Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _optimizeLoad( self, load ):
        outputLoad = Load()
        packages = []

        while load.charter.length() > 0:
            packages.append( load.charter.pop() )

        # Sort packages by distance from arbitrary item in list
        firstPackage = packages[4]
        packages.sort( key = lambda x: self._getDistanceBetweenPackages( firstPackage.location, x.location ))
        for package in packages:
            outputLoad.addPackage( package )

        # Nearest Neighbor sorting
        # Time Complexity: O(logN)
        sortedList = SimpleQueue()
        sortedList.push( packages[0] )
        packages.remove( packages[0] )
        for i in range( len( packages ) ):
            neighbor = self._getNearestPackage( sortedList.peek(), packages )
            sortedList.push( neighbor )
            index = packages.index( neighbor )
            packages.remove( packages[index] )

        while( sortedList.length() > 0 ):
            outputLoad.addPackage( sortedList.pop() )

        return outputLoad
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _assignPackage( self, truck ):
        allPackages = self.packages.getAll()
        priorityList = SimpleQueue()

        # Check if package needs a target truck
        for package in allPackages:
            if truck is not None:
                if truck.id == 2 and package.id in self.GROUP_ONE:
                    priorityList.push( package )
                    allPackages.remove( package )

        # Filter all packages for staged packages
        for package in allPackages:
            if package.status is Status.STAGED:
                # Check for packages with time sensitive requirements
                if self.currentTime >= self.DELAY_TIME:
                    if package.id in self.RUSH_PACKAGES:
                        priorityList.push( package )
                        allPackages.remove( package )
                    if package.id in self.DELAYED_PACKAGES:
                        priorityList.push( package )
                        #allPackages.remove( package )

                # Hotfix for incorrect postage
                if self.currentTime >= self.CORRECTION_TIME:
                    if package.id in self.INCORRECT_PACKAGES:
                        priorityList.push( package )
                        allPackages.remove( package )

                # Push remaining packages if no heuristic is required
                if str( package.notes ) == '':
                    priorityList.push( package )
                    #allPackages.remove( package )

        # Pop items of the prioritized list until a suitable package returns
        # Time Complexity: O(n)
        for i in range( priorityList.length() ):
            selection = priorityList.peek()
            if selection.status is not Status.STAGED:
            elif selection.status:
                return selection

        # Return empty result
        return False