Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_instantiation():
    Testing common QLearner initial arguments and support functions.
    # Set-up:
    STATES = 10
    ACTIONS = 5
    rmatrix_sq = np.random.rand(STATES, STATES)
    rmatrix_rec = np.random.rand(STATES, ACTIONS)
    tmatrix = np.random.randint(0, STATES, size=(STATES, ACTIONS))
    # making sure tmatrix points to goal states:
    tmatrix[:, ACTIONS - 1] = np.random.randint(0, 1, size=STATES)
    goal_l = (0, 1)
    goal_f = lambda x: x <= 1
    np.savetxt('test.dat', rmatrix_sq)
    global QLEARNER

    # Test 1: list goal
    temp = QLearner(rmatrix_sq, goal_l)
    assert np.array_equal(temp.rmatrix,
                          rmatrix_sq), "R matrix not equal to arg."
    assert temp.goal(0) and temp.goal(1) and not temp.goal(2) and not temp.goal(3), \
            'List goal not working.'
    QLEARNER = temp

    # Test 2: function goal
    temp = QLearner(rmatrix_sq, goal_f)
    assert temp.goal(0) and temp.goal(
        1) and not temp.goal(2), 'Function goal not working.'
    QLEARNER = temp

    # Test 3: File I/O
    temp = QLearner('test.dat', goal_l)
    assert temp.qmatrix.shape == rmatrix_sq.shape, "Q & R matrix dimension mismatch."
    assert np.array_equal(temp.rmatrix,
                          rmatrix_sq), "R matrix not equal to arg."
    QLEARNER = temp

    # Test 4: rectangular r matrix, no tmatrix
        QLearner(rmatrix_rec, goal_l)
    except ValueError:

    # Test 5: rectangular r matrix, t matrix of same dimension
    temp = QLearner(rmatrix_rec, goal_f, tmatrix)
    assert temp.next_state(1,
                           2) == tmatrix[1,
                                         2], 'Next state prediction incorrect.'
    QLEARNER = temp

    # Test 6: episodes
    l = set(temp.episodes(coverage=1.0, mode='bfs'))
    assert l == set(range(temp.num_states)), 'Full episode coverage failed.'

    # Finalize