Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, N, L, rho, eta):
        """Creates and manages the field, which is not a lattice, but a continuous
square plane.  Only two parameters are needed; set the other to zero.  Assumes a
radius around the particle of 1.

   Number of particles to create.

   Side length of the square field.  Must be an integer.

   Density, approximately equivalent to N/L^2.

        # Handle the choose-any-two nature of the parameters
        self.N = (N if (N != 0 and N is not None) else int(rho * L * L))
        self.width = (L if
                      (L != 0 and L is not None) else int(math.sqrt(N / rho)))
        self.height = self.width
        self.eta = eta
        # generate the N agents, stored in a triple-nested list.  Use this to
        # iterate over all particles in a given cell:
        # do_stuff(p) for p in self.particles[y][x]
        self.particles = [[[] for __ in range(self.width)]
                          for _ in range(self.height)]
        x = y = 0
        for i in range(self.N):
            x = self.width * U()
            y = self.height * U()
            self.particles[int(y)][int(x)].append(Particle(x, y))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def naiv_parametrix(T, Lambda, counter):
    #naiv implementation of the forward method for a simple exemple
    X_pred = x0
    TETA = 1
    t = 0
    delta_tau = -(1. / Lambda) * log(U(a=0, b=1))
    t += delta_tau
    Var = 0
    if (delta_tau > T):
        counter = counter + 1
        X_new = x0 + b(x0) * T + sig(x0) * sqrt(T) * W(0, 1)
        Var = (exp(Lambda * T) * f(X_new))**2
        return exp(Lambda * T) * f(X_new), counter, Var
        while (t < T):
            X_new = X_pred + delta_tau * b(X_pred) + sqrt(delta_tau) * W(
                0, 1) * sig(X_pred)
            TETA = TETA * teta(delta_tau, X_pred, X_new) / Lambda
            X_pred = X_new
            delta_tau = -(1. / Lambda) * log(U(a=0, b=1))
            t = t + delta_tau

        delta = T - t + delta_tau
        last_X = X_pred + delta * b(X_pred) + sqrt(delta) * W(0,
                                                              1) * sig(X_pred)
        TETA = TETA * teta(delta, X_pred, last_X) / Lambda
        Var = (exp(Lambda * T) * f(last_X) * TETA)**2
        return exp(Lambda * T) * f(last_X) * TETA, counter, Var
Ejemplo n.º 3
def parametrix_plot(T, Lambda, counter):
    #modification de naive_parmetrix pour l'affichage
    X_pred = x0
    TETA = 1
    t = 0
    delta_tau = -(1. / Lambda) * log(U(a=0, b=1))
    t += delta_tau
    Var = 0
    bool = True
    if (delta_tau > T):
        counter = counter + 1
        X_new = x0 + b(x0) * T + sig(x0) * sqrt(T) * W(0, 1)
        Var = (exp(Lambda * T) * f(X_new))**2
        return exp(Lambda * T) * f(X_new), Var, counter, bool, X_new
        while (t < T):
            X_new = X_pred + delta_tau * b(X_pred) + sqrt(delta_tau) * W(
                0, 1) * sig(X_pred)
            TETA = TETA * teta(delta_tau, X_pred, X_new) / Lambda
            X_pred = X_new
            delta_tau = -(1. / Lambda) * log(U(a=0, b=1))
            t = t + delta_tau

        delta = T - t + delta_tau
        last_X = X_pred + delta * b(X_pred) + sqrt(delta) * W(0,
                                                              1) * sig(X_pred)
        TETA = TETA * teta(delta, X_pred, last_X) / Lambda
        Var = (exp(Lambda * T) * f(last_X) * TETA)**2
        bool = False
        return exp(Lambda * T) * f(last_X) * TETA, Var, counter, bool, last_X
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def _optimization_step(self, param):
        This method is run on a separate process at each iteration.
        Applies the formula (*) - see it below - for one particle
        :param param: contains particle, velocity, pbest and gbest, all needed to implement formula
        :return: returns updated values for particle, velocity, pbest and gbest
        particle, velocity, pbest, gbest = param
        # save particle because we will compute velocity at the end
        old_particle = deepcopy(particle)
        old_particle = op_perm_fix(x=self.full_particle(old_particle),

        # apply formula (*): v(k+1) = [inertia * v(k)] + [personal * rand() * (p(i) - x(i))] + [social * rand() * (g - x(i))]

        # compute each term inside square brackets
        velocity_inertia = op_scalar_mul_velocity(c=self.coef_inertia,

        diff_velocity_personal = op_perm_sub_perm(pbest, particle)
        velocity_personal = op_scalar_mul_velocity(
            self.coef_personal * U(0, 1), diff_velocity_personal)

        diff_velocity_social = op_perm_sub_perm(gbest, particle)
        velocity_social = op_scalar_mul_velocity(self.coef_social * U(0, 1),

        # apply each velocity individually to particle because we don't have a velocity + velocity operator
        particle = op_perm_sum_velocity(particle, velocity_inertia)
        particle = op_perm_sum_velocity(particle, velocity_personal)
        particle = op_perm_sum_velocity(particle, velocity_social)

        # fix current particle so that it repects precedence constraints
        particle = op_perm_fix(x=self.full_particle(particle),

        # compute velocity that transforms old_particle into self.patricles[i]
        velocity = op_perm_sub_perm(particle, old_particle)

        cost = self.cost(particle)

        # update personal best in case we got a better particle than previous personal best
        if cost < self.cost(pbest):
            pbest = deepcopy(particle)
        if cost < self.cost(self.gbest):
            self.gbest = deepcopy(particle)

        return particle, velocity, pbest, cost
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def update(self):
        """Generates a new list of particles, computes their velocities, and then does
an integration step (delta t = 1) to determine the new particle's x and y position.

        new_particles = [[[] for __ in range(self.width)]
                         for _ in range(self.height)]
        x = 0
        y = 0
        while y < self.height:
            x = 0
            while x < self.width:
                for p in self.particles[y][x]:  # p is each current particle
                    # updating velocity of new particle
                    new_angle = self.getLocalAverageAngle(
                        p, x, y) + self.eta * (U() - 0.5)
                    P = Particle(0, 0)
                    P.setVelocityAngleMagnitude(new_angle, 0.03)
                    # numerical integration with dt=1, and we are on a torus
                    P.xpos = (p.xpos + P.xvel) % self.width
                    P.ypos = (p.ypos + P.yvel) % self.height
                    # store in correct tile
                x += 1
            y += 1
        # when finished updating everything, save the new agents and let the GC
        # handle the old
        self.particles = new_particles
Ejemplo n.º 6
def reject_gamma(a):
    u = U(0,1)
    if u < (exp(1)/(a+exp(1))):
        Y = (((a+exp(1))/exp(1))*u)**(1./a)
        Y = -log((1-u)*((a+exp(1))/a*exp(1)))
    if Y < 1:
        q = exp(-Y)
    if Y> 1 :
        q = Y**(a-1)
    else :
        q = 0
    v = U(0,1)
    if v <= q:
        return Y
        return reject_gamma(a)
Ejemplo n.º 7
	def __init__(self, x, y, v=0.03):
		"""This represents a single particle in the system.  It is created with a
velocity of ``v`` in a random direction, at point (x,y).

		self.xpos = x
		self.ypos = y
		theta = 2 * math.pi * U() # pick a random angle
		self.xvel = v * math.cos(theta)
		self.yvel = v * math.sin(theta)
Ejemplo n.º 8
	def __init__(self, N, L, rho, eta):
		"""Creates and manages the field, which is not a lattice, but a continuous square
plane.  Only two parameters are needed; set the other to zero.

   Number of particles to create.

   Side length of the square field.

   Density, equivalent to N/L^2.

		# Handle the choose-any-two nature of the parameters
		self.N = (N if N != 0 and N is not None else rho*L*L)
		self.width = (L if L != 0 and L is not None else int(math.sqrt(N/rho)))
		self.height = self.width
		self.eta = eta
		# generate the N agents
		self.particles = [Particle(self.width * U(),
		                           self.height * U()) for _ in range(self.N)]
Ejemplo n.º 9
def parametrix_beta(T, gamma, counter, tau_bar):
    #naiv implementation of the forward method for a simple exemple
    X_pred = x0
    TETA = 1
    t = 0
    E = -1 * log(U(a=0, b=1))
    delta_tau = tau_bar * exp(-(1 - gamma) * E)
    t += delta_tau
    Var = 0
    Sn = np.array([t])
    if (delta_tau > T):
        counter = counter + 1
        X_new = x0 + b(x0) * T + sig(x0) * sqrt(T) * W(0, 1)
        Sn = np.array([0])
        P = pn(tau_bar, Sn, T, gamma)
        Var = (f(X_new) / P)**2
        return f(X_new) / P, Var, counter

        while (t < T):
            X_new = X_pred + delta_tau * b(X_pred) + sqrt(delta_tau) * W(
                0, 1) * sig(X_pred)
            TETA = TETA * teta(delta_tau, X_pred, X_new)
            X_pred = X_new
            E = -1 * log(U(a=0, b=1))
            delta_tau = tau_bar * exp(-(1 - gamma) * E)
            t = t + delta_tau
            if (t < T):
                Sn = np.append(Sn, t)

        delta = T - t + delta_tau
        last_X = X_pred + delta * b(X_pred) + sqrt(delta) * W(0,
                                                              1) * sig(X_pred)
        TETA = TETA * teta(delta, X_pred, last_X)
        P = pn(tau_bar, Sn, T, gamma)
        Var = (f(last_X) * TETA / P)**2
        return f(last_X) * TETA / P, Var, counter
Ejemplo n.º 10
	def update(self, delta_t):
		"""Generates a new list of particles, computes their velocities, and then does
an integration step to determine the new particle's x and y position.

		new_particles = [Particle(0, 0) for _ in range(self.N)]
		# loop over both lists at once:
		for (p, P) in zip(self.particles, new_particles):
			# p is each current particle
			# P is each new particle
			neighbors = self.getNeighbors(p, 1)
			# updating velocity of new particle
			new_angle = math.atan2(sum(n.yvel for n in neighbors),
								   sum(n.xvel for n in neighbors)) + self.eta*(U()-0.5)
			P.setVelocityAngleMagnitude(new_angle, 0.03)
			# numerical integration
			P.xpos = (p.xpos + P.xvel*delta_t) % self.width
			P.ypos = (p.ypos + P.yvel*delta_t) % self.height

		# when finished updating everything, save the new agents and let the GC
		# handle the old
		self.particles = new_particles
Ejemplo n.º 11
            H = P(f)
            if H.lower() == g:
                if D:
                    for S in D:
                        A(O(S, i))
            I = j
            for J in G:
                if H in J.lower():
                    I = T
            if not I: A(k)
                K = [A for A in E for B in C if B in A.lower()]
                if K: B = U(K)
                else: B = U(E)
                A(l.format(O(B, m)))
                L = P(X)
                if o in L:
                if not L:
                    for M in B:
                        if M.lower() in C: C.remove(M.lower())
elif W.lower() == 'french':
    with Y('touslesmots.txt', b) as R:
        G = R.read().splitlines()
Ejemplo n.º 12
def gauss(m,s):
    u = U(a=0,b=1)
    return inv_gauss(u)*sqrt(s)+m
Ejemplo n.º 13
def cauchy(L):
    u = U(a=0,b=1)
    return L*tan(pi*(u-0.5))
Ejemplo n.º 14
def expn(L):
    u = U(a=0,b=1)
    return -(1./L)*log(u)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def bern(p=0.5):
    u = U(a=0,b=1)
    if u < p:
        return 1
        return 0
Ejemplo n.º 16
def gauss_Box_Muller(m,s):
    R = sqrt(expn(0.5))
    u = U(a=0,b=2*pi)
    return np.array([(R* cos(u))*sqrt(s)+m,(R* sin(u))*sqrt(s)+m])