Ejemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, *args):
     """ initialization """
     # init the GUI stuff
     # All GUI elements will be accessible via self.widgets.name_of_element
     self.widgets = Ui_qMainWindow_obsPyck()
     # Create little color icons in front of the phase type combo box.
     # Needs to be done pretty much at the beginning because some other
     # stuff relies on the phase type being set.
     pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap(70, 50)
     for phase_type in SEISMIC_PHASES:
         rgb = matplotlib_color_to_rgb(PHASE_COLORS[phase_type])
         icon = QtGui.QIcon(pixmap)
         self.widgets.qComboBox_phaseType.addItem(icon, phase_type)
     self.qMain = self.widgets.centralwidget
     # Add write methods to stdout/stderr text edits in GUI displays to
     # enable redirections for stdout and stderr.
     self.stdout_backup = sys.stdout
     self.stderr_backup = sys.stderr
     # We automatically redirect all messages to both console and Gui boxes
     sys.stdout = SplitWriter(sys.stdout, self.widgets.qPlainTextEdit_stdout)
     sys.stderr = SplitWriter(sys.stderr, self.widgets.qPlainTextEdit_stderr)
     #=== Matplotlib figure.
     # we bind the figure to the FigureCanvas, so that it will be
     # drawn using the specific backend graphic functions
     self.canv = self.widgets.qMplCanvas
     # We have to reset all splitters such that the widget with the canvas
     # in it can not be collapsed as this leads to a crash of the program
     _i = self.widgets.qSplitter_vertical.indexOf(self.widgets.qSplitter_horizontal)
     self.widgets.qSplitter_vertical.setCollapsible(_i, False)
     _i = self.widgets.qSplitter_horizontal.indexOf(self.widgets.qWidget_mpl)
     self.widgets.qSplitter_horizontal.setCollapsible(_i, False)
     # XXX this resizing operation (buttons minimum size) should be done in
     # XXX the qt_designer.ui but I didn't find the correct settings there..
     self.widgets.qSplitter_horizontal.setSizes([1, 9999])
     # Bind the canvas to the mouse wheel event. Use Qt events for it
     # because the matplotlib events seem to have a problem with Debian.
     self.widgets.qMplCanvas.wheelEvent = self.__mpl_wheelEvent
     #self.keyPressEvent = self.__mpl_keyPressEvent
     self.fig = self.widgets.qMplCanvas.fig
     facecolor = self.qMain.palette().color(QtGui.QPalette.Window).getRgb()
     self.fig.set_facecolor([value / 255.0 for value in facecolor])
     #Define some flags, dictionaries and plotting options
     #this next flag indicates if we zoom on time or amplitude axis
     self.flagWheelZoomAmplitude = False
     self.dictOrigin = {}
     self.dictEvent = {}
     # set up dictionaries to store phase_type/axes/line informations
     self.lines = {}
     self.texts = {}
     self.dicts = dicts
     # Define a pointer to navigate through the streams
     self.stNum = len(streams)
     self.stPt = 0
     self.multicursor = MultiCursor(self.canv, self.axs, useblit=True,
         color='k', linewidth=1.5, ls='dotted')
     #=== mpl connect
     # Activate all mouse/key/Cursor-events
     #self.canv.mpl_connect('key_press_event', self.__mpl_keyPressEvent)
     #self.canv.mpl_connect('key_release_event', self.__mpl_keyReleaseEvent)
     self.canv.mpl_connect('button_release_event', self.__mpl_mouseButtonReleaseEvent)
     # The scroll event is handled using Qt.
     #self.canv.mpl_connect('scroll_event', self.__mpl_wheelEvent)
     self.canv.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.__mpl_mouseButtonPressEvent)
     self.canv.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', self.__mpl_motionNotifyEvent)
     # XXX XXX the good old focus issue again!?! no events get to the mpl canvas
     # XXX self.canv.setFocusPolicy(Qt.WheelFocus)
     #print self.canv.hasFocus()
     self.settings = QtCore.QSettings(COMPANY_NAME, APP_NAME)
     #self.setWindowTitle('pyck (v. %s)' % __version__)
     size = self.settings.value("MainWindow/Size", QVariant(QSize(800, 600))).toSize()
     # connect own button and menu clicks
     self.connect(self.widgets.exit_action, QtCore.SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.close)
     self.connect(self.widgets.open_action, QtCore.SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.open_file)
Ejemplo n.º 2
class ObsPyck(QtGui.QMainWindow):
    """ Main Window with the design loaded from the Qt Designer """
    def __init__(self, *args):
        """ initialization """
        # init the GUI stuff
        # All GUI elements will be accessible via self.widgets.name_of_element
        self.widgets = Ui_qMainWindow_obsPyck()
        # Create little color icons in front of the phase type combo box.
        # Needs to be done pretty much at the beginning because some other
        # stuff relies on the phase type being set.
        pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap(70, 50)
        for phase_type in SEISMIC_PHASES:
            rgb = matplotlib_color_to_rgb(PHASE_COLORS[phase_type])
            icon = QtGui.QIcon(pixmap)
            self.widgets.qComboBox_phaseType.addItem(icon, phase_type)
        self.qMain = self.widgets.centralwidget
        # Add write methods to stdout/stderr text edits in GUI displays to
        # enable redirections for stdout and stderr.
        self.stdout_backup = sys.stdout
        self.stderr_backup = sys.stderr
        # We automatically redirect all messages to both console and Gui boxes
        sys.stdout = SplitWriter(sys.stdout, self.widgets.qPlainTextEdit_stdout)
        sys.stderr = SplitWriter(sys.stderr, self.widgets.qPlainTextEdit_stderr)
        #=== Matplotlib figure.
        # we bind the figure to the FigureCanvas, so that it will be
        # drawn using the specific backend graphic functions
        self.canv = self.widgets.qMplCanvas
        # We have to reset all splitters such that the widget with the canvas
        # in it can not be collapsed as this leads to a crash of the program
        _i = self.widgets.qSplitter_vertical.indexOf(self.widgets.qSplitter_horizontal)
        self.widgets.qSplitter_vertical.setCollapsible(_i, False)
        _i = self.widgets.qSplitter_horizontal.indexOf(self.widgets.qWidget_mpl)
        self.widgets.qSplitter_horizontal.setCollapsible(_i, False)
        # XXX this resizing operation (buttons minimum size) should be done in
        # XXX the qt_designer.ui but I didn't find the correct settings there..
        self.widgets.qSplitter_horizontal.setSizes([1, 9999])
        # Bind the canvas to the mouse wheel event. Use Qt events for it
        # because the matplotlib events seem to have a problem with Debian.
        self.widgets.qMplCanvas.wheelEvent = self.__mpl_wheelEvent
        #self.keyPressEvent = self.__mpl_keyPressEvent
        self.fig = self.widgets.qMplCanvas.fig
        facecolor = self.qMain.palette().color(QtGui.QPalette.Window).getRgb()
        self.fig.set_facecolor([value / 255.0 for value in facecolor])
        #Define some flags, dictionaries and plotting options
        #this next flag indicates if we zoom on time or amplitude axis
        self.flagWheelZoomAmplitude = False
        self.dictOrigin = {}
        self.dictEvent = {}
        # set up dictionaries to store phase_type/axes/line informations
        self.lines = {}
        self.texts = {}
        self.dicts = dicts
        # Define a pointer to navigate through the streams
        self.stNum = len(streams)
        self.stPt = 0
        self.multicursor = MultiCursor(self.canv, self.axs, useblit=True,
            color='k', linewidth=1.5, ls='dotted')
        #=== mpl connect
        # Activate all mouse/key/Cursor-events
        #self.canv.mpl_connect('key_press_event', self.__mpl_keyPressEvent)
        #self.canv.mpl_connect('key_release_event', self.__mpl_keyReleaseEvent)
        self.canv.mpl_connect('button_release_event', self.__mpl_mouseButtonReleaseEvent)
        # The scroll event is handled using Qt.
        #self.canv.mpl_connect('scroll_event', self.__mpl_wheelEvent)
        self.canv.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.__mpl_mouseButtonPressEvent)
        self.canv.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', self.__mpl_motionNotifyEvent)
        # XXX XXX the good old focus issue again!?! no events get to the mpl canvas
        # XXX self.canv.setFocusPolicy(Qt.WheelFocus)
        #print self.canv.hasFocus()
        self.settings = QtCore.QSettings(COMPANY_NAME, APP_NAME)
        #self.setWindowTitle('pyck (v. %s)' % __version__)
        size = self.settings.value("MainWindow/Size", QVariant(QSize(800, 600))).toSize()
        # connect own button and menu clicks
        self.connect(self.widgets.exit_action, QtCore.SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.close)
        self.connect(self.widgets.open_action, QtCore.SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.open_file)

    def multicursorReinit(self):
        """ matplotlib.sourcearchive.com/documentation/0.98.1/widgets_8py-source.html """
        self.multicursor.__init__(self.canv, self.axs, useblit=True,
            color='black', linewidth=1, ls='dotted')

    # Define zooming for the mouse wheel wheel
    def __mpl_wheelEvent(self, ev):
        """ an exelent function for zooming """
        # create mpl event from QEvent to get cursor position in data coords
        x = ev.x()
        y = self.canv.height() - ev.y()
        mpl_ev = MplMouseEvent("scroll_event", self.canv, x, y, "up", guiEvent=ev)
        # Calculate and set new axes boundaries from old ones
        ax = self.axs[0]
        (left, right) = ax.get_xbound()
        (bottom, top) = ax.get_ybound()
        # Get the keyboard modifiers. They are a enum type.
        # Use bitwise or to compare...hope this is correct.
        if ev.modifiers() == QtCore.Qt.NoModifier:
            # Zoom in.
            if ev.delta() < 0:
                left -= (mpl_ev.xdata - left) / 2
                right += (right - mpl_ev.xdata) / 2
                if self.widgets.qToolButton_showMap.isChecked():
                    top -= (mpl_ev.ydata - top) / 2
                    bottom += (bottom - mpl_ev.ydata) / 2
            # Zoom out.
            elif ev.delta() > 0:
                left += (mpl_ev.xdata - left) / 2
                right -= (right - mpl_ev.xdata) / 2
                if self.widgets.qToolButton_showMap.isChecked():
                    top += (mpl_ev.ydata - top) / 2
                    bottom -= (bottom - mpl_ev.ydata) / 2
        # Still able to use the dictionary.
        elif ev.modifiers() == getattr(QtCore.Qt,
            '%sModifier' % self.keys['switchWheelZoomAxis'].capitalize()):
            # Zoom in on wheel-up
            if ev.delta() < 0:
                top *= 2
                bottom *= 2
            # Zoom out on wheel-down
            elif ev.delta() > 0:
                top /= 2
                bottom /= 2
        ax.set_xbound(lower=left, upper=right)
        ax.set_ybound(lower=bottom, upper=top)

    def redraw(self):
        for line in self.multicursor.lines:

    def __mpl_mouseButtonPressEvent(self, ev):
        # set widgetlock when pressing mouse buttons and dont show cursor
        # cursor should not be plotted when making a zoom selection etc.
        if ev.button in [1, 3]:
            self.multicursor.visible = False
        elif ev.button == 2:
            ax = self.axs[0]
            ax.set_xbound(lower=self.xMin, upper=self.xMax)
            ax.set_ybound(lower=self.yMin, upper=self.yMax)
            # Update all subplots
            print "Resetting axes"
    def __mpl_mouseButtonReleaseEvent(self, ev):
        # release widgetlock when releasing mouse buttons
        if ev.button in [1, 3]:
            self.multicursor.visible = True

    def __mpl_motionNotifyEvent(self, ev):
            if ev.inaxes in self.axs:
                label = self.time_rel2abs(ev.xdata).isoformat().replace("T", "  ")[:-3]
                self.widgets.qLabel_ydata.setText("%.1f" % ev.ydata)
        except TypeError:

    def __mpl_keyPressEvent(self, ev):
        phase_type = str(self.widgets.qComboBox_phaseType.currentText())
        dict = self.dicts[self.stPt]
        st = self.streams[self.stPt]
        tr = st[self.axs.index(ev.inaxes)]
        # Start of key events related to picking                              #
        # For some key events (picking events) we need information on the x/y
        # position of the cursor:
        if ev.key in [keys['setPick'], keys['setPickError'],
                      keys['setMagMin'], keys['setMagMax']]:
            # some keyPress events only make sense inside our matplotlib axes
            if ev.inaxes not in self.axs:
            # get the correct sample times array for the click
            t = self.t[self.axs.index(ev.inaxes)]
            # We want to round from the picking location to
            # the time value of the nearest sample:
            samp_rate = st[0].stats.sampling_rate
            pickSample = (ev.xdata - t[0]) * samp_rate
            print pickSample
            pickSample = round(pickSample)
            print pickSample
            # we need the position of the cursor location
            # in the seismogram array:
            xpos = pickSample
            # Determine the time of the nearest sample
            pickSample = t[pickSample]
            print pickSample
            print ev.inaxes.lines[0].get_ydata()[xpos]

        if ev.key == keys['setPick']:
            # some keyPress events only make sense inside our matplotlib axes
            if not ev.inaxes in self.axs:
            if phase_type in SEISMIC_PHASES:
                dict[phase_type] = pickSample
                if phase_type == "S":
                    dict['Saxind'] = self.axs.index(ev.inaxes)
                depending_keys = (phase_type + k for k in ['', 'synth'])
                for key in depending_keys:
                #check if the new P pick lies outside of the Error Picks
                key1 = phase_type + "Err1"
                key2 = phase_type + "Err2"
                if key1 in dict and dict[phase_type] < dict[key1]:
                if key2 in dict and dict[phase_type] > dict[key2]:
                abs_time = self.time_rel2abs(dict[phase_type])
                print "%s set at %.3f (%s)" % (KEY_FULLNAMES[phase_type],
                    dict[phase_type], abs_time.isoformat())