Ejemplo n.º 1
def unif_resample(traj, max_diff, wt=None):
    Resample a trajectory so steps have same length in joint space    
    import scipy.interpolate as si
    tol = .005
    if wt is not None:
        wt = np.atleast_2d(wt)
        traj = traj * wt

    dl = mu.norms(traj[1:] - traj[:-1], 1)
    l = np.cumsum(np.r_[0, dl])
    goodinds = np.r_[True, dl > 1e-8]
    deg = min(3, sum(goodinds) - 1)
    if deg < 1: return traj, np.arange(len(traj))

    nsteps = max(int(np.ceil(float(l[-1]) / max_diff)), 2)
    newl = np.linspace(0, l[-1], nsteps)

    ncols = traj.shape[1]
    colstep = 10
    traj_rs = np.empty((nsteps, ncols))
    for istart in xrange(0, traj.shape[1], colstep):
        (tck, _) = si.splprep(traj[goodinds, istart:istart + colstep].T,
                              s=tol**2 * len(traj),
        traj_rs[:, istart:istart + colstep] = np.array(si.splev(newl, tck)).T
    if wt is not None: traj_rs = traj_rs / wt

    newt = np.interp(newl, l, np.arange(len(traj)))

    return traj_rs, newt
Ejemplo n.º 2
def unif_resample(traj, max_diff, wt = None):        
    Resample a trajectory so steps have same length in joint space    
    import scipy.interpolate as si
    tol = .005
    if wt is not None: 
        wt = np.atleast_2d(wt)
        traj = traj*wt
    dl = mu.norms(traj[1:] - traj[:-1],1)
    l = np.cumsum(np.r_[0,dl])
    goodinds = np.r_[True, dl > 1e-8]
    deg = min(3, sum(goodinds) - 1)
    if deg < 1: return traj, np.arange(len(traj))
    nsteps = max(int(np.ceil(float(l[-1])/max_diff)),2)
    newl = np.linspace(0,l[-1],nsteps)

    ncols = traj.shape[1]
    colstep = 10
    traj_rs = np.empty((nsteps,ncols)) 
    for istart in xrange(0, traj.shape[1], colstep):
        (tck,_) = si.splprep(traj[goodinds, istart:istart+colstep].T,k=deg,s = tol**2*len(traj),u=l[goodinds])
        traj_rs[:,istart:istart+colstep] = np.array(si.splev(newl,tck)).T
    if wt is not None: traj_rs = traj_rs/wt

    newt = np.interp(newl, l, np.arange(len(traj)))

    return traj_rs, newt
Ejemplo n.º 3
def adaptive_resample(x, tol, max_change=None, min_steps=3):
    resample original signal with a small number of waypoints so that the the sparsely sampled function, 
    when linearly interpolated, deviates from the original function by less than tol at every time

    x: 2D array in R^(t x k)  where t is the number of timesteps
    tol: tolerance. either a single scalar or a vector of length k
    max_change: max change in the sparsely sampled signal at each timestep
    min_steps: minimum number of timesteps in the new trajectory. (usually irrelevant)

    new_times, new_x

    assuming that the old signal has times 0,1,2,...,len(x)-1
    this gives the new times, and the new signal
    x = np.asarray(x)
    assert x.ndim == 2

    if np.isscalar(tol): 
        tol = np.ones(x.shape[1])*tol
        tol = np.asarray(tol)
        assert tol.ndim == 1 and tol.shape[0] == x.shape[1]

    times = np.arange(x.shape[0])

    if max_change is None: 
        max_change = np.ones(x.shape[1]) * np.inf
    elif np.isscalar(max_change): 
        max_change = np.ones(x.shape[1]) * max_change
        max_change = np.asarray(max_change)
        assert max_change.ndim == 1 and max_change.shape[0] == x.shape[1]

    dl = mu.norms(x[1:] - x[:-1],1)
    l = np.cumsum(np.r_[0,dl])

    def bad_inds(x1, t1):
        ibad = np.flatnonzero( (np.abs(mu.interp2d(l, l1, x1) - x) > tol).any(axis=1) )
        jbad1 = np.flatnonzero((np.abs(x1[1:] - x1[:-1]) > max_change[None,:]).any(axis=1))
        if len(ibad) == 0 and len(jbad1) == 0: return []
            lbad = l[ibad]
            jbad = np.unique(np.searchsorted(l1, lbad)) - 1
            jbad = np.union1d(jbad, jbad1)
            return jbad

    l1 = np.linspace(0,l[-1],min_steps)
    for _ in xrange(20):
        x1 = mu.interp2d(l1, l, x)
        bi = bad_inds(x1, l1)
        if len(bi) == 0:
            return np.interp(l1, l, times), x1
            l1 = np.union1d(l1, (l1[bi] + l1[bi+1]) / 2 )

    raise Exception("couldn't subdivide enough. something funny is going on. check your input data")
def unif_resample(x,n=None,tol=0,deg=None, seg_len = .02):
    if deg is None: deg = min(3, len(x) - 1)

    dl = mu.norms(x[1:] - x[:-1],1)
    l = np.cumsum(np.r_[0,dl])
    goodinds = np.r_[True, dl > 1e-8]

    x = np.atleast_2d(x)
    x = x[goodinds]
    (tck,_) = si.splprep(x.T,k=deg,s = tol**2*len(x),u=np.linspace(0,1,len(x)))
    xup = np.array(si.splev(np.linspace(0,1, 10*len(x),.1),tck)).T
    dl = mu.norms(xup[1:] - xup[:-1],1)
    l = np.cumsum(np.r_[0,dl])
    (tck,_) = si.splprep(xup.T,k=deg,s = tol**2*len(xup),u=l)

    if n is not None: newu = np.linspace(0,l[-1],n)
    else: newu = np.linspace(0, l[-1], l[-1]//seg_len)
    return np.array(si.splev(newu,tck)).T    
Ejemplo n.º 5
def unif_resample(x, n, weights, tol=.001, deg=3):
    x = np.atleast_2d(x)
    weights = np.atleast_2d(weights)
    x = mu.remove_duplicate_rows(x)
    x_scaled = x * weights
    dl = mu.norms(x_scaled[1:] - x_scaled[:-1], 1)
    l = np.cumsum(np.r_[0, dl])
    (tck, _) = si.splprep(x_scaled.T, k=deg, s=tol**2 * len(x), u=l)

    newu = np.linspace(0, l[-1], n)
    out_scaled = np.array(si.splev(newu, tck)).T
    out = out_scaled / weights
    return out
Ejemplo n.º 6
def unif_resample(x,n,weights,tol=.001,deg=3):    
    x = np.atleast_2d(x)
    weights = np.atleast_2d(weights)
    x = mu.remove_duplicate_rows(x)
    x_scaled = x * weights
    dl = mu.norms(x_scaled[1:] - x_scaled[:-1],1)
    l = np.cumsum(np.r_[0,dl])
    (tck,_) = si.splprep(x_scaled.T,k=deg,s = tol**2*len(x),u=l)
    newu = np.linspace(0,l[-1],n)
    out_scaled = np.array(si.splev(newu,tck)).T
    out = out_scaled/weights
    return out
def rope_len(x):
    return mu.norms(x[1:] - x[:-1],1).sum()