Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_coal_counts2(self):
        b = 3
        t = 1000.0
        n = 1000

        for b in xrange(1, 10):
            for a in xrange(b, 10):
                i = coal.prob_coal_counts(a, b, t, n)
                j = coal.prob_coal_counts_slow(a, b, t, n)
                fequal(i, j)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_coal_counts(self):
        b = 1
        t = 1000.0
        n = 1000

        for a in xrange(1, 100):
            i = coal.prob_coal_counts(a, b, t, n)
            j = coal.cdf_mrca(t, a, n)
            fequal(i, j)

        for a in xrange(1, 10):
            i = sum(coal.prob_coal_counts(a, b, t, n)
                    for b in xrange(1, a+1))
            fequal(i, 1.0)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_cdf_bmc(self):

        # test cdf mrca BMC
        stree = treelib.parse_newick(
            "((A:1000, B:1000):500, (C:700, D:700):800);")
        n = 1000
        gene_counts = dict.fromkeys(stree.leaf_names(), 1)
        T = 2000

        p = exp(coal.cdf_mrca_bounded_multicoal(gene_counts, T, stree, n))

        nsamples = 5000
        c = 0
        for i in xrange(nsamples):
            tree, recon = coal.sample_multicoal_tree(stree, n)
            if treelib.get_tree_timestamps(tree)[tree.root] < T:
                c += 1
        p2 = c / float(nsamples)

        fequal(p, p2, .05)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_forward():

    k = 4
    n = 1e4
    rho = 1.5e-8 * 20
    mu = 2.5e-8 * 20
    length = int(100e3 / 20)
    times = argweaver.get_time_points(ntimes=100)

    arg = arglib.sample_arg_smc(k, 2 * n, rho, start=0, end=length)
    muts = arglib.sample_arg_mutations(arg, mu)
    seqs = arglib.make_alignment(arg, muts)

    print "muts", len(muts)
    print "recomb", len(arglib.get_recomb_pos(arg))

    argweaver.discretize_arg(arg, times)

    # remove chrom
    new_name = "n%d" % (k - 1)
    arg = argweaver.remove_arg_thread(arg, new_name)

    carg = argweaverc.arg2ctrees(arg, times)

    util.tic("C fast")
    probs1 = argweaverc.argweaver_forward_algorithm(carg, seqs, times=times)

    util.tic("C slow")
    probs2 = argweaverc.argweaver_forward_algorithm(carg,

    for i, (col1, col2) in enumerate(izip(probs1, probs2)):
        for a, b in izip(col1, col2):
            fequal(a, b, rel=.0001)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_forward():

    k = 4
    n = 1e4
    rho = 1.5e-8 * 20
    mu = 2.5e-8 * 20
    length = int(100e3 / 20)
    times = argweaver.get_time_points(ntimes=100)

    arg = arglib.sample_arg_smc(k, 2*n, rho, start=0, end=length)
    muts = arglib.sample_arg_mutations(arg, mu)
    seqs = arglib.make_alignment(arg, muts)

    print "muts", len(muts)
    print "recomb", len(arglib.get_recombs(arg))

    argweaver.discretize_arg(arg, times)

    # remove chrom
    new_name = "n%d" % (k - 1)
    arg = argweaver.remove_arg_thread(arg, new_name)

    carg = argweaverc.arg2ctrees(arg, times)

    util.tic("C fast")
    probs1 = argweaverc.argweaver_forward_algorithm(carg, seqs, times=times)

    util.tic("C slow")
    probs2 = argweaverc.argweaver_forward_algorithm(carg, seqs, times=times,

    for i, (col1, col2) in enumerate(izip(probs1, probs2)):
        for a, b in izip(col1, col2):
            fequal(a, b, rel=.0001)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_trans_two():
    Calculate transition probabilities for k=2

    Only calculate a single matrix

    k = 2
    n = 1e4
    rho = 1.5e-8 * 20
    length = 1000
    times = argweaver.get_time_points(ntimes=5, maxtime=200000)
    time_steps = [times[i] - times[i - 1] for i in range(1, len(times))]
    time_steps.append(200000 * 10000.0)
    popsizes = [n] * len(times)

    arg = arglib.sample_arg(k, 2 * n, rho, start=0, end=length)

    argweaver.discretize_arg(arg, times)
    print "recomb", arglib.get_recomb_pos(arg)

    arg = argweaver.make_trunk_arg(0, length, "n0")

    pos = 10
    tree = arg.get_marginal_tree(pos)
    nlineages = argweaver.get_nlineages_recomb_coal(tree, times)
    states = list(argweaver.iter_coal_states(tree, times))
    mat = argweaver.calc_transition_probs(tree, states, nlineages, times,
                                          time_steps, popsizes, rho)

    nstates = len(states)

    def coal(j):
        return 1.0 - exp(-time_steps[j] / (2.0 * n))

    def recoal2(k, j):
        p = coal(j)
        for m in range(k, j):
            p *= 1.0 - coal(m)
        return p

    def recoal(k, j):
        if j == nstates - 1:
            return exp(-sum(time_steps[m] / (2.0 * n) for m in range(k, j)))
            return ((1.0 - exp(-time_steps[j] / (2.0 * n))) *
                    exp(-sum(time_steps[m] / (2.0 * n) for m in range(k, j))))

    def isrecomb(i):
        return 1.0 - exp(-max(rho * 2.0 * times[i], rho))

    def recomb(i, k):
        treelen = 2 * times[i] + time_steps[i]
        if k < i:
            return 2.0 * time_steps[k] / treelen / 2.0
            return time_steps[k] / treelen / 2.0

    def trans(i, j):
        a = states[i][1]
        b = states[j][1]

        p = sum(recoal(k, b) * recomb(a, k) for k in range(0, min(a, b) + 1))
        p += sum(recoal(k, b) * recomb(a, k) for k in range(0, min(a, b) + 1))
        p *= isrecomb(a)
        if i == j:
            p += 1.0 - isrecomb(a)
        return p

    for i in range(len(states)):
        for j in range(len(states)):
            print isrecomb(states[i][1])
            print states[i], states[j], mat[i][j], log(trans(i, j))
            fequal(mat[i][j], log(trans(i, j)))

        # recombs add up to 1
        fequal(sum(recomb(i, k) for k in range(i + 1)), 0.5)

        # recoal add up to 1
        fequal(sum(recoal(i, j) for j in range(i, nstates)), 1.0)

        # recomb * recoal add up to .5
                    recoal(k, j) * recomb(i, k)
                    for k in range(0,
                                   min(i, j) + 1))
                for j in range(0, nstates)), 0.5)

        fequal(sum(trans(i, j) for j in range(len(states))), 1.0)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_trans_two():
    Calculate transition probabilities for k=2

    Only calculate a single matrix

    k = 2
    n = 1e4
    rho = 1.5e-8 * 20
    length = 1000
    times = argweaver.get_time_points(ntimes=5, maxtime=200000)
    time_steps = [times[i] - times[i-1]
                  for i in range(1, len(times))]
    popsizes = [n] * len(times)

    arg = arglib.sample_arg(k, 2*n, rho, start=0, end=length)

    argweaver.discretize_arg(arg, times)
    print "recomb", arglib.get_recombs(arg)

    arg = argweaver.make_trunk_arg(0, length, "n0")

    pos = 10
    tree = arg.get_marginal_tree(pos)
    nlineages = argweaver.get_nlineages_recomb_coal(tree, times)
    states = list(argweaver.iter_coal_states(tree, times))
    mat = argweaver.calc_transition_probs(
        tree, states, nlineages,
        times, time_steps, popsizes, rho)

    nstates = len(states)

    def coal(j):
        return 1.0 - exp(-time_steps[j]/(2.0 * n))

    def recoal2(k, j):
        p = coal(j)
        for m in range(k, j):
            p *= 1.0 - coal(m)
        return p

    def recoal(k, j):
        if j == nstates-1:
            return exp(- sum(time_steps[m] / (2.0 * n)
                             for m in range(k, j)))
            return ((1.0 - exp(-time_steps[j]/(2.0 * n))) *
                    exp(- sum(time_steps[m] / (2.0 * n)
                              for m in range(k, j))))

    def isrecomb(i):
        return 1.0 - exp(-max(rho * 2.0 * times[i], rho))

    def recomb(i, k):
        treelen = 2*times[i] + time_steps[i]
        if k < i:
            return 2.0 * time_steps[k] / treelen / 2.0
            return time_steps[k] / treelen / 2.0

    def trans(i, j):
        a = states[i][1]
        b = states[j][1]

        p = sum(recoal(k, b) * recomb(a, k)
                for k in range(0, min(a, b)+1))
        p += sum(recoal(k, b) * recomb(a, k)
                 for k in range(0, min(a, b)+1))
        p *= isrecomb(a)
        if i == j:
            p += 1.0 - isrecomb(a)
        return p

    for i in range(len(states)):
        for j in range(len(states)):
            print isrecomb(states[i][1])
            print states[i], states[j], mat[i][j], log(trans(i, j))
            fequal(mat[i][j], log(trans(i, j)))

        # recombs add up to 1
        fequal(sum(recomb(i, k) for k in range(i+1)), 0.5)

        # recoal add up to 1
        fequal(sum(recoal(i, j) for j in range(i, nstates)), 1.0)

        # recomb * recoal add up to .5
        fequal(sum(sum(recoal(k, j) * recomb(i, k)
                       for k in range(0, min(i, j)+1))
                   for j in range(0, nstates)), 0.5)

        fequal(sum(trans(i, j) for j in range(len(states))), 1.0)