def make_qr_code(self): ''' Make a QR code for the book. This could be useful somewhere I guess. It contains the ISBN, title and Authors of the book. Maybe it should contain the owner name , yes YOU, just in case you ever need to split up you and your parter's books. You know why that might be needed. TODO. Maybe print the ISBN too. Change output dir DONE: Store images in the DB ''' from db_queries import sql as sql db_query = sql() if QR_CODE: import getpass user = getpass.getuser() # Do the QR thang qr_data = 'ISBN:'+ str( \ + ';TITLE:' + str(self.abook.title) \ + ';AUTHORS:' + str(self.abook.authors) \ + ";OWNER:" + user qr = qrencode.encode(qr_data) # Rescale using the size and add a 1 px border size = qr[1] qr = qrencode.encode_scaled(qr_data, (size*3)+2) img = qr[2] count = db_query.get_qrcode_count( if count == 0: sql = 'INSERT INTO qrcodes(caption,img) VALUES(%s,%s)' # But how to get them back out again? See below. args = ("ISBN: " + str(, img, ) self.cur.execute (sql, args) self.db.commit()
def exportwallet(wallet): db = open_db(os.path.join(WALLET_PATH,wallet)) it = db.iteritems() it.seek_to_first() q = { "wallet" : wallet } a = [] for k,v in it: if k[0] =="k": _,addr_type,child = k.split('.') a.append((addr_type,child)) elif k == "_root": q.update({ "root_id" : v }) elif k == "entropy": q.update({ "entropy" : v }) elif k == "hmac": q.update({ "hmac" : v }) q.update({ "keys" : a }) result = base64.b64encode(str(q).encode('ascii')).decode('ascii') qr_code = "ip://" + result qr = qrencode.encode(qr_code,qrencode.QR_ECLEVEL_L) qr[2].save('wallet_qr_{0}_{1}_{2}.png'.format(qr[0],qr[1],wallet)) return result
def create_qrcode(filename, target_file): url = Config.get("url") + filename _, _, img = qrencode.encode(data=url, level=1) w, h = Screen.get_instance().get_size() sz = h / Config.get("qrcode")["screen_height_ratio"] img = img.resize((sz, sz))
def encodeText(text, zoom=5): '''Encodes text into a QPixmap with 5 pixels wide squares''' import qrencode _, rows, pilimage = qrencode.encode(text) temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.png') return QPixmap( * zoom, rows * zoom)
def create_img_data(self, btc_uri): (_, size, img) = qrencode.encode(btc_uri) if size < 400: img = img.resize((400, 400), Image.NEAREST) buf = StringIO(), format='PNG') imgdata = "data:image/png,%s" % urllib.quote(buf.getvalue()) return imgdata
def qrcode_stream(text, pixel_size=8, format='png', **kwargs): (version, size, im) = qrcode_scale(qrencode.encode(text, **kwargs), pixel_size) buf = StringIO.StringIO() #qrencode.encode_scaled(text, size, **kwargs)[2].save(buf, format=format) # AllanC - encode_scaled dose not include the border reuiqred by the standard, format=format) return buf.getvalue()
def getQRCode(self,address, amount, label=None, message=None): amount = 'amount=' + str(amount) #+ 'X8' label = '' if not label else '&label='+label message = '' if not message else '&message='+message qr_str = 'bitcoin:'+address+'?'+amount + label + message print qr_str im = qrencode.encode(qr_str,3) return im[2].resize((300,300))
def getQRCode(self, address, amount, label=None, message=None): amount = 'amount=' + str(amount) #+ 'X8' label = '' if not label else '&label=' + label message = '' if not message else '&message=' + message qr_str = 'bitcoin:' + address + '?' + amount + label + message print qr_str im = qrencode.encode(qr_str, 3) return im[2].resize((300, 300))
def Procesar(self): #Captura la informacion y genera el codigo QR #Define el resultado de los botones de radio if self.botonradio1.isChecked() == True: sexo = "Masculino" elif self.botonradio2.isChecked() == True: sexo = "Femenino" #Se procesa la informacion de los botones de check lista = {} dias = ("Lunes","Martes","Miercoles","Jueves","Viernes") lista["Lunes"] = self.lunes.isChecked() lista["Martes"] = self.martes.isChecked() lista["Miercoles"] = self.miercoles.isChecked() lista["Jueves"] = self.jueves.isChecked() lista["Viernes"] = self.viernes.isChecked() resultado = "" flag = 0 for dia in lista.keys(): for i in dias: if dia == i: if lista[dia] == True: if flag == 0: resultado = dia flag = 1 elif flag == 1: resultado = resultado + ",%s" %dia #Se le da formato a la informacion recabada para generar el codigo QR texto = """ Nombre:%s\n Cedula: %s\n Fecha Nacimiento: %s\n Sexo: %s\n Foto: %s\n Dia de participacion: %s\n """ %(self.nombreEdit.text(), self.cedula.text(), self.fecha.textFromDateTime(self.fecha.dateTime()), sexo, self.filename, resultado) #Se verifica si el archivo del codigo qr no existe, si no se borra if os.path.isfile("./archivosalida.png"): remove("./archivosalida.png") #Se crea la imagen del codigo qr imagen = encode(texto)[2] #Se salva la imagen en un archivo."./archivosalida.png") #Se muestra la imagen en la etiqueta pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap("./archivosalida.png") self.label.setPixmap(pixmap)
def create_img_data(self, address, amount_str): (_, size, img) = qrencode.encode("bitcoin:%s?amount=%s&label=" % (address, amount_str)) if size < 400: img = img.resize((400, 400), Image.NEAREST) buf = StringIO(), format='PNG') imgdata = "data:image/png,%s" % urllib.quote(buf.getvalue()) return imgdata
def _getQR_Image(self, qrtext): #qrfile = open("qr.png","w") version, size, QRimage = qrencode.encode(qrtext, version=0, level=0, hint=2, case_sensitive=True) #qrfile.close() sizedQRimage = QRimage.resize((800, 800)) return sizedQRimage
def draw_footer(self): if not self.receipt and self.paymentterms: fullheight = len(self.paymentterms.splitlines()) * self.fontheight('DejaVu Serif', 6) t = self.canvas.beginText() t.setTextOrigin(cm(2), cm(1) + fullheight) t.setFont("DejaVu Serif", 6) self.textlines(t, self.paymentterms) self.canvas.drawText(t) if self.bankinfo: fullheight = 2 * self.fontheight('DejaVu Serif Bold', 9) + (2 + len(self.bankinfo.splitlines())) * self.fontheight('DejaVu Serif', 7) t = self.canvas.beginText() t.setTextOrigin(cm(13), cm(1) + fullheight) t.setFont("DejaVu Serif Bold", 9) t.textLine("Payment reference") t.setFont("DejaVu Serif", 7) t.textLine(self.paymentref) t.textLine("") t.setFont("DejaVu Serif Bold", 9) t.textLine("Bank references") t.setFont("DejaVu Serif", 7) self.textlines(t, self.bankinfo) self.canvas.drawText(t) if self.paymentlink: style = ParagraphStyle('temp') style.fontName = 'DejaVu Serif' style.fontSize = 5 p = Paragraph('Payment details and instructions:<br/><nobr><a href="{0}">{0}</a></nobr>'.format(self.paymentlink), style) p.wrapOn(self.canvas, cm(12), cm(2)) p.drawOn(self.canvas, cm(2), cm(3.5)) try: import qrencode (ver, size, qrimage) = qrencode.encode(self.paymentlink) qrimage = qrimage.resize((size * 4, size * 4)) self.canvas.drawImage(ImageReader(qrimage), cm(2), cm(1.8), cm(1.5), cm(1.5)) except ImportError: # If we don't have the qrcode module, we just don't bother drawing the # QR code for the link pass if self.reverse_vat: t = self.canvas.beginText() t.setTextOrigin(cm(2), cm(4.8)) t.setFont("DejaVu Serif", 6) self.textlines(t, "* Services subject to the reverse charge - VAT to be accounted for by the recipient as per Article 196 of Council Directive 2006/112/EC") self.canvas.drawText(t)
def QR(c, element, context): eclevel = { 'L': qrencode.QR_ECLEVEL_L, 'M': qrencode.QR_ECLEVEL_M, 'Q': qrencode.QR_ECLEVEL_Q, 'H': qrencode.QR_ECLEVEL_H }[element.get('eclevel', 'L')] version, pixels, qr = qrencode.encode( pystache.render(element['text'], context), 0, eclevel, qrencode.QR_MODE_8, element.get('caseSensitive', True)) qr = qr.resize((pixels * 64, pixels * 64), Image.NEAREST) size = element['size'] * c.drawImage(ImageReader(qr), float(element['x']) *, -float(element['y']) * - size, size, size)
def generate_base64_qr(s, version, requested_size): try: import qrencode except ImportError: return "" (ver, size, qrimage) = qrencode.encode(s, version=5, level=qrencode.QR_ECLEVEL_M) if size < requested_size: size = (requested_size // size) * size qrimage = qrimage.resize((size, size), Image.NEAREST) b = BytesIO(), "png") return base64.b64encode(b.getvalue()).decode('ascii')
def generate_pdf(message, signed_message): doc = SimpleDocTemplate("qr_code_signed.pdf") Story = [Spacer(1,2*inch)] style = styles["Normal"] p = Paragraph(message, style) Story.append(p) Story.append(Spacer(1,200)) #0.2*inch # generate and save qrcode qrcode_version, qrcode_size, qrcode_im = qrencode.encode( signed_message, version=0, level=0, hint=qrencode.QR_MODE_8, case_sensitive=True)"qrcode.png", "PNG"), onFirstPage=myFirstPage, onLaterPages=myLaterPages)
def create_qr_code(invoice_id, invoice_total ,exch_rate): ''' Create and save a QR code. @param invoice_id @param invoice_total @param exch_rate ''' qr_data = 'bitcoin:' \ + get_bitcoin_address('Work Done')[0] \ + '?amount=' + str(round(invoice_total/exch_rate,8)) \ + "&label=" + get_bitcoin_address('Work Done')[1] # FIXME: Search term shouldn't be hard coded here qr = qrencode.encode(qr_data) # Rescale using the size and add a 1 px border size = qr[1] qr = qrencode.encode_scaled(qr_data, (size*4)) img = qr[2] #'invoice-' + str(invoice_id) +'.png''qr.png', 'png')
def draw_qrimage(self, o): s = o.get('qrcontent') if not s: return if len(s) < 20: ver = 1 elif len(s) < 38: ver = 2 elif len(s) < 61: ver = 3 elif len(s) < 90: ver = 4 elif len(s) < 122: ver = 5 elif len(s) < 154: ver = 6 else: raise Exception("String too long for QR encode") try: import qrencode except ImportError: o2 = o.copy() o2['stroke'] = True o2['text'] = "qrencode library\nnot found" self.draw_box(o2) self.draw_paragraph(o2) return (ver, size, qrimage) = qrencode.encode(s, version=ver, level=qrencode.QR_ECLEVEL_M) if size < 500: size = (500 // size) * size qrimage = qrimage.resize((size, size), Image.NEAREST) self.canv.drawImage( ImageReader(qrimage), getmm(o, 'x'), self.calc_y(o), getmm(o, 'width'), getmm(o, 'height'), o.get('mask', 'auto'), preserveAspectRatio=True, )
def generate_pdf(message, signed_message): doc = SimpleDocTemplate("qr_code_signed.pdf") Story = [Spacer(1, 2 * inch)] style = styles["Normal"] p = Paragraph(message, style) Story.append(p) Story.append(Spacer(1, 200)) #0.2*inch # generate and save qrcode qrcode_version, qrcode_size, qrcode_im = qrencode.encode( signed_message, version=0, level=0, hint=qrencode.QR_MODE_8, case_sensitive=True)"qrcode.png", "PNG"), onFirstPage=myFirstPage, onLaterPages=myLaterPages)
def make_qr_code(self): ''' Make a QR code for the book. This could be useful somewhere I guess. It contains the ISBN, title and Authors of the book. Maybe it should contain the owner name , yes YOU, just in case you ever need to split up you and your parter's books. You know why that might be needed. TODO. Maybe print the ISBN too. Change output dir DONE: Store images in the DB ''' from db_queries import sql as sql db_query = sql() if QR_CODE: import getpass user = getpass.getuser() # Do the QR thang qr_data = 'ISBN:'+ str( \ + ';TITLE:' + str(self.abook.title) \ + ';AUTHORS:' + str(self.abook.authors) \ + ";OWNER:" + user qr = qrencode.encode(qr_data) # Rescale using the size and add a 1 px border size = qr[1] qr = qrencode.encode_scaled(qr_data, (size*3)+2) img = qr[2] count = db_query.get_qrcode_count( if count == 0: sql = 'INSERT INTO qrcodes(caption,img) VALUES(%s,%s)' # But how to get them back out again? See below. args = ("ISBN: " + str(, img, ) self.cur.execute (sql, args) self.db.commit() #pixmap,mask = pixbuf.render_pixmap_and_mask()'tmp.png', 'png') # Display it in the GUI #self.qr_img.set_from_image(img, mask) # may need to be gtk.image #self.qr_img.set_from_file('tmp.png') # fix this, I don't like using tmp files '''
def handler(req): debug = [] err = lambda s: debug.append(str(s) + '<br>') path = req.unparsed_uri[len(BASE_PATH):].split('?')[0] if path == 'robots.txt' or path.startswith('.artwork/'): # fall back to next apache handler return mod_python.apache.DECLINED if not req.method in ('GET', 'POST', 'PUT'): return mod_python.apache.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST req.add_common_vars() var = mod_python.util.FieldStorage(req) def get_last_value(name, ret=None): cand = var.getlist(name) if len(cand): ret = cand[-1].value if isinstance(ret, bytes): ret = ret.decode() return ret try: rev = int(get_last_value('rev')) except TypeError: rev=None except ValueError: return mod_python.apache.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST # understand path, link+revision link = get_last_value('link') or None # empty form input if link: rev, data_hash = get_link(link, rev, get_link(link)) else: if len(path) == 0: data_hash = hsh('') elif is_storage(STORAGE_DIR, path): data_hash = path elif get_link(path)[1]: link = path rev, data_hash = get_link(link, rev, get_link(link)) elif find_storage(STORAGE_DIR, path): data_hash = find_storage(STORAGE_DIR, path) else: data_hash = None # load data data = read_storage(STORAGE_DIR, data_hash or '') or '' # handle new data if req.method == 'PUT': content = else: content = get_last_value('content', None) if req.method == 'POST': if get_last_value('linefeed') == 'unix': content = content.replace('\r\n', '\n') if content != None: if get_last_value('append') in (None, '0'): data = '' data = data + content if len(data) > FILE_SIZE_MAX: return mod_python.apache.HTTP_REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE data_hash = hsh(data) if not is_storage(STORAGE_DIR, data_hash): if clamav and clamav.scan_stream(data.encode()): return mod_python.apache.HTTP_FORBIDDEN write_storage(STORAGE_DIR, data_hash, data) #update link if link != None and data_hash != None: if data_hash != get_link(link, rev)[1]: rev = append_link_history(link, data_hash) if link == None and data_hash != None and not find_storage(STORAGE_DIR, path): link = path rev = append_link_history(link, data_hash) if data_hash == None: return mod_python.apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND #guess output format agent = req.headers_in.get('User-Agent', '').lower() if list(filter(lambda a: agent.count(a), ('mozilla', 'opera', 'validator', 'w3m', 'lynx', 'links'))): agent, output = 'graphic', 'html' else: agent, output = 'text', 'raw' if content: output = 'long' output = get_last_value('output', output) if output == 'qr': output = agent == 'graphic' and 'qr_png' or 'qr_utf8' # update browser url? BASE_URL = BASE_PROTO + req.headers_in['Host'] + BASE_PATH if get_last_value('output', 'html') == 'html': if link == None: short_hash = uniq_name(STORAGE_DIR, data_hash) if path != data_hash and path != short_hash: mod_python.util.redirect(req, "%s%s" % (BASE_URL, short_hash), text="%s%s\n" % (BASE_URL, data_hash)) else: if path != link: mod_python.util.redirect(req, "%s%s" % (BASE_URL, link), text="%s%s\n" % (BASE_URL, data_hash)) # url shortener and mime magic if not req.headers_in.get('referer', '').startswith(BASE_URL): m = re.compile('^(?:http|https|ftp)://(?:[a-zA-Z]|[0-9]|[$-_@.&+]|[!*\(\),]|(?:%[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]))+$') if m.match(data): mod_python.util.redirect(req, data.rstrip(), permanent=True, text=data) return mod_python.apache.OK m = magic.Magic(magic.MAGIC_MIME).from_buffer(data).decode() if m.startswith('image/') or m == 'application/pdf': output = 'raw' #output req.content_type = "text/plain; charset=utf-8" text = [] out = text.append if output == 'html': # handle theme theme = THEMES[1] cookie = mod_python.Cookie.get_cookie(req, 'theme', mod_python.Cookie.MarshalCookie, secret=COOKIE_SECRET) if type(cookie) is mod_python.Cookie.MarshalCookie: if cookie.value in THEMES: theme = cookie.value if get_last_value('theme') in THEMES: theme = get_last_value('theme') cookie = mod_python.Cookie.MarshalCookie( 'theme', theme, secret=COOKIE_SECRET) cookie.expires = time.time() + 86400 * 365 mod_python.Cookie.add_cookie(req, cookie) req.content_type = "text/html; charset=utf-8" out('<!DOCTYPE html>\n\n<html>\n<head>') out('<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; ' 'charset=utf-8">') out('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" ' 'href="%s.artwork/hsh-link-basic.css">' % BASE_PATH) out('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" ' 'href="%s.artwork/hsh-link-%s.css">' % (BASE_PATH, theme)) out('<script src="%s.artwork/hsh-link.js"></script>' % BASE_PATH) out('<title>%s</title>\n</head>' % BASE_URL) out('<body onLoad="body_loaded()">\n<div class="container">') out('<form action="%s" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">' % BASE_PATH) out('<div class="control">' '<a href="%s" title="start from scratch">clear</a>' % BASE_PATH) short_hash = data_hash and uniq_name(STORAGE_DIR, data_hash) out('<a title="short hash of content: %s" href="%s%s">short</a>' % (short_hash, BASE_PATH, short_hash)) out('<a title="long hash of content: %s" href="%s%s">long</a>' % (data_hash, BASE_PATH, data_hash)) if link: out('link=<a title="latest revision of link: %s" ' 'href="%s%s">%s</a>' % (link, BASE_PATH, link, link)) out('<input type="hidden" name="link" value="%s">' % link) if rev != None and get_link(link, rev - 1, None): out('rev=<a title="previous revision of link: %s" ' 'href="?rev=%s">-</a>' % (rev - 1, rev - 1)) else: out('rev= ') out('<a title="current revision of link: %s" ' 'href="?rev=%i">%i</a>' % ( rev or 0, rev or 0, rev or 0)) if rev != None and get_link(link, rev + 1, None): out('<a title="next revision of link: %s" ' 'href="?rev=%s">+</a>' % (rev + 1, rev + 1)) else: out(' ') else: out('link=<input type="text" placeholder="add a tag/symlink ..." ' 'name="link" class="link" value="">') out('linefeed=<select name="linefeed" id="linefeed" ' 'onchange="data_modified()">') lf = (data and data.count('\r\n')) and ('', ' selected') or (' selected', '') out('<option value="unix"%s>unix</option><option value="dos"%s>dos</option></select>' % lf) out(' output=<select name="output" id="output" onchange="output_selected()">') for output_ in OUTPUT: out('<option value="%s"%s>%s</option>' % (output_, output == output_ and ' selected' or '', output_)) out('</select>') out('<input type="submit" id="save" title="save changes" ' 'value="save"> </div>') out('<div class="text"><textarea placeholder="Start typing ..." ' 'name="content" id="content" onclick="update_lineno()" ' 'onkeyup="update_lineno()" oninput="data_modified()">%s</textarea>' '</div>' % data) out('<div class="footer">(c) <a href=""></a> 2014 ' '<a href="">sources</a> ' '<a href="">html5</a> ' '<a href="">css3</a> ' 'theme=<a href="?theme=xmw">xmw</a> ' '<a href="?theme=white">white</a>' ' line=<input type="text" name="lineno" ' 'id="lineno" value="1" size="4" readonly>') out('<a href="">mptcp</a>=%s' % (is_mptcp(req) and 'yes' or 'no')) out('mimetype=%s' % magic.Magic(magic.MAGIC_MIME).from_buffer(data.encode()).decode()) out('</div></form></div>\n</body>\n</html>\n') elif output in ('qr_png', 'qr_ascii', 'qr_utf8'): ver, s, img = qrencode.encode(BASE_URL + (link or data_hash or ''), level=qrencode.QR_ECLEVEL_L, hint=qrencode.QR_MODE_8, case_sensitive=True) img = PIL.ImageOps.expand(img, border=1, fill='white') if output == 'qr_png': img = img.resize((s * 8, s * 8), PIL.Image.NEAREST) req.content_type = "image/png; charset=utf-8", 'PNG') elif output == 'qr_ascii': sym = (' ', '@@') for y in range(img.size[1]): out(''.join(map(lambda x: sym[img.getpixel((x,y)) != 0], range(img.size[0])))) out('') elif output == 'qr_utf8': sym = (' ', '▄') , ('▀', '█') for y in range(img.size[1]//2): out(''.join(map(lambda x: sym[img.getpixel((x,y*2)) != 0][img.getpixel((x,y*2+1)) != 0], range(img.size[0])))) if img.size[1] % 2: out(''.join(map(lambda x: sym[img.getpixel((x,img.size[1]-1)) != 0][0], range(img.size[0])))) out('') elif output == 'raw': req.content_type = '' out(data) elif output == 'long': out("%s%s\n" % (BASE_URL, data_hash)) elif output == 'short': out("%s%s\n" % (BASE_URL, uniq_name(STORAGE_DIR, data_hash))) else: return mod_python.apache.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST text += debug req.write("\n".join(text)) return mod_python.apache.OK
def __init__(self,stringValue): self.image = qrencode.encode(stringValue)[2]'resources/images/qr.png')
def test_encode_bytes(value): assert qrencode.encode(value)
try: db = MySQLdb.connect(db='books', passwd = 'pu5tu1e'); except: print "No database connection" db = False #db= False # debugging if db: cur = db.cursor() cur.execute("select * from books;") #rows = cur.fetchall() row = cur.fetchone() while row is not None: title = row[1] authors = row[2] bar = row[3] qr = qrencode.encode('ISBN:'+ str(bar) + ' TITLE:' + str(title) + ' AUTHORS:' + str(authors)) size = qr[1] #print size qr = qrencode.encode_scaled('ISBN:'+ str(bar) + ' TITLE:' + str(title) + ' AUTHORS:' + str(authors), size*2) img = qr[2] size = qr[1] #print size print str(bar)'../ISBN:' + str(bar) + '.png', 'png') row = cur.fetchone() db.close()
def qrencode_fn(s): return encode(s)[2]
try: db = MySQLdb.connect(db='books', passwd='pu5tu1e') except: print "No database connection" db = False #db= False # debugging if db: cur = db.cursor() cur.execute("select * from books;") #rows = cur.fetchall() row = cur.fetchone() while row is not None: title = row[1] authors = row[2] bar = row[3] qr = qrencode.encode('ISBN:' + str(bar) + ' TITLE:' + str(title) + ' AUTHORS:' + str(authors)) size = qr[1] #print size qr = qrencode.encode_scaled( 'ISBN:' + str(bar) + ' TITLE:' + str(title) + ' AUTHORS:' + str(authors), size * 2) img = qr[2] size = qr[1] #print size print str(bar)'../ISBN:' + str(bar) + '.png', 'png') row = cur.fetchone() db.close()
def qrSet(self, msg): """ Set content of displayed qr image. """ if msg == None or msg == "": msg = "Katze" (qrVersion, qrSize, qrImg) = qrencode.encode(msg, 0) self.qrimg.set_from_pixbuf(self.image2pixbuf(qrImg))
def test_encode_string(value): assert qrencode.encode(value)
def _getQR_Image(self, qrtext): #qrfile = open("qr.png","w") version , size, QRimage = qrencode.encode(qrtext, version=0 , level=0, hint=2, case_sensitive=True) #qrfile.close() sizedQRimage = QRimage.resize((800,800)) return sizedQRimage
def test_encode_invalid_data(value): with pytest.raises(ValueError): qrencode.encode(value)
while srccontent: parts.append(srccontent[0:DIVIDE]) srccontent = srccontent[DIVIDE:] # ## ### qrimages = [] maxsize = 0 seqid = 0 for each in parts: packaged = adler32 + hex(seqid)[2:].zfill(2) + \ each.encode('base64').replace('\n','').rstrip('=') qrc = qrencode.encode(packaged, 0, qrencode.QR_ECLEVEL_M, qrencode.QR_MODE_KANJI, True) qrimages.append((qrc[1],qrc[2])) maxsize = max(maxsize,qrc[1]) seqid += 1 # Joining all small codes imagescount = len(qrimages) maxsize = int(maxsize * 1.2) colmax = max(1, min(math.ceil(math.sqrt(imagescount)), math.floor(MAXWIDTH * 1.0 / maxsize / SCALERATIO )) ) rowmax = math.ceil(imagescount * 1.0 / colmax)
def create_barcode(chunkdata): version, size, im = qrencode.encode(chunkdata, level=qrencode.QR_ECLEVEL_H, case_sensitive=True) return im
def main(): global joy_pub parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( '--host', type=str, default='localhost', help='host name or IP address',) parser.add_argument( '--port', type=int, default='9381', help='port number',) parser.add_argument( '--qr', action='store_true', default=False, help='show QR code',) # use argparse, but only after ROS did its thing argv = rospy.myargv() args = parser.parse_args(argv[1:]) settings = dict( static_path= os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "static"), cookie_secret=os.urandom(1024), template_path=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "templates"), xsrf_cookies= True, debug=True, ) echo_ws_path = 'echo' base_url = if args.port != 80: base_url = base_url+':'+str(args.port) js_path='web_control.js' dd = {'base_url':base_url, 'echo_ws_path':echo_ws_path, 'js_path':js_path, } EchoRouter = SockJSRouter(EchoHandler, r'/'+echo_ws_path) application = tornado.web.Application([ (r'/', MainHandler, dict(cfg=dd)), (r'/'+js_path, JSHandler, dict(cfg=dd)), ]+EchoRouter.urls, **settings) url = "http://%s"%base_url rospy.loginfo("starting web server at %s" % url) if args.qr: import qrencode import Image # encode the URL _,_,im = qrencode.encode(url) # resize the image to be about 512x512 target_w = 512 scale = target_w//im.size[0] actual_w = im.size[0]*scale actual_h = im.size[1]*scale im = im.resize( (actual_w, actual_h), Image.NEAREST ) # save the image fobj = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='wb',suffix='.png', prefix='browser_joy_'),'png') fname = # open the image if sys.platform.startswith('linux'): cmd = 'xdg-open' elif sys.platform.startswith('win'): cmd = 'start' else: # mac? cmd = 'open' full_cmd = ' '.join([cmd,fname]),shell=True) node_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file__))[0] rospy.init_node( node_name, disable_signals=True ) joy_pub = rospy.Publisher("joy", Joy) http_server = tornado.httpserver.HTTPServer(application) http_server.listen(args.port) tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start()