Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _get_hamiltonian_variables(
            self) -> Tuple[q.qarray, q.qarray, q.qarray]:
        sx = q.pauli("X", sparse=True)
        sz = q.pauli("Z", sparse=True)
        qnum = (sz + q.identity(2, sparse=True)) / 2
        dims = [2] * self.N

        # noinspection PyTypeChecker
        time_independent_terms: q.qarray = 0
        # noinspection PyTypeChecker
        Omega_coeff_terms: q.qarray = 0
        # noinspection PyTypeChecker
        Delta_coeff_terms: q.qarray = 0

        for i in range(self.N):
            Omega_coeff_terms += q.ikron(sx, dims=dims, inds=i,
                                         sparse=True) / 2
            n_i = q.ikron(qnum, dims=dims, inds=i, sparse=True)
            Delta_coeff_terms -= n_i

            for j in range(i):
                n_j = q.ikron(qnum, dims=dims, inds=j, sparse=True)

                time_independent_terms += self.V / self.geometry.get_distance(
                    i, j)**6 * n_i * n_j

        return (time_independent_terms, Omega_coeff_terms, Delta_coeff_terms)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_hamiltonian_variables_with_edge_fields(
        e_qs: EvolvingQubitSystem) -> Tuple[q.qarray, q.qarray, q.qarray]:
    sx = q.pauli("X", sparse=True)
    sz = q.pauli("Z", sparse=True)
    qnum = (sz + q.identity(2, sparse=True)) / 2
    dims = [2] * e_qs.N

    # noinspection PyTypeChecker
    time_independent_terms: q.qarray = 0
    # noinspection PyTypeChecker
    Omega_coeff_terms: q.qarray = 0
    # noinspection PyTypeChecker
    Delta_coeff_terms: q.qarray = 0

    for i in range(e_qs.N):
        Omega_coeff_terms += q.ikron(sx, dims=dims, inds=i, sparse=True) / 2
        n_i = q.ikron(qnum, dims=dims, inds=i, sparse=True)
        Delta_coeff_terms -= n_i

        if e_qs.N <= 8:
            if i == 0 or i == e_qs.N - 1:
                time_independent_terms += n_i * 4.5e6 * 2 * np.pi
        elif e_qs.N > 8:
            if i == 0 or i == e_qs.N - 1:
                time_independent_terms += n_i * 6e6 * 2 * np.pi
            elif i == 3 or i == e_qs.N - 4:
                time_independent_terms += n_i * 1.5e6 * 2 * np.pi

        for j in range(i):
            n_j = q.ikron(qnum, dims=dims, inds=j, sparse=True)

            time_independent_terms += e_qs.V / e_qs.geometry.get_distance(
                i, j)**6 * n_i * n_j

    return (time_independent_terms, Omega_coeff_terms, Delta_coeff_terms)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def test_graph_state_1d(self):
     n = 5
     p = graph_state_1d(n, cyclic=True)
     for j in range(n):
         k = eyepad(
             [pauli('x'), pauli('z'), pauli('z')], [2] * n,
             (j, (j - 1) % n, (j + 1) % n))
         o = p.H @ k @ p
         np.testing.assert_allclose(o, 1)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def test_entangled(self, s, ct, pre_c):
     p = qu.bell_state('psi-')
     c = qu.correlation(p,
     c = c(p) if pre_c else c
     assert_allclose(c, ct)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def test_classically_no_correlated(self, s, qtype, pre_c):
     p = qu.up(qtype=qtype) & qu.up(qtype=qtype)
     c = qu.correlation(p,
     c = c(p) if pre_c else c
     assert_allclose(c, 0.0)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def test_reuse_precomp(self):
     cfn = qu.correlation(None,
                          dims=[2, 2],
     assert_allclose(cfn(qu.bell_state('psi-')), -1.0)
     assert_allclose(cfn(qu.bell_state('phi+')), 1.0)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def test_trans_invar(self):
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            psi = MPS_rand_state(10, 7, cyclic=False, trans_invar=True)

        psi = MPS_rand_state(10, 7, cyclic=True, trans_invar=True)
        z0 = expec_TN_1D(psi, gate_TN_1D(psi, qu.pauli('Z'), 0, contract=True))
        z3 = expec_TN_1D(psi, gate_TN_1D(psi, qu.pauli('Z'), 0, contract=True))
        z7 = expec_TN_1D(psi, gate_TN_1D(psi, qu.pauli('Z'), 0, contract=True))

        assert_allclose(z0, z3)
        assert_allclose(z3, z7)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def test_correlation(self):
        ghz = (MPS_computational_state('0000') +
               MPS_computational_state('1111')) / 2**0.5

        assert ghz.correlation(qu.pauli('Z'), 0, 1) == pytest.approx(1.0)
        assert ghz.correlation(qu.pauli('Z'), 1, 2) == pytest.approx(1.0)
        assert ghz.correlation(qu.pauli('Z'), 3, 1) == pytest.approx(1.0)
        assert ghz.correlation(qu.pauli('Z'), 3, 1,
                               B=qu.pauli('Y')) == pytest.approx(0.0)

        assert ghz.H @ ghz == pytest.approx(1.0)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def test_classically_correlated(self, s, ct, pre_c):
     p = 0.5 * ((qu.up(qtype='dop') & qu.up(qtype='dop')) +
                (qu.down(qtype='dop') & qu.down(qtype='dop')))
     c = qu.correlation(p,
     c = c(p) if pre_c else c
     assert_allclose(c, ct)
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def test_mixed(self):
     rho = qu.dop(qu.bell_state('psi-'))
     IZ = qu.pauli('I') & qu.pauli('Z')
     ZI = qu.pauli('Z') & qu.pauli('I')
     res, rho_after = qu.measure(rho, IZ)
     # normalized
     assert qu.tr(rho_after) == pytest.approx(1.0)
     # anticorrelated
     assert qu.expectation(rho_after, IZ) == pytest.approx(res)
     assert qu.expectation(rho_after, ZI) == pytest.approx(-res)
     assert isinstance(rho_after, qu.qarray)
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def test_pure(self):
     psi = qu.bell_state('psi-')
     IZ = qu.pauli('I') & qu.pauli('Z')
     ZI = qu.pauli('Z') & qu.pauli('I')
     res, psi_after = qu.measure(psi, IZ)
     # normalized
     assert qu.expectation(psi_after, psi_after) == pytest.approx(1.0)
     # anticorrelated
     assert qu.expectation(psi_after, IZ) == pytest.approx(res)
     assert qu.expectation(psi_after, ZI) == pytest.approx(-res)
     assert isinstance(psi_after, qu.qarray)
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def test_types(self, dims, op_sps, p_sps, pre_c):
     p = qu.rand_rho(4, sparse=p_sps)
     c = qu.correlation(p,
                        qu.pauli('x', sparse=op_sps),
                        qu.pauli('z', sparse=op_sps),
     c = c(p) if pre_c else c
     assert c >= -1.0
     assert c <= 1.0
Ejemplo n.º 13
Archivo: quf.py Proyecto: rezah/qMPS
def mpo_particle(L):

    We = np.zeros([1, 1, 2, 2])
    Wo = np.zeros([1, 1, 2, 2])

    Z = qu.pauli('Z')
    X = qu.pauli('X')
    Y = qu.pauli('Y')
    I = qu.pauli('I')

    S_up = (X + 1.0j * Y) * (0.5)
    S_down = (X - 1.0j * Y) * (0.5)

    #  S_up=S_up.astype('float64')
    #  S_down=S_down.astype('float64')
    #  Z=Z.astype('float64')

    MPO_I = MPO_identity(2 * L, phys_dim=2)
    MPO_result = MPO_identity(2 * L, phys_dim=2)
    MPO_result = MPO_result * 0.0

    max_bond_val = 200
    cutoff_val = 1.0e-12

    MPO_result = MPO_identity(2 * L, phys_dim=2)
    MPO_result = MPO_result * 0.0

    for i in range(L):
        Wl = np.zeros([1, 2, 2], dtype='complex128')
        W = np.zeros([1, 1, 2, 2], dtype='complex128')
        Wr = np.zeros([1, 2, 2], dtype='complex128')
        Wl[0, :, :] = S_up @ S_down
        W[0, 0, :, :] = S_up @ S_down
        Wr[0, :, :] = S_up @ S_down

        W_list = [Wl] + [W] * (2 * L - 2) + [Wr]

        MPO_I = MPO_identity(2 * L, phys_dim=2)
        MPO_I[2 * i].modify(data=W_list[2 * i])
        MPO_result = MPO_result + MPO_I
        MPO_result.compress(max_bond=max_bond_val, cutoff=cutoff_val)

        MPO_I = MPO_identity(2 * L, phys_dim=2)
        MPO_I[2 * i + 1].modify(data=W_list[2 * i + 1])
        MPO_result = MPO_result + MPO_I
        MPO_result.compress(max_bond=max_bond_val, cutoff=cutoff_val)

    return MPO_result
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def test_pauli_reconstruct(self):
     p1 = qu.rand_rho(4)
     names_cffs = qu.pauli_decomp(p1, mode='c')
     pr = sum(
         qu.kron(*(qu.pauli(s) for s in name)) * names_cffs["".join(name)]
         for name in itertools.product('IXYZ', repeat=2))
     assert_allclose(pr, p1)
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def H_hop(self, i, j, f, dir):
        TODO: pkron vs ikron performance?

        i, j: (directed) edge qubits indices
        f: face qubit index
        dir: {'vertical', 'horizontal'}

        Returns hopping term acting on qbits ijf,
            (XiXjOf + YiYjOf)/2
        where Of is Xf, Yf or Identity depending on ijf
        X, Y = (qu.pauli(mu) for mu in ['x', 'y'])
        Of = {'vertical': X, 'horizontal': Y}[dir]

        #if no face qbit
        if f == None:
            # print('{}--{}-->{}   (None)'.format(i,dir[0],j))
            # XXO=qu.ikron(ops=[X,X], dims=self._sim_dims, inds=[i,j])
            # YYO=qu.ikron(ops=[Y,Y], dims=self._sim_dims, inds=[i,j])
            XXO = qu.pkron(op=X & X, dims=self._sim_dims, inds=[i, j])
            YYO = qu.pkron(op=Y & Y, dims=self._sim_dims, inds=[i, j])

        #if there's a face qubit: Of acts on index f
            # print('{}--{}-->{},  face {}'.format(i,dir[0],j,f))
            # XXO=qu.ikron(ops=[X,X,Of], dims=self._sim_dims, inds=[i,j,f])
            # YYO=qu.ikron(ops=[Y,Y,Of], dims=self._sim_dims, inds=[i,j,f])
            XXO = qu.pkron(op=X & X & Of, dims=self._sim_dims, inds=(i, j, f))
            YYO = qu.pkron(op=Y & Y & Of, dims=self._sim_dims, inds=(i, j, f))

        return 0.5 * (XXO + YYO)
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def stabilizer_at_face(self, fi, fj):
        stab_data = self.loop_stabilizer_data(fi, fj)
        oplist = [qu.pauli(Q) for Q in stab_data['opstring']]

        return qu.ikron(ops=oplist,
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def test_purify(self):
     for vec, op, val in zip(((.5, 0, 0), (0, .5, 0), (0, 0, .5),
                              (-.5, 0, 0), (0, -.5, 0), (0, 0, -.5)),
                             ("x", "y", "z", "x", "y", "z"),
                             (1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1)):
         x = tr(bloch_state(*vec, purified=True) @ pauli(op))
         assert_allclose(x, val)
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def test_mixed(self):
     for vec, op, val in zip(((.5, 0, 0), (0, .5, 0), (0, 0, .5),
                              (-.5, 0, 0), (0, -.5, 0), (0, 0, -.5)),
                             ("x", "y", "z", "x", "y", "z"),
                             (.5, .5, .5, -.5, -.5, -.5)):
         x = tr(bloch_state(*vec) @ pauli(op))
         assert_allclose(x, val)
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def test_pure(self):
     for vec, op, val in zip(((1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1), (-1, 0, 0),
                              (0, -1, 0), (0, 0, -1)),
                             ("x", "y", "z", "x", "y", "z"),
                             (1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1)):
         x = tr(bloch_state(*vec) @ pauli(op))
         assert_allclose(x, val)
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def _three_site_hop_gate(self, edge_dir):
        '''Hop gate acting on two vertices and a face site.
        X, Y = (qu.pauli(mu) for mu in ['x', 'y'])
        O_face = {'vertical': X, 'horizontal': Y}[edge_dir]

        return 0.5 * ((X & X & O_face) + (Y & Y & O_face))
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def _three_site_hop_gate(self, spin, edge_dir):
        '''Hop gate acting on two vertices and a face site,
        in `spin` sector. Action on the face site depends
        on `edge_dir`: {'vertical', 'horizontal'}
        spin = {
            0: 'up',
            1: 'down',
            'up': 'up',
            'down': 'down',
            'u': 'up',
            'd': 'down'

        X, Y, I = (qu.pauli(mu) for mu in ['x', 'y', 'i'])

        #operators acting on the correct spin sector
        if spin == 'up':
            X_s = X & I
            Y_s = Y & I

        elif spin == 'down':
            X_s = I & X
            Y_s = I & Y

        #operator on face qubit (in `spin` sector)
        Of_s = {'vertical': X_s, 'horizontal': Y_s}[edge_dir]

        return 0.5 * ((X_s & X_s & Of_s) + (Y_s & Y_s & Of_s))
Ejemplo n.º 22
def main_test():
    psi = beeky.QubitEncodeVector.rand(3, 3)
    X, Y, Z = (qu.pauli(i) for i in 'xyz')
    where = (3, 4, 9)  #which qubits to act on
    numsites = len(where)
    dp = 2  #phys ind dimension
    gate = X & X & X

    ## take over from here ##
    g_xx = qtn.tensor_1d.maybe_factor_gate_into_tensor(
        gate, dp, numsites, where)  #shape (2,2,2,2) or (2,2,2,2,2,2)

    site_inds = [psi.phys_ind_id.format(q) for q in where]
    bond_inds = [qtn.rand_uuid() for _ in range(numsites)]
    reindex_map = dict(zip(site_inds, bond_inds))

    TG = qtn.Tensor(g_xx,
                    inds=site_inds + bond_inds,

    original_ts = [psi[q] for q in where]
    bonds_along = [
        next(iter(qtn.bonds(t1, t2)))
        for t1, t2 in qu.utils.pairwise(original_ts)

                         vertex_tensors=(psi[where[0]], psi[where[1]]),
Ejemplo n.º 23
 def test_pauli_dim3(self):
     for dir in (1, 'x', 'X',
                 2, 'y', 'Y',
                 3, 'z', 'Z'):
         x = qu.pauli(dir, dim=3)
         assert_allclose(qu.eigvalsh(x), [-1, 0, 1],
Ejemplo n.º 24
def two_qubit_eigsectors(strA='XY', strB='YX'):

    Params: strA, strB [strings]
        Action of stabilizers on face-qubit subspace.

    Return: `eigsectors` [ndarray(shape=(2,2), dtype=object)]
        Each element of eigsector contains the unique vector
        in the face-qubit subspace that diagonalizes strA, strB
        with respective eigenvalues +/-1.

        eigsectors[0,0]: +1, +1
        eigsectors[0,1]: +1, -1
        eigsectors[1,0]: -1, +1
        eigsectors[1,1]: -1, -1

    sign_dic = {0: 1.0,  1: -1.0}
    X, Y, Z, I = (qu.pauli(mu) for mu in ['x','y','z','i'])
    opmap = {'X': X, 'Y':Y, 'Z':Z, 'I':I}

    face_dims = [2]*2 #dimensions of face-qubit subspace

    # ###
    # strA = 'XY'
    # strB = 'YX'
    # ###

    SA = qu.kron(*[opmap[Q] for Q in strA])
    SB = qu.kron(*[opmap[Q] for Q in strB])
    # SA, SB = X&Y, Y&X

    eigsectors = np.ndarray(shape=face_dims, dtype=object)

    eva, Ua = qu.eigh(SA)
    for indA, signA in sign_dic.items():
        #pick evectors in (signA) sector
        Ua_sgn = Ua[:, np.isclose(eva, signA)] #4x2
        #Stabilizer B on (signA) eigspace of SA
        Qb = Ua_sgn.H @ SB @ Ua_sgn
        evb, Ub = qu.eigh(Qb)

        for indB, signB in sign_dic.items():

            #pick evector in signB sector
            Ub_sgn = Ub[:,np.isclose(evb, signB)] #2x1
            face_state =  Ua_sgn @ Ub_sgn #4x1

            assert np.allclose(SA@face_state, signA*face_state)
            assert np.allclose(SB@face_state, signB*face_state)

            eigsectors[indA,indB] = face_state

    return eigsectors
Ejemplo n.º 25
 def test_simple(self):
     Z = qu.pauli('Z')
     P = qu.projector(Z & Z)
     uu = qu.dop(qu.up()) & qu.dop(qu.up())
     dd = qu.dop(qu.down()) & qu.dop(qu.down())
     assert_allclose(P, uu + dd)
     assert qu.expec(P, qu.bell_state('phi+')) == pytest.approx(1.0)
     assert qu.expec(P, qu.bell_state('psi+')) == pytest.approx(0.0)
Ejemplo n.º 26
 def test_bigger(self):
     psi = qu.rand_ket(2**5)
     assert np.sum(abs(psi) < 1e-12) == 0
     A = qu.kronpow(qu.pauli('Z'), 5)
     res, psi_after = qu.measure(psi, A, eigenvalue=-1.0)
     # should have projected to half subspace
     assert np.sum(abs(psi_after) < 1e-12) == 2**4
     assert res == -1.0
Ejemplo n.º 27
 def test_evo_at_times(self):
     ham = qu.ham_heis(2, cyclic=False)
     p0 = qu.up() & qu.down()
     sim = qu.Evolution(p0, ham, method='solve')
     ts = np.linspace(0, 10)
     for t, pt in zip(ts, sim.at_times(ts)):
         x = cos(t)
         y = qu.expec(pt, qu.ikron(qu.pauli('z'), [2, 2], 0))
         assert_allclose(x, y, atol=1e-15)
Ejemplo n.º 28
 def test_quevo_at_times(self):
     ham = ham_heis(2, cyclic=False)
     p0 = up() & down()
     sim = QuEvo(p0, ham, method='solve')
     ts = np.linspace(0, 10)
     for t, pt in zip(ts, sim.at_times(ts)):
         x = cos(t)
         y = expec(pt, eyepad(pauli('z'), [2, 2], 0))
         assert_allclose(x, y, atol=1e-15)
Ejemplo n.º 29
def edge_simulate(args):
    circ, kwargs, edge = args

    ZZ = qu.pauli('Z') & qu.pauli('Z')
    opt_type = kwargs.get('ordering_algo', 'uniform')
    if opt_type == 'hyper':
        optimizer = ctg.HyperOptimizer(parallel=False,
                                           'optimizer_time', 1))
    elif opt_type == 'uniform':
        optimizer = ctg.UniformOptimizer(parallel=False,
                                             'optimizer_time', 1))
        raise ValueError('Ordering algorithm not supported')
    #return circ.local_expectation(ZZ, edge, optimize=optimizer)
    return circ.local_expectation(ZZ, edge, optimize=optimizer)
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def test_simple(self):
        n = 10
        d_psi = qu.computational_state('0' * n)

        t_psi = Dense1D(d_psi)
        assert set(t_psi.outer_inds()) == {'k{}'.format(i) for i in range(n)}
        assert set(t_psi.tags) == {'I{}'.format(i) for i in range(n)}

        for i in range(n):
            assert t_psi.H @ t_psi.gate(qu.pauli('Z'), i) == pytest.approx(1)

        for i in range(n):
            t_psi.gate_(qu.hadamard(), i)

        assert len(t_psi.tensors) == n + 1

        # should have '++++++++++'
        assert t_psi.H @ t_psi == pytest.approx(1)
        for i in range(n):
            assert t_psi.H @ t_psi.gate(qu.pauli('X'), i) == pytest.approx(1)