Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_get_root_path_with_relative_path(env_app_root):
    assert qpylib.get_root_path(
        'my', 'other', 'directory') == '/opt/app-root/my/other/directory'
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_get_root_path_with_no_relative_path(env_app_root):
    assert qpylib.get_root_path() == '/opt/app-root'
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_get_root_path_with_env_var_missing():
    with pytest.raises(KeyError,
                       match='Environment variable APP_ROOT is not set'):
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_get_root_path_with_relative_path_appends_relative_path():
    assert qpylib.get_root_path('my/other/directory') == '/my/other/directory'
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_get_root_path_with_no_relative_path_returns_slash():
    assert qpylib.get_root_path() == '/'
Ejemplo n.º 6
def create_app():
    # Create a Flask instance.
    qflask = Flask(__name__)

    csrf = CSRFProtect()

    # Retrieve QRadar app id.
    qradar_app_id = qpylib.get_app_id()

    # Create unique session cookie name for this app.
    qflask.config['SESSION_COOKIE_NAME'] = 'session_{0}'.format(qradar_app_id)

    secret_key = ""
        # Read in secret key
        secret_key_store = Encryption({'name': 'secret_key', 'user': '******'})
        secret_key = secret_key_store.decrypt()
    except EncryptionError:
        # If secret key file doesn't exist/fail to decrypt it,
        # generate a new random password for it and encrypt it
        secret_key = secrets.token_urlsafe(64)
        secret_key_store = Encryption({'name': 'secret_key', 'user': '******'})

    qflask.config["SECRET_KEY"] = secret_key

    # Initialize database settings and flask configuration options via json file
    with open(qpylib.get_root_path(
            "container/conf/config.json")) as config_json_file:
        config_json = json.load(config_json_file)


    # Hide server details in endpoint responses.
    # pylint: disable=unused-variable
    def obscure_server_header(resp):
        resp.headers['Server'] = 'QRadar App {0}'.format(qradar_app_id)
        return resp

    # Register q_url_for function for use with Jinja2 templates.
    qflask.add_template_global(qpylib.q_url_for, 'q_url_for')

    # Initialize logging.

    # To enable app health checking, the QRadar App Framework
    # requires every Flask app to define a /debug endpoint.
    # The endpoint function should contain a trivial implementation
    # that returns a simple confirmation response message.
    def debug():
        return 'Pong!'

    # Import additional endpoints.
    # For more information see:
    #   https://flask.palletsprojects.com/en/1.1.x/tutorial/views
    from . import views

    # NOTE: This sample app does not deal with migration of db schema between app versions as its v1.0.0.
    # If you have multiple versions of your application and the schema changes between them you would
    # need to add your own migration process at this point so that the schema is updated and loaded.
    # Also worth versioning your schema changes as well so you can perform the migration.

    db_host = qflask.config["DB_HOST"]
    db_port = qflask.config["DB_PORT"]
    db_user = qflask.config["DB_USER"]
    db_name = qflask.config["DB_NAME"]

    # create db if it doesnt exist and load schema
    if not db_exists(db_host, db_port, db_user, db_name):
        schema_file_path = qpylib.get_root_path("container/conf/db/schema.sql")
        create_db(db_host, db_port, db_user, db_name)
        execute_schema_sql(db_host, db_port, db_user, db_name,

    return qflask