Ejemplo n.º 1
	def _record_results(self, game, game_answers, game_questions, guess, result, number_of_objects):
		Puts results into the DB as well as writing them to file for examination
		# TODO: make sure this can be used for new objects and when playing with the human's choice of object

		log.info('Recording object results to the database')
		for i in range(0, len(game_questions)):
			T = questions.get_t(self.id, game_questions[i], number_of_objects)
			if game_answers[i] == True:
				db.cursor.execute("SELECT yes_answers FROM Pqd where t_value = %s", (T,))
				yes_count = db.cursor.fetchone()[0]
				#print yes_count, 'yes'
				db.cursor.execute("UPDATE Pqd SET yes_answers = %s WHERE t_value = %s", (yes_count + 1, T))

			db.cursor.execute("SELECT total_answers FROM Pqd where t_value = %s", (T,))
			total_count = db.cursor.fetchone()[0]
			#print total_count
			db.cursor.execute("UPDATE Pqd SET total_answers = %s WHERE t_value = %s", (total_count + 1, T))

			db.cursor.execute("INSERT INTO answers (oid, qid, answer) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)", (str(self.id), game_questions[i], game_answers[i]))


		if result == 0:
			result = 'lose'
			result = 'win'

		# TODO: clean up all the text files because this is kind of ridiculous
		with open("game.txt", "a") as myfile:
			myfile.write(str(game.id)+','+ str(self.id) +','+ str(guess.name)+"," + str(self.name) + "," + str(len(game_questions)) + "," + result  +  "\n")

		with open("answers.txt", "a") as answerfile:
			answerfile.write("\n" + str(game.id) + " " + str(self.id) + " " + result + "\n")
			for i in range(0, len(game_questions)):
				answerfile.write(tags.get(game_questions[i]) + " -> " + str(game_answers[i]) + "\n")
Ejemplo n.º 2
	def _record_results(self, game, game_answers, game_questions, guess, result, number_of_objects):
		Puts results into the DB as well as writing them to file for examination
		# TODO: make sure this can be used for new objects and when playing with the human's choice of object

		log.info('Recording object results to the database')
		for i in range(0, len(game_questions)):
			T = questions.get_t(self.id, game_questions[i], number_of_objects)
			if game_answers[i] == True:
				db.cursor.execute("SELECT yes_answers FROM Pqd where t_value = %s", (T,))
				yes_count = db.cursor.fetchone()[0]
				#print yes_count, 'yes'
				db.cursor.execute("UPDATE Pqd SET yes_answers = %s WHERE t_value = %s", (yes_count + 1, T))

			db.cursor.execute("SELECT total_answers FROM Pqd where t_value = %s", (T,))
			total_count = db.cursor.fetchone()[0]
			#print total_count
			db.cursor.execute("UPDATE Pqd SET total_answers = %s WHERE t_value = %s", (total_count + 1, T))

			db.cursor.execute("INSERT INTO answers (oid, qid, answer) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)", (str(self.id), game_questions[i], game_answers[i]))


		if result == 0:
			result = 'lose'
			result = 'win'

		# TODO: clean up all the text files because this is kind of ridiculous
		with open("game.txt", "a") as myfile:
			myfile.write(str(game.id)+','+ str(self.id) +','+ str(guess.name)+"," + str(self.name) + "," + str(len(game_questions)) + "," + result  +  "\n")

		with open("answers.txt", "a") as answerfile:
			answerfile.write("\n" + str(game.id) + " " + str(self.id) + " " + result + "\n")
			for i in range(0, len(game_questions)):
				answerfile.write(tags.get(game_questions[i]) + " -> " + str(game_answers[i]) + "\n")
Ejemplo n.º 3
	def _record_results(self, game, game_answers, game_questions, guess, result):
		Puts results into the DB as well as writing them to file for examination

		log.info('Recording object results')
		for i in range(0, len(game_questions)):
			T = questions.get_t(self.id, game_questions[i])
			if game_answers[i] == True:
				db.cursor.execute("SELECT yes_answers FROM Pqd where t_value = %s", (T,))
				yes_count = db.cursor.fetchone()[0]
				#print yes_count, 'yes'
				db.cursor.execute("UPDATE Pqd SET yes_answers = %s WHERE t_value = %s", (yes_count + 1, T))

			db.cursor.execute("SELECT total_answers FROM Pqd where t_value = %s", (T,))
			total_count = db.cursor.fetchone()[0]
			#print total_count
			db.cursor.execute("UPDATE Pqd SET total_answers = %s WHERE t_value = %s", (total_count + 1, T))

			db.cursor.execute("INSERT INTO answers (oid, qid, answer) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)", (str(self.id), game_questions[i], game_answers[i]))


		if result == 0:
			result = 'lose'
			result = 'win'

		with open("game.txt", "a") as myfile:
			myfile.write(str(game.id)+','+ str(self.id) +','+ str(guess.name)+"," + str(len(game_questions)) + "," + result  +  "\n")

		with open("answers.txt", "a") as answerfile:
			answerfile.write("\n" + str(game.id) + " " + str(self.id) + " " + result + "\n")
			for i in range(0, len(game_questions)):
				answerfile.write(tags.get(game_questions[i]) + " -> " + str(game_answers[i]) + "\n")
Ejemplo n.º 4
def build(_game, method, number_of_objects, game_questions={}, game_answers={}, skip={}):
	Builds the model for all keywords

	log.info("Retraining model")

	#get all the different tags available
	db.cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT(tag) FROM TagInfoBk")
	results = db.cursor.fetchall()

	all_answers = objects.get_all_answers(number_of_objects)
	answer_data = all_answers[_game.id-1]

	tags = []
	for result in results:

	count = 0
	#print game_answers
	if method == 3:

		#for each tag we select all the observation_ids that are related to it
		for tag in tags:
			print "Training tag:", tag
			if tag not in skip:

				feature_matrix=[]#initialize feature matrix for each different tag
				feature_matrix_labels = [] # Labels to indicate if the example is positive or negative
				tag_obs_ids = range(1,18)
				db.cursor.execute('SELECT id FROM Tags WHERE tag = %s', (tag,))
				qid = db.cursor.fetchone()[0]
				should_train_over_3 = False
				should_train_zero = False
				should_train = False

				#for every observation/object of this specific tag
				for obs_id in tag_obs_ids:

					T = questions.get_t(obs_id, qid, number_of_objects)
					# For game 0, if a tag has been used 3 or more times in the object descriptions, that object is used as a positive example
					if _game.id == 0:
						if T >= 3:
							should_train_over_3 = True
							count += 1
							label = 1
							feature_matrix, feature_matrix_labels = updateFeatureMatrix(feature_matrix, feature_matrix_labels, obs_id, _game, label)
						# An object is only a negative example if it is used 0 times
						elif T == 0:
							should_train_zero = True
							count += 1
							label = 0
							feature_matrix, feature_matrix_labels = updateFeatureMatrix(feature_matrix, feature_matrix_labels, obs_id, _game, label)

					# games up to 15 trained using all available answer data
					elif _game.id < 16:
						model_folder = os.getcwd() + '/SVM_model_777'
						listing = os.listdir(model_folder)
						has_model = []

						for mod in listing:
							if mod.endswith('.pkl'):
								model_clone = joblib.load(model_folder + '/' + mod)
								K = mod.split('_', 1)[0]
								K = K.lower()

						for game in range(0, _game.id+1):
							if tag.lower() in has_model:

								if game == 0:
									if T >= 3:
										should_train = True
										count += 1
										label = 1
										feature_matrix, feature_matrix_labels = updateFeatureMatrix(feature_matrix, feature_matrix_labels, obs_id, _game, label)
									elif T == 0:
										should_train = True
										count += 1
										label = 0
										feature_matrix, feature_matrix_labels = updateFeatureMatrix(feature_matrix, feature_matrix_labels, obs_id, _game, label)


									if answer_data[obs_id-1][qid-1] == 1:
										should_train = True
										count += 1
										label = 1
										feature_matrix, feature_matrix_labels = updateFeatureMatrix(feature_matrix, feature_matrix_labels, obs_id, _game, label)
										should_train = True
										count += 1
										label = 0
										feature_matrix, feature_matrix_labels = updateFeatureMatrix(feature_matrix, feature_matrix_labels, obs_id, _game, label)

					# Otherwise, use only questions from gameplay
						model_folder = os.getcwd() + '/SVM_model_777'
						listing = os.listdir(model_folder)
						has_model = []

						for mod in listing:
							if mod.endswith('.pkl'):
								model_clone = joblib.load(model_folder + '/' + mod)
								K = mod.split('_', 1)[0]
								K = K.lower()

						for game in range(0, _game.id+1):
							if tag.lower() in has_model:

								if game == 0:
									if T >= 3:
										should_train = True
										count += 1
										label = 1
										feature_matrix, feature_matrix_labels = updateFeatureMatrix(feature_matrix, feature_matrix_labels, obs_id, _game, label)
									elif T == 0:
										should_train = True
										count += 1
										label = 0
										feature_matrix, feature_matrix_labels = updateFeatureMatrix(feature_matrix, feature_matrix_labels, obs_id, _game, label)

								elif game < 16:

									if answer_data[obs_id-1][qid-1] == 1:
										should_train = True
										count += 1
										label = 1
										feature_matrix, feature_matrix_labels = updateFeatureMatrix(feature_matrix, feature_matrix_labels, obs_id, _game, label)

									elif answer_data[obs_id-1][qid-1] == 0:
										should_train = True
										count += 1
										label = 0
										feature_matrix, feature_matrix_labels = updateFeatureMatrix(feature_matrix, feature_matrix_labels, obs_id, _game, label)


									db.cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM Tags WHERE tag = '{0}'".format(tag))
									tag_id = db.cursor.fetchone()[0]
									#TODO: double check that it being just obs_id and not obs_id - 1 is correct
									if tag_id in game_questions[game][obs_id]:
										print game_questions
										index = game_questions[game][obs_id].index(tag_id)
										if game_answers[game][obs_id][index] == 1:
											should_train = True
											count += 1
											label = 1
											feature_matrix, feature_matrix_labels = updateFeatureMatrix(feature_matrix, feature_matrix_labels, obs_id, _game, label)
										elif game_answers[game][obs_id][index] == 0:
											should_train = True
											count += 1
											label = 0
											feature_matrix, feature_matrix_labels = updateFeatureMatrix(feature_matrix, feature_matrix_labels, obs_id, _game, label)

				if should_train or (should_train_over_3 and should_train_zero):
					print "Training image models"
					training_matrix, training_labels = select_training_data(feature_matrix_labels, feature_matrix)
					#model.ModelTraining(tag, feature_matrix, 777) #training the model with GMM
					model.ModelTrainingSVM(tag, training_matrix, training_labels, 777) #training the model with SVM
Ejemplo n.º 5
def build(_game,
	Builds the model for all keywords

    log.info("Retraining model")

    #get all the different tags available
    db.cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT(tag) FROM TagInfoBk")
    results = db.cursor.fetchall()

    all_answers = objects.get_all_answers(number_of_objects)
    answer_data = all_answers[_game.id - 1]

    tags = []
    for result in results:

    count = 0
    #print game_answers
    if method == 3:

        #for each tag we select all the observation_ids that are related to it
        for tag in tags:
            print "Training tag:", tag
            if tag not in skip:

                feature_matrix = [
                ]  #initialize feature matrix for each different tag
                feature_matrix_labels = [
                ]  # Labels to indicate if the example is positive or negative
                tag_obs_ids = range(1, 18)
                db.cursor.execute('SELECT id FROM Tags WHERE tag = %s',
                                  (tag, ))
                qid = db.cursor.fetchone()[0]
                should_train_over_3 = False
                should_train_zero = False
                should_train = False

                #for every observation/object of this specific tag
                for obs_id in tag_obs_ids:

                    T = questions.get_t(obs_id, qid, number_of_objects)
                    # For game 0, if a tag has been used 3 or more times in the object descriptions, that object is used as a positive example
                    if _game.id == 0:
                        if T >= 3:
                            should_train_over_3 = True
                            count += 1
                            label = 1
                            feature_matrix, feature_matrix_labels = updateFeatureMatrix(
                                feature_matrix, feature_matrix_labels, obs_id,
                                _game, label)
                        # An object is only a negative example if it is used 0 times
                        elif T == 0:
                            should_train_zero = True
                            count += 1
                            label = 0
                            feature_matrix, feature_matrix_labels = updateFeatureMatrix(
                                feature_matrix, feature_matrix_labels, obs_id,
                                _game, label)

                    # games up to 15 trained using all available answer data
                    elif _game.id < 16:
                        model_folder = os.getcwd() + '/SVM_model_777'
                        listing = os.listdir(model_folder)
                        has_model = []

                        for mod in listing:
                            if mod.endswith('.pkl'):
                                model_clone = joblib.load(model_folder + '/' +
                                K = mod.split('_', 1)[0]
                                K = K.lower()

                        for game in range(0, _game.id + 1):
                            if tag.lower() in has_model:

                                if game == 0:
                                    if T >= 3:
                                        should_train = True
                                        count += 1
                                        label = 1
                                        feature_matrix, feature_matrix_labels = updateFeatureMatrix(
                                            feature_matrix_labels, obs_id,
                                            _game, label)
                                    elif T == 0:
                                        should_train = True
                                        count += 1
                                        label = 0
                                        feature_matrix, feature_matrix_labels = updateFeatureMatrix(
                                            feature_matrix_labels, obs_id,
                                            _game, label)


                                    if answer_data[obs_id - 1][qid - 1] == 1:
                                        should_train = True
                                        count += 1
                                        label = 1
                                        feature_matrix, feature_matrix_labels = updateFeatureMatrix(
                                            feature_matrix_labels, obs_id,
                                            _game, label)
                                        should_train = True
                                        count += 1
                                        label = 0
                                        feature_matrix, feature_matrix_labels = updateFeatureMatrix(
                                            feature_matrix_labels, obs_id,
                                            _game, label)

                    # Otherwise, use only questions from gameplay
                        model_folder = os.getcwd() + '/SVM_model_777'
                        listing = os.listdir(model_folder)
                        has_model = []

                        for mod in listing:
                            if mod.endswith('.pkl'):
                                model_clone = joblib.load(model_folder + '/' +
                                K = mod.split('_', 1)[0]
                                K = K.lower()

                        for game in range(0, _game.id + 1):
                            if tag.lower() in has_model:

                                if game == 0:
                                    if T >= 3:
                                        should_train = True
                                        count += 1
                                        label = 1
                                        feature_matrix, feature_matrix_labels = updateFeatureMatrix(
                                            feature_matrix_labels, obs_id,
                                            _game, label)
                                    elif T == 0:
                                        should_train = True
                                        count += 1
                                        label = 0
                                        feature_matrix, feature_matrix_labels = updateFeatureMatrix(
                                            feature_matrix_labels, obs_id,
                                            _game, label)

                                elif game < 16:

                                    if answer_data[obs_id - 1][qid - 1] == 1:
                                        should_train = True
                                        count += 1
                                        label = 1
                                        feature_matrix, feature_matrix_labels = updateFeatureMatrix(
                                            feature_matrix_labels, obs_id,
                                            _game, label)

                                    elif answer_data[obs_id - 1][qid - 1] == 0:
                                        should_train = True
                                        count += 1
                                        label = 0
                                        feature_matrix, feature_matrix_labels = updateFeatureMatrix(
                                            feature_matrix_labels, obs_id,
                                            _game, label)


                                        "SELECT id FROM Tags WHERE tag = '{0}'"
                                    tag_id = db.cursor.fetchone()[0]
                                    #TODO: double check that it being just obs_id and not obs_id - 1 is correct
                                    if tag_id in game_questions[game][obs_id]:
                                        print game_questions
                                        index = game_questions[game][
                                        if game_answers[game][obs_id][
                                                index] == 1:
                                            should_train = True
                                            count += 1
                                            label = 1
                                            feature_matrix, feature_matrix_labels = updateFeatureMatrix(
                                                feature_matrix_labels, obs_id,
                                                _game, label)
                                        elif game_answers[game][obs_id][
                                                index] == 0:
                                            should_train = True
                                            count += 1
                                            label = 0
                                            feature_matrix, feature_matrix_labels = updateFeatureMatrix(
                                                feature_matrix_labels, obs_id,
                                                _game, label)

                if should_train or (should_train_over_3 and should_train_zero):
                    print "Training image models"
                    training_matrix, training_labels = select_training_data(
                        feature_matrix_labels, feature_matrix)
                    training_matrix = np.asarray(training_matrix)
                    #model.ModelTraining(tag, feature_matrix, 777) #training the model with GMM
                    model.ModelTrainingSVM(tag, training_matrix,
                                           777)  #training the model with SVM
Ejemplo n.º 6
def build(_game, method, game_questions={}, game_answers={}, skip={}):
    Build the model for all keywords using 1 of 3 different methods
    Currently only 1 and 3 work

    log.info("Retraining model")

    #get all the different tags available
    db.cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT(tag) FROM TagInfoBk")

    tags = []
    for result in results:

    count = 0
    # Builds models by using images where the answer set has a yes for the paring as a positive example
    if method == 1:
        #for each tag we select all the observation_ids that are related to it
        for tag in tags:
            feature_matrix=[]#initialize feature matrix for each different tag
            feature_matrix_labels = [] # Labels to indicate if the example is positive or negative
            #cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT(observation_id) FROM TagInfoBk WHERE tag=%s",(tag))
            db.cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT(observation_id) FROM TagInfoBk")
            db.cursor.execute('SELECT id FROM Tags WHERE tag = %s', (tag,))
            qid = db.cursor.fetchone()[0]

            should_train = False
            #for every observation/object of this spesific tag
            for obs_id in tag_obs_ids:

                object_matrix = []
                T = questions.get_t(obs_id[0], qid)
                if _game.id == 0:
                    if T >= 3:
                        should_train = True
                        count = count + 1
                        db.cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM FeatureInfo WHERE feature_id='0' AND observation_id='{0}' AND game_id='{1}' ".format(obs_id[0], _game.id))

                        db.cursor.execute("SELECT feature_id,feature_value FROM FeatureInfo WHERE observation_id='{0}' AND game_id='{1}'".format(obs_id[0],_game.id))


                        new_fv=0 #flag to show when a feature vector given a capture starts (index in feature_info tuple)
                        end_of_fv=vv_seperator#flag to show when a feature vector given a capture ends (index in feature_info tuple)

                        for capture_id in xrange(0,num_of_images_per_oservation[0][0]):
                            feature_vector=RetrieveFeatureVector(feature_info,new_fv,end_of_fv) #create a feature vector given a capture
                            #print len(feature_vector)
                            new_fv=new_fv+vv_seperator #update starting index of the vector
                            end_of_fv=end_of_fv+vv_seperator #update ending index of the vector
                            feature_matrix.append(feature_vector) #insert feature vectors into a matrix for each tag

                #elif _game.id < 16:
                    model_folder = os.getcwd() + '/GMM_model_777'
                    listing = os.listdir(model_folder)
                    has_model = []
                    for mod in listing:
                        if mod.endswith('.pkl'):
                            model_clone = joblib.load(model_folder + '/' + mod)
                            T = mod.split('_', 1)[0]
                            T = T.lower()
                    for game in range(0, _game.id+1):
                        if tag.lower() in has_model:
                            if game == 0:
                                should_train = True
                                count = count + 1
                                db.cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM FeatureInfo WHERE feature_id='0' AND observation_id='{0}' AND game_id='{1}' ".format(obs_id[0], game))

                                db.cursor.execute("SELECT feature_id,feature_value FROM FeatureInfo WHERE observation_id='{0}' AND game_id='{1}'".format(obs_id[0],game))


                                new_fv=0 #flag to show when a feature vector given a capture starts (index in feature_info tuple)
                                end_of_fv=vv_seperator#flag to show when a feature vector given a capture ends (index in feature_info tuple)

                                for capture_id in xrange(0,num_of_images_per_oservation[0][0]):
                                    feature_vector=RetrieveFeatureVector(feature_info,new_fv,end_of_fv) #create a feature vector given a capture
                                    #print len(feature_vector)
                                    new_fv=new_fv+vv_seperator #update starting index of the vector
                                    end_of_fv=end_of_fv+vv_seperator #update ending index of the vector
                                    feature_matrix.append(feature_vector) #insert feature vectors into a matrix for each tag

                                answer_data = np.genfromtxt(os.getcwd()+'/Answers/Game'+str(game)+'.csv',dtype=str, delimiter='\t')
                                #cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM Tags where tag ='{0}'".format(tag))
                                #tag_id = cursor.fetchone()[0]
                                if answer_data[int(obs_id[0])-1][qid-1] == 'yes' or answer_data[int(obs_id[0])-1][qid-1] is 'yes':
                                    should_train = True
                                    count = count + 1
                                    db.cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM FeatureInfo WHERE feature_id='0' AND observation_id='{0}' AND game_id='{1}' ".format(obs_id[0], game))

                                    db.cursor.execute("SELECT feature_id,feature_value FROM FeatureInfo WHERE observation_id='{0}' AND game_id='{1}'".format(obs_id[0],game))


                                    new_fv=0 #flag to show when a feature vector given a capture starts (index in feature_info tuple)
                                    end_of_fv=vv_seperator#flag to show when a feature vector given a capture ends (index in feature_info tuple)

                                    for capture_id in xrange(0,num_of_images_per_oservation[0][0]):
                                        feature_vector=RetrieveFeatureVector(feature_info,new_fv,end_of_fv) #create a feature vector given a capture
                                        #print len(feature_vector)
                                        new_fv=new_fv+vv_seperator #update starting index of the vector
                                        end_of_fv=end_of_fv+vv_seperator #update ending index of the vector
                                        feature_matrix.append(feature_vector) #insert feature vectors into a matrix for each tag


            if should_train:
                #print len(feature_matrix)
                model.ModelTraining(tag, feature_matrix, 777) #training the model
    elif method == 2:
    # Up to game 15, uses images that received a yes as positive and no as negative (All questions)
    # Beyond that, only uses keywords from the game (Much smaller subset)
    elif method == 3:
        #for each tag we select all the observation_ids that are related to it
        for tag in tags:
            if tag not in skip:
                feature_matrix=[]#initialize feature matrix for each different tag
                feature_matrix_labels = [] # Labels to indicate if the example is positive or negative
                #cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT(observation_id) FROM TagInfoBk WHERE tag=%s",(tag))
                db.cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT(observation_id) FROM TagInfoBk")
                db.cursor.execute('SELECT id FROM Tags WHERE tag = %s', (tag,))
                qid = db.cursor.fetchone()[0]

                should_train = False
                #for every observation/object of this spesific tag
                for obs_id in tag_obs_ids:

                    T = questions.get_t(obs_id[0], qid)
                    # For game 0, if a tag has been used 3 or more times in the object descriptions, that object is used as a positive example
                    if _game.id == 0:
                        if T >= 3:
                            should_train = True
                            count = count + 1
                            db.cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM FeatureInfo WHERE feature_id='0' AND observation_id='{0}' AND game_id='{1}' ".format(obs_id[0], _game.id))

                            db.cursor.execute("SELECT feature_id,feature_value FROM FeatureInfo WHERE observation_id='{0}' AND game_id='{1}'".format(obs_id[0],_game.id))


                            new_fv=0 #flag to show when a feature vector given a capture starts (index in feature_info tuple)
                            end_of_fv=vv_seperator#flag to show when a feature vector given a capture ends (index in feature_info tuple)

                            for capture_id in xrange(0,num_of_images_per_oservation[0][0]):
                                feature_vector=RetrieveFeatureVector(feature_info,new_fv,end_of_fv) #create a feature vector given a capture
                                #print len(feature_vector)
                                new_fv=new_fv+vv_seperator #update starting index of the vector
                                end_of_fv=end_of_fv+vv_seperator #update ending index of the vector
                                feature_matrix.append(feature_vector) #insert feature vectors into a matrix for each tag

                        # An object is only a negative example if it is used 0 times
                        elif T == 0:
                            count = count + 1
                            db.cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM FeatureInfo WHERE feature_id='0' AND observation_id='{0}' AND game_id='{1}' ".format(obs_id[0], _game.id))

                            db.cursor.execute("SELECT feature_id,feature_value FROM FeatureInfo WHERE observation_id='{0}' AND game_id='{1}'".format(obs_id[0],_game.id))


                            new_fv=0 #flag to show when a feature vector given a capture starts (index in feature_info tuple)
                            end_of_fv=vv_seperator#flag to show when a feature vector given a capture ends (index in feature_info tuple)

                            for capture_id in xrange(0,num_of_images_per_oservation[0][0]):
                                feature_vector=RetrieveFeatureVector(feature_info,new_fv,end_of_fv) #create a feature vector given a capture
                                #print len(feature_vector)
                                new_fv=new_fv+vv_seperator #update starting index of the vector
                                end_of_fv=end_of_fv+vv_seperator #update ending index of the vector
                                feature_matrix.append(feature_vector) #insert feature vectors into a matrix for each tag

                        #print len(feature_matrix_labels)
                    # games up to 15 trained using all available answer data
                    elif _game.id < 16:
                        answer_data = np.genfromtxt(os.getcwd()+'/Answers/Game'+str(_game.id)+'.csv',dtype=str, delimiter='\t')
                        model_folder = os.getcwd() + '/GMM_model_777'
                        listing = os.listdir(model_folder)
                        has_model = []
                        for mod in listing:
                            if mod.endswith('.pkl'):
                                model_clone = joblib.load(model_folder + '/' + mod)
                                K = mod.split('_', 1)[0]
                                K = K.lower()
                        for game in range(0, _game.id+1):
                            if tag.lower() in has_model:
                                if game == 0:
                                    if T >= 3:
                                        should_train = True
                                        count = count + 1
                                        db.cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM FeatureInfo WHERE feature_id='0' AND observation_id='{0}' AND game_id='{1}' ".format(obs_id[0], game))

                                        db.cursor.execute("SELECT feature_id,feature_value FROM FeatureInfo WHERE observation_id='{0}' AND game_id='{1}'".format(obs_id[0],game))


                                        new_fv=0 #flag to show when a feature vector given a capture starts (index in feature_info tuple)
                                        end_of_fv=vv_seperator#flag to show when a feature vector given a capture ends (index in feature_info tuple)

                                        for capture_id in xrange(0,num_of_images_per_oservation[0][0]):
                                            feature_vector=RetrieveFeatureVector(feature_info,new_fv,end_of_fv) #create a feature vector given a capture
                                            #print len(feature_vector)
                                            new_fv=new_fv+vv_seperator #update starting index of the vector
                                            end_of_fv=end_of_fv+vv_seperator #update ending index of the vector
                                            feature_matrix.append(feature_vector) #insert feature vectors into a matrix for each tag

                                    elif T == 0:
                                        should_train = True
                                        count = count + 1
                                        db.cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM FeatureInfo WHERE feature_id='0' AND observation_id='{0}' AND game_id='{1}' ".format(obs_id[0], game))

                                        db.cursor.execute("SELECT feature_id,feature_value FROM FeatureInfo WHERE observation_id='{0}' AND game_id='{1}'".format(obs_id[0],game))


                                        new_fv=0 #flag to show when a feature vector given a capture starts (index in feature_info tuple)
                                        end_of_fv=vv_seperator#flag to show when a feature vector given a capture ends (index in feature_info tuple)

                                        for capture_id in xrange(0,num_of_images_per_oservation[0][0]):
                                            feature_vector=RetrieveFeatureVector(feature_info,new_fv,end_of_fv) #create a feature vector given a capture
                                            #print len(feature_vector)
                                            new_fv=new_fv+vv_seperator #update starting index of the vector
                                            end_of_fv=end_of_fv+vv_seperator #update ending index of the vector
                                            feature_matrix.append(feature_vector) #insert feature vectors into a matrix for each tag

                                    answer_data = np.genfromtxt(os.getcwd()+'/Answers/Game'+str(game)+'.csv',dtype=str, delimiter='\t')
                                    #cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM Tags where tag ='{0}'".format(tag))
                                    #tag_id = cursor.fetchone()[0]
                                    if answer_data[int(obs_id[0])-1][qid-1] == 'yes' or answer_data[int(obs_id[0])-1][qid-1] is 'yes':
                                        should_train = True
                                        count = count + 1
                                        db.cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM FeatureInfo WHERE feature_id='0' AND observation_id='{0}' AND game_id='{1}' ".format(obs_id[0], game))

                                        db.cursor.execute("SELECT feature_id,feature_value FROM FeatureInfo WHERE observation_id='{0}' AND game_id='{1}'".format(obs_id[0],game))


                                        new_fv=0 #flag to show when a feature vector given a capture starts (index in feature_info tuple)
                                        end_of_fv=vv_seperator#flag to show when a feature vector given a capture ends (index in feature_info tuple)

                                        for capture_id in xrange(0,num_of_images_per_oservation[0][0]):
                                            feature_vector=RetrieveFeatureVector(feature_info,new_fv,end_of_fv) #create a feature vector given a capture
                                            #print len(feature_vector)
                                            new_fv=new_fv+vv_seperator #update starting index of the vector
                                            end_of_fv=end_of_fv+vv_seperator #update ending index of the vector
                                            feature_matrix.append(feature_vector) #insert feature vectors into a matrix for each tag

                                        should_train = True
                                        count = count + 1
                                        db.cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM FeatureInfo WHERE feature_id='0' AND observation_id='{0}' AND game_id='{1}' ".format(obs_id[0], game))

                                        db.cursor.execute("SELECT feature_id,feature_value FROM FeatureInfo WHERE observation_id='{0}' AND game_id='{1}'".format(obs_id[0],game))


                                        new_fv=0 #flag to show when a feature vector given a capture starts (index in feature_info tuple)
                                        end_of_fv=vv_seperator#flag to show when a feature vector given a capture ends (index in feature_info tuple)

                                        for capture_id in xrange(0,num_of_images_per_oservation[0][0]):
                                            feature_vector=RetrieveFeatureVector(feature_info,new_fv,end_of_fv) #create a feature vector given a capture
                                            #print len(feature_vector)
                                            new_fv=new_fv+vv_seperator #update starting index of the vector
                                            end_of_fv=end_of_fv+vv_seperator #update ending index of the vector
                                            feature_matrix.append(feature_vector) #insert feature vectors into a matrix for each tag

                    # Otherwise, use only questions from gameplay
                        model_folder = os.getcwd() + '/GMM_model_777'
                        listing = os.listdir(model_folder)
                        has_model = []
                        for mod in listing:
                            if mod.endswith('.pkl'):
                                model_clone = joblib.load(model_folder + '/' + mod)
                                K = mod.split('_', 1)[0]
                                K = K.lower()
                        for game in range(0, _game.id+1):
                            #print game
                            if tag.lower() in has_model:
                                if game == 0:
                                    if T >= 3:
                                        should_train = True
                                        count = count + 1
                                        db.cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM FeatureInfo WHERE feature_id='0' AND observation_id='{0}' AND game_id='{1}' ".format(obs_id[0], game))

                                        db.cursor.execute("SELECT feature_id,feature_value FROM FeatureInfo WHERE observation_id='{0}' AND game_id='{1}'".format(obs_id[0],game))


                                        new_fv=0 #flag to show when a feature vector given a capture starts (index in feature_info tuple)
                                        end_of_fv=vv_seperator#flag to show when a feature vector given a capture ends (index in feature_info tuple)

                                        for capture_id in xrange(0,num_of_images_per_oservation[0][0]):
                                            feature_vector=RetrieveFeatureVector(feature_info,new_fv,end_of_fv) #create a feature vector given a capture
                                            #print len(feature_vector)
                                            new_fv=new_fv+vv_seperator #update starting index of the vector
                                            end_of_fv=end_of_fv+vv_seperator #update ending index of the vector
                                            feature_matrix.append(feature_vector) #insert feature vectors into a matrix for each tag
                                    elif T == 0:
                                        should_train = True
                                        count = count + 1
                                        db.cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM FeatureInfo WHERE feature_id='0' AND observation_id='{0}' AND game_id='{1}' ".format(obs_id[0], game))

                                        db.cursor.execute("SELECT feature_id,feature_value FROM FeatureInfo WHERE observation_id='{0}' AND game_id='{1}'".format(obs_id[0],game))


                                        new_fv=0 #flag to show when a feature vector given a capture starts (index in feature_info tuple)
                                        end_of_fv=vv_seperator#flag to show when a feature vector given a capture ends (index in feature_info tuple)

                                        for capture_id in xrange(0,num_of_images_per_oservation[0][0]):
                                            feature_vector=RetrieveFeatureVector(feature_info,new_fv,end_of_fv) #create a feature vector given a capture
                                            #print len(feature_vector)
                                            new_fv=new_fv+vv_seperator #update starting index of the vector
                                            end_of_fv=end_of_fv+vv_seperator #update ending index of the vector
                                            feature_matrix.append(feature_vector) #insert feature vectors into a matrix for each tag
                                elif game < 16:
                                    answer_data = np.genfromtxt(os.getcwd()+'/Answers/Game'+str(game)+'.csv',dtype=str, delimiter='\t')
                                    #cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM Tags where tag ='{0}'".format(tag))
                                    #tag_id = cursor.fetchone()[0]
                                    if answer_data[int(obs_id[0])-1][qid-1] == 'yes' or answer_data[int(obs_id[0])-1][qid-1] is 'yes':
                                        should_train = True
                                        count = count + 1
                                        db.cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM FeatureInfo WHERE feature_id='0' AND observation_id='{0}' AND game_id='{1}' ".format(obs_id[0], game))

                                        db.cursor.execute("SELECT feature_id,feature_value FROM FeatureInfo WHERE observation_id='{0}' AND game_id='{1}'".format(obs_id[0],game))


                                        new_fv=0 #flag to show when a feature vector given a capture starts (index in feature_info tuple)
                                        end_of_fv=vv_seperator#flag to show when a feature vector given a capture ends (index in feature_info tuple)

                                        for capture_id in xrange(0,num_of_images_per_oservation[0][0]):
                                            feature_vector=RetrieveFeatureVector(feature_info,new_fv,end_of_fv) #create a feature vector given a capture
                                            #print len(feature_vector)
                                            new_fv=new_fv+vv_seperator #update starting index of the vector
                                            end_of_fv=end_of_fv+vv_seperator #update ending index of the vector
                                            feature_matrix.append(feature_vector) #insert feature vectors into a matrix for each tag

                                    elif answer_data[int(obs_id[0])-1][qid-1] == 'no' or answer_data[int(obs_id[0])-1][qid-1] is 'no':
                                        should_train = True
                                        count = count + 1
                                        db.cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM FeatureInfo WHERE feature_id='0' AND observation_id='{0}' AND game_id='{1}' ".format(obs_id[0], game))

                                        db.cursor.execute("SELECT feature_id,feature_value FROM FeatureInfo WHERE observation_id='{0}' AND game_id='{1}'".format(obs_id[0],game))


                                        new_fv=0 #flag to show when a feature vector given a capture starts (index in feature_info tuple)
                                        end_of_fv=vv_seperator#flag to show when a feature vector given a capture ends (index in feature_info tuple)

                                        for capture_id in xrange(0,num_of_images_per_oservation[0][0]):
                                            feature_vector=RetrieveFeatureVector(feature_info,new_fv,end_of_fv) #create a feature vector given a capture
                                            #print len(feature_vector)
                                            new_fv=new_fv+vv_seperator #update starting index of the vector
                                            end_of_fv=end_of_fv+vv_seperator #update ending index of the vector
                                            feature_matrix.append(feature_vector) #insert feature vectors into a matrix for each tag

                                    db.cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM Tags WHERE tag = '{0}'".format(tag))
                                    tag_id = db.cursor.fetchone()[0]
                                    if tag_id in game_questions[game][int(obs_id[0])]:
                                        index = game_questions[game][int(obs_id[0])].index(tag_id)
                                        #cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM Tags where tag ='{0}'".format(tag))
                                        #tag_id = cursor.fetchone()[0]
                                        if game_answers[game][int(obs_id[0])][index] == 1:
                                            should_train = True
                                            count = count + 1
                                            db.cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM FeatureInfo WHERE feature_id='0' AND observation_id='{0}' AND game_id='{1}' ".format(obs_id[0], game))

                                            db.cursor.execute("SELECT feature_id,feature_value FROM FeatureInfo WHERE observation_id='{0}' AND game_id='{1}'".format(obs_id[0],game))


                                            new_fv=0 #flag to show when a feature vector given a capture starts (index in feature_info tuple)
                                            end_of_fv=vv_seperator#flag to show when a feature vector given a capture ends (index in feature_info tuple)

                                            for capture_id in xrange(0,num_of_images_per_oservation[0][0]):
                                                feature_vector=RetrieveFeatureVector(feature_info,new_fv,end_of_fv) #create a feature vector given a capture
                                                #print len(feature_vector)
                                                new_fv=new_fv+vv_seperator #update starting index of the vector
                                                end_of_fv=end_of_fv+vv_seperator #update ending index of the vector
                                                feature_matrix.append(feature_vector) #insert feature vectors into a matrix for each tag

                                        elif game_answers[game][int(obs_id[0])][index] == 0:
                                            should_train = True
                                            count = count + 1
                                            db.cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM FeatureInfo WHERE feature_id='0' AND observation_id='{0}' AND game_id='{1}' ".format(obs_id[0], game))

                                            db.cursor.execute("SELECT feature_id,feature_value FROM FeatureInfo WHERE observation_id='{0}' AND game_id='{1}'".format(obs_id[0],game))


                                            new_fv=0 #flag to show when a feature vector given a capture starts (index in feature_info tuple)
                                            end_of_fv=vv_seperator#flag to show when a feature vector given a capture ends (index in feature_info tuple)

                                            for capture_id in xrange(0,num_of_images_per_oservation[0][0]):
                                                feature_vector=RetrieveFeatureVector(feature_info,new_fv,end_of_fv) #create a feature vector given a capture
                                                #print len(feature_vector)
                                                new_fv=new_fv+vv_seperator #update starting index of the vector
                                                end_of_fv=end_of_fv+vv_seperator #update ending index of the vector
                                                feature_matrix.append(feature_vector) #insert feature vectors into a matrix for each tag


                if should_train:
                    #model.ModelTraining(tag, feature_matrix, 777) #training the model with GMM
                    model.ModelTrainingSVM(tag, feature_matrix, feature_matrix_labels, 777) #training the model with SVM