Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_unicode(self):
        payment_line = PaymentLine()
        payment_line.LineNum = 1
        payment_line.Description = "Product Description"
        payment_line.Amount = 100

        self.assertEquals(str(payment_line), "[1] Product Description 100")
Ejemplo n.º 2
def post_payment(doc_number="", amount=0, btcp_id=''):
    # post payment to QBO
    doc_number: QBO invoice number
    amount: payment amount
    btcp_id: BTCPay invoice number
    qb = fetch('qbclient')
    # check if BTCPay is already in QBO as a pmt method
    pmt_method_list = PaymentMethod.filter(Name="BTCPay", qb=qb)
        # if BTCPay is already in QBO, set it as pmt method
        pmt_method = pmt_method_list[0]
    except IndexError:
        # if BTCPay is not in QBO, create it as pmt method
        new_pmt_method = PaymentMethod()
        new_pmt_method.Name = "BTCPay"
        # set newly created BTCPay pmt method as pmt method
        pmt_method_list = PaymentMethod.filter(Name="BTCPay", qb=qb)
        pmt_method = pmt_method_list[0]
    # check if QBO has asset acct for Bitcoin-BTCPay
    deposit_acct_list = Account.filter(Name="Bitcoin-BTCPay", qb=qb)
        # if Bitcoin-BTCPay is in QBO, set as deposit acct
        deposit_acct = deposit_acct_list[0]
    except IndexError:
        # if Bitcoin-BTCPay is not in QBO, create it as deposit acct
        new_acct = Account()
        new_acct.Name = "Bitcoin-BTCPay"
        new_acct.AccountSubType = "OtherCurrentAssets"
        # set newly created Bitcoin-BTCPay acct as deposit acct
        deposit_acct_list = Account.filter(Name="Bitcoin-BTCPay", qb=qb)
        deposit_acct = deposit_acct_list[0]
    # pull list of invoice objects matching invoice number from QBO
    invoice_list = Invoice.filter(DocNumber=doc_number, qb=qb)
        # only one invoice can match the inv #, so pull it from list
        invoice = invoice_list[0]
    except IndexError:
        app.logger.warning(f'No such invoice exists: {doc_number}')
        return None
        # convert invoice object to linked invoice object
        linked_invoice = invoice.to_linked_txn()
        description = 'BTCPay: ' + btcp_id
        payment_line = PaymentLine()
        payment_line.Amount = amount
        payment_line.Description = description
        # attach linked invoice object to payment line object
        payment = Payment()
        payment.TotalAmt = amount
        payment.CustomerRef = invoice.CustomerRef
        # create deposit acct reference object from deposit acct object
        deposit_account_ref = Ref()
        deposit_account_ref.value = deposit_acct.Id
        # create pmt method reference object from pmt method object
        pmt_method_ref = Ref()
        pmt_method_ref.name = pmt_method.Name
        # attach pmt method ref, dep acct ref, and pmt line obj to pmt obj
        payment.PaymentMethodRef = pmt_method_ref
        payment.DepositToAccountRef = deposit_account_ref
        # save payment to temp redis store to fliter duplicates
        app.redis.set(btcp_id, 'payment', ex=21600)
        return "Payment Made: " + str(payment)