Ejemplo n.º 1
def mZX(q, ix, iy):
    Gates.H(q, iy)
    Gates.CNOT(q, iy, ix)
    m = Measurement.measure(q, ix)
    Gates.CNOT(q, iy, ix)
    Gates.H(q, iy)
    print m, q
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def w_state(self, q):
     Gates.X(q, 0)
     power = 1
     missedpower = -1
     while power < q.length:
         oldpower = power
         power = power * 2
         if power > q.length:
             power = q.length
             missedpower = oldpower
         Gates.H(q, power - 1)
         for ix in range(oldpower - 1):
             index = oldpower + ix
             if ix < q.length and index < q.length:
                 Gates.CCNOT(q, ix, power - 1, index)
             if ix < q.length and index < q.length:
                 Gates.CNOT(q, index, ix)
             if index < q.length:
                 Gates.CNOT(q, index, power - 1)
         Gates.CNOT(q, power - 1, oldpower - 1)
     if missedpower > -1:
         Gates.CCNOT(q, 0, q.length - 1, 1)
         Gates.CCNOT(q, 1, 0, q.length - 1)
         m = Measurement.rr_measure(q, q.length - 1, 0)
         Gates.CCNOT(q, 1, 0, q.length - 1)
         Gates.CNOT(q, q.length - 1, 0)
         Gates.CNOT(q, q.length - 1, 1)
         return q
Ejemplo n.º 3
def mZZ(q, ix, iy):
    Gates.CNOT(q, iy, ix)
    print q
    m = Measurement.measure(q, ix)
    print m, q
    Gates.CNOT(q, iy, ix)
    print m, q
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def oracle(self, qs):
     assert qs.length == (len(self.b) + 1), "incorrect qubit length"
     for ix, b in enumerate(self.b):
         if b:
             Gates.CNOT(qs, ix, qs.length - 1)
             Gates.X(qs, ix)
             Gates.CNOT(qs, ix, qs.length - 1)
             Gates.X(qs, ix)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def superposition_bitstrings(self, q, bits1, bits2):
        ix, bitsa, bitsb = self.__find_one_zero(bits1, bits2)
        Gates.H(q, ix)
        for ii in range(0, len(bits1)):
            if ix == ii:
            if bitsb[ii]:
                Gates.X(q, ii)
                Gates.CNOT(q, ix, ii)

            if bitsa[ii]:
                Gates.CNOT(q, ix, ii)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def w_state(self, q):
     Gates.X(q, 0)
     power = 1
     while power < q.length:
         oldpower = power
         power = power * 2
         Gates.H(q, power - 1)
         for ix in range(oldpower - 1):
             index = oldpower + ix
             Gates.CCNOT(q, ix, power - 1, index)
             Gates.CNOT(q, index, ix)
             Gates.CNOT(q, index, power - 1)
         Gates.CNOT(q, power - 1, oldpower - 1)
     return q
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def test_teleportation(self):
   q = Qubits(3)
   alice = 0
   bob = 1
   message = 2
   Gates.H(q, message)
   # entangle alice with bob
   Gates.H(q, alice)
   Gates.CNOT(q, alice, bob)
   # entangle message with alice
   print Gates.CNOT(q, message, alice)
   print Gates.H(q, message)
   am = Measurement.measure(q, alice)
   mm = Measurement.measure(q, message)
   print am == -1, mm == -1, q
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def test_add_CNOT_remove(self):
     q = Qubits.random_qubits(2)
     qq = q.clone()
     Gates.CNOT(q, 1, 0)
     self.assert_qubits(q, qq)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def oracle(self, qs):
     assert qs.length == (len(self.b) + 1), "incorrect qubit length"
     assert self.called == False, "can only call oracle once"
     for ix, b in enumerate(self.b):
         if b:
             Gates.CNOT(qs, ix, qs.length - 1)
     self.called = True
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def all_bell_states(self, q, ix):
     Gates.H(q, 0)
     if ix >= 2:
         Gates.X(q, 1)
     Gates.CNOT(q, 0, 1)
     if ix % 2 == 1:
         Gates.Z(q, 0)
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def check_bell(self, q):
     Gates.CNOT(q, 0, 1)
     Gates.H(q, 0)
     m = Measurement.measure(q, 0)
     mm = Measurement.measure(q, 1)
     i = 0 if m == 1 else 1
     ii = 0 if mm == 1 else 1
     return i + 2 * ii
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def bell_state(self, q, index):
     assert q.length == 2
     Gates.H(q, 0)
     Gates.CNOT(q, 0, 1)
     if index % 2 == 1:
         Gates.Z(q, 1)
     if index >= 2:
         Gates.X(q, 1)
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def check_state(self, q):
     Gates.H(q, 0)
     Gates.CNOT(q, 0, 1)
     Gates.H(q, 0)
     m = Measurement.measure(q, 0)
     mm = Measurement.measure(q, 1)
     ii = 0 if m == -1 else 1
     i = 0 if mm == -1 else 1
     return i + 2 * ii
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def check_state(self, q, rnd):
        l = q.length
        if l % 2 == 1:
            m = Measurement.rr_measure(q, l - 1, rnd)
            if m == -1:
                m = Measurement.measure(q, 0)
                if m == 1:
                    return 1
                if m == -1:
                    return 0
            l = l - 1

        for ix in xrange(1, l):
            Gates.CNOT(q, ix, 0)
        for ix in xrange(1, l):
            Gates.CNOT(q, 0, ix)
        # if l % 2 == 1:
        #   Gates.H(q, 0)
        m = Measurement.measure(q, 0)
        if m == -1:
            return 1
            return 0
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def test_06_controlled_x(self):
        """// Task 6. Controlled X gate with |0⟩ target
    // Input: Two unentangled qubits (stored in an array of length 2).
    //        The first qubit will be in state |ψ⟩ = α |0⟩ + β |1⟩, the second - in state |0⟩
    //        (this can be written as two-qubit state (α|0⟩ + β|1⟩) ⊕ |0⟩).
    // Goal:  Change the two-qubit state to α |00⟩ + β |11⟩ using only single-qubit gates and joint measurements.
    //        Do not use two-qubit gates.
    // You do not need to allocate extra qubits."""
        for _ in range(20):
            for rnd in [0.1, 0.9]:
                a, b = self.random_unit_vector(2)
                q = Qubits.create(2, [(0, a), (2, b)])

                qq = q.clone()
                Gates.CNOT(qq, 0, 1)
                self.controlled_x(q, rnd)
                self.assert_qubits(q, qq)
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def ghz_state(self, q):
     l = q.length
     Gates.H(q, 0)
     for ix in xrange(1, l):
         Gates.CNOT(q, 0, ix)
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def two_qubit_gate_3(self, q):
     Gates.CNOT(q, 0, 1)
     Gates.CNOT(q, 1, 0)
     Gates.CNOT(q, 0, 1)
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def bell_state(self, q):
     Gates.H(q, 0)
     return Gates.CNOT(q, 0, 1)
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def superposition(self, q, bits):
     Gates.H(q, 0)
     for ix in range(1, len(bits)):
         if bits[ix]:
             Gates.CNOT(q, 0, ix)
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def ghz_state(self, q):
     Gates.H(q, 0)
     for ix in range(1, q.length):
         Gates.CNOT(q, 0, ix)
     return q