Ejemplo n.º 1
class PlotImage(QwtPlotItem):
    def __init__(self, title=QwtText()):
        self.xyzs = None

    def setData(self, xyzs, xRange=None, yRange=None):
        self.xyzs = xyzs
        shape = xyzs.shape
        if not xRange:
            xRange = (0, shape[0])
        if not yRange:
            yRange = (0, shape[1])

        self.xMap = QwtScaleMap(0, xyzs.shape[0], *xRange)
        self.plot().setAxisScale(QwtPlot.xBottom, *xRange)
        self.yMap = QwtScaleMap(0, xyzs.shape[1], *yRange)
        self.plot().setAxisScale(QwtPlot.yLeft, *yRange)

        self.image = toQImage(bytescale(self.xyzs)).mirrored(False, True)
        for i in range(0, 256):
            self.image.setColor(i, qRgb(i, 0, 255 - i))

    def updateLegend(self, legend):
        QwtPlotItem.updateLegend(self, legend)

    def draw(self, painter, xMap, yMap, rect):
        """Paint image zoomed to xMap, yMap

        Calculate (x1, y1, x2, y2) so that it contains at least 1 pixel,
        and copy the visible region to scale it to the canvas.
        assert (isinstance(self.plot(), QwtPlot))

        # calculate y1, y2
        # the scanline order (index y) is inverted with respect to the y-axis
        y1 = y2 = self.image.height()
        y1 *= (self.yMap.s2() - yMap.s2())
        y1 /= (self.yMap.s2() - self.yMap.s1())
        y1 = max(0, int(y1 - 0.5))
        y2 *= (self.yMap.s2() - yMap.s1())
        y2 /= (self.yMap.s2() - self.yMap.s1())
        y2 = min(self.image.height(), int(y2 + 0.5))
        # calculate x1, x2 -- the pixel order (index x) is normal
        x1 = x2 = self.image.width()
        x1 *= (xMap.s1() - self.xMap.s1())
        x1 /= (self.xMap.s2() - self.xMap.s1())
        x1 = max(0, int(x1 - 0.5))
        x2 *= (xMap.s2() - self.xMap.s1())
        x2 /= (self.xMap.s2() - self.xMap.s1())
        x2 = min(self.image.width(), int(x2 + 0.5))
        # copy
        image = self.image.copy(x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1)
        # zoom
        image = image.scaled(xMap.p2() - xMap.p1() + 1,
                             yMap.p1() - yMap.p2() + 1)
        # draw
        painter.drawImage(xMap.p1(), yMap.p2(), image)
Ejemplo n.º 2
class PlotImage(QwtPlotItem):
    def __init__(self, title = QwtText()):
        self.xyzs = None
    def setData(self, xyzs, xRange = None, yRange = None):
        self.xyzs = xyzs
        shape = xyzs.shape
        if not xRange:
            xRange = (0, shape[0])
        if not yRange:
            yRange = (0, shape[1])

        self.xMap = QwtScaleMap(0, xyzs.shape[0], *xRange)
        self.plot().setAxisScale(QwtPlot.xBottom, *xRange)
        self.yMap = QwtScaleMap(0, xyzs.shape[1], *yRange)
        self.plot().setAxisScale(QwtPlot.yLeft, *yRange)
        self.image = toQImage(bytescale(self.xyzs)).mirrored(False, True)
        for i in range(0, 256):
            self.image.setColor(i, qRgb(i, 0, 255-i))

    def updateLegend(self, legend):
        QwtPlotItem.updateLegend(self, legend)

    def draw(self, painter, xMap, yMap, rect):
        """Paint image zoomed to xMap, yMap

        Calculate (x1, y1, x2, y2) so that it contains at least 1 pixel,
        and copy the visible region to scale it to the canvas.
        assert(isinstance(self.plot(), QwtPlot))
        # calculate y1, y2
        # the scanline order (index y) is inverted with respect to the y-axis
        y1 = y2 = self.image.height()
        y1 *= (self.yMap.s2() - yMap.s2())
        y1 /= (self.yMap.s2() - self.yMap.s1())
        y1 = max(0, int(y1-0.5))
        y2 *= (self.yMap.s2() - yMap.s1())
        y2 /= (self.yMap.s2() - self.yMap.s1())
        y2 = min(self.image.height(), int(y2+0.5))
        # calculate x1, x2 -- the pixel order (index x) is normal
        x1 = x2 = self.image.width()
        x1 *= (xMap.s1() - self.xMap.s1())
        x1 /= (self.xMap.s2() - self.xMap.s1())
        x1 = max(0, int(x1-0.5))
        x2 *= (xMap.s2() - self.xMap.s1())
        x2 /= (self.xMap.s2() - self.xMap.s1())
        x2 = min(self.image.width(), int(x2+0.5))
        # copy
        image = self.image.copy(x1, y1, x2-x1, y2-y1)
        # zoom
        image = image.scaled(xMap.p2()-xMap.p1()+1, yMap.p1()-yMap.p2()+1)
        # draw
        painter.drawImage(xMap.p1(), yMap.p2(), image)