Ejemplo n.º 1
def bfs(start,goal):
    # dimension of the square puzzle
    n = len(start)
    # offsets for movements in the list
    offsets = {
    "right": 1,
    "left": -1,
    "up": -n,
    "down": n

    # converting matrix to string
    start_state = "".join(matrix_to_lst(start))
    goal_state = "".join(matrix_to_lst(goal))
    queue = Queue()
    predecessors = {start_state: None}
    while not queue.is_empty():
        # pop off first state in the queue
        current_state = queue.dequeue()
        # check if it is the goal itself
        if current_state == goal_state:
            return get_path(predecessors, start_state, goal_state)
        current_state_lst = list(current_state)  # convert string to list, because swap is not possible on strings(immutable)
        blank_pos = current_state_lst.index('A') # find position of blank tile
        for direction in ["up", "right", "down", "left"]:
            current_copy = copy.deepcopy(current_state_lst) # deepcopy to protect current_state_lst itself from modification
            new_blank_pos = blank_pos + offsets[direction]
            if new_blank_pos >= 0 and new_blank_pos < n**2 : # check for valid location before swapping tile
                current_copy[blank_pos], current_copy[new_blank_pos] = current_copy[new_blank_pos], current_copy[blank_pos] # swap operation
                neighbour = "".join(current_copy) # convert to string
                continue # if invalid location, continue to next direction
            if neighbour not in predecessors: 
                queue.enqueue(neighbour) # add neighbour to exploration queue
                predecessors[neighbour] = current_state # add neighbour to the parent-child dictionary for backtracking

    return None
Ejemplo n.º 2
def bfs(maze, start, goal):
    q = Queue()
    pred = {start: None}

    while (not q.is_empty()):
        cc = q.dequeue()
        if cc == goal:
            return get_path(pred, start, goal)
            for key, value in offsets.items():
                newpos = tuple(cc[i] + value[i] for i in range(len(cc)))
                if is_legal_pos(maze, newpos) and newpos not in pred:
                    pred[newpos] = cc
def bfs(maze, start, goal):
    queue = Queue()
    predecessors = {start: None}

    while not queue.is_empty():
        current_cell = queue.dequeue()
        if current_cell == goal:
            return get_path(predecessors, start, goal)
        for direction in ["up", "right", "down", "left"]:
            row_offset, col_offset = offsets[direction]
            neighbor = (current_cell[0] + row_offset, current_cell[1] + col_offset)
            if is_legal_pos(maze, neighbor) and neighbor not in predecessors:
                predecessors[neighbor] = current_cell
    return None
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self):

        self.cats = Queue()
        self.dogs = Queue()
Ejemplo n.º 5
class AnimalShelter():
    """A place for animals to be cared for until they're adopted."""
    def __init__(self):

        self.cats = Queue()
        self.dogs = Queue()

    def take_in(self, animal):
        """Take a pet in until it's adopted."""

        # Is there a better way to handle the timing?

        if type(animal) == Cat:
            self.cats.enqueue((animal, datetime.datetime.now()))

        elif type(animal) == Dog:
            self.dogs.enqueue((animal, datetime.datetime.now()))

            print("We don't take that kind of animal here, sorry!")

    def introduce_next_pet(self):
        """Show an interested owner the next pet up for adoption."""

        next_cat = self.cats.peek()
        next_dog = self.dogs.peek()

        if next_cat[1] < next_dog[1]:
            return next_cat[0]

            return next_dog[0]

    def release_animal_to_owner(self, species=None):
        """Let a person adopt a pet."""

        if species is not None:
            if species.lower() == "cat":
                return self.cats.dequeue()[0]

            elif species.lower() == "dog":
                return self.dogs.dequeue()[0]

            next_cat = self.cats.peek()
            next_dog = self.dogs.peek()

            if next_cat[1] < next_dog[1]:
                return self.cats.dequeue()[0]

                return self.dogs.dequeue()[0]
Ejemplo n.º 6
# Boolean to check if user wishes to continue with app
start = True

# List of possible selection for category
categories = ['G', 'I', 'U', 'P', 'B']
Start of App


print("\tWelcome to abcnews Web Scrapper App!\n")

# Initialize Queues
story_queue = Queue()
old_queue = Queue()

# Iteration counter
i = 0

while start:

    selection = input(
        '\tPlease select a category (Type Letter): \nGeneral (G)   U.S. (U)   International (I)   Business (B)   Politics (P)\n\nCategory: '

    # Create scrapper object
    section_headlines = Abcnews_scrapper()