Ejemplo n.º 1
def add(y_pdf_1, bins_1, y_pdf_2, bins_2, bins_out, bin_axis=1):
    Calculate the discretized PDF of the sum of two random variables
    represented by their respective discretized PDFs.

        y_pdf_1: The discretized PDF of the first random variable.
        bins_1: The bin boundaries corresponding to 'y_pdf_1'.
        y_pdf_2: The discretized PDF of the second random variable.
        bins_2: The bin boundaries corresponding to 'y_pdf_2'.
        bins_out: The bins boundaries for the resulting discretized PDF.
        bin_axis: The dimension along which the probabilities are


        A tensor containing the discretized PDF corresponding to the sum of
        the two given PDFs.
    if len(y_pdf_1.shape) == 1:
        bin_axis = 0
    xp = get_array_module(y_pdf_1)

    bins_1_c = 0.5 * (bins_1[1:] + bins_1[:-1])
    dx_1 = bins_1[1:] - bins_1[:-1]
    shape_1 = [1] * len(y_pdf_1.shape)
    shape_1[bin_axis] = numel(bins_1) - 1
    dx_1 = dx_1.reshape(shape_1)
    p_1 = y_pdf_1 * dx_1

    bins_2_c = 0.5 * (bins_2[1:] + bins_2[:-1])
    dx_2 = bins_2[1:] - bins_2[:-1]
    shape_2 = [1] * len(y_pdf_2.shape)
    shape_2[bin_axis] = numel(bins_2) - 1
    dx_2 = dx_2.reshape(shape_2)
    p_2 = y_pdf_2 * dx_2

    out_shape = list(y_pdf_1.shape)
    out_shape[bin_axis] = numel(bins_out) - 1
    p_out = zeros(xp, out_shape, like=y_pdf_1)

    rank = len(y_pdf_1.shape)
    selection = [slice(0, None)] * rank

    n_bins = numel(bins_1_c)
    offsets = sample_uniform(xp, (n_bins,), like=bins_2)
    for i in range(n_bins):
        d_b = bins_1[i + 1] - bins_1[i]
        b = bins_1[i] + offsets[i] * d_b
        selection[bin_axis] = i
        bins = bins_2_c + b
        probs = p_1[tuple(selection)] * p_2
        inds = digitize(xp, bins, bins_out) - 1
        p_out = scatter_add(xp, p_out, inds, probs, bin_axis)

    return normalize(p_out, bins_out, bin_axis=bin_axis)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def posterior_quantiles(y_pred, bins, quantiles, bin_axis=1):

    if len(y_pred.shape) == 1:
        bin_axis = 0
    n_y = y_pred.shape[bin_axis]
    n_b = len(bins)
    _check_dimensions(n_y, n_b)
    xp = get_array_module(y_pred)

    y_cdf = posterior_cdf(y_pred, bins, bin_axis=bin_axis)

    n = len(y_pred.shape)
    dx = bins[1:] - bins[:-1]
    x_shape = [1] * n
    x_shape[bin_axis] = numel(bins)
    dx = pad_zeros_left(xp, dx, 1, 0)
    dx = reshape(xp, dx, x_shape)

    y_qs = []
    for q in quantiles:
        mask = as_type(xp, y_cdf <= q, y_cdf)
        y_q = bins[0] + xp.sum(mask * dx, bin_axis)
        y_q = expand_dims(xp, y_q, bin_axis)

    y_q = concatenate(xp, y_qs, bin_axis)
    return y_q
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_concatenate(backend):
    Ensures that concatenation of array yields tensor with the expected size.
    array_1 = backend.ones((10, 1))
    array_2 = backend.ones((10, 2))
    result = concatenate(backend, [array_1, array_2], 1)
    assert numel(result) == 30
Ejemplo n.º 4
def fit_gaussian_to_quantiles(y_pred, quantiles, quantile_axis=1):
    Fits Gaussian distributions to predicted quantiles.

    Fits mean and standard deviation values to quantiles by minimizing
    the mean squared distance of the predicted quantiles and those of
    the corresponding Gaussian distribution.

        y_pred: A rank-k tensor containing the predicted quantiles along
            the axis specified by ``quantile_axis``.
        quantiles: Array of shape `(m,)` containing the quantile
            fractions corresponding to the predictions in ``y_pred``.

        Tuple ``(mu, sigma)`` of tensors of rank k-1 containing the mean and
        standard deviations of the Gaussian distributions corresponding to
        the predictions in ``y_pred``.
    if len(y_pred.shape) == 1:
        quantile_axis = 0
    xp = get_array_module(y_pred)
    x = to_array(xp, norm.ppf(quantiles))
    n_dims = len(y_pred.shape)
    x_shape = [
    ] * n_dims
    x_shape[quantile_axis] = -1
    x_shape = tuple(x_shape)
    x = reshape(xp, x, x_shape)

    output_shape = list(y_pred.shape)
    output_shape[quantile_axis] = 1
    output_shape = tuple(output_shape)

    d2e_00 = numel(x)
    d2e_01 = x.sum()
    d2e_10 = x.sum()
    d2e_11 = (x**2).sum()

    d2e_det_inv = 1.0 / (d2e_00 * d2e_11 - d2e_01 * d2e_11)
    d2e_inv_00 = d2e_det_inv * d2e_11
    d2e_inv_01 = -d2e_det_inv * d2e_01
    d2e_inv_10 = -d2e_det_inv * d2e_10
    d2e_inv_11 = d2e_det_inv * d2e_00

    x = reshape(xp, x, x_shape)
    de_0 = reshape(xp, -(y_pred - x).sum(axis=quantile_axis), output_shape)
    de_1 = reshape(xp, -(x * (y_pred - x)).sum(axis=quantile_axis),

    mu = -(d2e_inv_00 * de_0 + d2e_inv_01 * de_1)
    sigma = 1.0 - (d2e_inv_10 * de_0 + d2e_inv_11 * de_1)

    return mu, sigma
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_numel(backend):
    Ensures that the numel function returns the right number of elements.
    array = backend.ones(10)
    assert numel(array) == 10
Ejemplo n.º 6
def posterior_quantiles(y_pdf, bins, quantiles, bin_axis=1):
    Calculate posterior quantiles from predicted PDFs.

        y_pdf: Tensor containing the predicted PDFs.
        bins: The bin-boundaries corresponding to the predictions.
        quantiles: List containing the quantiles fractions of the quantiles
             to compute.
        bin_axis: The index of the tensor axis which contains the predictions
            for each bin.

        Tensor with same rank as ``y_pdf`` but with the values
        the values along ``bin_axis`` replaced with the quantiles
        of the predicted distributions.
    if len(y_pdf.shape) == 1:
        bin_axis = 0
    n_y = y_pdf.shape[bin_axis]
    n_b = len(bins)
    n_dims = len(y_pdf.shape)

    _check_dimensions(n_y, n_b)
    xp = get_array_module(y_pdf)

    y_cdf = posterior_cdf(y_pdf, bins, bin_axis=bin_axis)

    n = len(y_pdf.shape)
    dx = bins[1:] - bins[:-1]
    x_shape = [1] * n
    x_shape[bin_axis] = numel(bins)
    dx = pad_zeros_left(xp, dx, 1, 0)
    dx = reshape(xp, dx, x_shape)

    selection = [slice(0, None)] * n_dims
    selection[bin_axis] = slice(0, -1)
    selection_l = tuple(selection)
    selection[bin_axis] = slice(1, None)
    selection_r = tuple(selection)
    cdf_l = y_cdf[selection_l]
    cdf_r = y_cdf[selection_r]
    d_cdf = cdf_r - cdf_l

    shape = [1] * n_dims
    shape[bin_axis] = -1
    bins_l = bins.reshape(shape)[selection_l]
    bins_r = bins.reshape(shape)[selection_r]

    y_qs = []
    for q in quantiles:
        mask_l = as_type(xp, cdf_l <= q, cdf_l)
        mask_r = as_type(xp, cdf_r > q, cdf_l)
        mask = mask_l * mask_r

        d_q = q - expand_dims(xp, (cdf_l * mask).sum(bin_axis), bin_axis)

        result = (d_q * bins_r + (d_cdf - d_q) * bins_l) * mask
        result = result / (d_cdf + as_type(xp, d_cdf < 1e-6, d_cdf))
        result = result.sum(bin_axis)
        result = result + bins[-1] * (1.0 - as_type(xp, mask_r.sum(bin_axis) > 0, mask))
        result = result + bins[0] * (1.0 - as_type(xp, mask_l.sum(bin_axis) > 0, mask))
        result = expand_dims(xp, result, bin_axis)


    y_q = concatenate(xp, y_qs, bin_axis)
    return y_q