Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_hamiltonian_variables_with_edge_fields(
        e_qs: EvolvingQubitSystem) -> Tuple[q.qarray, q.qarray, q.qarray]:
    sx = q.pauli("X", sparse=True)
    sz = q.pauli("Z", sparse=True)
    qnum = (sz + q.identity(2, sparse=True)) / 2
    dims = [2] * e_qs.N

    # noinspection PyTypeChecker
    time_independent_terms: q.qarray = 0
    # noinspection PyTypeChecker
    Omega_coeff_terms: q.qarray = 0
    # noinspection PyTypeChecker
    Delta_coeff_terms: q.qarray = 0

    for i in range(e_qs.N):
        Omega_coeff_terms += q.ikron(sx, dims=dims, inds=i, sparse=True) / 2
        n_i = q.ikron(qnum, dims=dims, inds=i, sparse=True)
        Delta_coeff_terms -= n_i

        if e_qs.N <= 8:
            if i == 0 or i == e_qs.N - 1:
                time_independent_terms += n_i * 4.5e6 * 2 * np.pi
        elif e_qs.N > 8:
            if i == 0 or i == e_qs.N - 1:
                time_independent_terms += n_i * 6e6 * 2 * np.pi
            elif i == 3 or i == e_qs.N - 4:
                time_independent_terms += n_i * 1.5e6 * 2 * np.pi

        for j in range(i):
            n_j = q.ikron(qnum, dims=dims, inds=j, sparse=True)

            time_independent_terms += e_qs.V / e_qs.geometry.get_distance(
                i, j)**6 * n_i * n_j

    return (time_independent_terms, Omega_coeff_terms, Delta_coeff_terms)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _get_hamiltonian_variables(
            self) -> Tuple[q.qarray, q.qarray, q.qarray]:
        sx = q.pauli("X", sparse=True)
        sz = q.pauli("Z", sparse=True)
        qnum = (sz + q.identity(2, sparse=True)) / 2
        dims = [2] * self.N

        # noinspection PyTypeChecker
        time_independent_terms: q.qarray = 0
        # noinspection PyTypeChecker
        Omega_coeff_terms: q.qarray = 0
        # noinspection PyTypeChecker
        Delta_coeff_terms: q.qarray = 0

        for i in range(self.N):
            Omega_coeff_terms += q.ikron(sx, dims=dims, inds=i,
                                         sparse=True) / 2
            n_i = q.ikron(qnum, dims=dims, inds=i, sparse=True)
            Delta_coeff_terms -= n_i

            for j in range(i):
                n_j = q.ikron(qnum, dims=dims, inds=j, sparse=True)

                time_independent_terms += self.V / self.geometry.get_distance(
                    i, j)**6 * n_i * n_j

        return (time_independent_terms, Omega_coeff_terms, Delta_coeff_terms)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def test_ndarrays(self):
     a = qu.rand_matrix(2)
     i = qu.eye(2)
     b = qu.ikron([a], np.array([2, 2, 2]), [0, 2])
     assert_allclose(b, a & i & a)
     b = qu.ikron([a], [2, 2, 2], np.array([0, 2]))
     assert_allclose(b, a & i & a)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def H_hop_boson(self, i, j):
     '''Hopping term *without* anti-symmetrization
     c, cdag = annihil_op(), creation_op()
     ccd = qu.ikron(ops=[c, cdag], dims=self._dims, inds=[i, j])
     cdc = qu.ikron(ops=[c, cdag], dims=self._dims, inds=[j, i])
     return ccd + cdc
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def test_ikron_ownership(self, sparse, ri, rf):
     dims = [7, 2, 4, 3]
     X = qu.rand_matrix(2, sparse=sparse)
     Y = qu.rand_matrix(3, sparse=sparse)
     X1 = qu.ikron((X, Y), dims, (1, 3))[ri:rf, :]
     X2 = qu.ikron((X, Y), dims, (1, 3), ownership=(ri, rf))
     assert_allclose(X1.A, X2.A)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def test_sparse(self):
     i = qu.eye(2, sparse=True)
     a = qu.qu(qu.rand_matrix(2), sparse=True)
     b = qu.ikron(a, [2, 2, 2], 1)  # infer sparse
     assert (qu.issparse(b))
     assert_allclose(b.A, (i & a & i).A)
     a = qu.rand_matrix(2)
     b = qu.ikron(a, [2, 2, 2], 1, sparse=True)  # explicit sparse
     assert (qu.issparse(b))
     assert_allclose(b.A, (i & a & i).A)
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def test_overlap(self):
     a = [qu.rand_matrix(4) for i in range(2)]
     dims1 = [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]
     dims2 = [2, 4, 4, 2]
     b = qu.ikron(a, dims1, [1, 2, 3, 4])
     c = qu.ikron(a, dims2, [1, 2])
     assert_allclose(c, b)
     dims2 = [4, 2, 2, 4]
     b = qu.ikron(a, dims1, [0, 1, 4, 5])
     c = qu.ikron(a, dims2, [0, 3])
     assert_allclose(c, b)
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def test_basic(self):
     a = qu.rand_matrix(2)
     i = qu.eye(2)
     dims = [2, 2, 2]
     b = qu.ikron([a], dims, [0])
     assert_allclose(b, a & i & i)
     b = qu.ikron([a], dims, [1])
     assert_allclose(b, i & a & i)
     b = qu.ikron([a], dims, [2])
     assert_allclose(b, i & i & a)
     b = qu.ikron([a], dims, [0, 2])
     assert_allclose(b, a & i & a)
     b = qu.ikron([a], dims, [0, 1, 2])
     assert_allclose(b, a & a & a)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def H_hop(self, i, j, f, dir, spin):
        Returns "hopping" term acting on sites i,j,f:
            (XiXjOf + YiYjOf)/2
        on vertex qdits i,j, face qdit f, spin sector `spin`,
        where Of is {Xf, Yf, I} depending on edge.

        dir: {'vertical', 'horizontal'}
        spin = {
            0: 'u',
            1: 'd',
            'up': 'u',
            'down': 'd',
            'u': 'u',
            'd': 'd'

        X, Y, I = (qu.pauli(mu) for mu in ['x', 'y', 'i'])

        #`spin` says which spin sector to act on

        X_sigma = {'u': X & I, 'd': I & X}[spin]

        Y_sigma = {'u': Y & I, 'd': I & Y}[spin]

        Of = {'vertical': X_sigma, 'horizontal': Y_sigma}[dir]

        #no associated face qbit
        if f == None:
            XXO = qu.ikron(ops=[X_sigma, X_sigma],
                           inds=[i, j])
            YYO = qu.ikron(ops=[Y_sigma, Y_sigma],
                           inds=[i, j])

        #otherwise, let Of act on index f
            XXO = qu.ikron(ops=[X_sigma, X_sigma, Of],
                           inds=[i, j, f])
            YYO = qu.ikron(ops=[Y_sigma, Y_sigma, Of],
                           inds=[i, j, f])

        return 0.5 * (XXO + YYO)
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def test_2d_simple(self):
     a = (qu.rand_matrix(2), qu.rand_matrix(2))
     dims = ((2, 3), (3, 2))
     inds = ((0, 0), (1, 1))
     b = qu.ikron(a, dims, inds)
     assert b.shape == (36, 36)
     assert_allclose(b, a[0] & qu.eye(9) & a[1])
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def stabilizer_at_face(self, fi, fj):
        stab_data = self.loop_stabilizer_data(fi, fj)
        oplist = [qu.pauli(Q) for Q in stab_data['opstring']]

        return qu.ikron(ops=oplist,
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def test_mid_multi_reverse(self):
     a = [qu.rand_matrix(2) for i in range(3)]
     i = qu.eye(2)
     dims = [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]
     inds = [5, 4, 1]
     b = qu.ikron(a, dims, inds)
     assert_allclose(b, i & a[2] & i & i & a[1] & a[0])
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def test_sparse_format_outputs_with_dense(self, od1, stype, pos,
     x = qu.ikron(od1, [3, 3, 3], pos, sparse=True,
                  stype=stype, coo_build=coo_build)
         default = "bsr" if (2 in pos and not coo_build) else "csr"
     except TypeError:
         default = "bsr" if (pos == 2 and not coo_build) else "csr"
     assert x.format == default if stype is None else stype
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def test_evo_at_times(self):
     ham = qu.ham_heis(2, cyclic=False)
     p0 = qu.up() & qu.down()
     sim = qu.Evolution(p0, ham, method='solve')
     ts = np.linspace(0, 10)
     for t, pt in zip(ts, sim.at_times(ts)):
         x = cos(t)
         y = qu.expec(pt, qu.ikron(qu.pauli('z'), [2, 2], 0))
         assert_allclose(x, y, atol=1e-15)
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def test_graph_state_1d(self):
     n = 5
     p = graph_state_1d(n, cyclic=True)
     for j in range(n):
         k = ikron(
             [pauli('x'), pauli('z'), pauli('z')],
             dims=[2] * n,
             inds=(j, (j - 1) % n, (j + 1) % n))
         o = p.H @ k @ p
         np.testing.assert_allclose(o, 1)
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def state_occs(self, state):
        Nk = [
            qu.ikron(number_op(), self._dims, [site])
            for site in self._V_ind.flatten()

        n_ij = np.real(
            np.array([qu.expec(Nk[k], state)
                      for k in range(self._N)])).reshape(self._shape)

        return n_ij
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def test_insert_operator(self):
     p = MPS_rand_state(3, 7, tags='KET')
     q = p.H.retag({'KET': 'BRA'})
     qp = q & p
     sz = qu.spin_operator('z').real
     qp.insert_operator(sz, ('KET', 'I1'), ('BRA', 'I1'),
                        tags='SZ', inplace=True)
     assert 'SZ' in qp.tags
     assert len(qp.tensors) == 7
     x1 = qp ^ all
     x2 = qu.expec(p.to_dense(), qu.ikron(sz, [2, 2, 2], inds=1))
     assert x1 == pytest.approx(x2)
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def H_nn_int(self, i, j):
        Nearest neighbor repulsive 
        interaction, for vertex qbits 
        i, j.

        Return (n_i)(n_j)
        return qu.ikron(ops=[self.number_op(),
                        inds=[i, j])
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def H_onsite(self, i):
        Spin-spin repulsion at site i (should only
        be called for vertex sites, not face sites)

        (n^up_i)(n^down_i) --> (1-Vi^up)(1-Vi^down)/4

        Projects onto [down (x) down] for qbits at index i
        return qu.ikron(ops=[self.q_number_op() & self.q_number_op()],
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def make_stabilizer(self):
        DEPREC -- DON'T USE 
        * add a projector onto codespace (see method 2)
        * generalize indices, rotation, reshape, etc
        * always need to round? check always real

        X, Z = (qu.pauli(mu) for mu in ['x', 'z'])

        ## TODO: make general
        # ops = [Z,Z,Z,Z,X]
        # inds = [1,2,4,5,6]
        # stabilizer = qu.ikron(ops=ops, dims=self._sim_dims, inds=inds)

        _, Ux = qu.eigh(qu.pauli('x'))

        stab_data = self.loop_stabilizer_data(0, 1)
        oplist = [qu.pauli(Q) for Q in stab_data['opstring']]

        stabilizer = qu.ikron(ops=oplist,
        #TODO: change to general rather than inds=6, Ux
        U = qu.ikron(Ux.copy(), dims=self._sim_dims, inds=[6])

        #TODO: can this be done without rounding()/real part?
        Stilde = (U.H @ stabilizer @ U).real.round()

        assert is_diagonal(Stilde)

        U_plus = U[:, np.where(np.diag(Stilde) == 1.0)[0]]

        HamCode = U_plus.H @ self.ham_sim() @ U_plus

        self._stabilizer = stabilizer
        self._Uplus = U_plus  #+1 eigenstates written in full qubit basis
        self._HamCode = HamCode  # in +1 stabilizer eigenbasis
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def test_variable_bond_ham(self):
        import quimb as qu

        HB = SpinHam(1 / 2)
        HB[0, 1] += 0.6, 'Z', 'Z'
        HB[1, 2] += 0.7, 'Z', 'Z'
        HB[1, 2] += 0.8, 'X', 'X'
        HB[2, 3] += 0.9, 'Y', 'Y'

        H_mpo = HB.build_mpo(4)
        H_sps = HB.build_sparse(4)

        assert H_mpo.bond_sizes() == [3, 4, 3]

        Sx, Sy, Sz = map(qu.spin_operator, 'xyz')
        H_explicit = (qu.ikron(0.6 * Sz & Sz, [2, 2, 2, 2], [0, 1]) +
                      qu.ikron(0.7 * Sz & Sz, [2, 2, 2, 2], [1, 2]) +
                      qu.ikron(0.8 * Sx & Sx, [2, 2, 2, 2], [1, 2]) +
                      qu.ikron(0.9 * Sy & Sy, [2, 2, 2, 2], [2, 3]))

        assert_allclose(H_explicit, H_mpo.to_dense())
        assert_allclose(H_explicit, H_sps.A)
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def jw_creation_op(self, k):
        Creation Jordan-Wigner qubit operator.

        (Z_0)x(Z_1)x ...x(Z_k-1)x |1><0|_k
        Z = qu.pauli('z')
        s_plus = qu.qu([[0, 0], [1, 0]])  #|1><0|

        ind_list = [i for i in range(k + 1)]
        op_list = [Z for i in range(k)] + [s_plus]

        return qu.ikron(ops=op_list, dims=self._dims, inds=ind_list)
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def jw_annihil_op(self, k):
        Annihilation Jordan-Wigner qubit operator.

        (Z_0)x(Z_1)x ...x(Z_k-1)x |0><1|_k
        Z = qu.pauli('z')
        s_minus = qu.qu([[0, 1], [0, 0]])  #|0><1|

        ind_list = [i for i in range(k + 1)]
        op_list = [Z for i in range(k)] + [s_minus]

        return qu.ikron(ops=op_list, dims=self._dims, inds=ind_list)
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def site_number_ops(self, sites, fermi=False):
        TODO: remove fermi?

        Returns: list of qarrays, local number 
        operators acting on specified sites.
        param `sites`: list of ints, indices of sites
        param `fermi`: bool, indicates whether we are acting
        in the large qubit space basis (False) or in the restricted
        stabilizer eigenbasis (True)
        ds = {False: self._sim_dims, True: self._fermi_dims}[fermi]

        return [qu.ikron(self.number_op(), ds, [site])
                for site in sites]  #.reshape(self._lat_shape)
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def projected_ham_3(self):
        Should be equivalent to self.ham_code()
        #X because stabilizer acts with X on 7th qubit
        _, Ux = qu.eigh(qu.pauli('x'))

        U = qu.ikron(Ux.copy(), dims=self._sim_dims, inds=[6])

        Stilde = (U.H @ self.stabilizer() @ U).real.round()
        #Stilde should be diagonal!

        U_plus = U[:, np.where(np.diag(Stilde) == 1.0)[0]]

        HamProj = U_plus.H @ self.ham_sim() @ U_plus

        return HamProj  #in +1 stabilizer eigenbasis
Ejemplo n.º 26
 def test_multisubsystem(self):
     dims = [2, 2, 2]
     IIX = qu.ikron(qu.rand_herm(2), dims, 2)
     dcmp = qu.pauli_decomp(IIX, mode='c')
     for p, x in dcmp.items():
         if x == 0j:
             assert (p[0] != 'I') or (p[1] != 'I')
             assert p[0] == p[1] == 'I'
     K = qu.rand_iso(3 * 4, 4).reshape(3, 4, 4)
     KIIXK = qu.kraus_op(IIX, K, dims=dims, where=[0, 2])
     dcmp = qu.pauli_decomp(KIIXK, mode='c')
     for p, x in dcmp.items():
         if x == 0j:
             assert p[1] != 'I'
             assert p[1] == 'I'
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def state_local_occs(self, qstate=None, k=0, faces=False):
        TODO: fix face shapes?

        Expectation values <k|local fermi occupation|k>
        in the kth excited eigenstate, at vertex
        sites (and faces if specified).

        param qstate: vector in full qubit basis
        param k: if `state` isn't specified, will compute for
        the kth excited energy eigenstate (defaults to ground state)

        param faces: if True, return occupations at face qubits as well

        Returns: local occupations `nocc_v`, (`nocc_f`)

            nocc_v (ndarray, shape (Lx,Ly))
            nocc_f (ndarray, shape (Lx-1,Ly-1))

        if qstate is None:
            qstate = self._eigstates[:, k]

        #local number ops acting on each site j
        # Nj = self.site_number_ops(sites=self.all_sites() , fermi=False)
        Nj = [
            qu.ikron(self.number_op(), self._sim_dims, [site])
            for site in self.all_sites()

        #expectation <N> for each vertex
        nocc_v = np.array([
            qu.expec(Nj[v], qstate) for v in self.vertex_sites()

        if not faces:
            return nocc_v

        #expectation <Nj> for each face
        nocc_f = np.array([qu.expec(Nj[f], qstate) for f in self.face_sites()])

        return nocc_v, nocc_f
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def test_1d_vector_methods(self):
        X = qu.spin_operator('X', sparse=True)

        mera = qt.MERA.rand(16)
        meraX = mera.gate(X.A, 7, inplace=False)
        assert mera is not meraX
        x1 = mera.H @ meraX

        md = mera.to_dense()
        mdX = qu.ikron(X, [2] * 16, 7) @ md
        x2 = md.H @ mdX
        # check against dense
        assert x1 == pytest.approx(x2)

        # check 'outside lightcone' unaffected
        assert mera.select(3).H @ meraX.select(3) == pytest.approx(1.0)

        # check only need 'lightcone' to compute local
        assert mera.select(7).H @ meraX.select(7) == pytest.approx(x2)
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def test_gate2split(self):
        psi = MPS_rand_state(10, 3)
        psi2 = psi.copy()
        G = qu.eye(2) & qu.eye(2)
        psi.gate2split(G, (2, 3), cutoff=0)
        assert psi.bond_size(2, 3) == 6
        assert psi.H @ psi2 == pytest.approx(1.0)

        # check a unitary application
        G = qu.rand_uni(2**2)
        psi.gate2split(G, (7, 8))
        assert psi.bond_size(2, 3) == 3
        assert psi.bond_size(7, 8) > 3
        assert psi.H @ psi == pytest.approx(1.0)
        assert abs(psi2.H @ psi) < 1.0

        # check matches dense application of gate
        psid = psi2.to_dense()
        Gd = qu.ikron(G, [2] * 10, (7, 8))
        assert psi.to_dense().H @ (Gd @ psid) == pytest.approx(1.0)
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def jw_creation_op(self, k, spin):
        Jordan-Wigner transformed creation operator,
        for site k and `spin` sector

        (Z_0)x(Z_1)x ...x(Z_k-1)x |1><0|_k
        spin = {0: 0, 1: 1, 'up': 0, 'down': 1, 'u': 0, 'd': 1}[spin]

        Z, I = qu.pauli('z'), qu.eye(2)
        s_plus = qu.qu([[0, 0], [1, 0]])
        N = self._Nverts

        Z_sig = {0: Z & I, 1: I & Z}[spin]

        s_plus_sig = {0: s_plus & I, 1: I & s_plus}[spin]

        op_list = [Z_sig for i in range(k)] + [s_plus_sig]
        ind_list = [i for i in range(k + 1)]

        return qu.ikron(ops=op_list, dims=self._dims, inds=ind_list)