_x_times=lambda x: 3)
        self.assertScheduler(self.dag, self.passmanager, [
            'run transformation pass PassA_TP_NR_NP',
            'run transformation pass PassB_TP_RA_PA',
            'run transformation pass PassC_TP_RA_PA',
            'run transformation pass PassB_TP_RA_PA',
            'run transformation pass PassC_TP_RA_PA',
            'run transformation pass PassB_TP_RA_PA',
            'run transformation pass PassC_TP_RA_PA'

    def test_callable_control_flow_plugin(self):
        """ Removes do_while, then adds it back. Checks max_iteration still working. """
        controllers_length = len(FlowController.registered_controllers)
        self.assertEqual(controllers_length - 1,
        FlowController.add_flow_controller('do_while', DoWhileController)
            [PassB_TP_RA_PA(), PassC_TP_RA_PA()],
            do_while=lambda property_set: True,
        self.assertSchedulerRaises(self.dag, self.passmanager, [
            'run transformation pass PassA_TP_NR_NP',
            'run transformation pass PassB_TP_RA_PA',
            'run transformation pass PassC_TP_RA_PA',
            'run transformation pass PassB_TP_RA_PA',
            'run transformation pass PassC_TP_RA_PA'
        ], TranspilerError)

    def test_remove_nonexistent_plugin(self):
        """ Tries to remove a plugin that does not exist. """
        self.assertRaises(KeyError, FlowController.remove_flow_controller,
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def test_lookahead_mapper_should_add_a_single_swap(self):
        """Test that lookahead mapper will insert a SWAP to match layout.

        For a single cx gate which is not available in the current layout, test
        that the mapper inserts a single swap to enable the gate.

        qr = QuantumRegister(3)
        circuit = QuantumCircuit(qr)
        circuit.cx(qr[0], qr[2])
        dag_circuit = circuit_to_dag(circuit)

        coupling_map = Coupling(couplinglist=[(0, 1), (1, 2)])

        pass_manager = PassManager()
        mapped_dag = transpile_dag(dag_circuit, pass_manager=pass_manager)

        self.assertEqual(mapped_dag.count_ops().get('swap', 0),
                         dag_circuit.count_ops().get('swap', 0) + 1)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def test_pass_cx_cancellation(self):
        """Test the cx cancellation pass.

        It should cancel consecutive cx pairs on same qubits.
        qr = QuantumRegister(2)
        circuit = QuantumCircuit(qr)
        circuit.cx(qr[0], qr[1])
        circuit.cx(qr[0], qr[1])
        circuit.cx(qr[0], qr[1])
        circuit.cx(qr[0], qr[1])
        circuit.cx(qr[1], qr[0])
        circuit.cx(qr[1], qr[0])
        dag_circuit = DAGCircuit.fromQuantumCircuit(circuit)

        pass_manager = PassManager()
        dag_circuit = transpile(dag_circuit, pass_manager=pass_manager)
        resources_after = dag_circuit.count_ops()

        self.assertNotIn('cx', resources_after)
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def test_ignore_request_pm(self):
     """ A pass manager that ignores requests does not run the passes decleared in the 'requests'
     field of the passes."""
     passmanager = PassManager(ignore_requires=True)
         PassC_TP_RA_PA())  # Request: PassA / Preserves: PassA
         PassB_TP_RA_PA())  # Request: PassA / Preserves: PassA
         PassD_TP_NR_NP(argument1=[1, 2]))  # Requires: {} / Preserves: {}
     self.assertScheduler(self.dag, passmanager, [
         'run transformation pass PassC_TP_RA_PA',
         'run transformation pass PassB_TP_RA_PA',
         'run transformation pass PassD_TP_NR_NP', 'argument [1, 2]',
         'run transformation pass PassB_TP_RA_PA'
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def test_ap_before_and_after_a_tp(self):
     """ A default transformation does not preserves anything and analysis passes
     need to be re-run"""
     passmanager = PassManager()
     self.assertScheduler(self.dag, passmanager, ['run analysis pass PassE_AP_NR_NP',
                                                  'set property as 1',
                                                  'run transformation pass PassA_TP_NR_NP',
                                                  'run analysis pass PassE_AP_NR_NP',
                                                  'set property as 1'])
Ejemplo n.º 12
class TestUseCases(SchedulerTestCase):
    """ The pass manager schedules passes in, sometimes, tricky ways. These tests combine passes in
     many ways, and checks that passes are ran in the right order. """

    def setUp(self):
        self.dag = circuit_to_dag(QuantumCircuit(QuantumRegister(1)))
        self.passmanager = PassManager()

    def test_chain(self):
        """ A single chain of passes, with Requests and Preserves."""
        self.passmanager.add_passes(PassC_TP_RA_PA())  # Request: PassA / Preserves: PassA
        self.passmanager.add_passes(PassB_TP_RA_PA())  # Request: PassA / Preserves: PassA
        self.passmanager.add_passes(PassD_TP_NR_NP(argument1=[1, 2]))  # Requires: {}/ Preserves: {}
        self.assertScheduler(self.dag, self.passmanager, ['run transformation pass PassA_TP_NR_NP',
                                                          'run transformation pass PassC_TP_RA_PA',
                                                          'run transformation pass PassB_TP_RA_PA',
                                                          'run transformation pass PassD_TP_NR_NP',
                                                          'argument [1, 2]',
                                                          'run transformation pass PassA_TP_NR_NP',
                                                          'run transformation pass PassB_TP_RA_PA'])

    def test_conditional_passes_true(self):
        """ A pass set with a conditional parameter. The callable is True. """
                                    condition=lambda property_set: property_set['property'])
        self.assertScheduler(self.dag, self.passmanager, ['run analysis pass PassE_AP_NR_NP',
                                                          'set property as True',
                                                          'run transformation pass PassA_TP_NR_NP'])

    def test_conditional_passes_false(self):
        """ A pass set with a conditional parameter. The callable is False. """
                                    condition=lambda property_set: property_set['property'])
        self.assertScheduler(self.dag, self.passmanager, ['run analysis pass PassE_AP_NR_NP',
                                                          'set property as False'])

    def test_conditional_and_loop(self):
        """ Run a conditional first, then a loop"""
            do_while=lambda property_set: not property_set['fixed_point']['property'],
            condition=lambda property_set: property_set['property'])
        self.assertScheduler(self.dag, self.passmanager,
                             ['run analysis pass PassE_AP_NR_NP',
                              'set property as True',
                              'run analysis pass PassG_calculates_dag_property',
                              'set property as 8 (from dag.property)',
                              'run analysis pass PassK_check_fixed_point_property',
                              'run transformation pass PassA_TP_NR_NP',
                              'run transformation pass PassF_reduce_dag_property',
                              'dag property = 6',
                              'run analysis pass PassG_calculates_dag_property',
                              'set property as 6 (from dag.property)',
                              'run analysis pass PassK_check_fixed_point_property',
                              'run transformation pass PassA_TP_NR_NP',
                              'run transformation pass PassF_reduce_dag_property',
                              'dag property = 5',
                              'run analysis pass PassG_calculates_dag_property',
                              'set property as 5 (from dag.property)',
                              'run analysis pass PassK_check_fixed_point_property',
                              'run transformation pass PassA_TP_NR_NP',
                              'run transformation pass PassF_reduce_dag_property',
                              'dag property = 4',
                              'run analysis pass PassG_calculates_dag_property',
                              'set property as 4 (from dag.property)',
                              'run analysis pass PassK_check_fixed_point_property',
                              'run transformation pass PassA_TP_NR_NP',
                              'run transformation pass PassF_reduce_dag_property',
                              'dag property = 3',
                              'run analysis pass PassG_calculates_dag_property',
                              'set property as 3 (from dag.property)',
                              'run analysis pass PassK_check_fixed_point_property',
                              'run transformation pass PassA_TP_NR_NP',
                              'run transformation pass PassF_reduce_dag_property',
                              'dag property = 2',
                              'run analysis pass PassG_calculates_dag_property',
                              'set property as 2 (from dag.property)',
                              'run analysis pass PassK_check_fixed_point_property',
                              'run transformation pass PassA_TP_NR_NP',
                              'run transformation pass PassF_reduce_dag_property',
                              'dag property = 2',
                              'run analysis pass PassG_calculates_dag_property',
                              'set property as 2 (from dag.property)',
                              'run analysis pass PassK_check_fixed_point_property',
                              'run transformation pass PassA_TP_NR_NP',
                              'run transformation pass PassF_reduce_dag_property',
                              'dag property = 2'])

    def test_loop_and_conditional(self):
        """ Run a loop first, then a conditional"""
        FlowController.add_flow_controller('condition', ConditionalController)

            do_while=lambda property_set: not property_set['fixed_point']['property'],
            condition=lambda property_set: not property_set['fixed_point']['property'])
        self.assertScheduler(self.dag, self.passmanager,
                             ['run analysis pass PassG_calculates_dag_property',
                              'set property as 8 (from dag.property)',
                              'run analysis pass PassK_check_fixed_point_property',
                              'run transformation pass PassA_TP_NR_NP',
                              'run transformation pass PassF_reduce_dag_property',
                              'dag property = 6',
                              'run analysis pass PassG_calculates_dag_property',
                              'set property as 6 (from dag.property)',
                              'run analysis pass PassK_check_fixed_point_property',
                              'run transformation pass PassA_TP_NR_NP',
                              'run transformation pass PassF_reduce_dag_property',
                              'dag property = 5',
                              'run analysis pass PassG_calculates_dag_property',
                              'set property as 5 (from dag.property)',
                              'run analysis pass PassK_check_fixed_point_property',
                              'run transformation pass PassA_TP_NR_NP',
                              'run transformation pass PassF_reduce_dag_property',
                              'dag property = 4',
                              'run analysis pass PassG_calculates_dag_property',
                              'set property as 4 (from dag.property)',
                              'run analysis pass PassK_check_fixed_point_property',
                              'run transformation pass PassA_TP_NR_NP',
                              'run transformation pass PassF_reduce_dag_property',
                              'dag property = 3',
                              'run analysis pass PassG_calculates_dag_property',
                              'set property as 3 (from dag.property)',
                              'run analysis pass PassK_check_fixed_point_property',
                              'run transformation pass PassA_TP_NR_NP',
                              'run transformation pass PassF_reduce_dag_property',
                              'dag property = 2',
                              'run analysis pass PassG_calculates_dag_property',
                              'set property as 2 (from dag.property)',
                              'run analysis pass PassK_check_fixed_point_property',
                              'run transformation pass PassA_TP_NR_NP',
                              'run transformation pass PassF_reduce_dag_property',
                              'dag property = 2',
                              'run analysis pass PassG_calculates_dag_property',
                              'set property as 2 (from dag.property)',
                              'run analysis pass PassK_check_fixed_point_property',
                              'run transformation pass PassA_TP_NR_NP',
                              'run transformation pass PassF_reduce_dag_property',
                              'dag property = 2'])

    def test_do_not_repeat_based_on_preservation(self):
        """ When a pass is still a valid pass (because following passes preserved it), it should not
        run again"""
        self.passmanager.add_passes([PassB_TP_RA_PA(), PassA_TP_NR_NP(), PassB_TP_RA_PA()])
        self.assertScheduler(self.dag, self.passmanager, ['run transformation pass PassA_TP_NR_NP',
                                                          'run transformation pass PassB_TP_RA_PA'])

    def test_do_not_repeat_based_on_idempotence(self):
        """ Repetition can be optimized to a single execution when the pass is idempotent"""
        self.passmanager.add_passes([PassA_TP_NR_NP(), PassA_TP_NR_NP()])
        self.assertScheduler(self.dag, self.passmanager, ['run transformation pass PassA_TP_NR_NP'])

    def test_non_idempotent_pass(self):
        """ Two or more runs of a non-idempotent pass cannot be optimized. """
        self.passmanager.add_passes([PassF_reduce_dag_property(), PassF_reduce_dag_property()])
        self.assertScheduler(self.dag, self.passmanager,
                             ['run transformation pass PassF_reduce_dag_property',
                              'dag property = 6',
                              'run transformation pass PassF_reduce_dag_property',
                              'dag property = 5',
                              'run transformation pass PassF_reduce_dag_property',
                              'dag property = 4',
                              'run transformation pass PassF_reduce_dag_property',
                              'dag property = 3'])

    def test_fenced_property_set(self):
        """ Transformation passes are not allowed to modified the property set. """
        self.assertSchedulerRaises(self.dag, self.passmanager,
                                   ['run transformation pass PassH_Bad_TP'],

    def test_fenced_dag(self):
        """ Analysis passes are not allowed to modified the DAG. """
        qr = QuantumRegister(2)
        circ = QuantumCircuit(qr)
        # pylint: disable=no-member
        circ.cx(qr[0], qr[1])
        circ.cx(qr[0], qr[1])
        circ.cx(qr[1], qr[0])
        circ.cx(qr[1], qr[0])
        dag = circuit_to_dag(circ)

        self.assertSchedulerRaises(dag, self.passmanager,
                                   ['run analysis pass PassI_Bad_AP',
                                    'cx_runs: {(5, 6, 7, 8)}'],

    def test_ignore_request_pm(self):
        """ A pass manager that ignores requests does not run the passes decleared in the 'requests'
        field of the passes."""
        passmanager = PassManager(ignore_requires=True)
        passmanager.add_passes(PassC_TP_RA_PA())  # Request: PassA / Preserves: PassA
        passmanager.add_passes(PassB_TP_RA_PA())  # Request: PassA / Preserves: PassA
        passmanager.add_passes(PassD_TP_NR_NP(argument1=[1, 2]))  # Requires: {} / Preserves: {}
        self.assertScheduler(self.dag, passmanager, ['run transformation pass PassC_TP_RA_PA',
                                                     'run transformation pass PassB_TP_RA_PA',
                                                     'run transformation pass PassD_TP_NR_NP',
                                                     'argument [1, 2]',
                                                     'run transformation pass PassB_TP_RA_PA'])

    def test_ignore_preserves_pm(self):
        """ A pass manager that ignores preserves does not record the passes decleared in the
        'preserves' field of the passes as valid passes."""
        passmanager = PassManager(ignore_preserves=True)
        passmanager.add_passes(PassC_TP_RA_PA())  # Request: PassA / Preserves: PassA
        passmanager.add_passes(PassB_TP_RA_PA())  # Request: PassA / Preserves: PassA
        passmanager.add_passes(PassD_TP_NR_NP(argument1=[1, 2]))  # Requires: {} / Preserves: {}
        self.assertScheduler(self.dag, passmanager, ['run transformation pass PassA_TP_NR_NP',
                                                     'run transformation pass PassC_TP_RA_PA',
                                                     'run transformation pass PassA_TP_NR_NP',
                                                     'run transformation pass PassB_TP_RA_PA',
                                                     'run transformation pass PassD_TP_NR_NP',
                                                     'argument [1, 2]',
                                                     'run transformation pass PassA_TP_NR_NP',
                                                     'run transformation pass PassB_TP_RA_PA'])

    def test_pass_non_idempotence_pm(self):
        """ A pass manager that considers every pass as not idempotent, allows the immediate
        repetition of a pass"""
        passmanager = PassManager(ignore_preserves=True)
        passmanager.add_passes(PassA_TP_NR_NP())  # Normally removed for optimization, not here.
        passmanager.add_passes(PassB_TP_RA_PA())  # Normally required is ignored for optimization,
        # not here
        self.assertScheduler(self.dag, passmanager, ['run transformation pass PassA_TP_NR_NP',
                                                     'run transformation pass PassA_TP_NR_NP',
                                                     'run transformation pass PassA_TP_NR_NP',
                                                     'run transformation pass PassB_TP_RA_PA'])

    def test_pass_non_idempotence_passset(self):
        """ A pass set that is not idempotent. """
        passmanager = PassManager()
        passmanager.add_passes([PassA_TP_NR_NP(), PassB_TP_RA_PA()], ignore_preserves=True)
        self.assertScheduler(self.dag, passmanager, ['run transformation pass PassA_TP_NR_NP',
                                                     'run transformation pass PassA_TP_NR_NP',
                                                     'run transformation pass PassB_TP_RA_PA'])

    def test_analysis_pass_is_idempotent(self):
        """ Analysis passes are idempotent. """
        passmanager = PassManager()
        self.assertScheduler(self.dag, passmanager, ['run analysis pass PassE_AP_NR_NP',
                                                     'set property as 1'])

    def test_ap_before_and_after_a_tp(self):
        """ A default transformation does not preserves anything and analysis passes
        need to be re-run"""
        passmanager = PassManager()
        self.assertScheduler(self.dag, passmanager, ['run analysis pass PassE_AP_NR_NP',
                                                     'set property as 1',
                                                     'run transformation pass PassA_TP_NR_NP',
                                                     'run analysis pass PassE_AP_NR_NP',
                                                     'set property as 1'])

    def test_pass_option_precedence(self):
        """ The precedence of options is, in order of priority:
         - The passset option
         - The Pass Manager option
         - Default
        passmanager = PassManager(ignore_preserves=False, ignore_requires=True)
        tp_pass = PassA_TP_NR_NP()
        passmanager.add_passes(tp_pass, ignore_preserves=True)
        the_pass_in_the_workinglist = next(iter(passmanager.working_list))

    def test_pass_no_return_a_dag(self):
        """ Passes instances with same arguments (independently of the order) are the same. """
        self.assertSchedulerRaises(self.dag, self.passmanager,
                                   ['run transformation pass PassJ_Bad_NoReturn'], TranspilerError)

    def test_fixed_point_pass(self):
        """ A pass set with a do_while parameter that checks for a fixed point. """
            do_while=lambda property_set: not property_set['fixed_point']['property'])
        self.assertScheduler(self.dag, self.passmanager,
                             ['run analysis pass PassG_calculates_dag_property',
                              'set property as 8 (from dag.property)',
                              'run analysis pass PassK_check_fixed_point_property',
                              'run transformation pass PassA_TP_NR_NP',
                              'run transformation pass PassF_reduce_dag_property',
                              'dag property = 6',
                              'run analysis pass PassG_calculates_dag_property',
                              'set property as 6 (from dag.property)',
                              'run analysis pass PassK_check_fixed_point_property',
                              'run transformation pass PassA_TP_NR_NP',
                              'run transformation pass PassF_reduce_dag_property',
                              'dag property = 5',
                              'run analysis pass PassG_calculates_dag_property',
                              'set property as 5 (from dag.property)',
                              'run analysis pass PassK_check_fixed_point_property',
                              'run transformation pass PassA_TP_NR_NP',
                              'run transformation pass PassF_reduce_dag_property',
                              'dag property = 4',
                              'run analysis pass PassG_calculates_dag_property',
                              'set property as 4 (from dag.property)',
                              'run analysis pass PassK_check_fixed_point_property',
                              'run transformation pass PassA_TP_NR_NP',
                              'run transformation pass PassF_reduce_dag_property',
                              'dag property = 3',
                              'run analysis pass PassG_calculates_dag_property',
                              'set property as 3 (from dag.property)',
                              'run analysis pass PassK_check_fixed_point_property',
                              'run transformation pass PassA_TP_NR_NP',
                              'run transformation pass PassF_reduce_dag_property',
                              'dag property = 2',
                              'run analysis pass PassG_calculates_dag_property',
                              'set property as 2 (from dag.property)',
                              'run analysis pass PassK_check_fixed_point_property',
                              'run transformation pass PassA_TP_NR_NP',
                              'run transformation pass PassF_reduce_dag_property',
                              'dag property = 2',
                              'run analysis pass PassG_calculates_dag_property',
                              'set property as 2 (from dag.property)',
                              'run analysis pass PassK_check_fixed_point_property',
                              'run transformation pass PassA_TP_NR_NP',
                              'run transformation pass PassF_reduce_dag_property',
                              'dag property = 2'])

    def test_fixed_point_pass_max_iteration(self):
        """ A pass set with a do_while parameter that checks that the max_iteration is raised. """
            do_while=lambda property_set: not property_set['fixed_point']['property'],
        self.assertSchedulerRaises(self.dag, self.passmanager,
                                   ['run analysis pass PassG_calculates_dag_property',
                                    'set property as 8 (from dag.property)',
                                    'run analysis pass PassK_check_fixed_point_property',
                                    'run transformation pass PassA_TP_NR_NP',
                                    'run transformation pass PassF_reduce_dag_property',
                                    'dag property = 6',
                                    'run analysis pass PassG_calculates_dag_property',
                                    'set property as 6 (from dag.property)',
                                    'run analysis pass PassK_check_fixed_point_property',
                                    'run transformation pass PassA_TP_NR_NP',
                                    'run transformation pass PassF_reduce_dag_property',
                                    'dag property = 5'], TranspilerError)