Ejemplo n.º 1
def search():
    if request.method == 'GET' :
        return render_template("form_submit.html")
        searchOptions = {'macAddrQ' : 'mac', 'deviceTypeQ' : 'device', 'softwareQ' : 'software' }
        queryType = {'serialNumberQ' : 'Serial Number', 'ipAddrQ': 'IP Address' , 'macAddrQ': 'MAC Address', 'deviceTypeQ': 'Device Type', 'softwareQ': 'Software Type'}
        option =''
        query = request.form['query']
        print('Query=', query)
        if query != 'softwareQ':
            searchValue = request.form['searchValue'].upper().strip()
            searchValue = ''
        if (query in searchOptions) :
            option = request.form[searchOptions[query]]
        print('queryType =', queryType)
        print('searchValue =', searchValue)
        print('option =', option)
        result = getDevice(startup_vars, query, searchValue, option)
        print('result=', result)
        if query in ['softwareQ', 'deviceTypeQ'] :
           print('queryType[query]=', queryType[query])
           print('searchValue=,', searchValue)
           print('option=', option)
           #print(' queryType = queryType[query], searchValue=searchValue, option=option, result=result)')
           return render_template('device_action_list.html', queryType = queryType[query], searchValue=searchValue, option=option, result=result)
        return render_template('device_action.html', queryType = queryType[query], searchValue=searchValue, option=option, result=result)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_serial(searchValue):
    result = getDevice(startup_vars, 'serialNumberQ', searchValue, '')

    if not result :
        result_msg = 'Nothing returned from search. Item %s not found in Prime database.<br/>' % searchValue

        result_msg = 'Summary details for search with Serial Number: %s !<br/>' % searchValue
        for key, value in result.items() :
            result_msg += (key + ' : ' + value + '<br/>')


    return result_msg
Ejemplo n.º 3
def get_cmac(searchValue):
    result = getDevice(startup_vars, 'macAddrQ', searchValue, 'client')

    if not result :
        result_msg = 'Nothing returned from search. Item %s not found in Prime database.<br/>' % searchValue

        result_msg = 'Summary details for search with mac address: %s !<br/>' % searchValue
        for key, value in result.items() :
            result_msg += (key + ' : ' + value + '<br/>')


    return result_msg
Ejemplo n.º 4
elif query == 'deviceTypeQ':
    searchOp = input('Select the search option for Device Type (A, B or C):\nA Equal \nB Starts With \nC Contains')
    option = searchOp_options[searchOp.upper()]
elif query == 'softwareQ' :
    print('\nA IOS \nB IOS-XE \nC NX-OS \nD Cisco Controller')
    software = input('Select the software type (A, B or C):')
    option = software_options[software.upper()]
    searchValue =''

if not query == 'softwareQ' :
    searchValue = input('\nEnter search value:\n').upper().strip()

print('query is:', query)
print('option is:', option)
print('searchValue is:', searchValue)
result = getDevice(startup_vars, query, searchValue, option)

if query in ['serialNumberQ', 'ipAddrQ', 'macAddrQ'] :
    print('\n\nSummary details for search with', queryType[query], ':', searchValue, '!')
    for key, value in result.items() :
        print(key, ' : ', value)

if query in ['softwareQ', 'deviceTypeQ'] :
    print('Total records found: ', len(result), '\n\n')
    for record in range(len(result)) :
        print('Record Number: ', record + 1)
        for key, value in result[record].items() :
            print(key, ':', value)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def display_options():

    startup_vars = check_startup(spark_bot=False)
    print('From __main__: startup_vars=', startup_vars)
    print('new startup_vars =', startup_vars)

    query_options = {
        'macAddrQ': macVar.get(),
        'deviceTypeQ': dtypeVar.get(),
        'softwareQ': stypeVar.get()
    queryType = {
        'serialNumberQ': 'Serial Number',
        'ipAddrQ': 'IP Address',
        'macAddrQ': 'MAC Address',
        'deviceTypeQ': 'Device Type',
        'softwareQ': 'Software Type'

    query = query_gui.get()
    searchValue = searchValue_gui.get()

    if query not in ['serialNumberQ', 'ipAddrQ']:
        option = query_options[query.get()]
        if 'Network' in option:
            option = 'network'
        elif 'Client' in option:
            option = 'client'
        option = ''
    Label(gui, text='').grid(row=22)
    Label(gui, text='').grid(row=23)
    Label(gui, text='').grid(row=24)
    Label(gui, text='Variable Selection:', font=("Arial", 18)).grid(row=25, column=0, sticky=W)

    start_row = 26
    for key, value in entries.items():
        print(key, value)
        Label(gui, text=key, width=15, borderwidth=2, relief=SUNKEN).grid(row=start_row, column=0, ipadx=30)
        Label(gui, text=value, width=15, borderwidth=2, relief=SUNKEN).grid(row=start_row, column=1, ipadx=30)
        start_row = start_row +1


    print('query is:', query)
    print('option is:', option)
    print('searchValue is:', searchValue)
    result = getDevice(startup_vars, query, searchValue, option)

    height = str(500 + (len(result)) * 20)
    print('height = ', height)

    gui.geometry('550x' + height)

    Label(gui, text='').grid(row=22)
    Label(gui, text='').grid(row=23)

    if query in ['serialNumberQ', 'ipAddrQ', 'macAddrQ']:
        print('\n\nSummary details for search with', queryType[query], ':',
              searchValue, '!')
        query_text = 'Summary details for search with ' + queryType[
            query] + ': ' + searchValue + '!'
        print(('query_text = ', query_text))
        Label(gui, text=query_text, font=("Arial", 18)).grid(row=24,
        Label(gui, text='').grid(row=25)

        for key, value in result.items():
            print(key, ' : ', value)

        start_row = 26
        for key, value in result.items():
            print(key, value)
            Label(gui, text=key, width=15, borderwidth=2,
                  relief=SUNKEN).grid(row=start_row, column=0, sticky=E)
            Label(gui, text=value, width=45, borderwidth=2,
                  relief=SUNKEN).grid(row=start_row, column=1, sticky=W)
            start_row = start_row + 1

    if query in ['softwareQ', 'deviceTypeQ']:
        print('Total records found: ', len(result), '\n\n')
        for record in range(len(result)):
            print('Record Number: ', record + 1)
            for key, value in result[record].items():
                print(key, ':', value)
    if not result:
        print('Nothing returned from search. Item', searchValue,
              'not found in Prime database.')