Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, N_z, N_eps, N_x, upper_x,
                 c_ubar=2663, T=31, N_h=2, r=0.02,
                 nu=3.81, beta=0.97,
                 rho=0.922, sig_z=np.sqrt(0.05), sig_eps=np.sqrt(0.665)):

        self.N_x, self.N_z, self.N_eps, self.N_h = N_x, N_z, N_eps, N_h
        self.upper_x, self.c_ubar = upper_x, c_ubar
        self.T, self.r, self.beta = T, r, beta

        # utility function
        def u(x):
            return x**(1-nu)/(1-nu)
        self.u = u

        # markov chain for medical expenses shocks
        z = qe.rouwenhorst(N_z, 0, sig_z, rho)
        eps = qe.rouwenhorst(N_eps, 0, sig_eps, 0)
        self.grid_med = (np.kron(z.state_values, np.ones(N_eps))
                         + np.kron(np.ones(N_z), eps.state_values))
        self.Pi_med = np.kron(z.P, eps.P[1, :])

        # grid on cash on hand (more points for lower values)
        self.grid_x = np.linspace(np.sqrt(c_ubar), np.sqrt(upper_x), N_x)**2

        # tax function
        brackets = np.array([0, 6250, 40200, 68400, 93950,
                             148250, 284700, 2e7])
        tau = np.array([0.0765, 0.2616, 0.4119, 0.3499,
                        0.3834, 0.4360, 0.4761])
        tax = np.zeros(8)
        for i in range(7):
            tax[i+1] = tax[i] + (brackets[i+1]-brackets[i]) * tau[i]
        self.tax = tax
        self.brackets = brackets
Ejemplo n.º 2
def discretize(ssy, K, I, J, add_x_data=False):
    And here's the actual discretization process.  


    ρ = ssy.ρ
    ϕ_z = ssy.ϕ_z
    σ_bar = ssy.σ_bar
    ϕ_c = ssy.ϕ_c
    ρ_hz = ssy.ρ_hz
    σ_hz = ssy.σ_hz
    ρ_hc = ssy.ρ_hc
    σ_hc = ssy.σ_hc

    hc_mc = rouwenhorst(K, 0, σ_hc, ρ_hc)
    #hc_mc = tauchen(ρ_hc, σ_hc, n=K)
    hz_mc = rouwenhorst(I, 0, σ_hz, ρ_hz)
    #hz_mc = tauchen(ρ_hz, σ_hz, n=I)

    σ_c_states = ϕ_c * σ_bar * np.exp(hc_mc.state_values)
    σ_z_states = ϕ_z * σ_bar * np.exp(hz_mc.state_values)

    M = I * J * K
    z_states = np.zeros((I, J))
    z_Q = np.zeros((I, J, J))

    for i, σ_z in enumerate(σ_z_states):
        mc_z = rouwenhorst(J, 0, np.sqrt(1 - ρ**2) * σ_z, ρ)
        #mc_z = tauchen(ρ, np.sqrt(1 - ρ**2) * σ_z, n=J)
        for j in range(J):
            z_states[i, j] = mc_z.state_values[j]
            z_Q[i, j, :] = mc_z.P[j, :]

    # Create an instance of SSYConsumptionDiscretized to store output
    ssyd = SSYConsumptionDiscretized(
        hc_mc.P,  # equals σ_c_P 
        hz_mc.P,  # equals σ_z_P 

    if add_x_data:
        ssyd.x_states, ssyd.x_P = build_x_mc(ssyd)

    return ssyd
Ejemplo n.º 3
def stability_exp_discretized(by, D=10):
    Compute stability exponent by numerical linear algebra.

    * by is an instance of BYCV


    # Unpack parameters
    ρ, σ = by.ρ, by.σ
    σ_c, μ_c = by.σ_c, by.μ_c
    σ_d, μ_d = by.σ_d, by.μ_d  
    β, γ = by.β, by.γ

    # Discretize the state process
    X_mc = qe.rouwenhorst(D, 0.0, σ, ρ)
    x_vals = X_mc.state_values
    P = X_mc.P

    # Build the matrix 
    #   V(x, y) = β * exp(μ_d - γ*μ_c  + (1-γ)*x + (σ_d**2 + (γ*σ_c)**2) / 2) Π(x, y)
    V = np.empty((D, D))
    for i, x in enumerate(x_vals):
        for j, y in enumerate(x_vals):
            a = β * exp(μ_d - γ*μ_c  + (1-γ)*x + (σ_d**2 + (γ*σ_c)**2) / 2)
            V[i, j] = a * P[i, j]

    # Return the log of r(V)
    return np.log(np.max(np.abs(eigvals(V))))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def discretize(by, I, J, add_x_data=False):
    And here's the actual discretization process.  


    # Unpack consumption parameters
    ρ, ϕ_z, v, d, ϕ_σ = by.ρ, by.ϕ_z, by.v, by.d, by.ϕ_σ

    # Discretize σ first
    σ_mc = rouwenhorst(I, d, ϕ_σ, v)
    σ_P = σ_mc.P
    σ_states = np.sqrt(np.maximum(σ_mc.state_values, 0))

    # Allocate memory
    M = I * J
    z_states = np.empty((I, J))
    z_Q = np.empty((I, J, J))
    x_states = np.empty((2, M))
    x_P = np.empty((M, M))

    # Discretize z at each σ_i and record state values for z in z_states.
    # Also, record transition probability from z_states[i, j] to
    # z_states[i, jp] when σ = σ_i.  Store it as q[i, j, jp].
    for i, σ in enumerate(σ_states):
        mc_z = rouwenhorst(J, 0.0, ϕ_z * σ, ρ)
        for j in range(J):
            z_states[i, j] = mc_z.state_values[j]
            for jp in range(J):
                z_Q[i, j, jp] = mc_z.P[j, jp]

    # Create an instance of BYConsumptionDiscretized to store output
    byd = BYConsumptionDiscretized(by, I, J, σ_states, σ_P, z_states, z_Q)

    if add_x_data:
        byd.x_states, byd.x_P = build_x_mc(byd)

    return byd
Ejemplo n.º 5
def lrm_discretized(lg, D=10):

    # Unpack parameters
    γ, ρ, σ, σ_c, μ_c = lg.γ, lg.ρ, lg.σ, lg.σ_c, lg.μ_c

    # Discretize the state process
    X_mc = qe.rouwenhorst(D, 0.0, σ, ρ)
    x_vals = X_mc.state_values
    Q = X_mc.P

    # Build the matrix K(x, y) = exp((1-γ) y) Q(x, y)
    K = np.empty((D, D))
    for i, x in enumerate(x_vals):
        for j, y in enumerate(x_vals):
            K[i, j] = np.exp((1 - γ) * (μ_c + x) +
                             ((1 - γ)**2) * 0.5 * σ_c**2) * Q[i, j]

    # Return MC
    rK = np.max(np.abs(eigvals(K)))
    return rK**(1 / (1 - γ))
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self,

        self.β, self.γ = β, γ
        self.R = 1 + r
        self.w = w
        self.z_grid_size, self.x_grid_size = z_grid_size, x_grid_size

        mc = qe.rouwenhorst(z_grid_size, d, σ, ρ)
        self.Q = mc.P
        self.z_grid = np.exp(mc.state_values)

        self.x_grid = np.linspace(0.0, x_grid_max, x_grid_size)