def _check_write(self, thread_name, socket): event = self._write_access[thread_name] if event.is_set(): socket.send( self._write_cmd % (_randint(-100, 0), _randint(0, 100))) event.result = socket.recv(1024) event.clear()
def checkReadWithParams(scpiObj): _printHeader("Attribute read with parameters after the '?'") try: cmd = 'reader:with:parameters' longTest = ArrayTest(100) scpiObj.addCommand(cmd, readcb=longTest.readRange) answer = _send2Input(scpiObj, "DataFormat ASCII") if answer is None or len(answer) == 0: raise ValueError("Empty string") for i in range(10): bar, foo = _randint(0, 100), _randint(0, 100) start = min(bar, foo) end = max(bar, foo) # introduce a ' ' (write separator) after the '?' (read separator) cmdWithParams = "%s?%3s,%s" % (cmd, start, end) answer = _send2Input(scpiObj, cmdWithParams) print("\tRequest %s \n\tAnswer: %r (len %d)" % (cmdWithParams, answer, len(answer))) if answer is None or len(answer) == 0: raise ValueError("Empty string") cmdWithParams = "%s?%s,%s" % (cmd, start, end) result = True, "Read with parameters test PASSED" except Exception as e: print("\tUnexpected kind of exception! %s" % e) print_exc() result = False, "Read with parameters test FAILED" _printFooter(result[1]) return result
def __fsanitation(self): # private! This method should not be called independently. Otherwise # the program will be stuck in a permanent loop """A target method for threading.Thread Drops sanitation with max interval being SANITATION_DROP_INTERVAL. If sanitation value is 0, the score is dropped every maximum ticks of SCOREDROP_SANITATION_COUNT. """ SCOREDROPCOUNT = SCOREDROP_SANITATION_COUNT # To add more randomness, uncomment following: SCOREDROPCOUNT = _randint(0, SCOREDROP_SANITATION_COUNT) while True: #_sleep(SANITATION_DROP_INTERVAL) # To add more randomness, uncomment following: _sleep(_randint(1, SANITATION_DROP_INTERVAL)) self._setsanitation(self._sanitation - 1) if self._sanitation is 0: SCOREDROPCOUNT -= 1 if SCOREDROPCOUNT <= 0: #SCOREDROPCOUNT = SCOREDROP_SANITATION_COUNT # To add more randomness, uncomment following: SCOREDROPCOUNT = _randint(1, SCOREDROP_SANITATION_COUNT) self.addscore(SANITATION_SCOREDROP, 'Low sanitation. Use a water tap nearby.')
def insert(self, z : SearchTreeNode): ''' 插入元素,时间复杂度`O(h)` `h`为树的高度 ''' y = None x = self.root while x != None: y = x if z.key < x.key: x = x.left elif z.key > x.key: x = x.right else: # 处理相同结点的方式,随机分配左右结点 if _randint(0, 1) == 0: x = x.left else: x = x.right z.p = y if y == None: self.root = z elif z.key < y.key: y.left = z elif z.key > y.key: y.right = z else: # 处理相同结点的方式,随机分配左右结点 if _randint(0, 1) == 0: y.left = z else: y.right = z self.nodes.append(z) self.lastnode = z
def joystick_summary_status(): # returns [x, y] for summary position if JOYSTICKS_CONNECTED: # case of joysticks actually connected # Sum of states; TBC pass else: # No joysticks; random data return [_randint(-10, 10), _randint(-10, 10)]
def rnd_dim(maxdim): """when plotting multidimensional graphs we need to reduce the dimensions to two""" if maxdim < 2: return 0, 0 if maxdim == 2: return 0, 1 f = _randint(0, maxdim - 1) s = f while s == f: s = _randint(0, maxdim - 1) return f, s
def _channelCmds_readCheck(scpiObj, pre, inner, post, nCh, value=None): rCmd = ''.join("%s%s:%s?;" % (pre, str(ch).zfill(2), post) for ch in range(1, nCh+1)) answer = _send2Input(scpiObj, "%s" % rCmd) if type(inner) is list: toCheck = {} for i in inner: toCheck[i] = answer.strip().split(';')[i-1] else: toCheck = {inner: answer.strip().split(';')[inner-1]} if value is None: value = _randint(-1000, 1000) while value == int(toCheck[inner]): value = _randint(-1000, 1000) return answer, toCheck, value
def _channel_cmds_read_check(scpi_obj, pre, inner, post, n_ch, value=None): r_cmd = ''.join("{0}{1}:{2}?;".format(pre, str(ch).zfill(2), post) for ch in range(1, n_ch+1)) answer = _send2input(scpi_obj, "{0}".format(r_cmd)) if type(inner) is list: to_check = {} for i in inner: to_check[i] = answer.strip().split(';')[i-1] else: to_check = {inner: answer.strip().split(';')[inner-1]} if value is None: value = _randint(-1000, 1000) while value == int(to_check[inner]): value = _randint(-1000, 1000) return answer, to_check, value
def _channelCmds_readCheck(scpiObj, pre, inner, post, nCh, value=None): rCmd = ''.join("%s%s:%s?;" % (pre, str(ch).zfill(2), post) for ch in range(1, nCh + 1)) answer = _send2Input(scpiObj, "%s" % rCmd) if type(inner) is list: toCheck = {} for i in inner: toCheck[i] = answer.strip().split(';')[i - 1] else: toCheck = {inner: answer.strip().split(';')[inner - 1]} if value is None: value = _randint(-1000, 1000) while value == int(toCheck[inner]): value = _randint(-1000, 1000) return answer, toCheck, value
def encrypt(v, k): """ Encrypt Message follow QQ's rule. 用QQ的规则加密消息 参数 v 是被加密的明文, k是密钥 >>> en = encrypt('', b2a_hex('b537a06cf3bcb33206237d7149c27bc3')) >>> decrypt(en, b2a_hex('b537a06cf3bcb33206237d7149c27bc3')) """ END_CHAR = '\0' FILL_N_OR = 0xF8 vl = len(v) filln = (8-(vl+2))%8 + 2 fills = '' for i in xrange(filln): fills = fills + chr(_randint(0, 0xff)) v = ( chr((filln -2)|FILL_N_OR) + fills + v + END_CHAR * 7 ) tr = '\0'*8 to = '\0'*8 r = '' o = '\0' * 8 for i in xrange(0, len(v), 8): o = xor(v[i:i+8], tr) tr = xor( encipher(o, k), to) to = o r += tr return r
def add(self, parent_id: int, tag: str, text: str = '', **attrib) -> int: """ Adds an element to a parent Args: parent_id: ID of the parent element tag: Tag / name of the new element text: Text of the new element **attrib: Attributes of the new element Returns: The id of the new created element """ if parent_id == 0: element = _ET.Element(tag, **attrib) element.text = text self.root.append(element) elif parent_id in self.elements.keys(): element = _ET.SubElement(self.elements[parent_id], tag, **attrib) element.text = text else: raise IndexError('The parent element does not exist') while True: # do while would be nice elem_id = _randint(111111111, 999999999) if elem_id not in self.elements: break self.elements[elem_id] = element return elem_id
def chooseBooster(self): probs = _randint(0, 4) if probs != 0: return bst = _choice(['add_bomb', 'add_explosion_range', 'add_speed']) booster = Booster(bst, gameObjectGroup) =
def _buildCommand2Test(): baseCmds = ['SOURce', 'BASIcloop', 'ITERative', 'CHANnel'] subCmds = ['CURRent', 'VOLTage'] attrs = ['UPPEr', 'LOWEr', 'VALUe'] baseCmd = _randomchoice(baseCmds) if baseCmd in ['CHANnel']: baseCmd = "%s%s" % (baseCmd, str(_randint(1, nChannels)).zfill(2)) if _randint(0, 1): baseCmd = "%s:MEAS:FUNC%s" % ( baseCmd, str(_randint(1, nSubchannels)).zfill(2)) subCmd = _randomchoice(subCmds) if baseCmd in ['SOURce']: attr = _randomchoice(attrs + ['BUFFer']) else: attr = _randomchoice(attrs) return "%s:%s:%s?" % (baseCmd, subCmd, attr)
def elect_key_with_modifier(target, preference, multiplier=10): """Chooses a pseudo-random key in dictionary, affected by preference *target* is the value in *preference* that we are trying to get electors for *preference* is a dictionary containing *target*'s preference for the result. The format is: {<key>: <target name>, ...} *multiplier* is a modifier for prioritizing the whole preferences. Defaults to 10 as it is the supposed optimum value, yielding approx. 70% election chance. Value of 1 makes all keys to have equal probabilities, regardless of their preferences. Returns elected key. """ assert isinstance(preference, dict), '*preference* should be a dictionary' candidate = [] for key in preference.keys(): if preference[key] is target: candidate.extend([key] * multiplier) else: candidate.append(key) return candidate[_randint(0, len(candidate) - 1)]
def is_prime_miller(n): primelist = all_prime(1000) if n < 2: return False for i in primelist: if n == i: return True if n % i == 0: return False k = 0 q = n - 1 while q % 2 == 0 and q > 0: q >>= 1 k += 1 T = 15 while T: a = _randint(3, n - 1) if gcd(a, n) > 1: return False a = my_pow(a, q, n) if a != 1: for i in range(k): if a == n - 1: break if a == 1: return False a = pow(a, 2, n) if a != 1 and a != n - 1: return False T -= 1 return True
def encrypt(v, k): """ Encrypt Message follow QQ's rule. 用QQ的规则加密消息 参数 v 是被加密的明文, k是密钥 >>> en = encrypt('', b2a_hex('b537a06cf3bcb33206237d7149c27bc3')) >>> decrypt(en, b2a_hex('b537a06cf3bcb33206237d7149c27bc3')) """ END_CHAR = '\0' FILL_N_OR = 0xF8 vl = len(v) filln = (8 - (vl + 2)) % 8 + 2 fills = '' for i in xrange(filln): fills = fills + chr(_randint(0, 0xff)) v = (chr((filln - 2) | FILL_N_OR) + fills + v + END_CHAR * 7) tr = '\0' * 8 to = '\0' * 8 r = '' o = '\0' * 8 for i in xrange(0, len(v), 8): o = xor(v[i:i + 8], tr) tr = xor(encipher(o, k), to) to = o r += tr return r
def permute_by_cyclic(self, array): ''' 随机打乱排列一个数组 Args = array : 随机排列前的数组 Return: = random_array : 随机排列后的数组 Example = >>> Chapter5_3().permute_by_cyclic([1, 2, 3, 4]) ''' A = _deepcopy(array) n = len(array) offset = _randint(0, n - 1) A = _deepcopy(array) for i in range(n): dest = i + offset if dest >= n: dest = dest - n A[dest] = array[i] return A
def __init__(self, name, job=None): """Class initialization. *name* is the name of the player. *job* is a DGProfession instance Note: *name* must be changed to Player object when implemented in DetectiveGame420 java plugin. """ self._name = name self._job = job self._iskiller = False self._score = 0 self._sanitation = _randint(SANITATION_LOWEST_INITVALUE, 99) self._soaked = False self._invisible = False self._breath = 0 self._bloody = False self._alive = True # this variable must have no other means of setting its value to False self._bloody_once = False # sanitation drop start self.__sanitation_fall_thread = _Thread(target=self.__fsanitation) self.__sanitation_fall_thread.setDaemon(True) self.__sanitation_fall_thread.start() self.__initialized = True
def reiniciar(): """ Reinicia as variáveis de estado que controlam o jogo. """ _.ativo = False _.morto = False _.flappy_x = _.largura_tela // 3 _.flappy_y = _.altura_tela // 2 _.velocidade = 0 distancia_canos = 80 cano1 = _.largura_tela + distancia_canos * 0, -10 * _randint(1, 8) cano2 = _.largura_tela + distancia_canos * 1, -10 * _randint(1, 8) cano3 = _.largura_tela + distancia_canos * 2, -10 * _randint(1, 8) cano4 = _.largura_tela + distancia_canos * 3, -10 * _randint(1, 8) _.canos = [cano1, cano2, cano3, cano4] _.score = 0
def randomized_partition(self, A: list, p: int, r: int): ''' 快速排序随机分堆子过程 ''' i = _randint(p, r) A[r], A[i] = A[i], A[r] return self.partition(A, p, r)
def initkey(): i=0 fills='' while i < 16: fills = fills + chr(_randint(0, 0xff)) i += 1 return fills
def _doWriteCommand(scpiObj, cmd, value=None): # first read --- answer1 = _send2Input(scpiObj, "%s?" % cmd) print("\tRequested %s initial value: %r" % (cmd, answer1)) # then write --- if value is None: value = _randint(-1000, 1000) while value == int(answer1.strip()): value = _randint(-1000, 1000) answer2 = _send2Input(scpiObj, "%s %s" % (cmd, value)) print("\tWrite %r value: %r, answer: %r" % (cmd, value, answer2)) # read again --- answer3 = _send2Input(scpiObj, "%s?" % cmd) print("\tRequested %r again value: %r\n" % (cmd, answer3)) if answer2 != answer3: raise AssertionError("Didn't change after write (%r, %r, %r)" % (answer1, answer2, answer3))
def _buildCommand2Test(): baseCmds = ['SOURce', 'BASIcloop', 'ITERative', 'CHANnel'] subCmds = ['CURRent', 'VOLTage'] attrs = ['UPPEr', 'LOWEr', 'VALUe'] baseCmd = _randomchoice(baseCmds) if baseCmd in ['CHANnel']: baseCmd = "%s%s" % (baseCmd, str(_randint(1, nChannels)).zfill(2)) if _randint(0, 1): baseCmd = "%s:MEAS:FUNC%s" % (baseCmd, str(_randint(1, nSubchannels)).zfill(2)) subCmd = _randomchoice(subCmds) if baseCmd in ['SOURce']: attr = _randomchoice(attrs + ['BUFFer']) else: attr = _randomchoice(attrs) return "%s:%s:%s?" % (baseCmd, subCmd, attr)
def _do_write_command(scpi_obj, cmd, value=None): # first read --- answer1 = _send2input(scpi_obj, "{0}?".format(cmd)) print("\tRequested {0} initial value: {1!r}".format(cmd, answer1)) # then write --- if value is None: value = _randint(-1000, 1000) while value == int(answer1.strip()): value = _randint(-1000, 1000) _send2input(scpi_obj, "{0} {1}".format(cmd, value), check_answer=False) print("\tWrite {0!r} value: {1!r}".format(cmd, value)) # read again --- answer2 = _send2input(scpi_obj, "{0}?".format(cmd)) print("\tRequested {0!r} again value: {1!r}\n".format(cmd, answer2)) if answer1 == answer2: raise AssertionError( "Didn't change after write ({0!r}, {1!r})".format( answer1, answer2))
def _build_command2test(): base_cmds = ['SOURce', 'BASIcloop', 'ITERative', 'CHANnel'] sub_cmds = ['CURRent', 'VOLTage'] attrs = ['UPPEr', 'LOWEr', 'VALUe'] base_cmd = _random_choice(base_cmds) if base_cmd in ['CHANnel']: base_cmd = "{0}{1}".format( base_cmd, str(_randint(1, n_channels)).zfill(2)) if _randint(0, 1): base_cmd = "{0}:MEAS:FUNC{1}" \ "".format(base_cmd, str(_randint(1, n_subchannels)).zfill(2)) sub_cmd = _random_choice(sub_cmds) if base_cmd in ['SOURce']: attr = _random_choice(attrs + ['BUFFer']) else: attr = _random_choice(attrs) return "{0}:{1}:{2}?".format(base_cmd, sub_cmd, attr)
def build(self): # Building the main window widget game = GameWidget() # c1, c2, c3 to split the ASTEROID_COUNT into three c1 = ASTEROID_COUNT // 3 c2 = c1 * 2 # Adding asteroids; three various classes to have three different images for i in range(c1): game.add_widget(Asteroid1(), i) for i in range(c1, c2): game.add_widget(Asteroid2(), i) for i in range(c2, ASTEROID_COUNT): game.add_widget(Asteroid3(), i) # Generate random positions for all asteroids (type 1, 2, and 3) for i in range(ASTEROID_COUNT): while True: xpos = _randint(0, XSIZE) ypos = _randint(0, YSIZE) # ...until being reasonably far from the center, # to avoid an immediate collsion with the rocket if abs(xpos - XSIZE // 2) > 50: if abs(ypos - YSIZE // 2) > 50: break # Set the asteroid actual location game.children[i].pos = (xpos, ypos) # Set the asteroid location attributes; # These are separate to accumulate computed movement game.children[i].pos_x = xpos game.children[i].pos_y = ypos # Set the asteroid velocity attributes game.children[i].vel_x = MAX_ASTEROID_SPEED / (_randint(-3, 3) + 0.5) game.children[i].vel_y = MAX_ASTEROID_SPEED / (_randint(-3, 3) + 0.5) # Adding resources as next items on the widget list for i in range(ASTEROID_COUNT, ASTEROID_COUNT + RESOURCE_COUNT): # Resource index starts after the ASTEROID_COUNT game.add_widget(Resource(), i) # Adding i-th resource xpos = _randint(0, XSIZE) ypos = _randint(0, YSIZE) # Set the resource location game.children[i].pos = (xpos, ypos) # Set the resource location attributes, float game.children[i].pos_x = xpos game.children[i].pos_y = ypos # Set the resource velocity; float game.children[i].vel_x = MAX_RESOURCE_SPEED / (_randint(-3, 3) + 0.5) game.children[i].vel_y = MAX_RESOURCE_SPEED / (_randint(-3, 3) + 0.5) Clock.schedule_interval(game.update, TIME_STEP) return game
def test(n, pause): is_conn = tosdb.connected() if not is_conn: print("*** COULD NOT CONNECT... exiting ***\n") exit(1) print("-- CREATE BLOCK --\n") b1 = tosdb.TOSDB_DataBlock(BSIZE, True, BTIMEOUT) for _ in range(n): nt = _randint(1, MAX_ADD) ni = _randint(1, MAX_ADD) topics = choice_without_replace(T_TOPICS, nt) items = choice_without_replace(T_ITEMS, ni) print('ADD ITEMS: ', str(items)) b1.add_items(*items) print('ADD TOPICS: ', str(topics)) b1.add_topics(*topics) _sleep(pause) print() print(b1) _sleep(pause) items = b1.items() ni = len(items) if ni > 1: ni = _randint(1, ni - 1) items = choice_without_replace(items, ni) print('REMOVE ITEMS: ', str(items)) b1.remove_items(*items) topics = b1.topics() nt = len(topics) if nt > 1: nt = _randint(1, nt - 1) topics = choice_without_replace(topics, nt) print('REMOVE TOPICS: ', str(topics)) b1.remove_topics(*topics) _sleep(pause) print() print(b1) _sleep(pause)
def test(n,pause): is_conn = tosdb.connected() if not is_conn: print("*** COULD NOT CONNECT... exiting ***\n") exit(1) print("-- CREATE BLOCK --\n") b1 = tosdb.TOSDB_DataBlock(BSIZE,True,BTIMEOUT) for _ in range(n): nt = _randint(1,MAX_ADD) ni = _randint(1,MAX_ADD) topics = choice_without_replace(T_TOPICS, nt) items = choice_without_replace(T_ITEMS, ni) print('ADD ITEMS: ', str(items)) b1.add_items(*items) print('ADD TOPICS: ', str(topics)) b1.add_topics(*topics) _sleep(pause) print() print(b1) _sleep(pause) items = b1.items() ni = len(items) if ni > 1: ni = _randint(1,ni-1) items = choice_without_replace(items, ni) print('REMOVE ITEMS: ', str(items)) b1.remove_items(*items) topics = b1.topics() nt = len(topics) if nt > 1: nt = _randint(1, nt-1) topics = choice_without_replace(topics, nt) print('REMOVE TOPICS: ', str(topics)) b1.remove_topics(*topics) _sleep(pause) print() print(b1) _sleep(pause)
def encrypt(self, v): """ Encrypt Message follow QQ's rule. v is the message to encrypt, k is the key fill char is some random numbers (in old QQ is 0xAD) fill n char's n = (8 - (len(v)+2)) %8 + 2 ( obviously, n is 2 at least, n is 2-9) then insert (n - 2)|0xF8 in the front of the fill chars to record the number of fill chars. append 7 '\0' in the end of the message. thus the lenght of the message become filln + 8 + len(v), and it == 0 (mod 8) Encrypt the message . Per 8 bytes, the result is: r = encipher( v ^ tr, key) ^ to (*) code is the QQ's TEA function. v is 8 bytes data to encrypt. tr is the result in preceding round. to is the data coded in perceding round, is v_pre ^ r_pre_pre For the first 8 bytes 'tr' and 'to' is zero. loop and loop, that's end. >>> en = encrypt('', b2a_hex('b537a06cf3bcb33206237d7149c27bc3')) >>> decrypt(en, b2a_hex('b537a06cf3bcb33206237d7149c27bc3')) '' """ END_CHAR = '\0' FILL_N_OR = 0xF8 vl = len(v) filln = (8-(vl+2))%8 + 2; fills = '' for i in xrange(filln): fills = fills + chr(_randint(0, 0xff)) v = ( chr((filln -2)|FILL_N_OR) + fills + v + END_CHAR * 7) tr = '\0'*8 to = '\0'*8 r = '' o = '\0' * 8 for i in xrange(0, len(v), 8): o = xor(v[i:i+8], tr) tr = xor( self.encipher(o), to) to = o r += tr return r
def _generate_genotype_for_trial(self, target_index, mutagen_indices, dimensions): target = self.population[target_index] D = _randint(0, dimensions - 1) return [ self._calculate_mutagen_value(mutagen_indices, genotype_index) if _random() < self.CR or genotype_index == D else target.genotype[genotype_index] for genotype_index in range(dimensions) ]
def get_prime(bit_length = 2048, strong = False): while True: x = _randint(2 ** (bit_length - 1) + 1, 2 ** bit_length - 1) x += 1 - (x & 1) if _is_prime_miller(x): if strong == False: break if _is_prime_miller((x - 1) // 2): break return x
def encrypt(v, k): """ Encrypt Message follow QQ's rule. v is the message to encrypt, k is the key fill char is some random numbers (in old QQ is 0xAD) fill n char's n = (8 - (len(v)+2)) %8 + 2 ( obviously, n is 2 at least, n is 2-9) then insert (n - 2)|0xF8 in the front of the fill chars to record the number of fill chars. append 7 '\0' in the end of the message. thus the lenght of the message become filln + 8 + len(v), and it == 0 (mod 8) Encrypt the message . Per 8 bytes, the result is: r = code( v ^ tr, key) ^ to (*) code is the QQ's TEA function. v is 8 bytes data to encrypt. tr is the result in preceding round. to is the massage coded in perceding round, is v_pre ^ r_pre_pre For the first 8 bytes 'tr' and 'to' is zero. loop and loop, that's end. >>> en = encrypt('', b2a_hex('b537a06cf3bcb33206237d7149c27bc3')) >>> decrypt(en, b2a_hex('b537a06cf3bcb33206237d7149c27bc3')) '' """ ##FILL_CHAR = chr(0xAD) END_CHAR = '\0' FILL_N_OR = 0xF8 vl = len(v) filln = (8 - (vl + 2)) % 8 + 2 fills = '' for i in xrange(filln): fills = fills + chr(_randint(0, 0xff)) v = (chr((filln - 2) | FILL_N_OR) + fills + v + END_CHAR * 7) tr = '\0' * 8 to = '\0' * 8 r = '' o = '\0' * 8 #print 'len(v)=', len(v) for i in xrange(0, len(v), 8): o = xor(v[i:i + 8], tr) tr = xor(code(o, k), to) to = o r += tr return r
def _get_random_reader(): global _random_reader, _random_init if not _random_init: try: import random try: _random_reader = open("/dev/urandom","rb").read except: _random_reader = os.fdopen("/dev/random",os.O_RDONLY|os.O_NONBLOCK),"rb").read sec,usec = _gettimeofday() random.seed((os.getpid() << 16) ^ os.getuid() ^ sec ^ usec) except: pass _random_init = True sec,usec = _gettimeofday() i = (sec ^ usec) & 0x1F while i>0: _randint(0,_maxint) i -= 1 return _random_reader
def update(self, dt): # One step game status update # Move the rocket by the speed vector self.rocket.move() # Decrease the timer; it will display automatically self.timer = self.timer - dt # Move the freely floating objects, i.e. asteroids & resources # It's aplicable to all these objects with the same algorithm # Then there is no separate 'move' function for each class for i in range(ASTEROID_COUNT + RESOURCE_COUNT): new_x = self.children[i].pos_x + self.children[i].vel_x new_y = self.children[i].pos_y + self.children[i].vel_y # Wrap up if out of the window if new_x < -MARGIN: new_x = XSIZE + MARGIN if new_x > XSIZE + MARGIN: new_x = -MARGIN if new_y < -MARGIN: new_y = YSIZE + MARGIN if new_y > YSIZE + MARGIN: new_y = -MARGIN self.children[i].pos_x = new_x self.children[i].pos_y = new_y # Using float due to sub-unit steps; then rounding is needed self.children[i].pos = (round(new_x), round(new_y)) # Check for a rocket collision with the window frame if ((self.rocket.y < 0) or ( > self.height) or (self.rocket.x < 0) or (self.rocket.right > self.width)): self.collision() # Check for a rocket collision with an asteroid for i in range(ASTEROID_COUNT): if self.rocket.collide_widget(self.children[i]): self.collision() # Check for a rocket meeting with a resource for i in range(ASTEROID_COUNT, ASTEROID_COUNT + RESOURCE_COUNT): if self.rocket.collide_widget(self.children[i]): # Score increases by 1 self.score = self.score + 1 # The resource disappears; actually it gets new coordinates, # So it immediately translates far away. Then there's no need # to destroy and recreate the object. xpos = _randint(0, XSIZE) ypos = -MARGIN # To avoid resources popping out within the window self.children[i].pos = (xpos, ypos) self.children[i].pos_x = xpos self.children[i].pos_y = ypos
def __new__(cls, *arg, **kw): c = cls._klass c._group, c._field = cls._group, cls # make new class if automagic on to avoid attribute property overlap if arg[2]: c = type(, _maxint))).digest(), (c,), dict(c.__dict__) ) return c(*arg, **kw)
def DrawSpecs(self, excludeMelody=False, enforceMelody=False): # might be better to enforce desired behaviour from outside from random import randint as _randint drawnSpecs = [ _randint(*self[field]) for field in ["NbMelodies", "NbAccompaniments", "NbBass", "NbDrums"] ] if enforceMelody: drawnSpecs[0] = max(1, drawnSpecs[0]) elif excludeMelody: drawnSpecs[0] = 0 return drawnSpecs
def collision(self): # Called if the rocket collides with an obstacle # i.e. the window frame, or an asteroid # Penalty by decreasing available time; # Maybe I'll put an explosion animation here _sleep(2) # Rocket is then moved to a collision-safe place rocket_is_safe = False while not rocket_is_safe: # Select a new random position xpos = _randint(100, XSIZE - 100) ypos = _randint(100, YSIZE - 100) = (xpos, ypos) # ...until not colliding with any asteroid for i in range(ASTEROID_COUNT): if self.rocket.collide_widget(self.children[i]): break else: rocket_is_safe = True
def build(self): # Building the main window widget game = GameWidget() # c1, c2, c3 to split the ASTEROID_COUNT into three c1 = ASTEROID_COUNT // 3 c2 = c1 * 2 # Adding asteroids; three various classes to have three different images for i in range(c1): game.add_widget(Asteroid1(), i) for i in range(c1, c2): game.add_widget(Asteroid2(), i) for i in range(c2, ASTEROID_COUNT): game.add_widget(Asteroid3(), i) # Generate random positions for all asteroids (type 1, 2, and 3) for i in range(ASTEROID_COUNT): while True: xpos = _randint(0, XSIZE) ypos = _randint(0, YSIZE) # ...until being reasonably far from the center, # to avoid an immediate collsion with the rocket if abs(xpos - XSIZE//2) > 50: if abs(ypos - YSIZE//2) > 50: break # Set the asteroid actual location game.children[i].pos = (xpos, ypos) # Set the asteroid location attributes; # These are separate to accumulate computed movement game.children[i].pos_x = xpos game.children[i].pos_y = ypos # Set the asteroid velocity attributes game.children[i].vel_x = MAX_ASTEROID_SPEED / (_randint(-3, 3) + 0.5) game.children[i].vel_y = MAX_ASTEROID_SPEED / (_randint(-3, 3) + 0.5) # Adding resources as next items on the widget list for i in range(ASTEROID_COUNT, ASTEROID_COUNT + RESOURCE_COUNT): # Resource index starts after the ASTEROID_COUNT game.add_widget(Resource(), i) # Adding i-th resource xpos = _randint(0, XSIZE) ypos = _randint(0, YSIZE) # Set the resource location game.children[i].pos = (xpos, ypos) # Set the resource location attributes, float game.children[i].pos_x = xpos game.children[i].pos_y = ypos # Set the resource velocity; float game.children[i].vel_x = MAX_RESOURCE_SPEED / (_randint(-3, 3) + 0.5) game.children[i].vel_y = MAX_RESOURCE_SPEED / (_randint(-3, 3) + 0.5) Clock.schedule_interval(game.update, TIME_STEP) return game
def test_marker_func(fname, *args): block = tosdb.TOSDB_DataBlock(N,True) block.add_items(*ITEMS) block.add_topics(*TOPICS) topics = list(TOPICS) _shuffle(topics) for topic in topics: item = _choice(ITEMS) date_time = _choice([True,False]) passes = _randint(3,10) wait = int(MAX_SEC_PER_TEST/passes) print("+ TEST", fname, str((item,topic,date_time,passes,wait))) test(fname, block, (item, topic, date_time) + args, passes, wait) block.close()
def __init__(self, meta='meta.json', verbose=True): super().__init__() self.__verbose = verbose self.__meta = { 'header': { 'ident': '%s-%4X' % (IDENT, _randint(0x1000, 0xffff)), 'initialized': get_timestamp(), 'verbose': verbose }, 'import': dict(), 'log': dict() } self.__lock = Lock() self.stage(meta, clean=True)
def __reCluster(self,trainingSet): #Choose k random means from the trainingSet for i in range(self.k): if self.means[i] == None: self.means[i] = (trainingSet[ _randint(0,len(trainingSet) - 1 ) ] ) clusteredExamples = {} #for every example int the training set figure out which cluster is belongs to for example in trainingSet: newCluster = self.__findCluster(example) try: clusteredExamples[newCluster].append(example) except KeyError: clusteredExamples[newCluster] = [ example ] return clusteredExamples
def encrypt(v, k): END_CHAR = '\0' FILL_N_OR = 0xF8 vl = len(v) filln = ((8 - (vl + 2)) % 8) + 2 fills = '' for i in xrange(filln): fills += chr(_randint(0, 0xff)) v = (chr((filln - 2) | FILL_N_OR) + fills + v + END_CHAR * 7) tr = '\0' * 8 to = '\0' * 8 r = '' o = '\0' * 8 for i in xrange(0, len(v), 8): o = xor(v[i:i + 8], tr) tr = xor(code(o, k), to) to = o r += tr return r
def encrypt(v, k): """ Encrypt Message follow QQ's rule. 用QQ的规则加密消息 v is the message to encrypt, k is the key 参数 v 是被加密的明文, k是密钥 fill char is some random numbers (in old QQ is 0xAD) 填充字符数是随机数, (老的QQ使用0xAD) fill n char's n = (8 - (len(v)+2)) %8 + 2 填充字符的个数 n = (8 - (len(v)+2)) %8 + 2 ( obviously, n is 2 at least, n is 2-9) ( 显然, n至少为2, 取2到9之间) then insert (n - 2)|0xF8 in the front of the fill chars 然后在填充字符前部插入1字节, 值为 ((n - 2)|0xF8) to record the number of fill chars. 以便标记填充字符的个数. append 7 '\0' in the end of the message. 在消息尾部添加7字节'\0' thus the lenght of the message become filln + 8 + len(v), 因此消息总长变为 filln + 8 + len(v), and it == 0 (mod 8) 他模8余0(被8整除) Encrypt the message . 加密这段消息 Per 8 bytes, 每8字节, the result is: 规则是 r = code( v ^ tr, key) ^ to (*) code is the QQ's TEA function. code函数就是QQ 的TEA加密函数. v is 8 bytes data to encrypt. v是被加密的8字节数据 tr is the result in preceding round. tr是前次加密的结果 to is the data coded in perceding round, is v_pre ^ r_pre_pre to是前次被加密的数据, 等于 v_pre ^ r_pre_pre For the first 8 bytes 'tr' and 'to' is zero. 对头8字节, 'tr' 和 'to' 设为零 loop and loop, 不断循环, that's end. 结束. >>> en = encrypt('', b2a_hex('b537a06cf3bcb33206237d7149c27bc3')) >>> decrypt(en, b2a_hex('b537a06cf3bcb33206237d7149c27bc3')) '' """ ##FILL_CHAR = chr(0xAD) END_CHAR = '\0' FILL_N_OR = 0xF8 vl = len(v) filln = (8-(vl+2))%8 + 2; fills = '' for i in range(filln): fills = fills + chr(_randint(0, 0xff)) v = ( chr((filln -2)|FILL_N_OR) + fills + v + END_CHAR * 7) tr = '\0'*8 to = '\0'*8 r = '' o = '\0' * 8 #print 'len(v)=', len(v) for i in range(0, len(v), 8): o = xor(v[i:i+8], tr) tr = xor( code(o, k), to) to = o r += tr return r
def _randomize_byte(b): return b ^ ((_randint(0,_maxint) >> 7) & 0xFF)
def _checkWrite(self, threadName, socket): event = self._writeAccess[threadName] if event.isSet(): socket.send(self._writeCmd % (_randint(-100, 0), _randint(0, 100))) event.result = socket.recv(1024) event.clear()
def new_seed(): result = _array('c',str(_now())) for i in range(0,_randint(10,20)): result.append(chr(_randint(0,255))) return _MD5(result.tostring()).hexdigest().lower()
def checkCommandWrites(scpiObj): _printHeader("Testing to command writes") try: # simple commands --- currentConfObj = WattrTest() scpiObj.addCommand('source:current:configure', readcb=currentConfObj.readTest, writecb=currentConfObj.writeTest) voltageConfObj = WattrTest() scpiObj.addCommand('source:voltage:configure', readcb=voltageConfObj.readTest, writecb=voltageConfObj.writeTest) for inner in ['current', 'voltage']: _doWriteCommand(scpiObj, "source:%s:configure" % (inner)) _wait(1) # FIXME: remove # channel commands --- _printHeader("Testing to channel command writes") baseCmd = 'writable' wObj = scpiObj.addComponent(baseCmd, scpiObj._commandTree) chCmd = 'channel' chObj = scpiObj.addChannel(chCmd, nChannels, wObj) chCurrentObj = WchannelTest(nChannels) chVoltageObj = WchannelTest(nChannels) for (subcomponent, subCmdObj) in [('current', chCurrentObj), ('voltage', chVoltageObj)]: subcomponentObj = scpiObj.addComponent(subcomponent, chObj) for (attrName, attrFunc) in [('upper', 'upperLimit'), ('lower', 'lowerLimit'), ('value', 'readTest')]: if hasattr(subCmdObj, attrFunc): if attrName == 'value': attrObj = scpiObj.addAttribute(attrName, subcomponentObj, readcb=subCmdObj. readTest, writecb=subCmdObj. writeTest, default=True) else: cbFunc = getattr(subCmdObj, attrFunc) attrObj = scpiObj.addAttribute(attrName, subcomponentObj, cbFunc) print("\nChecking one write multiple reads\n") for i in range(nChannels): rndCh = _randint(1, nChannels) element = _randomchoice(['current', 'voltage']) _doWriteChannelCommand(scpiObj, "%s:%s" % (baseCmd, chCmd), rndCh, element, nChannels) _interTestWait() print("\nChecking multile writes multiple reads\n") for i in range(nChannels): testNwrites = _randint(2, nChannels) rndChs = [] while len(rndChs) < testNwrites: rndCh = _randint(1, nChannels) while rndCh in rndChs: rndCh = _randint(1, nChannels) rndChs.append(rndCh) element = _randomchoice(['current', 'voltage']) values = [_randint(-1000, 1000)]*testNwrites _doWriteChannelCommand(scpiObj, "%s:%s" % (baseCmd, chCmd), rndChs, element, nChannels, values) _interTestWait() print("\nChecking write with allowed values limitation\n") selectionCmd = 'source:selection' selectionObj = WattrTest() selectionObj.writeTest(False) scpiObj.addCommand(selectionCmd, readcb=selectionObj.readTest, writecb=selectionObj.writeTest, allowedArgins=[True, False]) _doWriteCommand(scpiObj, selectionCmd, True) # _doWriteCommand(scpiObj, selectionCmd, 'Fals') # _doWriteCommand(scpiObj, selectionCmd, 'True') try: _doWriteCommand(scpiObj, selectionCmd, 0) except: print("\tLimitation values succeed because it raises an exception " "as expected") else: raise AssertionError("It has been write a value that " "should not be allowed") _interTestWait() result = True, "Command writes test PASSED" except Exception as e: print("\tUnexpected kind of exception! %s" % e) print_exc() result = False, "Command writes test FAILED" _printFooter(result[1]) return result
def randint(a, b = None): if b is None: b = a a = 0 return _randint(a, b)
def randint(A, B=None): """Random da A a B che funziona con valori long.""" if B is None: return _randint(0, A-1) return _randint(A, B-1)