Ejemplo n.º 1
def testVerifyLowCredit():
    client = quickemailverification.Client(os.getenv('apikey'))
    qevClient = client.quickemailverification()
    response = qevClient.sandbox('*****@*****.**')
    assert 402 == response.code
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def post(self):
        parser = reqparse.RequestParser()
        parser.add_argument('First_name', location='json', required=True)
        parser.add_argument('last_name', location='json', required=True)
        parser.add_argument('email', location='json', required=True)
        parser.add_argument('phone', location='json', required=True)
        parser.add_argument('bod', location='json')
        parser.add_argument('address', location='json')
        parser.add_argument('gender', location='json', choices=['male', 'female'])
        parser.add_argument('company', location='json')
        # parser.add_argument('user_id', type=int location='json')
        args = parser.parse_args()
        claims = get_jwt_claims()

        client = quickemailverification.Client('cf42a86c0859259680f2fa74a3f4f3c2bbf1eb52511f9273d672c4bca43c') # Replace API_KEY with your API Key
        checking = client.quickemailverification()
        response = checking.verify(args['email'])  # Email address which need to be verified
        validation = response.body['result']

        customer = Customer(args['First_name'], args['last_name'], args['email'], 
        args['phone'], args['bod'], args['address'], args['gender'], args['company'],  claims['id'], validation)

        app.logger.debug('DEBUG: %s', customer)

        return marshal(customer, Customer.response_fields), 200
Ejemplo n.º 3
def testVerifyInvalidDomain():
    client = quickemailverification.Client(os.getenv('apikey'))
    qevClient = client.quickemailverification()
    response = qevClient.sandbox('*****@*****.**')
    assert 200 == response.code
    assert 'invalid' == response.body['result']
    assert 'invalid_domain' == response.body['reason']
    assert 'false' == response.body['disposable']
    assert 'false' == response.body['accept_all']
    assert 'false' == response.body['role']
    assert 'false' == response.body['free']
    assert '*****@*****.**' == response.body['email']
    assert 'invalid-domain' == response.body['user']
    assert 'example.com' == response.body['domain']
    assert '' == response.body['mx_record']
    assert '' == response.body['mx_domain']
    assert 'false' == response.body['safe_to_send']
    assert '' == response.body['did_you_mean']
    assert 'true' == response.body['success']
Ejemplo n.º 4
def testVerifyTemporarilyBlocked():
    client = quickemailverification.Client(os.getenv('apikey'))
    qevClient = client.quickemailverification()
    response = qevClient.sandbox('*****@*****.**')
    assert 200 == response.code
    assert 'unknown' == response.body['result']
    assert 'temporarily_blocked' == response.body['reason']
    assert 'false' == response.body['disposable']
    assert 'false' == response.body['accept_all']
    assert 'false' == response.body['role']
    assert 'false' == response.body['free']
    assert '*****@*****.**' == response.body['email']
    assert 'temporarily-blocked' == response.body['user']
    assert 'example.com' == response.body['domain']
    assert None == response.body['mx_record']
    assert '' == response.body['mx_domain']
    assert 'false' == response.body['safe_to_send']
    assert '' == response.body['did_you_mean']
    assert 'true' == response.body['success']
Ejemplo n.º 5
def register():
    if request.method == "POST":
        ##to get the registration data
        fname = request.form.get("firstname")
        lname = request.form.get("lastname")
        address = request.form.get("address")
        email = request.form.get("email")
        password = request.form.get("password")
        ##to avoid duplicate emails registered
        cursor = mysql.get_db().cursor()
        cursor.execute('SELECT email FROM information where email=%s', email)
        checkIfemailExists = cursor.fetchall()
        if checkIfemailExists:
            return render_template(
                "Sorry, the email is already taken! Please use a different email"
        ##to verify the email
        client = quickemailverification.Client(QUICK_MAIL_VERIFICATION_API_KEY)
        quickemailverification = client.quickemailverification()
        response = quickemailverification.verify(email)
        for i in response:
            if i['result'] == 'valid':
                inputData = (fname, lname, address, email, password)
                sql_insert_query = """INSERT INTO information(firstName, lastName, address, email,password) VALUES (%s, %s,%s, %s,%s) """
                cursor.execute(sql_insert_query, inputData)
                return redirect("home.html", code=302)
                return render_template(
                    "Sorry, this is a invalid email, Please try with a valid mail"

    if request.method == "GET":
        return render_template("registration.html")
Ejemplo n.º 6
from pymongo import MongoClient
import pprint
import quickemailverification

client = MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017/')
db = client['dbname']
cm = db['collectionname']
#TODO:- create an array of tokens and fetch the array index to validate multiple records
token = 'API TOKEN'
count = 0
verified_col = {"$set": {"isvalid": "true", "verified": "true"}}
unverified_col = {"$set": {"isvalid": "false", "verified": "false"}}
client = quickemailverification.Client(token)
quickemailverification = client.quickemailverification()
for c in cm.find(
    {'$or': [{
        'isvalid': {
            '$exists': False
    }, {
        'isvalid': 'false'
    }]}, {
        'email': 1,
        '_id': 0
    if (c['email'] != ''):
        #print(c['email']) ## call wrapper api to validate the email, if email is verified then do the flag changes, add/update flag for c['id']
        response = quickemailverification.verify(c['email'])
        if (response.body['result'] != 'invalid'):
            # print(c['email']+' is '+response.body['result'])
            # print('----------------------------------------')
Ejemplo n.º 7
    # Each time this function is called, the result
    # corresponding to that email would be printed on a new row.
    max_filled_row = sheet.max_row + 1
    for label in response:
        data = response[label]
        # Using columns dictionary, determine the column
        # number in which the data should be displayed.
        column = columns[label]
        sheet[f"{column}{max_filled_row}"].font = data_font
        sheet[f"{column}{max_filled_row}"] = data

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Start a connection to QuickEmailVerification
    client = quickemailverification.Client(config.api_key)
    quickemailverification = client.quickemailverification()

    # Create an Excel Workbook.
    wb = openpyxl.Workbook()

    # Read the emails from the txt file and verify it.
    with open(r"email_list.txt") as f:
        emails = f.read().split("\n")
        for email in emails:
            response = quickemailverification.verify(email)
            if response.body['success'] == 'false':
                print("API Key is invalid. Follow the instructions ", end="")
                print("in README.md to get an API key.")