Ejemplo n.º 1
class WhatIsBand(QuestionTemplate):
    regex = (Lemma("what") + Lemma("is") + Lemma("band") +
             Band()) | (Lemma("band") + Band())

    def interpret(self, match):
        _band, i, j = match.band
        return _band + HasId(), ReturnValue(i, j)
Ejemplo n.º 2
class MovieReleaseDateQuestion(QuestionTemplate):
    Ex: "Show me release date of Pocahontas"    # ok
        show me release date of Pocahontas      # ok
        release date of Bambi                   # ok
        release date of Bambi?                  # ok
        the release date of Bambi?              # ok
        "Tell me the release date of Bambi"     # ok
        when was Big Fish released?             # ok

    tellme = Question(Lemmas("show me") | Lemmas("tell me"))
    maybe_the = Question(Lemma("the"))
    release_date = Lemmas("release date")

    regex1 = tellme + maybe_the + release_date + Pos("IN") + Movie()
    regex2 = Lemma("when") + Lemma("be") + Movie() + Lemma("release")

    regex = (regex1 | regex2) \
            + maybe_dot_or_qmark

    def interpret(self, match):
        release_date = ReleaseDateOf(match.movie)
        return release_date, "literal"
Ejemplo n.º 3
class WhatIsMovie(QuestionTemplate):
    regex = (Lemma("what") + Lemma("is") + Lemma("movie") +
             Movie()) | (Lemma("movie") + Movie())

    def interpret(self, match):
        _movie, i, j = match.movie
        return _movie + HasId(), ReturnValue(i, j)
Ejemplo n.º 4
class MovieReleaseDateQuestion(QuestionTemplate):
    Ex: "When was The Red Thin Line released?"
        "Release date of The Empire Strikes Back"

    prob_threshold = 0.95
    tables = ["movies"]
    examples = [
        "When was The Red Thin Line released?",
        "Release date of The Empire Strikes Back"

    regex = ((Lemmas("when be") + Movie() + Lemma("release")) |
            (Lemma("release") + Question(Lemma("date")) +
             Pos("IN") + Movie())) + \

    def interpret(self, match):
        release_date = ReleaseDateOf(match.movie)
        release_date.tables = ["movies"]
        movie_name = ''.join(match.movie.nodes[0][1][1].split('"')[:-1])
        release_date.nodes = [u' title like "' + movie_name + '"']
        release_date.head = u"year"
        return release_date, ("literal", "MovieReleaseDateQuestion")
Ejemplo n.º 5
class PlotOfQuestion(QuestionTemplate):
    Ex: "what is (the movie/film) Shame about(?)"
        "what is the plot/story of Shame(?)"
        "plot of Titanic"

    regex1 = Lemmas("what be") + \
             Question(Literal("the") + (Lemma("movie") | Lemma("film"))) + \
             Movie() + Question(Lemma("about")) +  Question(Pos("."))

    regex = regex1

    def interpret(self, match):
        match.movie.add_data(u"dbpprop:counter", u"?counter")
        plot = PlotOf(match.movie)
        old_value = replace_prop(plot, u"dbpprop:name", u"?name")
        #replace_prop(plot,u"dbpprop:plot", u"?plot")

        extra = MyExtra('FILTER regex(?name, "%s", "i").' % old_value)
        plot.add_data(extra, u"")
        #plot.head = "*"
        return plot, "list"
Ejemplo n.º 6
class DirectorOfQuestion(QuestionTemplate):
    Ex: "Who is the director of Big Fish?"      # ok
        "who directed Pocahontas?"              # ok
        director of Sparta?                     # ok
        tell me who directed Nemo                   # ok
        tell me who is the director of Gran Torino  # ok, grammatically wrong

    who = Lemma("who")
    director = Lemma("director")
    maybe_tellme = Question(Lemmas("tell me"))

    regex1 = maybe_tellme + Question(who + Lemma("be") + Pos("DT") +
                                     director) + Pos("IN") + Movie()
    regex2 = maybe_tellme + who + Lemma("direct") + Movie()
    regex3 = director + Pos("IN") + Movie()

    regex = (regex1 | regex2 | regex3) \
            + maybe_dot_or_qmark

    def interpret(self, match):
        director = IsDirector() + DirectorOf(match.movie)
        director_name = NameOf(director)
        return director_name, "literal"
Ejemplo n.º 7
class WhatIsBook(QuestionTemplate):
    regex = (Lemma("what") + Lemma("is") + Lemma("book") +
             Book()) | (Lemma("book") + Book())

    def interpret(self, match):
        _book, i, j = match.book
        return _book + HasId(), ReturnValue(i, j)
Ejemplo n.º 8
class WhatCategory(QuestionTemplate):
    Ex: "What is the category of foaf?"
    regex = Lemma("what") + Lemma("be") + Lemma("the") + Lemma("category") + Pos("IN") + Vocabulary() + Question(Pos("."))

    def interpret(self, match):
        category = dsl.HasCategory(match.vocabulary)
        return category, "category"
Ejemplo n.º 9
class HowOldIsQuestion(QuestionTemplate):
    Ex: "How old is dcterms".
    regex = Pos("WRB") + Lemma("old") + Lemma("be") + Vocabulary() + Question(Pos("."))

    def interpret(self, match):
        birth_date = dsl.ReleaseDateOf(match.vocabulary)
        return birth_date, "age"
Ejemplo n.º 10
class WhereIsHomePageQuestion(QuestionTemplate):
    Ex: "Where to find foaf documentation?"
    regex = Lemmas("where to") + Lemma("find") + Vocabulary() + Lemma("documentation") + Question(Pos("."))

    def interpret(self, match):
        home_uri = dsl.IsHomePageOf(match.vocabulary)
        return home_uri, "url"
Ejemplo n.º 11
class WhatIsNamespaceQuestion(QuestionTemplate):
    Ex: "what is the namespace of dcterms?"
    regex = Lemma("what") + Lemma("be") + Lemmas("the namespace") + Pos("IN") + Vocabulary() + Question(Pos("."))

    def interpret(self, match):
        uri = dsl.HasURI(match.vocabulary)
        return uri, "url"
Ejemplo n.º 12
class WhatPilot(QuestionTemplate):
    Ex: "What is the pilot of foaf?"
    regex = Lemma("what") + Lemma("be") + Lemma("the") + Lemma("pilot") + Pos("IN") + Vocabulary() + Question(Pos("."))

    def interpret(self, match):
        pilot = dsl.HasPilot(match.vocabulary)
        return pilot, "pilot"
Ejemplo n.º 13
class WhoIs(QuestionTemplate):
    #Ex: "Who is Tom Cruise?"

    regex = Lemma("who") + Lemma("be") + Person() + \

    def interpret(self, match):
        definition = DefinitionOf(match.person)
        return definition, "define"
Ejemplo n.º 14
class ConflictThatTookPlaceInCountry(QuestionTemplate):
    regex = Question(Lemma("list")) + (Lemma("conflict")) + (Pos("IN")| Pos("WP") | Pos("WDT")) + \
            Lemma("take") + Lemma("place") + Pos("IN") + Location()

    def interpret(self, match):
        _location, i, j = match.location
        _military_conflict = IsMilitaryConflict()
        rezultat = DefinitionOf(_military_conflict + IsEvent(_location))
        return rezultat, ReturnValue(i, j)
Ejemplo n.º 15
class WhatIs(QuestionTemplate):
    target = Question(Pos("DT")) + Group(Pos("NN"), "target")
    regex = Lemma("what") + Lemma("be") + target + Question(Pos("."))

    def interpret(self, match):
        thing = match.target.tokens
        target = HasKeyword(thing)
        definition = DefinitionOf(target)
        return definition, "define"
Ejemplo n.º 16
class BirthdayQuestion(QuestionTemplate):

    """When was Bill Gates born?"""
    regex = Pos("WRB") + Lemma("be") + Person() + Lemma("born") + \

    def interpret(self, match):
        birth_date = BirthDateOf(match.person)
        return birth_date, "literal"
Ejemplo n.º 17
class HowOldIsQuestion(QuestionTemplate):
    #Ex: "How old is Bob Dylan".

    regex = Pos("WRB") + Lemma("old") + Lemma("be") + Person() + \

    def interpret(self, match):
        birth_date = BirthDateOf(match.person)
        return birth_date, "age"
Ejemplo n.º 18
class HowOldIs(QuestionTemplate):
    Ex: "How old is Tom Cruise?"
    regex = Pos("WRB") + Lemma("old") + Lemma("be") + Person() + Question(

    def interpret(self, match):
        definition = ToGenerate(match.person)
        return definition, "howoldis"
Ejemplo n.º 19
class PlacesNearPlace(QuestionTemplate):
    Ex: "List Places near Ernakulam?"
    regex = Lemma("list") + Lemma("place") + Lemma(
        "near") + Place() + Question(Pos("."))

    def interpret(self, match):
        place = PlaceOf(match.place)
        return place, "define"
Ejemplo n.º 20
class ActorsOfQuestion(QuestionTemplate):
    Ex: "who are the actors of Titanic?"    # ok
        "who acted in Alien?"               # ok
        "who starred in Depredator?"        # ok
        "who starred in Depredator"         # ok
        "actors of Fight Club"              # ok
        list actors of Mulan
    who = Lemma("who")
    act_verb = (Lemma("star") | Lemma("act") | Lemma("feature"))
    actor = (Lemma("actor") | Lemma("actors"))
    maybe_list = Question(Lemma("list"))

    regex1 = who + Lemma("be") + Pos("DT") + Lemma("actor") + Pos(
        "IN") + Movie()
    regex2 = who + act_verb + Pos("IN") + Movie()
    regex3 = maybe_list + actor + Pos("IN") + Movie()

    regex = (regex1 | regex2 | regex3) \
            + maybe_dot_or_qmark

    def interpret(self, match):
        actor = NameOf(IsPerson() + StarsIn(match.movie))
        return actor, "enum"
class WhenIsDead(QuestionTemplate):
    Ex: 'Death date of Tom Cruise?'

    regex = Lemma("death") + Lemma("date") + Pos("IN") + Person() + Question(

    def interpret(self, match):
        death_date = DeathDateOf(match.person)
        return death_date, "date"
class WhenIsBorn(QuestionTemplate):
    Ex: 'Birth date of Tom Cruise?'

    regex = Lemma("birth") + Lemma("date") + Pos("IN") + Person() + Question(

    def interpret(self, match):
        birth_date = BirthDateOf(match.person)
        return birth_date, "date"
Ejemplo n.º 23
class ListMoviesQuestion(QuestionTemplate):
    Ex: "list movies"

    regex = Lemma("list") + (Lemma("movie") | Lemma("film"))

    def interpret(self, match):
        movie = IsMovie()
        name = NameOf(movie)
        return name, "enum"
Ejemplo n.º 24
class PoliticiansFromCountry(QuestionTemplate):
    Ex: "List politicians that are from France"
    regex = Question(Lemma("list")) + (Lemma("politician") | Lemma("politicians")) + (
        Pos("IN") | Pos("WP") | Pos("WDT")) + Lemma("be") + Pos("IN") + Location()

    def interpret(self, match):
        _location, i, j = match.location
        result = IsPerson() + IsPolitician() + _location + HasId()
        return result, ReturnValue(i, j)
Ejemplo n.º 25
class WhoAreChildrenOfQuestion(QuestionTemplate):
    EX: "Who are the children's of Bill Gates"
    regex = Lemma("who") + Lemma("be") + Pos("DT") + Lemma("child") + Pos("IN") + Person() + \
            Question(Pos(".")) | Lemma("child") + Pos("IN") + Person() + Question(Pos("."))

    def interpret(self, match):
        _person, i, j = match.person
        child_name = HasChild(_person)
        return child_name, ReturnValue(i, j)
Ejemplo n.º 26
class WhoIs(QuestionTemplate):
    Ex: "Who is Tom Cruise?"

    regex = Lemma("who") + Lemma("be") + Person() + \

    def interpret(self, match):
        definition = ToGenerate(match.person)
        return definition, "whois"
Ejemplo n.º 27
class WhenBornQuestion(QuestionTemplate):
    Ex: "When was Bob Dylan born?".

    regex = Pos("WRB") + Lemma("be") + Person() + Lemma("born") + \

    def interpret(self, match):
        birth_date = BirthDateOf(match.person)
        return birth_date
Ejemplo n.º 28
class WhoAllFromPlace(QuestionTemplate):
    Ex: "Who all are from Ernakulam?"

    regex = Lemmas("who") + Lemma("all") + Lemma("be") + Lemma(
        "from") + Place() + Question(Pos("."))

    def interpret(self, match):
        people = DefinitionOfFN(match.place)
        return people, "define"
class CapitalOf(QuestionTemplate):
    Ex: "What is the capital of France?"

    regex = Lemma("what") + Lemma("be") + Pos("DT") + Lemma("capital") + Pos(
        "IN") + Country() + Question(Pos("."))

    def interpret(self, match):
        definition = ToGenerate(match.country)
        return definition, "capital"
Ejemplo n.º 30
class OwnerOfQuestion(QuestionTemplate):
    Regex for questions about the owner of a hotel
    Ex: "who is the owner of Capital Hilton?"
    regex = (Lemmas("who be") + Lemma("the") + Lemma("owner") + Pos("IN") + Hotel() + Question(Lemma("hotel")) + Question(Pos("."))) 
    def interpret(self, match):
        Owner = OwnerOf(match.hotel)
        return NameOf(Owner), "enum"