Ejemplo n.º 1
def pushout(a, b, _amorph=None, _bmorph=None, _chain=None, check=True):
        Construct pushout of Morphism's a, b.
        If supplied with another cocone over a, b then
        also construct unique Morphism to that cocone.
    assert isinstance(a, Morphism)
    assert isinstance(b, Morphism)
    assert a.src == b.src

    src = a.src
    n = len(src)
    amorph = []
    bmorph = []
    chain = []
    aprev = None
    bprev = None
    for i in range(n + 1):
        a1, b1, c1 = solve.pushout(a[i], b[i], aprev, bprev)
        aprev = compose2(a.tgt[i], a1)
        bprev = compose2(b.tgt[i], b1)
        #_a1, _b1, _ = solve.pushout(a[i], b[i])
        #assert eq2(a1, _a1)
        #assert eq2(b1, _b1)
    chain = Chain(chain[1:])
    amorph = Morphism(a.tgt, chain, amorph)
    bmorph = Morphism(b.tgt, chain, bmorph)
    if check:
        assert amorph * a == bmorph * b
    assert (_amorph is None) == (_bmorph is None) == (_chain is None)
    morph = None
    if _amorph is not None:
        assert amorph.tgt == bmorph.tgt
        assert _amorph * a == _bmorph * b, "not a cocone!"
        Ds = []
        for i in range(n + 1):
            a1, b1, d = solve.pushout(a[i], b[i], _amorph[i], _bmorph[i])
            assert eq2(dot2(d, a1), _amorph[i])
            assert eq2(dot2(d, b1), _bmorph[i])
            assert eq2(a1, amorph[i])
            assert eq2(b1, bmorph[i])
        morph = Morphism(chain, _chain, Ds)
        if check:
            #lhs = morph * amorph
            #rhs = _amorph
            assert morph * amorph == _amorph
            assert morph * bmorph == _bmorph

    return amorph, bmorph, chain, morph
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: glue.py Proyecto: punkdit/qupy
def test_colimit():

    n = 4
    m = n - 1
    H = zeros2(m, n)
    for i in range(m):
        H[i, i] = 1
        H[i, i + 1] = 1

    A = Chain([H])
    B = Chain([zeros2(0, 0)])
    C = Chain([array2([[1]])])

    CAm = zeros2(m, 1)
    CAm[0, 0] = 1
    CAm[m - 1, 0] = 1
    CAn = zeros2(n, 1)
    CAn[0, 0] = 1
    CAn[n - 1, 0] = 1
    CA = Morphism(C, A, [CAm, CAn])

    CBm = zeros2(0, 1)
    CBn = zeros2(0, 1)
    CB = Morphism(C, B, [CBm, CBn])

    AD, BD, D, _ = chain.pushout(CA, CB)
    assert eq2(D[0], array2([[1, 1, 1], [0, 1,
                                         1]]))  # glue two checks at a bit

    # --------------------------

    A = Chain([H.transpose()])
    B = Chain([zeros2(0, 0)])
    C = Chain([zeros2(1, 0)])

    CAn = zeros2(n, 1)
    CAn[0, 0] = 1
    CAn[n - 1, 0] = 1
    CAm = zeros2(m, 0)
    CA = Morphism(C, A, [CAn, CAm])

    CBn = zeros2(0, 1)
    CBm = zeros2(0, 0)
    CB = Morphism(C, B, [CBn, CBm])

    AD, BD, D, _ = chain.pushout(CA, CB)
    D = D[0]
    assert eq2(D, array2([[1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 0], [0, 1, 1]]))  # glue two bits
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def is_stab(self, v):
        Hx_t = self.Hx.transpose()

#        # Hx_t u = v
#        # u = Hx_t^-1 v
#        if self.Hx_t_inv is None:
#            Hx_t_inv = solve.pseudo_inverse(Hx_t)
#            self.Hx_t_inv = Hx_t_inv
#        Hx_t_inv = self.Hx_t_inv
#        u = dot2(Hx_t_inv, v)

        u = dot2(self.Tz, v)

        #u = solve.solve(Hx_t, v)
        #if u is not None:
        if eq2(dot2(Hx_t, u), v):
            #print "[%s]"%u.sum(),
            v1 = dot2(Hx_t, u)
            assert ((v+v1)%2).max() == 0
#            assert self.is_stab_0(v) # double check
#            assert not self.is_stab_0(v) # double check
            u = None
        return u is not None
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def show_stabx(self, sx):
     gxs = []
     for gx in self.Gx:
         if eq2(gx * sx, gx):
     Gx = array2(gxs)
     #print "Gx:", Gx.shape
     #print shortstr(Gx)
     print("sx.sum() =", sx.sum(), end=' ')
     Gxt = Gx.transpose()
     K = find_kernel(Gxt)
     #print "kernel:", K
     K = array2(K)
     #print "kernel:", len(K)
     #print shortstr(K)
     best = None
     ubest = None
     u = solve(Gxt, sx)
     for w in enum2(len(K)):
         u2 = (u + dot2(w, K)) % 2
         if best is None or u2.sum() < best:
             best = u2.sum()
             ubest = u2
         print("u.sum() =", u2.sum(), end=' ')
Ejemplo n.º 5
Archivo: glue.py Proyecto: punkdit/qupy
def test_equalizer():

    n = 4
    m = n - 1
    H = zeros2(m, n)
    for i in range(m):
        H[i, i] = 1
        H[i, i + 1] = 1

    A = Chain([H])
    C = Chain([array2([[1]])])

    fm = zeros2(m, 1)
    fm[m - 1, 0] = 1
    fn = zeros2(n, 1)
    fn[n - 1, 0] = 1
    f = Morphism(C, A, [fm, fn])

    gm = zeros2(m, 1)
    gm[0, 0] = 1
    gn = zeros2(n, 1)
    gn[0, 0] = 1
    g = Morphism(C, A, [gm, gn])

    AD, BD, D = chain.equalizer(f, g)
    assert eq2(D[0], array2([[1, 1, 1], [0, 1,
                                         1]]))  # glue two checks at a bit

    # --------------------------

    A = Chain([H.transpose()])
    C = Chain([zeros2(1, 0)])

    fn = zeros2(n, 1)
    fn[0, 0] = 1
    fm = zeros2(m, 0)
    f = Morphism(C, A, [fn, fm])

    gn = zeros2(n, 1)
    gn[n - 1, 0] = 1
    gm = zeros2(m, 0)
    g = Morphism(C, A, [gn, gm])

    AD, BD, D = chain.equalizer(f, g)
    D = D[0]
    assert eq2(D, array2([[1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 0], [0, 1, 1]]))  # glue two bits
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def __eq__(self, other):
     assert len(self) == len(other)
     if len(self) != len(other):
         return False
     n = len(self)
     for i in range(n):
         if not eq2(self.Hs[i], other.Hs[i]):
             return False
     return True
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def __eq__(self, other):
     assert isinstance(other, Morphism)
     assert self.shape == other.shape
     if self.shape != other.shape:
         return False
     n = len(self)
     for i in range(n):
         if not eq2(self[i], other[i]):
             return False
     return True
Ejemplo n.º 8
def independent_logops(L, H):
    m = len(H)
    LH = numpy.concatenate((L, H), axis=0)
    keep, remove = dependent_rows(LH)
    LH = LH[keep]

    assert rank(LH) == len(LH)
    assert len(LH) >= m
    assert eq2(LH[-len(H):], H)
    L = LH[:-m]

    return L
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def check(self):
     src, tgt = self.src, self.tgt
     Ds = self.Ds
     for i in range(len(src)):
         D0, D1 = Ds[i], Ds[i + 1]
         if D0 is None or D1 is None:
         lhs, rhs = compose2(src[i], D0), compose2(D1, tgt[i])
         if not eq2(lhs, rhs):
             print("!!!!! Not a chain map !!!!!")
             print("lhs =", lhs)
             print("rhs =", rhs)
             raise Exception
Ejemplo n.º 10
def independent_logops(L, H, verbose=False):
    m = len(H)
    LH = numpy.concatenate((L, H), axis=0)
    keep, remove = dependent_rows(LH)
    if verbose:
        print(keep, remove)
    LH = LH[keep]
    assert rank(LH) == len(LH)
    assert len(LH) >= m
    assert eq2(LH[-len(H):], H), "H not linearly independent ?"
    L = LH[:-m]

    return L
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def mk_disjoint_logops(L, H):
        m = len(H)
        #print("L:", len(L))

        L0 = L  # save this
        LH = numpy.concatenate((L, H), axis=0)

        #LH = remove_dependent(LH)
        keep, remove = dependent_rows(LH)
        #print("dependent_rows:", len(keep), len(remove))

        LH = LH[keep]

        assert rank(LH) == len(LH)
        assert len(LH) >= m
        assert eq2(LH[-len(H):], H)
        L = LH[:-m]
        #print("L:", len(L))

        # find disjoint set of L ops
        keep = set([idx for idx in keep if idx < len(L0)])
        assert len(keep) == len(L)

        idxs = list(range(len(L0)))
        idxs.sort(key=lambda idx: -int(idx in keep))
        assert idxs[0] in keep
        L1 = L0[idxs]
        assert L1.shape == L0.shape

        LH = numpy.concatenate((L1, H), axis=0)
        LH = remove_dependent(LH)
        L1 = LH[:-m]
        assert len(L) == len(L1), (L.shape, L1.shape)


        A = numpy.dot(L, L1.transpose())
        #assert A.sum() == 0, "found overlap"
        if A.sum():
            print("*" * 79)
            print("WARNING: A.sum() =", A.sum())
            print("failed to find disjoint logops")
            print("*" * 79)
            return L, None

        return L, L1
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def find_encoding(A, code):
        Lx = [Clifford.make_op(l, Clifford.x) for l in code.Lx]
        Lz = [Clifford.make_op(l, Clifford.z) for l in code.Lz]
        Hx = [Clifford.make_op(l, Clifford.x) for l in code.Hx]
        Hz = [Clifford.make_op(l, Clifford.z) for l in code.Hz]
        assert len(Lx) == len(Lz)
        Ai = A.inverse()
        rows = []
        for l in Lz + Lx:
            B = A * l * Ai
            assert B.is_translation()
            v = B.get_translation()
        B = numpy.array(rows)
        #B = B[:8, :]
        U = numpy.array([l.get_translation() for l in Lz + Lx + Hz + Hx])
        Ut = U.transpose()
        V = solve(Ut, B.transpose())
        if V is None:
            return None
        V = V[:2 * code.k]

        # check that V is symplectic
        n = len(V) // 2
        F = symplectic_form(n)
        lhs = dot2(V.transpose(), dot2(F, V))
        assert eq2(lhs, F)

        u = solve(Ut, A.get_translation())
        u = u[:2 * code.k]

        return Clifford.from_symplectic_and_translation(V, u)
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def decode(self, p, err_op, verbose=False, **kw):

        code = self.code
        xs, ys = self.xs, self.ys

        x = dot2(code.Hz, err_op)
        x.shape = (1, code.mz)
        a = (self.xs + x) % 2
        #print shortstr(a)

        a = a.sum(1)

        a = list(enumerate(a))
        a.sort(key=lambda item: item[1])
        #        print a

        #        print shortstr(y)
        #        print shortstr(x)

        for idxs in self.search:
            #print idxs
            y1 = ys[a[idxs[0]][0]]
            for idx in idxs[1:]:
                y1 = y1 + ys[a[idx][0]]

#            print shortstr(y1)
            x1 = dot2(code.Hz, y1)
            #print shortstr(x1)
            if eq2(x1, x):
                #                print "OK", idxs
            return None

        return y1
Ejemplo n.º 14
def check_conjugate(A, B):
    if A is None or B is None:
    assert A.shape == B.shape
    I = numpy.identity(A.shape[0], dtype=numpy.int32)
    assert eq2(dot2(A, B.transpose()), I)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def build_model(Gx=None, Gz=None, Hx=None, Hz=None):

    if Gx is None:
        Gx, Gz, Hx, Hz = build()

    n = Gx.shape[1]

    if Hx is None:
        Hx = find_stabilizers(Gz, Gx)
    if Hz is None:
        Hz = find_stabilizers(Gx, Gz)

    check_commute(Hx, Hz)
    check_commute(Gx, Hz)
    check_commute(Hx, Gz)

    #Px = get_reductor(concatenate((Lx, Hx)))
    #Pz = get_reductor(concatenate((Lz, Hz)))
    Px = get_reductor(Hx)
    Pz = get_reductor(Hz)

    # Lz = find_logops( Hx            , Hz            )
    #      find_logops( ............. , ............. )
    #                 ( commutes with , orthogonal to )
    #                 ( ............. , ............. )

    Lz = find_logops(Gx, Hz)
    assert Lz.shape[1] == n

    if 0:
        PGz = get_reductor(Gz)
        Lz = dot2(Lz, PGz.transpose())
        Lz = row_reduce(Lz)

        print(shortstrx(Lz, Gz, Hz))

    if len(Lz):
        #print Lz.shape, Hz.shape
        assert len(row_reduce(concatenate((Lz, Hz)))) == len(Lz) + len(Hz)
        assert len(row_reduce(concatenate(
            (Lz, Gz)))) == len(Lz) + len(row_reduce(Gz))

    # Tz = find_errors( Hx            , Lx            )
    #      find_errors( ............. , ............. )
    #                 ( conjugate to  , commutes with )
    #                 ( ............. , ............. )

    Lx = find_errors(Lz, Gz)  # invert Lz, commuting with Gz

    check_commute(Lx, Gz)
    check_commute(Lx, Hz)
    check_conjugate(Lx, Lz)
    check_commute(Lz, Gx)
    check_commute(Lz, Hx)

    # Lx | Lz
    # Hx | ?
    # ?  | Hz
    # ?  | ?
    #Rz = find_logops(concatenate((Lx, Hx)), Hz)
    Rz = dot2(Gz, Pz.transpose())
    Rz = row_reduce(Rz)

    check_commute(Rz, Lx)
    check_commute(Rz, Hx)

    Rx = dot2(Gx, Px.transpose())
    Rx = row_reduce(Rx)

    check_commute(Rx, Lz)
    check_commute(Rx, Hz)

    # Lx | Lz
    # Hx | ?
    # ?  | Hz
    # Rx'| Rz'

    Tz = find_errors(Hx, concatenate((Lx, Rx)))
    Tx = find_errors(Hz, concatenate((Lz, Rz, Tz)))

    assert len((concatenate((Lx, Hx, Tx, Rx)))) == n
    assert len((concatenate((Lz, Hz, Tz, Rz)))) == n
    assert len(row_reduce(concatenate((Lx, Hx, Tx, Rx)))) == n
    assert len(row_reduce(concatenate((Lz, Hz, Tz, Rz)))) == n

    check_commute(Rz, Tx)

    Rx = find_errors(Rz, concatenate((Lz, Hz, Tz)))

    check_conjugate(Rx, Rz)
    check_commute(Rx, Hz)
    check_commute(Rx, Tz)
    check_commute(Rx, Lz)

    Rxt = Rx.transpose()
    Rzt = Rz.transpose()

    Pxt = Px.transpose()
    Pzt = Pz.transpose()

    check_sy(Lx, Hx, Tx, Rx, Lz, Hz, Tz, Rz)

    assert eq2(dot2(Gz, Rxt), dot2(Gz, Pzt, Rxt))
    assert eq2(dot2(Gx, Rzt), dot2(Gx, Pxt, Rzt))

    #    print shortstrx(dot2(Rx, Pz), Rx)

    assert eq2(dot2(Rx, Pz), Rx)
    assert eq2(dot2(Rz, Px), Rz)

    assert len(find_kernel(dot2(Gz, Rx.transpose()))) == 0

    model = Model(locals())

    if argv.dual:
        model = model.get_dual()
        argv.dual = False  # HACK !!

    return model
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def __eq__(self, other):
     if self.w != other.w:
         return False  # that was easy
     return eq2(self.T, other.T)
Ejemplo n.º 17
def hpack(n, j=4, k=1, check=True, verbose=False):


    U = identity2(n) # upper triangular
    L = identity2(n) # lower triangular
    I = identity2(n)

    for count in range(j*n):

        i = randint(0, n-1)
        j = randint(0, n-1)
        if i==j:

        U[i] = (U[i] + U[j])%2
        L[j] = (L[j] - L[i])%2

    assert solve.rank(U) == n
    assert solve.rank(L) == n

    assert eq2(dot2(U, L.transpose()), I)

    if verbose:
        print(shortstrx(U, L))

    ws = [n] * n
    ws = stabweights(U, L)

    for i in range(n):
        w = min(U[i].sum(), L[i].sum())
        ws[i] = min(ws[i], w)
    ws = list(enumerate(ws))
    ws.sort(key = lambda item : -item[1])

    idxs = [ws[i][0] for i in range(k)]

    Lx, Lz = zeros2(0, n), zeros2(0, n)

    for idx in reversed(idxs):

        Lz = append2(Lz, U[idx:idx+1])
        Lx = append2(Lx, L[idx:idx+1])
        U = pop2(U, idx)
        L = pop2(L, idx)

    m = (n-k)//2
    Hz, Tz = U[:m], U[m:]
    Tx, Hx = L[:m], L[m:]

    if verbose:
        print(shortstrx(Hx, Hz))


    code = CSSCode(Lx, Lz, Hx, Tz, Hz, Tx, check=check, verbose=verbose)

    return code
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def __eq__(self, other):
     return eq2(self.Hx, other.Hx) and eq2(self.Hz, other.Hz)
Ejemplo n.º 19
def test(A, B, ma, na, mb, nb, Ina, Ima, Inb, Imb, ka, kb, kat, kbt, k,
    KerA, KerB, CokerA, CokerB,
    Lzi, Lxi, Hzi, Hxi,

    #print("ka=%s, kat=%s, kb=%s, kbt=%s"%(ka, kat, kb, kbt))
    assert k == ka*kbt + kat*kb == len(Lzi) == len(Lxi)

    KerA = KerA.transpose() # use convention in paper
    KerB = KerB.transpose() # use convention in paper
    CokerA = CokerA.transpose() # use convention in paper
    CokerB = CokerB.transpose() # use convention in paper

    blocks = [
        [kron(KerA, Imb), zeros2(na*mb, ma*kb), kron(Ina, B)],
        [zeros2(ma*nb, ka*mb), kron(Ima, KerB), kron(A,Inb)],
    print("blocks:", [[X.shape for X in row] for row in blocks])


    Hzt = cat((blocks[0][2], blocks[1][2]), axis=0)
    K = find_kernel(Hzt)
    assert len(K) == ka*kb # see proof of Lemma 3

    Lzv = cat((blocks[0][0], blocks[1][0])).transpose()
    Lzh = cat((blocks[0][1], blocks[1][1])).transpose()
    assert dot2(Hxi, Lzv.transpose()).sum() == 0

#    Hz = Hzt.transpose()
#    Hzi = linear_independent(Hz)
#    Lzhi = independent_logops(Lzh, Hzi, verbose=True)
#    print("Lzhi:", Lzhi.shape)

    # --------------------------------------------------------
    # basis for all logops, including stabilizers
    lz = find_kernel(Hxi) # returns transpose of kernel
    #lz = rand_rowspan(lz)
    #print("lz:", lz.shape)
    assert len(lz) == k+len(Hzi)

    # vertical qubits
    Iv = cat((identity2(na*mb), zeros2(ma*nb, na*mb)), axis=0).transpose()
    # horizontal qubits
    Ih = cat((zeros2(na*mb, ma*nb), identity2(ma*nb)), axis=0).transpose()
    assert len(intersect(Iv, Ih))==0 # sanity check

    # now restrict these logops to vertical qubits
    #print("Iv:", Iv.shape)
    lzv = intersect(Iv, lz)
    #print("lzv:", lzv.shape)

    J = intersect(lzv, Lzv)
    assert len(J) == len(lzv)

    # --------------------------------------------------------
    # now we manually build _lz supported on vertical qubits
    x = rand2(ka*mb, ka*nb)
    y = kron(KerA, Inb)
    assert eq2(dot2(blocks[0][2], y), kron(KerA, B))
    v = (dot2(blocks[0][0], x) + dot2(blocks[0][2], y)) % 2
    h = zeros2(ma*nb, v.shape[1])
    _lzt = cat((v, h))
    assert dot2(Hxi, _lzt).sum() == 0
    _lz = _lzt.transpose()
    _lz = linear_independent(_lz)

    assert len(intersect(_lz, Ih)) == 0
    assert len(intersect(_lz, Iv)) == len(_lz)

    J = intersect(_lz, lz)
    assert len(J) == len(_lz)

    J = intersect(_lz, Lzv)
    #print(J.shape, _lz.shape, Lzv.shape)
    assert len(J) == len(_lz)

    if 0:
        V = cat(blocks[0][:2], axis=1)
        H = cat(blocks[1][:2], axis=1)
        X = cat((V, H), axis=0)
        K = find_kernel(X)
        V = cat(blocks[0], axis=1)
        H = cat(blocks[1], axis=1)
        X = cat((V, H), axis=0)
        K = find_kernel(X)
        I = cat((identity2(ka*mb+ma*kb), zeros2(ka*mb+ma*kb, na*nb)), axis=1)
        J = intersect(K, I)
        print("J:", J.shape)
Ejemplo n.º 20
def process(G, H):

    m, n = G.shape
    row = 0
    while row < m:

        col = 0
        while G[row, col] == 0:
            col += 1
        assert col >= row
        swap_col(G, row, col)
        swap_col(H, row, col)
        echelon(G, row, row)

        row += 1

    col = row
    row = 0
    m, n = H.shape
    while row < m:
        j = col
        while H[row, j] == 0:
            j += 1
        swap_col(G, col, j)
        swap_col(H, col, j)
        echelon(H, row, col)

        row += 1
        col += 1

    k = n-m

    print("G =")
    print("H =")

    A = G[:, k:]
    B = H[:, :k]
    assert eq2(A.transpose(), B)

    if 0:
        for size in range(2, k):
            result = search(G, H, size=size, verbose=True)
            print("search(size=%d): %s"%(size, result))

    wd = weight_dist(H)
    print("H:", wd, sum(wd))
    wd = weight_dist(G)
    print("G:", wd, sum(wd))

    r = rank(A)
    print("rank deficit:", k-r)

    if r == k:

        idxs = list(range(k))
        jdxs = list(range(k, 2*k))

        C = cokernel(B)[0]
        C = row_reduce(C)
        rows, cols = C.shape
        assert rows == n-2*k
        assert cols == n-k

        jdxs = list(range(m))
        pivots = []
        for i in range(rows):
            for j in range(i, cols):
                if C[i, j] != 0:
        print("C:", pivots)
        assert len(jdxs) == k

        jdxs = [k+i for i in jdxs]
        assert len( in_support(G, idxs) ) == 0
        assert len( in_support(G, jdxs) ) == 0
        assert len( in_support(H, idxs) ) == 0
        for row in in_support(H, jdxs):
            print("in_support:", row)
        assert len( in_support(H, jdxs) ) == 0
Ejemplo n.º 21
def hypergraph_product(C, D, check=False):
    print("hypergraph_product:", C.shape, D.shape)
    print("distance:", classical_distance(C))

    c0, c1 = C.shape
    d0, d1 = D.shape

    E1 = identity2(c0)
    E2 = identity2(d0)
    M1 = identity2(c1)
    M2 = identity2(d1)

    Hx0 = kron(M1, D.transpose()), kron(C.transpose(), M2)
    Hx = numpy.concatenate(Hx0, axis=1)  # horizontal concatenate

    Hz0 = kron(C, E2), kron(E1, D)
    #print("Hz0:", Hz0[0].shape, Hz0[1].shape)
    Hz = numpy.concatenate(Hz0, axis=1)  # horizontal concatenate

    assert dot2(Hz, Hx.transpose()).sum() == 0

    n = Hx.shape[1]
    assert Hz.shape[1] == n

    # ---------------------------------------------------
    # Build Lx

    KerC = find_kernel(C)
    #KerC = min_span(KerC) # does not seem to matter... ??
    assert KerC.shape[1] == c1
    K = KerC.transpose()
    E = identity2(d0)


    Lxt0 = kron(K, E), zeros2(c0 * d1, K.shape[1] * d0)
    Lxt0 = numpy.concatenate(Lxt0, axis=0)
    assert dot2(Hz, Lxt0).sum() == 0

    K = find_kernel(D).transpose()
    assert K.shape[0] == d1
    E = identity2(c0)

    Lxt1 = zeros2(c1 * d0, K.shape[1] * c0), kron(E, K)
    Lxt1 = numpy.concatenate(Lxt1, axis=0)
    assert dot2(Hz, Lxt1).sum() == 0

    Lxt = numpy.concatenate((Lxt0, Lxt1), axis=1)  # horizontal concatenate
    Lx = Lxt.transpose()

    assert dot2(Hz, Lxt).sum() == 0

    # These are linearly dependent, but
    # once we add stabilizers it will be reduced:
    assert rank(Lx) == len(Lx)

    if 0:
        # ---------------------------------------------------

        k = get_k(Lx, Hx)
        print("k =", k)

        left, right = [], []

        draw = Draw(c0, c1, d0, d1)
        cols = []
        for j in range(d0):  # col
            col = []
            for i in range(len(KerC)):  # logical
                op = Lx[i * d0 + j]
                if j == i:
                if j < d0 / 2:


        left = array2(left)
        right = array2(right)

        print(get_k(left, Hx))
        print(get_k(right, Hx))


    # ---------------------------------------------------
    # Build Lz

    counit = lambda n: unit2(n).transpose()

    K = find_cokernel(D)  # matrix of row vectors
    #E = counit(c1)
    E = identity2(c1)
    Lz0 = kron(E, K), zeros2(K.shape[0] * c1, c0 * d1)
    Lz0 = numpy.concatenate(Lz0, axis=1)  # horizontal concatenate

    assert dot2(Lz0, Hx.transpose()).sum() == 0

    K = find_cokernel(C)
    #E = counit(d1)
    E = identity2(d1)
    Lz1 = zeros2(K.shape[0] * d1, c1 * d0), kron(K, E)
    Lz1 = numpy.concatenate(Lz1, axis=1)  # horizontal concatenate

    Lz = numpy.concatenate((Lz0, Lz1), axis=0)

    assert dot2(Lz, Hx.transpose()).sum() == 0

    overlap = 0
    for lx in Lx:
        for lz in Lz:
            w = (lx * lz).sum()
            overlap = max(overlap, w)
    assert overlap <= 1, overlap
    #print("max overlap:", overlap)

    assert rank(Hx) == len(Hx)
    assert rank(Hz) == len(Hz)
    mx = len(Hx)
    mz = len(Hz)

    # ---------------------------------------------------

    Lxs = []
    for op in Lx:
        op = (op + Hx) % 2
    LxHx = numpy.concatenate(Lxs)
    LxHx = row_reduce(LxHx)
    print("LxHx:", len(LxHx))
    assert LxHx.shape[1] == n
    print(len(intersect(LxHx, Hx)), mx)
    assert len(intersect(LxHx, Hx)) == mx

    Lzs = []
    for op in Lz:
        op = (op + Hz) % 2
    LzHz = numpy.concatenate(Lzs)
    LzHz = row_reduce(LzHz)
    print("LzHz:", len(LzHz))
    assert LzHz.shape[1] == n

    # ---------------------------------------------------
    # Remove excess logops.

    #    print("remove_dependent")
    #    # -------- Lx
    #    Lx, Lx1 = mk_disjoint_logops(Lx, Hx)
    #    # -------- Lz
    #    Lz, Lz1 = mk_disjoint_logops(Lz, Hz)

    # --------------------------------
    # independent_logops for Lx

    k = get_k(Lx, Hx)

    idxs0, idxs1 = [], []

    for j in range(d0):  # col
        for i in range(c1):
            idx = j + i * d0
            if j < d0 // 2:

    Lx0 = in_support(LxHx, idxs0)
    Lx0 = independent_logops(Lx0, Hx)
    k0 = (len(Lx0))

    Lx1 = in_support(LxHx, idxs1)
    Lx1 = independent_logops(Lx1, Hx)
    k1 = (len(Lx1))
    assert k0 == k1 == k, (k0, k1, k)

    # --------------------------------
    # independent_logops for Lz

    idxs0, idxs1 = [], []

    for j in range(d0):  # col
        for i in range(c1):
            idx = j + i * d0
            if i < c1 // 2:

    Lz0 = in_support(LzHz, idxs0)
    Lz0 = independent_logops(Lz0, Hz)
    k0 = (len(Lz0))

    Lz1 = in_support(LzHz, idxs1)
    Lz1 = independent_logops(Lz1, Hz)
    k1 = (len(Lz1))
    assert k0 == k1 == k, (k0, k1, k)

    # ---------------------------------------------------

    #assert eq2(dot2(Lz, Lxt), identity2(k))
    assert mx + mz + k == n

    print("mx = %d, mz = %d, k = %d : n = %d" % (mx, mz, k, n))

    # ---------------------------------------------------

    #    if Lx1 is None:
    #        return
    #    if Lz1 is None:
    #        return

    # ---------------------------------------------------

    op = zeros2(n)
    for lx in Lx0:
        for lz in Lz0:
            lxz = lx * lz
            #print(op.shape, lxz.shape)
            op += lxz

    for lx in Lx1:
        for lz in Lz1:
            lxz = lx * lz
            #print(op.shape, lxz.shape)
            op += lxz

    idxs = numpy.where(op)[0]
    print("correctable region size = %d" % len(idxs))

    Lx, Lz = Lx0, Lz0

    Lxs = []
    for op in Lx:
        op = (op + Hx) % 2
    LxHx = numpy.concatenate(Lxs)
    LxHx = row_reduce(LxHx)
    assert LxHx.shape[1] == n

    Lzs = []
    for op in Lz:
        op = (op + Hz) % 2
    LzHz = numpy.concatenate(Lzs)
    LzHz = row_reduce(LzHz)
    assert LzHz.shape[1] == n

    if argv.draw:

    good = is_correctable(n, idxs, LxHx, LzHz)
    assert good


    # ---------------------------------------------------

    if argv.code:
        print("code = CSSCode()")
        code = CSSCode(Hx=Hx,

        if check:
            U = solve(Lx.transpose(), code.Lx.transpose())
            assert U is not None
            assert eq2(dot2(U.transpose(), Lx), code.Lx)

        if 0:
            Lx, Lz = code.Lx, code.Lz
            print("Lx:", Lx.shape)
            print("Lz:", Lz.shape)
Ejemplo n.º 22
def find_ideals():
    import networkx as nx
    from models import build_model

    model = build_model()
    if argv.verbose:
    #print(shortstrx(Hx, Hz))

    Gx, Gz = model.Gx, model.Gz
    Hx, Hz = model.Hx, model.Hz
    #print shortstrx(Gx, Gz)

    Rx, Rz = model.Rx, model.Rz
    Rxt = Rx.transpose()
    Rzt = Rz.transpose()

    Px, Pz = model.Px, model.Pz
    Pxt = Px.transpose()
    Pzt = Pz.transpose()

    r, n = Rx.shape

    assert eq2(dot2(Rx, Pxt), Rx)

#    print shortstrx(Gx, Gz)
#    print

    PGx = dot2(Gx, Pxt)
    PGz = dot2(Gz, Pzt)
#    print shortstrx(PGx, PGz)
#    print

    if 0:
        ng = len(PGx)

        graph = nx.Graph()
        for i in range(ng):
        for i, gi in enumerate(PGx):
            for j, gj in enumerate(PGz):
                if (gi*gj).sum()%2:
                    graph.add_edge(i, j)

    mx = len(Gx)
    mz = len(Gz)
    graph = nx.Graph()
    for i in range(mx+mz):

    for ix in range(mx):
        for iz in range(mz):
            if (Gx[ix]*Gz[iz]).sum()%2:
                graph.add_edge(ix, mx+iz)

#    excite = argv.excite
#    if type(excite) is int: 
#        _excite = [0]*len(model.Tx)
#        _excite[excite] = 1
#        excite = tuple(_excite)
#    #elif excite is None:
#    print("excite:", excite)

    equs = nx.connected_components(graph)
    equs = list(equs)

    print(("find_ideals:", len(equs)))

    models = []
    for equ in equs:
        equ = list(equ)
        gxs = []
        gzs = []
        for i in equ:
            if i<mx:
        _model = build_model(array2(gxs), array2(gzs))
        basis = find_kernel(_model.Gx.transpose())
        print(("kernel:", len(basis), [v.sum() for v in basis]))

    idx = argv.dumpc
    if idx is not None:
        model = models[idx]
        #model = model.get_sector(compress=True)
        basis = find_kernel(model.Gx.transpose())
        print(("kernel:", len(basis), [v.sum() for v in basis]))

    if not argv.solve:

    if argv.excite or argv.exciteall or argv.minweightall:
        if argv.minweightall:
            excites = minweightall(Hz)
            #print("excite", excite)
        elif argv.exciteall:
            excites = list(enum2(len(Hz)))[1:]
            assert len(Hz), Hz
            excites = []
            for i in range(len(Hz)):
                excite = array2([0]*len(Hz))
                excite[i] = 1
        print(("excites", len(excites)))
        excites = [None]

    if eq2(model.Hx, model.Hz):
        print("self dual stabilizers")

    _excite = None
    top = None
    for excite in excites:
        #if excite is not None:
        #    print "excite:", (excite)
        #    g = dot2(model.Hx.transpose(), excite)
        #    model.show_stabx(g)
        if excite is not None:
            tx = dot2(excite, model.Tx)

        total = 0.
        gaps = []

        for _model in models:
            if excite is not None:
                _tx = dot2(tx, _model.Hz.transpose(), _model.Tx)
                _excite = dot2(_tx, _model.Hz.transpose())
                #print _excite
            r = len(_model.Rx)
            if r <= 12 and not argv.slepc and not argv.sparse:

                H = _model.build_ham(_excite) #weights=weights1)
                if argv.orbigraph:
                    H1 = build_orbigraph(H)
                vals, vecs = numpy.linalg.eigh(H)

            elif argv.sparse and r <= 19:

                vals = _model.sparse_ham_eigs(_excite) #weights=weights1)

            elif r <= 27:
                #for i in range(len(_excite)):
                #    _excite[i] = 1
                #print("excite:", tuple(_excite))
                #vals = slepc(excite=tuple(_excite), **_model.__dict__)
                if _excite is not None:
                    _excite = tuple(_excite)
                #vals = slepc(excite=_excite, **_model.__dict__)
                vals = _model.do_slepc(excite=_excite)
                #vals = [0, 0]

                assert 0, "r=%d too big"%r
            vals = list(vals)

            print(("total +=", vals[0]))
            total += vals[0]
        if top is None or total > top:
            top = total
        print(("eval_1:", total))
        print(("eval_2:", total-min(gaps)))
    print(("top:", top))
Ejemplo n.º 23
def main():

    import models

    assert not argv.orbiham, "it's called orbigraph now"

    if argv.find_ideals:

    Gx, Gz, Hx, Hz = models.build()

    if argv.chainmap:
        do_chainmap(Gx, Gz)

    if argv.symmetry:
        do_symmetry(Gx, Gz, Hx, Hz)
    #print shortstrx(Gx, Gz)
    if argv.report:
        for i, h in enumerate(Hz):
            print(i, shortstr(h), h.sum())
    #print shortstr(find_stabilizers(Gx, Gz))

    Lz = find_logops(Gx, Hz)
    Lx = find_logops(Gz, Hx)
    #print "Lz:", shortstr(Lz)

    if Lz.shape[0]*Lz.shape[1]:
        print(Lz.shape, Gx.shape)
        check_commute(Lz, Gx)
        check_commute(Lz, Hx)

    Px = get_reductor(Hx) # projector onto complement of rowspan of Hx
    Pz = get_reductor(Hz) 

    Rz = [dot2(Pz, g) for g in Gz]
    Rz = array2(Rz)
    Rz = row_reduce(Rz, truncate=True)
    rz = len(Rz)

    n = Gx.shape[1]
    print("n =", n)
    if len(Lx):
        print("Lx Lz:")
        print(shortstrx(Lx, Lz))
    print("Hx:", len(Hx), "Hz:", len(Hz))
    print("Gx:", len(Gx), "Gz:", len(Gz))

    Rx = [dot2(Px, g) for g in Gx]
    Rx = array2(Rx)

    Rx = row_reduce(Rx, truncate=True)
    rx = len(Rx)
    print("Rx:", rx, "Rz:", rz)
    if argv.show:
        print(shortstrx(Rx, Rz))

    Qx = u_inverse(Rx)
    Pxt = Px.transpose()
    assert eq2(dot2(Rx, Qx), identity2(rx))
    assert eq2(dot2(Rx, Pxt), Rx)

    #print shortstr(dot2(Pxt, Qx))
    PxtQx = dot2(Pxt, Qx)
    lines = [shortstr(dot2(g, PxtQx)) for g in Gx]
    #print "PxtQx:"
    #for s in lines:
    #    print s
    #print "RzRxt"
    #print shortstr(dot2(Rz, Rx.transpose()))

    offset = argv.offset

    if len(Hz):
        Tx = find_errors(Hz, Lz, Rz)
        Tx = zeros2(0, n)

    if argv.dense:

    if argv.dense_full:

    if argv.show_delta:

    if argv.slepc:

#    if argv.orbigraph:
#        from linear import orbigraph
#        orbigraph(**locals())
#        return

    v0 = None

#    excite = argv.excite
#    if excite is not None:
#        v0 = zeros2(n)
#        v0[excite] = 1

    verts = []
    lookup = {}
    for i, v in enumerate(span(Rx)): # XXX does not scale well
        if v0 is not None:
            v = (v+v0)%2
            v = dot2(Px, v)
        lookup[v.tobytes()] = i
    print("span:", len(verts))
    assert len(lookup) == len(verts)

    mz = len(Gz)
    n = len(verts)

    if argv.lie:
        U = []
        for i, v in enumerate(verts):
            count = dot2(Gz, v).sum()
            Pxv = dot2(Px, v)
            assert count == dot2(Gz, Pxv).sum()
            U.append(mz - 2*count)
        uniq = list(set(U))
        s = ', '.join("%d(%d)"%(val, U.count(val)) for val in uniq)
        print("sum:", sum(U))

    if n <= 1024 and argv.solve:
        H = numpy.zeros((n, n))
        syndromes = []
        for i, v in enumerate(verts):
            syndromes.append(dot2(Gz, v))
            count = dot2(Gz, v).sum()
            Pxv = dot2(Px, v)
            assert count == dot2(Gz, Pxv).sum()
            H[i, i] = mz - 2*count
            for g in Gx:
                v1 = (g+v)%2
                v1 = dot2(Px, v1)
                j = lookup[v1.tobytes()]
                H[i, j] += 1
        if argv.showham:
            s = lstr2(H, 0).replace(',  ', ' ')
            s = s.replace(' 0', ' .')
            s = s.replace(', -', '-')
        vals, vecs = numpy.linalg.eigh(H)

        if argv.show_partition:
            beta = argv.get("beta", 1.0)
            show_partition(vals, beta)

        if argv.orbigraph:
            if argv.symplectic:
                H1 = build_orbigraph(H, syndromes)
                H1 = build_orbigraph(H)
            vals, vecs = numpy.linalg.eig(H1)

    elif argv.sparse:
        print("building H", end=' ')
        A = {} # adjacency
        U = [] # potential

        if offset is None:
            offset = mz + 1 # make H positive definite

        for i, v in enumerate(verts):
            if i%1000==0:
            count = dot2(Gz, v).sum()
            #H[i, i] = mz - 2*count
            U.append(offset + mz - 2*count)
            for g in Gx:
                v1 = (g+v)%2
                v1 = dot2(Px, v1)
                j = lookup[v1.tobytes()]
                A[i, j] = A.get((i, j), 0) + 1
        print("\nnnz:", len(A))

        if argv.lanczos:
            vals, vecs = do_lanczos(A, U)

        elif argv.orbigraph:
            vals, vecs = do_orbigraph(A, U)


        vals -= offset # offset doesn't change vecs


    elif argv.orbigraph:

        assert n<=1024

        H = numpy.zeros((n, n))
        syndromes = []
        for i, v in enumerate(verts):
            syndromes.append(dot2(Gz, v))
            count = dot2(Gz, v).sum()
            Pxv = dot2(Px, v)
            assert count == dot2(Gz, Pxv).sum()
            H[i, i] = mz - 2*count
            for g in Gx:
                v1 = (g+v)%2
                v1 = dot2(Px, v1)
                j = lookup[v1.tobytes()]
                H[i, j] += 1
        if argv.showham:
            s = lstr2(H, 0).replace(',  ', ' ')
            s = s.replace(' 0', ' .')
            s = s.replace(', -', '-')
        if argv.symplectic:
            H1 = build_orbigraph(H, syndromes)
            H1 = build_orbigraph(H)
Ejemplo n.º 24
Archivo: glue.py Proyecto: punkdit/qupy
def find_triorth(m, k):
    # Bravyi, Haah, 1209.2426v1 sec IX.
    # https://arxiv.org/pdf/1209.2426.pdf

    verbose = argv.get("verbose")
    #m = argv.get("m", 6) # _number of rows
    #k = argv.get("k", None) # _number of odd-weight rows

    # these are the variables N_x
    xs = list(cross([(0, 1)] * m))

    maxweight = argv.maxweight
    minweight = argv.get("minweight", 1)

    xs = [x for x in xs if minweight <= sum(x)]
    if maxweight:
        xs = [x for x in xs if sum(x) <= maxweight]

    N = len(xs)

    lhs = []
    rhs = []

    # bi-orthogonality
    for a in range(m):
        for b in range(a + 1, m):
            v = zeros2(N)
            for i, x in enumerate(xs):
                if x[a] == x[b] == 1:
                    v[i] = 1
            if v.sum():

    # tri-orthogonality
    for a in range(m):
        for b in range(a + 1, m):
            for c in range(b + 1, m):
                v = zeros2(N)
                for i, x in enumerate(xs):
                    if x[a] == x[b] == x[c] == 1:
                        v[i] = 1
                if v.sum():

#    # dissallow columns with weight <= 1
#    for i, x in enumerate(xs):
#        if sum(x)<=1:
#            v = zeros2(N)
#            v[i] = 1
#            lhs.append(v)
#            rhs.append(0)

    if k is not None:
        # constrain to k _number of odd-weight rows
        assert 0 <= k < m
        for a in range(m):
            v = zeros2(N)
            for i, x in enumerate(xs):
                if x[a] == 1:
                    v[i] = 1
            if a < k:

    A = array2(lhs)
    rhs = array2(rhs)

    B = pseudo_inverse(A)
    soln = dot2(B, rhs)
    if not eq2(dot2(A, soln), rhs):
        print("no solution")
    if verbose:

    soln.shape = (N, 1)
    rhs.shape = A.shape[0], 1

    K = array2(list(find_kernel(A)))
    #print( dot2(A, K.transpose()))
    #sols = []
    #for v in span(K):
    best = None
    density = 1.0
    size = 99 * N
    trials = argv.get("trials", 1024)
    count = 0
    for trial in range(trials):
        u = rand2(len(K), 1)
        v = dot2(K.transpose(), u)
        v = (v + soln) % 2
        assert eq2(dot2(A, v), rhs)

        if v.sum() > size:
        size = v.sum()

        Gt = []
        for i, x in enumerate(xs):
            if v[i]:
        if not Gt:
        Gt = array2(Gt)
        G = Gt.transpose()
        assert is_morthogonal(G, 3)
        if G.shape[1] < m:

        if 0 in G.sum(1):

        if argv.strong_morthogonal and not strong_morthogonal(G, 3):


#        for g in G:
#            print(shortstr(g), g.sum())
#        print()

        _density = float(G.sum()) / (G.shape[0] * G.shape[1])
        #if best is None or _density < density:
        if best is None or G.shape[1] <= size:
            best = G
            size = G.shape[1]
            density = _density

        if 0:
            Gx = even_rows(G)
            assert is_morthogonal(Gx, 3)
            if len(Gx) == 0:
            GGx = array2(list(span(Gx)))
            assert is_morthogonal(GGx, 3)

        count += 1

    print("found %d solutions" % count)
    if best is None:

    G = best

    for g in G:
        print(shortstr(g), g.sum())
    print("density:", density)
    print("shape:", G.shape)

    G = linear_independent(G)

    if 0:
        A = list(span(G))
        print(strong_morthogonal(A, 1))
        print(strong_morthogonal(A, 2))
        print(strong_morthogonal(A, 3))

    G = [row for row in G if row.sum() % 2 == 0]
    return array2(G)

    #print(shortstr(dot2(G, G.transpose())))

    if 0:
        B = pseudo_inverse(A)
        v = dot2(B, rhs)
        assert eq2(dot2(B, v), rhs)