Ejemplo n.º 1
 def calculate_samples(y_pred):
     module = get_array_module(y_pred)
     quantiles = to_array(module, self.quantiles, like=y_pred)
     return qq.sample_posterior(y_pred,
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_sample_gaussian(backend):
    Ensures that array of random samples has array type
    corresponding to the right backend module.
    samples = sample_gaussian(backend, (10, ))
    assert get_array_module(samples) == backend
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def calculate_prob(y_pred):
     module = get_array_module(y_pred)
     quantiles = to_array(module, self.quantiles, like=y_pred)
     return qq.probability_less_than(y_pred,
Ejemplo n.º 4
def posterior_quantiles(y_pred, bins, quantiles, bin_axis=1):

    if len(y_pred.shape) == 1:
        bin_axis = 0
    n_y = y_pred.shape[bin_axis]
    n_b = len(bins)
    _check_dimensions(n_y, n_b)
    xp = get_array_module(y_pred)

    y_cdf = posterior_cdf(y_pred, bins, bin_axis=bin_axis)

    n = len(y_pred.shape)
    dx = bins[1:] - bins[:-1]
    x_shape = [1] * n
    x_shape[bin_axis] = numel(bins)
    dx = pad_zeros_left(xp, dx, 1, 0)
    dx = reshape(xp, dx, x_shape)

    y_qs = []
    for q in quantiles:
        mask = as_type(xp, y_cdf <= q, y_cdf)
        y_q = bins[0] + xp.sum(mask * dx, bin_axis)
        y_q = expand_dims(xp, y_q, bin_axis)

    y_q = concatenate(xp, y_qs, bin_axis)
    return y_q
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def calculate_quantiles(y_pred, bins):
     module = get_array_module(y_pred)
     bins = to_array(module, bins, like=y_pred)
     return qd.posterior_quantiles(y_pred,
Ejemplo n.º 6
def posterior_mean(y_pdf, bins, bin_axis=1):
    Calculate posterior mean from predicted PDFs.

        y_pdf: Tensor containing the predicted PDFs.
        bins: The bin-boundaries corresponding to the predictions.
        bin_axis: The index of the tensor axis which contains the predictions
            for each bin.

        Tensor with rank reduced by one compared to ``y_pdf`` and with
        the values along ``bin_axis`` of ``y_pdf`` replaced with the
        mean value of the PDF.
    if len(y_pdf.shape) == 1:
        bin_axis = 0
    n_y = y_pdf.shape[bin_axis]
    n_b = len(bins)
    _check_dimensions(n_y, n_b)
    xp = get_array_module(y_pdf)
    n = len(y_pdf.shape)

    shape = [1] * n
    shape[bin_axis] = -1
    bins_r = reshape(xp, 0.5 * (bins[1:] + bins[:-1]), shape)

    return trapz(xp, bins_r * y_pdf, bins, bin_axis)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def posterior_cdf(y_pdf, bins, bin_axis=1):
    Calculate CDF from predicted probability density function.

        y_pdf: Tensor containing the predicted PDFs.
        bins: The bin-boundaries corresponding to the predictions.
        bin_axis: The index of the tensor axis which contains the predictions
            for each bin.

        Tensor with the same shape as ``y_pdf`` but with the values
        transformed to represent the CDF corresponding to the predicted
        PDF in ``y_pdf``.
    if len(y_pdf.shape) == 1:
        bin_axis = 0
    n_y = y_pdf.shape[bin_axis]
    n_b = len(bins)
    _check_dimensions(n_y, n_b)
    xp = get_array_module(y_pdf)
    n = len(y_pdf.shape)

    y_cdf = cumtrapz(xp, y_pdf, bins, bin_axis)

    selection = [slice(0, None)] * n
    selection[bin_axis] = slice(-1, None)
    y_cdf = y_cdf / y_cdf[tuple(selection)]
    return y_cdf
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def calculate_probability(y_pred, bins):
     module = get_array_module(y_pred)
     bins = to_array(module, bins, like=y_pred)
     return qd.probability_larger_than(y_pred,
Ejemplo n.º 9
def probability_less_than(y_pdf, bins, y, bin_axis=1):
    Calculate the probability of a sample being less than a given
    value for a tensor of predicted PDFs.

        y_pdf: Tensor containing the predicted PDFs.
        bins: The bin-boundaries corresponding to the predictions.
        y: The sample value.
        bin_axis: The index of the tensor axis which contains the predictions
            for each bin.

        Tensor with rank reduced by one compared to ``y_pdf`` and with
        the values along ``bin_axis`` of ``y_pdf`` replaced with the
        probability that a sample of the distribution is smaller than
        the given value ``y``.
    if len(y_pdf.shape) == 1:
        bin_axis = 0
    n_y = y_pdf.shape[bin_axis]
    n_b = len(bins)
    _check_dimensions(n_y, n_b)
    xp = get_array_module(y_pdf)
    n = len(y_pdf.shape)

    x = 0.5 * (bins[1:] + bins[:-1])
    mask = x < y
    shape = [1] * n
    shape[bin_axis] = -1
    mask = as_type(xp, reshape(xp, mask, shape), y_pdf)

    return trapz(xp, mask * y_pdf, bins, bin_axis)
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def calculate_quantile_function(y_pred, bins):
     module = get_array_module(y_pred)
     bins = to_array(module, bins, like=y_pred)
     return qd.quantile_function(y_pred,
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def calculate_samples(y_pred, bins):
     module = get_array_module(y_pred)
     bins = to_array(module, bins, like=y_pred)
     return qd.sample_posterior(y_pred,
Ejemplo n.º 12
def sample_posterior_gaussian(y_pred, quantiles, n_samples=1, quantile_axis=1):
    Sample the posterior distribution described by the predicted quantiles.

    The sampling is performed by fitting a Gaussian to the predicted a
    posteriori distribution and sampling from it.

        y_pred: A rank-k tensor containing the predicted quantiles along the
            axis specified by ``quantile_axis``.
        quantiles: The quantile fractions corresponding to the predicted
        n_samples: How many samples to generate for each prediction.
        quantile_axis: The axis in y_pred along which the predicted quantiles
             are found.

        A rank-k tensor with the values along ``quantile_axis`` replaced by
        samples of the posterior distribution.
    if len(y_pred.shape) == 1:
        quantile_axis = 0
    xp = get_array_module(y_pred)
    mu, sigma = fit_gaussian_to_quantiles(y_pred,

    output_shape = list(y_pred.shape)
    output_shape[quantile_axis] = n_samples
    samples = sample_gaussian(xp, tuple(output_shape))
    return mu + sigma * samples
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def calculate_crps(y_pred):
     module = get_array_module(y_pred)
     quantiles = to_array(module, self.quantiles, like=y_pred)
     return qq.crps(y_pred,
Ejemplo n.º 14
def test_to_array(backend):
    Converts numpy array to array of given backend and ensures
    that corresponding module object matches the backend.
    x = np.arange(10)
    array = to_array(backend, x)
    assert get_array_module(array) == backend
Ejemplo n.º 15
def test_get_array_module(backend):
    Ensures that get_array_module returns right array object
    when given an array created using the arange method of the
    corresponding module object.
    x = backend.ones(10)
    module = get_array_module(x)
    assert module == backend
Ejemplo n.º 16
def add(y_pdf_1, bins_1, y_pdf_2, bins_2, bins_out, bin_axis=1):
    Calculate the discretized PDF of the sum of two random variables
    represented by their respective discretized PDFs.

        y_pdf_1: The discretized PDF of the first random variable.
        bins_1: The bin boundaries corresponding to 'y_pdf_1'.
        y_pdf_2: The discretized PDF of the second random variable.
        bins_2: The bin boundaries corresponding to 'y_pdf_2'.
        bins_out: The bins boundaries for the resulting discretized PDF.
        bin_axis: The dimension along which the probabilities are


        A tensor containing the discretized PDF corresponding to the sum of
        the two given PDFs.
    if len(y_pdf_1.shape) == 1:
        bin_axis = 0
    xp = get_array_module(y_pdf_1)

    bins_1_c = 0.5 * (bins_1[1:] + bins_1[:-1])
    dx_1 = bins_1[1:] - bins_1[:-1]
    shape_1 = [1] * len(y_pdf_1.shape)
    shape_1[bin_axis] = numel(bins_1) - 1
    dx_1 = dx_1.reshape(shape_1)
    p_1 = y_pdf_1 * dx_1

    bins_2_c = 0.5 * (bins_2[1:] + bins_2[:-1])
    dx_2 = bins_2[1:] - bins_2[:-1]
    shape_2 = [1] * len(y_pdf_2.shape)
    shape_2[bin_axis] = numel(bins_2) - 1
    dx_2 = dx_2.reshape(shape_2)
    p_2 = y_pdf_2 * dx_2

    out_shape = list(y_pdf_1.shape)
    out_shape[bin_axis] = numel(bins_out) - 1
    p_out = zeros(xp, out_shape, like=y_pdf_1)

    rank = len(y_pdf_1.shape)
    selection = [slice(0, None)] * rank

    n_bins = numel(bins_1_c)
    offsets = sample_uniform(xp, (n_bins,), like=bins_2)
    for i in range(n_bins):
        d_b = bins_1[i + 1] - bins_1[i]
        b = bins_1[i] + offsets[i] * d_b
        selection[bin_axis] = i
        bins = bins_2_c + b
        probs = p_1[tuple(selection)] * p_2
        inds = digitize(xp, bins, bins_out) - 1
        p_out = scatter_add(xp, p_out, inds, probs, bin_axis)

    return normalize(p_out, bins_out, bin_axis=bin_axis)
Ejemplo n.º 17
def sample_posterior(y_pred, bins, n_samples=1, bin_axis=1):
    Sample the posterior distribution described by the predicted PDF.

    The sampling is performed by interpolating the inverse of the cumulative
    distribution function to value sampled from a uniform distribution.

        y_pred: A rank-k tensor containing the predicted bin-probabilities
            along the axis specified by ``quantile_axis``.
        bins: The bin bounrdaries corresponding to the predicted
            bin probabilities.
        n_samples: How many samples to generate for each prediction.
        bin_axis: The axis in y_pred along which the predicted bin
             probabilities are located.

        A rank-k tensor with the values along ``bin_axis`` replaced by
        samples of the posterior distribution.
    if len(y_pred.shape) == 1:
        bin_axis = 0
    xp = get_array_module(y_pred)
    n_dims = len(y_pred.shape)
    y_cdf = posterior_cdf(y_pred, bins, bin_axis=bin_axis)

    n_bins = len(bins)

    output_shape = list(y_cdf.shape)
    output_shape[bin_axis] = n_samples
    results = zeros(xp, output_shape, like=y_pred)

    y_index = [slice(0, None)] * n_dims
    y_index[bin_axis] = slice(0, 1)
    y_l = y_cdf[tuple(y_index)]
    b_l = bins[0]

    samples = as_type(xp, sample_uniform(xp, tuple(output_shape)), y_cdf)

    for i in range(1, n_bins):
        y_index = [slice(0, None)] * n_dims
        y_index[bin_axis] = slice(i, i + 1)
        y_r = y_cdf[tuple(y_index)]
        b_r = bins[i]

        mask = as_type(xp, (y_l < samples) * (y_r >= samples), y_l)
        results += b_l * (y_r - samples) * mask
        results += b_r * (samples - y_l) * mask
        results /= mask * (y_r - y_l) + (1.0 - mask)

        b_l = b_r
        y_l = y_r

    mask = as_type(xp, y_r < samples, y_r)
    results += mask * b_r
    return results
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def calculate_quantiles(y_pred):
     module = get_array_module(y_pred)
     new_quantiles = to_array(module, quantiles, like=y_pred)
     current_quantiles = to_array(module, self.quantiles, like=y_pred)
     return qq.posterior_quantiles(
Ejemplo n.º 19
def posterior_maximum(y_pred, quantiles, quantile_axis=1):
    if len(y_pred.shape) == 1:
        quantile_axis = 0
    xp = get_array_module(y_pred)

    x, y = pdf(y_pred, quantiles, quantile_axis=quantile_axis)
    indices = argmax(xp, y, axes=quantile_axis)
    shape = indices.shape
    indices = expand_dims(xp, indices, quantile_axis)
    return take_along_axis(xp, x, indices, axis=quantile_axis).reshape(shape)
Ejemplo n.º 20
def probability_less_than(y_pred, quantiles, y, quantile_axis=1):
    Calculate the probability that the predicted value is less
    than a given threshold value ``y`` given a tensor of predicted
    quantiles ``y_pred``.

    The probability :math:`P(Y > y)` is calculated by using the predicted
    quantiles to estimate the CDF of the posterior distribution, which
    is then interpolate to the given threshold value.

        y_pred: A rank-k tensor containing the predicted quantiles along the
            axis specified by ``quantile_axis``.
        quantiles: The quantile fractions corresponding to the predicted
        y: The threshold value.
        quantile_axis: The axis in y_pred along which the predicted quantiles
             are found.

         A rank-(k-1) tensor containing for each set of predicted quantiles the
         estimated probability of the true value being larger than the given
    if len(y_pred.shape) == 1:
        quantile_axis = 0
    xp = get_array_module(y_pred)
    n_dims = len(y_pred.shape)
    x_cdf, y_cdf = cdf(y_pred, quantiles, quantile_axis=quantile_axis)

    output_shape = list(x_cdf.shape)
    del output_shape[quantile_axis]
    probabilities = xp.zeros(output_shape)

    y_l = y_cdf[0]
    x_index = [slice(0, None)] * n_dims
    x_index[quantile_axis] = 0
    x_l = x_cdf[tuple(x_index)]

    for i in range(1, len(y_cdf)):
        y_r = y_cdf[i]
        x_index[quantile_axis] = i
        x_r = x_cdf[tuple(x_index)]

        mask = as_type(xp, (x_l < y) * (x_r >= y), x_l)
        probabilities += y_l * (x_r - y) * mask
        probabilities += y_r * (y - x_l) * mask
        probabilities /= (mask * (x_r - x_l) + (1.0 - mask))

        y_l = y_r
        x_l = x_r

    mask = as_type(xp, x_r < y, x_r)
    probabilities += mask
    return probabilities
Ejemplo n.º 21
def posterior_quantiles(y_pred, quantiles, new_quantiles, quantile_axis=1):
    Computes the median of the posterior distribution defined by an array
    of predicted quantiles.

        y_pred: A rank-k tensor of predicted quantiles with the quantiles
             located along the axis given by ``quantile_axis``.
        quantiles: The quantile fractions corresponding to the quantiles
             located along the quantile axis.
        quantile_axis: The axis along which the quantiles are located.


        Rank k-1 tensor containing the posterior median for the provided inputs.
    if len(y_pred.shape) == 1:
        quantile_axis = 0
    xp = get_array_module(y_pred)

    n = len(y_pred.shape)
    indices = arange(xp, 0, len(quantiles), 1.0)
    selection = [slice(0, None)] * n

    y_qs = []

    for q in new_quantiles:
        mask = (quantiles[1:] > q) * (quantiles[:-1] <= q)
        index = indices[:-1][mask]
        if len(index) == 0:
            if quantiles[0] < q:
                selection[quantile_axis] = 0
                selection_l = tuple(selection)
                return y_pred[selection_l]
                selection[quantile_axis] = -1
                selection_r = tuple(selection)
                return y_pred[selection_r]

        index = int(index[0])
        d = quantiles[index + 1] - quantiles[index]
        w_l = (quantiles[index + 1] - q) / d
        w_r = (q - quantiles[index]) / d

        selection = [slice(0, None)] * n
        selection[quantile_axis] = index
        selection_l = tuple(selection)
        selection[quantile_axis] = index + 1
        selection_r = tuple(selection)

        y_q = w_l * y_pred[selection_l] + w_r * y_pred[selection_r]
        y_q = expand_dims(xp, y_q, quantile_axis)

    return concatenate(xp, y_qs, quantile_axis)
Ejemplo n.º 22
def fit_gaussian_to_quantiles(y_pred, quantiles, quantile_axis=1):
    Fits Gaussian distributions to predicted quantiles.

    Fits mean and standard deviation values to quantiles by minimizing
    the mean squared distance of the predicted quantiles and those of
    the corresponding Gaussian distribution.

        y_pred: A rank-k tensor containing the predicted quantiles along
            the axis specified by ``quantile_axis``.
        quantiles: Array of shape `(m,)` containing the quantile
            fractions corresponding to the predictions in ``y_pred``.

        Tuple ``(mu, sigma)`` of tensors of rank k-1 containing the mean and
        standard deviations of the Gaussian distributions corresponding to
        the predictions in ``y_pred``.
    if len(y_pred.shape) == 1:
        quantile_axis = 0
    xp = get_array_module(y_pred)
    x = to_array(xp, norm.ppf(quantiles))
    n_dims = len(y_pred.shape)
    x_shape = [
    ] * n_dims
    x_shape[quantile_axis] = -1
    x_shape = tuple(x_shape)
    x = reshape(xp, x, x_shape)

    output_shape = list(y_pred.shape)
    output_shape[quantile_axis] = 1
    output_shape = tuple(output_shape)

    d2e_00 = numel(x)
    d2e_01 = x.sum()
    d2e_10 = x.sum()
    d2e_11 = (x**2).sum()

    d2e_det_inv = 1.0 / (d2e_00 * d2e_11 - d2e_01 * d2e_11)
    d2e_inv_00 = d2e_det_inv * d2e_11
    d2e_inv_01 = -d2e_det_inv * d2e_01
    d2e_inv_10 = -d2e_det_inv * d2e_10
    d2e_inv_11 = d2e_det_inv * d2e_00

    x = reshape(xp, x, x_shape)
    de_0 = reshape(xp, -(y_pred - x).sum(axis=quantile_axis), output_shape)
    de_1 = reshape(xp, -(x * (y_pred - x)).sum(axis=quantile_axis),

    mu = -(d2e_inv_00 * de_0 + d2e_inv_01 * de_1)
    sigma = 1.0 - (d2e_inv_10 * de_0 + d2e_inv_11 * de_1)

    return mu, sigma
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def __call__(self, x, dist_axis=1):
        Evaluate the a priori.

            x: Tensor containing the values at which to evaluate the a priori.
            dist_axis: The axis along which the tensor x is sorted.

            Tensor with the same size as 'x' containing the values of the a priori
            at 'x' obtained by linear interpolation.
        if len(x.shape) == 1:
            dist_axis = 0
        xp = get_array_module(x)
        n_dims = len(x.shape)

        n = x.shape[dist_axis]
        x_index = [slice(0, None)] * n_dims
        x_index[dist_axis] = 0

        selection_l = [slice(0, None)] * n_dims
        selection_l[dist_axis] = slice(0, -1)
        selection_l = tuple(selection_l)
        selection_r = [slice(0, None)] * n_dims
        selection_r[dist_axis] = slice(1, None)
        selection_r = tuple(selection_r)

        r_shape = [1] * n_dims
        r_shape[dist_axis] = -1
        r_x = self.x.reshape(r_shape)
        r_y = self.y.reshape(r_shape)

        r_x_l = r_x[selection_l]
        r_x_r = r_x[selection_r]
        r_y_l = r_y[selection_l]
        r_y_r = r_y[selection_r]

        rs = []

        for i in range(0, n):
            x_index[dist_axis] = slice(i, i + 1)
            index = tuple(x_index)
            x_i = x[index]

            mask = as_type(xp, (r_x_l < x_i) * (r_x_r >= x_i), x_i)
            r = r_y_l * (r_x_r - x_i) * mask
            r += r_y_r * (x_i - r_x_l) * mask
            r /= mask * (r_x_r - r_x_l) + (1.0 - mask)
            r = expand_dims(xp, r.sum(dist_axis), dist_axis)

        r = concatenate(xp, rs, dist_axis)
        return r
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def pdf(self, y_pred):
        Calculate PDF from predicted quantiles.

            y_pred: Tensor containing the quantiles predicted by the NN
        module = get_array_module(y_pred)
        quantiles = to_array(module, self.quantiles, like=y_pred)
        return qq.pdf(y_pred,
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def pdf(self, y_pred):
        Calculate PDF from predicted logits.

            y_pred: Tensor containing the logit values predicted by
                the neural network model.
        module = get_array_module(y_pred)
        bins = to_array(module, self.bins, like=y_pred)
        return qd.pdf(y_pred,
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def __call__(self, x, dist_axis=1):
        xp = get_array_module(x)
        n_dims = len(x.shape)
        shape = [1] * n_dims
        shape[self.dist_axis] = -1
        x_a = self.x_a.reshape(shape)

        dx = x - x_a

        sdx = tensordot(xp, dx, self.s, ((self.dist_axis, ), (-1, )))
        l = -0.5 * (dx * sdx).sum(self.dist_axis)

        return exp(xp, l)
Ejemplo n.º 27
def sample_posterior(y_pred, quantiles, n_samples=1, quantile_axis=1):
    Sample the posterior distribution described by the predicted quantiles.

    The sampling is performed by interpolating the inverse of the cumulative
    distribution function to value sampled from a uniform distribution.

        y_pred: A rank-k tensor containing the predicted quantiles along the
            axis specified by ``quantile_axis``.
        quantiles: The quantile fractions corresponding to the predicted
        n_samples: How many samples to generate for each prediction.
        quantile_axis: The axis in y_pred along which the predicted quantiles
             are found.

        A rank-k tensor with the values along ``quantile_axis`` replaced by
        samples of the posterior distribution.
    if len(y_pred.shape) == 1:
        quantile_axis = 0
    xp = get_array_module(y_pred)
    n_dims = len(y_pred.shape)
    x_cdf, y_cdf = cdf(y_pred, quantiles, quantile_axis=quantile_axis)

    output_shape = list(y_pred.shape)
    output_shape[quantile_axis] = n_samples

    samples = sample_uniform(xp, tuple(output_shape))
    results = xp.zeros(samples.shape)

    y_l = y_cdf[0]
    x_index = [slice(0, None)] * n_dims
    x_index[quantile_axis] = slice(0, 1)
    x_l = x_cdf[tuple(x_index)]

    for i in range(1, len(y_cdf)):
        y_r = y_cdf[i]
        x_index[quantile_axis] = slice(i, i + 1)
        x_r = x_cdf[tuple(x_index)]

        mask = as_type(xp, (samples > y_l) * (samples <= y_r), y_l)
        results += (x_l * (y_r - samples)) * mask
        results += (x_r * (samples - y_l)) * mask
        results /= (mask * (y_r - y_l) + (1.0 - mask))

        y_l = y_r
        x_l = x_r

    return results
Ejemplo n.º 28
def crps(y_pdf, y_true, bins, bin_axis=1):
    Compute the Continuous Ranked Probability Score (CRPS) for a given
    discrete probability density.

    This function uses a piece-wise linear fit to the approximate posterior
    CDF obtained from the predicted quantiles in :code:`y_pred` to
    approximate the continuous ranked probability score (CRPS):

    .. math::
        CRPS(\mathbf{y}, x) = \int_{-\infty}^\infty (F_{x | \mathbf{y}}(x')
        - \mathrm{1}_{x < x'})^2 \: dx'


        y_pred: Tensor containing the predicted discrete posterior PDF
            with the probabilities for different bins oriented along axis
            ``bin_axis`` in ``y_pred``.

        y_true: Array containing the true point values.

        bins: 1D array containing the bins corresponding to the probabilities
            in ``y_pred``.


        Tensor of rank :math:`k - 1` containing the CRPS values for each of the
        predictions in ``y_pred``.
    if len(y_pdf.shape) == 1:
        bin_axis = 0
    n_y = y_pdf.shape[bin_axis]
    n_b = len(bins)
    n_dims = len(y_pdf.shape)
    _check_dimensions(n_y, n_b)
    xp = get_array_module(y_pdf)
    n = len(y_pdf.shape)

    y_cdf = posterior_cdf(y_pdf, bins, bin_axis=bin_axis)

    x = bins
    shape = [1] * n_dims
    shape[bin_axis] = -1
    x = x.reshape(shape)

    if len(y_true.shape) < len(y_pdf.shape):
        y_true = y_true.unsqueeze(bin_axis)

    i = as_type(xp, x > y_true, y_cdf)
    crps = trapz(xp, (y_cdf - i) ** 2, x, bin_axis)
    return crps
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def crps(self, y_pred, y_true):
        Calculate the CRPS score from predicted quantiles.

            y_pred: Tensor containing the logit values predicted by
                the neural network model.
            y_true: Tensor containing the true values.
        module = get_array_module(y_pred)
        bins = to_array(module, self.bins, like=y_pred)
        return qd.crps(
            y_pred, y_true, bins, bin_axis=self.bin_axis
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def posterior_mean(self, y_pred):
        Calculate the posterior mean from predicted quantiles.

            y_pred: Tensor containing the logit values predicted by
                the neural network model.
        module = get_array_module(y_pred)
        bins = to_array(module, self.bins, like=y_pred)
        return qd.posterior_mean(
            y_pred, bins,