Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_density_matrix_tr1():
    nn_state = DensityMatrix(5, gpu=False)

    space = nn_state.generate_hilbert_space(5)
    matrix = nn_state.rho(space, space) / nn_state.normalization(space)

    msg = f"Trace of density matrix is not within {TOL} of 1!"
    assertAlmostEqual(torch.trace(matrix[0]), torch.Tensor([1]), TOL, msg=msg)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_density_matrix_hermiticity():
    nn_state = DensityMatrix(5, 5, 5, gpu=False)

    space = nn_state.generate_hilbert_space(5)
    Z = nn_state.normalization(space)
    rho = nn_state.rho(space, space) / Z

    assert torch.equal(rho, cplx.conjugate(rho)), "DensityMatrix should be Hermitian!"