Ejemplo n.º 1
def train_and_test_lsh(num_train, num_test, root_dir, K = 1, clusters=10):
    Function that generates a list of sdf files given a root_dir, and loads a random num_train of them into a nearpy engine. It then queries the LSH engine for a 
    random num_test other sdf files. num_train+num_test must be less than the total number of sdf_files
        num_train: number of files to load into the engine
        num_test: number of files to query after
        sdf_files: list of sdf files to draw from
        K: number of neighbors to check

        accuracy: float representing the accuracy of querying the nearpy engine with the test results
        engine: the trained and "tested" nearpy engine 
        test_results: dictionary of the results from the "testing" for each of the sdf_files 
    Sample Usage
        >>> train_and_test_lsh(100,5,"datasets/Cat50_ModelDatabase")
    test_results = {}
    confusion = {}

    sdf_files = find_sdf(root_dir, 'clean.sdf')
    print 'Found %d SDF files' %(len(sdf_files))
    assert num_train+num_test <= len(sdf_files)

    #Randomly permutes the indices of the sdf_files list. 
    permuted_indices = np.random.permutation(len(sdf_files))
    get_training = itemgetter(*permuted_indices[:num_train])
    get_testing = itemgetter(*permuted_indices[num_train:num_train+num_test])

    training = get_training(sdf_files)
    model = SDFBagOfWords(clusters)
    predictions = model.fit(training, clusters)
    print "DONE FITTING"
    #print predictions
    engine = load_engine(training,predictions, clusters)

    if num_test > 1:
        test_files = get_testing(sdf_files)
        test_files = [get_testing(sdf_files)]
    featurized = model.transform(test_files)

    # setup confusion matrix
    confusion[UNKNOWN_TAG] = {}
    for file_ in sdf_files:
        category = cat50_file_category(file_)
        confusion[category] = {}
    for query_cat in confusion.keys():
        for pred_cat in confusion.keys():
            confusion[query_cat][pred_cat] = 0
    for index,file_ in enumerate(test_files):
        #NOTE: This is assuming the file structure is: data/<dataset_name>/<category>/... 
        query_category = cat50_file_category(file_)
        print "Querying: %s with category %s "%(file_, query_category)
        converted = SDF(file_)
        closest_names, closest_vals = converted.query_nearpy_engine(engine)

        # check if top K items contains the query category
        pred_category = UNKNOWN_TAG
        if len(closest_names) > 0:
            closest_category = closest_names[0]
            pred_category = cat50_file_category(closest_category)

            for i in range(1, min(K, len(closest_names))):
                closest_category = closest_names[i]
                potential_category = cat50_file_category(closest_category)

                if potential_category == query_category:
                    pred_category = potential_category

        print "Result Category: %s"%(pred_category)

        confusion[query_category][pred_category] += 1
        test_results[file_]= [(closest_names, closest_vals)]
    # convert the dictionary to a numpy array
    row_names = confusion.keys()
    confusion_mat = np.zeros([len(row_names), len(row_names)])
    i = 0
    for query_cat in confusion.keys():
        j = 0
        for pred_cat in confusion.keys():
            confusion_mat[i,j] = confusion[query_cat][pred_cat]
            j += 1
        i += 1

    # get true positives, etc for each category
    num_preds = len(test_files)
    tp = np.diag(confusion_mat)
    fp = np.sum(confusion_mat, axis=0) - np.diag(confusion_mat)
    fn = np.sum(confusion_mat, axis=1) - np.diag(confusion_mat)
    tn = num_preds * np.ones(tp.shape) - tp - fp - fn

    # compute useful statistics
    recall = tp / (tp + fn)
    tnr = tn / (fp + tn)
    precision = tp / (tp + fp)
    npv = tn / (tn + fn)
    fpr = fp / (fp + tn)
    accuracy = np.sum(tp) / num_preds # correct predictions over entire dataset

    # remove nans
    recall[np.isnan(recall)] = 0
    tnr[np.isnan(tnr)] = 0
    precision[np.isnan(precision)] = 0
    npv[np.isnan(npv)] = 0
    fpr[np.isnan(fpr)] = 0

    return accuracy, engine, test_results   
Ejemplo n.º 2
def train_and_test_lsh(num_train, num_test, root_dir, K=1, clusters=10):
    Function that generates a list of sdf files given a root_dir, and loads a random num_train of them into a nearpy engine. It then queries the LSH engine for a 
    random num_test other sdf files. num_train+num_test must be less than the total number of sdf_files
        num_train: number of files to load into the engine
        num_test: number of files to query after
        sdf_files: list of sdf files to draw from
        K: number of neighbors to check

        accuracy: float representing the accuracy of querying the nearpy engine with the test results
        engine: the trained and "tested" nearpy engine 
        test_results: dictionary of the results from the "testing" for each of the sdf_files 
    Sample Usage
        >>> train_and_test_lsh(100,5,"datasets/Cat50_ModelDatabase")
    test_results = {}
    confusion = {}

    sdf_files = find_sdf(root_dir, 'clean.sdf')
    print 'Found %d SDF files' % (len(sdf_files))
    assert num_train + num_test <= len(sdf_files)

    #Randomly permutes the indices of the sdf_files list.
    permuted_indices = np.random.permutation(len(sdf_files))
    get_training = itemgetter(*permuted_indices[:num_train])
    get_testing = itemgetter(*permuted_indices[num_train:num_train + num_test])

    training = get_training(sdf_files)
    model = SDFBagOfWords(clusters)
    predictions = model.fit(training, clusters)
    print "DONE FITTING"
    #print predictions
    engine = load_engine(training, predictions, clusters)

    if num_test > 1:
        test_files = get_testing(sdf_files)
        test_files = [get_testing(sdf_files)]
    featurized = model.transform(test_files)

    # setup confusion matrix
    confusion[UNKNOWN_TAG] = {}
    for file_ in sdf_files:
        category = cat50_file_category(file_)
        confusion[category] = {}
    for query_cat in confusion.keys():
        for pred_cat in confusion.keys():
            confusion[query_cat][pred_cat] = 0

    for index, file_ in enumerate(test_files):
        #NOTE: This is assuming the file structure is: data/<dataset_name>/<category>/...
        query_category = cat50_file_category(file_)
        print "Querying: %s with category %s " % (file_, query_category)
        converted = SDF(file_)
        closest_names, closest_vals = converted.query_nearpy_engine(engine)

        # check if top K items contains the query category
        pred_category = UNKNOWN_TAG
        if len(closest_names) > 0:
            closest_category = closest_names[0]
            pred_category = cat50_file_category(closest_category)

            for i in range(1, min(K, len(closest_names))):
                closest_category = closest_names[i]
                potential_category = cat50_file_category(closest_category)

                if potential_category == query_category:
                    pred_category = potential_category

        print "Result Category: %s" % (pred_category)

        confusion[query_category][pred_category] += 1
        test_results[file_] = [(closest_names, closest_vals)]

    # convert the dictionary to a numpy array
    row_names = confusion.keys()
    confusion_mat = np.zeros([len(row_names), len(row_names)])
    i = 0
    for query_cat in confusion.keys():
        j = 0
        for pred_cat in confusion.keys():
            confusion_mat[i, j] = confusion[query_cat][pred_cat]
            j += 1
        i += 1

    # get true positives, etc for each category
    num_preds = len(test_files)
    tp = np.diag(confusion_mat)
    fp = np.sum(confusion_mat, axis=0) - np.diag(confusion_mat)
    fn = np.sum(confusion_mat, axis=1) - np.diag(confusion_mat)
    tn = num_preds * np.ones(tp.shape) - tp - fp - fn

    # compute useful statistics
    recall = tp / (tp + fn)
    tnr = tn / (fp + tn)
    precision = tp / (tp + fp)
    npv = tn / (tn + fn)
    fpr = fp / (fp + tn)
    accuracy = np.sum(
        tp) / num_preds  # correct predictions over entire dataset

    # remove nans
    recall[np.isnan(recall)] = 0
    tnr[np.isnan(tnr)] = 0
    precision[np.isnan(precision)] = 0
    npv[np.isnan(npv)] = 0
    fpr[np.isnan(fpr)] = 0

    return accuracy, engine, test_results
Ejemplo n.º 3
import numpy as np
from operator import itemgetter

from random_functions import find_sdf
from SDF_bag_of_words import SDFBagOfWords

ROOT_DIR = "datasets/Cat50_ModelDatabase"
ENDS_WITH = "clean.sdf"

K = 10

sdf_files = find_sdf(ROOT_DIR, ENDS_WITH)
permuted_indices = np.random.permutation(len(sdf_files))
get_training = itemgetter(*permuted_indices[:NUM_TRAIN])
get_testing = itemgetter(*permuted_indices[NUM_TRAIN:NUM_TRAIN+NUM_TEST])

training = get_training(sdf_files)
testing = get_testing(sdf_files)

model = SDFBagOfWords()
predictions = model.fit(training, K)
answers = model.transform(testing)
print answers
print answers.shape

print predictions
print predictions.shape
Ejemplo n.º 4
import numpy as np
from operator import itemgetter

from random_functions import find_sdf
from SDF_bag_of_words import SDFBagOfWords

ROOT_DIR = "datasets/Cat50_ModelDatabase"
ENDS_WITH = "clean.sdf"

K = 10

sdf_files = find_sdf(ROOT_DIR, ENDS_WITH)
permuted_indices = np.random.permutation(len(sdf_files))
get_training = itemgetter(*permuted_indices[:NUM_TRAIN])
get_testing = itemgetter(*permuted_indices[NUM_TRAIN:NUM_TRAIN + NUM_TEST])

training = get_training(sdf_files)
testing = get_testing(sdf_files)

model = SDFBagOfWords()
predictions = model.fit(training, K)
answers = model.transform(testing)
print answers
print answers.shape

print predictions
print predictions.shape