Ejemplo n.º 1
def main(cursor):
	team_dict = team_q.get_real_active_teams(cursor, skip_irs=False)
	relations = team_q.get_relations(cursor)
	output = []
	# Now the actual set of borders
	<div style="overflow: scroll;">
		<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" style="width:100%; overflow: scroll;">
			<tr class='row2'>
	for t1, team1 in team_dict.items():
		output.append('<th>%s</th>' % team1.name[0:6])
	# Data
	i = 1
	for t1, team1 in team_dict.items():
		i += 1
		output.append("<tr class='row%d'><td style='font-weight:bold;'>%s</td>" % (i % 2, team1.name[0:15]))
		for t2, team2 in team_dict.items():
			if t1 == t2:
			<td style="padding:0px;">
				<a class="block_link" href="web.py?mode=edit_relations&amp;t1={t1}&amp;t2={t2}">{other}</a>
				other = team2.name[0:5],
				t1 = t1,
				t2 = t2,
	# Close form
	return "".join(output)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def main(cursor):
	t1 = team_q.get_one_team(cursor, int(common.get_val('t1')))
	t2 = team_q.get_one_team(cursor, int(common.get_val('t2')))
	relations = team_q.get_relations(cursor)
	output = []
	<div style="padding:5px;">
	<span class="stitle"><strong>{t1} relation to {t2}</strong></span><br />
	<br />
	{t1} is {t12_border} towards {t2}<br />
	{t2} is {t21_border} towards {t1}<br />
	<br />
	{t1} has a tax rate of {t12_tax}% towards {t2}<br />
	{t2} has a tax rate of {t21_tax}% towards {t1}<br />
	<br />
		t1 = t1.name,
		t2 = t2.name,
		t12_border = team.border_states[relations.get(t1.id, {}).get(t2.id, {}).get('border', t1.default_borders)],
		t21_border = team.border_states[relations.get(t2.id, {}).get(t1.id, {}).get('border', t2.default_borders)],
		t12_tax = relations.get(t1.id, {}).get(t2.id, {}).get('taxes', t1.default_taxes),
		t21_tax = relations.get(t2.id, {}).get(t1.id, {}).get('taxes', t2.default_taxes),
	return "".join(output)
Ejemplo n.º 3
	def relations(self, force_requery=False):
		if not force_requery and self._relations != {}:
			return self._relations
		self._relations = team_q.get_relations(self.cursor)
		return self._relations
Ejemplo n.º 4
def check_army_bases(cursor, verbose):
	team_dict = team_q.get_all_teams(cursor)
	army_dict = army_q.get_armies_from_team_list(cursor, list(team_dict.keys()))
	city_dict = city_q.get_live_cities(cursor)
	relations = team_q.get_relations(cursor)# [Host][Visitor]
	# Build up a shortlist dict of cities by team
	city_by_team = {}
	for team_id, the_team in team_dict.items():
		if team_id not in city_by_team:
			city_by_team[team_id] = []
		for city_id, the_city in city_dict.items():
			if the_city.team == team_id or relations.get(the_city.team, {}).get(team_id, {}).get('border', team_dict[the_city.team].default_borders) >= team.border_states.index("Allied"):
	# Now to run through the armies and find their paths
	new_bases = set()
	# for i in progressbar(range(15), "Computing: ", 40):
	# for army_id, the_army in army_dict.items():
	if verbose:
		it = cli_f.progressbar(army_dict.items(), "military_check.check_army_bases: ", 40, with_eta = True)
		it = army_dict.items()
	for army_id, the_army in it:
		army_terrain = mapper_q.get_terrain(cursor, the_army.x, the_army.y)
		for city_id in city_by_team[the_army.team]:
			if army_terrain < 1:
				if not the_city.port: continue
			the_city = city_dict[city_id]
			if the_city.dead > 0: continue
			dist = path_f.pythagoras((the_army.x, the_army.y), (the_city.x, the_city.y))
			if dist < 10:
				the_army.base = city_id
				the_army.distance = (dist/map_data.movement_speeds['Marching'])*10# Distance over speed in km, 1 distance unit is 10k
		# Extend the search a little
		if army_id not in new_bases:
			for city_id in city_by_team[the_army.team]:
				if army_terrain < 1:
					if not the_city.port: continue
				the_city = city_dict[city_id]
				dist = path_f.pythagoras((the_army.x, the_army.y), (the_city.x, the_city.y))
				if dist < 30:
					the_army.base = city_id
					the_army.distance = (dist/map_data.movement_speeds['Marching'])*10# Distance over speed in km, 1 distance unit is 10k
		# Extend the search a little
		if army_id not in new_bases:
			for city_id in city_by_team[the_army.team]:
				if army_terrain < 1:
					if not the_city.port: continue
				the_city = city_dict[city_id]
				dist = path_f.pythagoras((the_army.x, the_army.y), (the_city.x, the_city.y))
				if dist < 60:
					the_army.base = city_id
					the_army.distance = (dist/map_data.movement_speeds['Marching'])*10# Distance over speed in km, 1 distance unit is 10k
		# If we can't find an easy solution we start pathing
		if army_id not in new_bases:
			fastest_path = (-1, 9999999)
			for city_id in city_by_team[the_army.team]:
				the_city = city_dict[city_id]
				# Small cities won't support an army a long way away right?
				if the_city.size < 5000: continue
				# Is it a fleet?
				if army_terrain < 1:
					if not the_city.port: continue
					# Now lets try water
					dist = path_f.path(cursor, ((the_army.x, the_army.y), (the_city.x, the_city.y)), move_speed="Sailing", move_type="Sail")
					if dist.time_cost < fastest_path[1]:
						fastest_path = (city_id, dist.time_cost)
					# I'm sure there's a way to improve this...
					dist = path_f.path(cursor, ((the_army.x, the_army.y), (the_city.x, the_city.y)), move_speed="Marching", move_type="Medium foot")
					if dist.time_cost == 0:
					# if army_id == 960 and city_id == 1098:
					# 	print("")
					# 	print(dir(dist))
					# 	print(((the_army.x, the_army.y), (the_city.x, the_city.y)))
					# 	print(dist.time_cost)
					# 	print(dist.walk_distance)
					# 	print(len(dist.steps))
					# 	print("")
					if dist.time_cost < fastest_path[1]:
						fastest_path = (city_id, dist.time_cost)
			the_army.base = fastest_path[0]
			the_army.distance = fastest_path[1]
	# Reset all armies
	query = """UPDATE armies SET base = -1, distance = -1 WHERE garrison = 0;"""
	try: cursor.execute(query)
	except Exception as e:
		raise Exception("Database error: %s\nQuery: %s" % (str(e.args[0]).replace("\n",""), query))
	for a in new_bases:
		query = """UPDATE armies SET base = %d, distance = %d WHERE id = %d;""" % (army_dict[a].base, army_dict[a].distance, a)
		try: cursor.execute(query)
		except Exception as e:
			raise Exception("Database error: %s\nQuery: %s" % (str(e.args[0]).replace("\n",""), query))
	# Garrisons automatically go to their city
	query = """UPDATE armies SET base = garrison, distance = 0 WHERE garrison > 0;"""
	try: cursor.execute(query)
	except Exception as e:
		raise Exception("Database error: %s\nQuery: %s" % (str(e.args[0]).replace("\n",""), query))
Ejemplo n.º 5
def main(cursor):
	team_id = int(common.get_val('team', 0))
	if team_id < 1: return "No team selected"
	team_dict = team_q.get_real_active_teams(cursor, skip_irs=False)
	the_team = team_dict[team_id]
	borders = team_q.get_relations(cursor)
	team_borders = borders[team_id]
	# Find our default
	state_find = 'value="%s"' % the_team.default_borders
	# What to replace it with
	state_replace = '%s selected="selected"' % state_find
	output = ["""
	<form action="exec.py" method="post" accept-charset="utf-8" style="padding:5px;">
	<span class="stitle">Borders for {team.name}</span><br /><br />
		<input type="hidden" name="mode" id="mode" value="edit_borders" />
		<input type="hidden" name="team" id="team" value="{team.id}" />
	# Now the actual set of borders
	Default border state:&nbsp;&nbsp;
	<select name="default_border_state" id="default_border_state">
	<br /><br />

	<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
			<th>{team.name} state</th>
			<th>Their state</th>
		states	= states.replace('<option value="-1">Default</option>', '').replace(state_find, state_replace),
		team	= the_team,
	for t, other_team in team_dict.items():
		if t == the_team.id: continue
		# if other_team.hidden: continue
		# if not other_team.active: continue
		ir = ""
		if other_team.ir:
			ir = " <em>(IR)</em>"
		other_team_borders = borders[t].get(the_team.id, {}).get('border', other_team.default_borders)
		other_default_borders = other_team.default_borders
		# print(other_team_borders)
		# The state to find
		# state_find = 'value="%s"' % team_borders.get(t, default_borders)
		if t in team_borders:	default_state = team_borders[t]
		else:					default_state = "-1"
		state_find = 'value="%s"' % default_state
		# What to replace it with
		state_replace = '%s selected="selected"' % state_find
		# Their state to you
		# if the_team.id in other_team_borders:
		# 	other_state = team.border_states[other_team_borders[the_team.id]]
		# else:
		# 	other_state = team.border_states[other_default_borders]
		other_state = other_team_borders
				<select name="border_state_%(t)d" id="border_state_%(t)d">
				<span style="color:#%(other_state_c)s;">%(other_state)s</span>
		""" % {
			"t":				t,
			"ir":				ir,
			"name":				other_team.name,
			"states":			states.replace(state_find, state_replace),
			"other_state":		team.border_states[other_state],
			"other_state_c":	team.border_colour(other_state),
	# Close form
		<input type="submit" value="Save" />
	return "".join(output)