Ejemplo n.º 1
def from_igra(ident, var=['p', 't', 'r', 'dpd', 'wd', 'ws'], filename=None, attach=None, save=False, verbose=0, **kwargs):
    """Read IGRA data from text

    ident       Radiosonde ID (WMO or IGRA ID)
    wmo         convert WMO ID to IGRA
    variables   select variables
    filename    filename of txt.gz
    attach      radiosonde object to attach with
    verbose     Verbosity

    radiosonde object / save to HDF5

    wmoid = None
    igraid = wmo2igra(ident)  # try to convert WMO to IGRA ?
    if igraid is not None:
        wmoid = ident   # WMO ID
        ident = igraid  # found IGRA ID
        print_verbose("[IGRA] WMO %s to IGRA %s"%(wmoid, ident), verbose)

    data = from_igra_to_dataframe(ident, filename=filename, verbose=verbose)

    lon = data.ix[-1, 'lon'] / 10000.  # IGRA specific
    lat = data.ix[-1, 'lat'] / 10000.
    data = data[var]
    if isinstance(attach, radiosonde):
        attach.add_data('igra', data)
        attach.add_attr('igraid', ident)
        if 'lon' not in attach.attrs:
            attach.add_attr('lon', lon)
        if 'lat' not in attach.attrs:
            attach.add_attr('lat', lat)

        journal("[IGRA] data read with %s" % ident, attach.history, verbose)

        # try to convert to WMO ID
        if wmoid is None:
            wmoid = igra2wmo(ident)

        if wmoid is None:
            out = radiosonde(id=ident)
            out = radiosonde(id=wmoid)
            out.add_attr('igraid', ident)

        out.add_data('igra', data)
        out.add_attr('lon', lon)
        out.add_attr('lat', lat)  # convert to float
        out.history.append(now() + " IGRA Data read")
        if save:
            return out
Ejemplo n.º 2
def from_store_deprecated(ident, filename=None, variables=None, directory=None, attributes=True, verbose=0, **kwargs):
    """Read previously saved Radiosonde from default directory
    pandas HDFStore HDF5

    ident       Radiosonde Station Number
    filename    filename of HDFStore
    variables   select only given variables
    directory   directory to search for raso_######.h5 with station number

    radiosonde class object
    from raso.sonde.radiosonde import radiosonde
    from raso.config import rasodir, wkdir
    if isinstance(ident, (float, int)):
        ident = "%06d" % ident
    if filename is not None:
        if 'h5' not in filename:
            raise ValueError("This routine can only read HDF5 files from pandas!")
        default = filename

    elif directory is None:
        default = rasodir + '/raso_%s.h5' % ident

        default = directory + '/raso_%s.h5' % ident

    print_verbose("[STORE] %s" % default, verbose)
    if not os.path.isfile(default):
        raise IOError("File %s not found" % default.replace(wkdir, '.'))
    out = radiosonde(id=ident)
    metadata = False
    if variables is not None:
        if isinstance(variables, str):
            variables = [variables]  # convert to list
    with pd.HDFStore(default, complevel=9, complib='blosc') as store:
        for key in store.keys():
            # drop /
            if key[1:] == 'metadata':
                metadata = True

            elif variables is not None:
                if key[1:] in variables:
                    out.add_data(key[1:], store[key])  # only certain variables

                out.add_data(key[1:], store[key])  # default

            print_verbose("[STORE] %s " % key, verbose)
        if metadata:
            print_verbose("[STORE] METADATA ", verbose)
            imeta = store.get_storer('metadata')
            # Attributes
            if 'metadata' in imeta.attrs:
                for ikey, ival in imeta.attrs['metadata'].items():
                    if ikey in ['metadata']:
                        continue  # ? do we need that?

                    if attributes:
                        out.add_attr(ikey, ival)
                    elif ikey in ['lon', 'lat', 'alt']:
                        out.add_attr(ikey, ival)
            # Infos (id history, saved)
            if 'iparams' in imeta.attrs:
                for ikey, ival in imeta.attrs['iparams'].items():
                    if ikey in ['infos']:

                    setattr(out, ikey, ival)

    out.filename = default
    return out
Ejemplo n.º 3
def from_store(ident, variables=None, directory=None, verbose=0):
    """ Read Radiosonde from Store

    Skips any directory or file with extract in their name
    As well as mars_dump.h5

    ident           str
    variables       list
    directory       str
    verbose         int


    >>>import raso

    from raso.sonde.radiosonde import radiosonde
    from raso.config import rasodir

    if directory is None:
        directory = rasodir

    default = directory + '/%s/' % ident
    if not os.path.isdir(default):
        raise IOError("[from_store] Requires a valid directory: %s" % default)

    if variables is not None:
        if isinstance(variables, str):
            variables = [variables]

    out = radiosonde(id=ident)
    for ifile in os.listdir(default):
        if ifile == 'attributes.pickle':
            attrs = pickle.load(open(default + 'attributes.pickle'))
            for ikey, ival in attrs.items():
                out.add_attr(ikey, ival)

        elif ifile == 'radiosonde.pickle':
            attrs = pickle.load(open(default + 'radiosonde.pickle'))
            for ikey, ival in attrs.items():
                setattr(out, ikey, ival)

        elif ifile == 'history.txt':
            f = open(default + 'history.txt')
            setattr(out, 'history', f.read().splitlines())

        elif ifile == 'notes.txt':
            f = open(default + 'notes.txt')
            setattr(out, 'notes', f.read())

        elif ifile == 'mars_dump.h5':
            print_verbose("%20s Skipped" % ifile, verbose)

        elif os.path.isdir(default+ifile):
            continue  # any directory is ignored

        elif 'extract' in ifile:
            print_verbose("%20s Skipped" % ifile, verbose)  # extract is a codename for temp files

            varname = ifile.split('.')[0]
            if variables is not None:
                if varname not in variables:
                    print_verbose("%20s [%5s]" % (varname, color_boolean(False)), verbose)
            # TODO add file timestamp as info
            # print varname, "created: %s" % time.ctime(os.path.getctime(default + ifile)), time.ctime(os.path.getmtime(default + ifile))
            if 'h5' in ifile:
                out.add_data(varname, pd.read_hdf(default + ifile, varname), verbose=-1)  # not reported

                out.add_data(varname, pickle.load(open(default + ifile)), verbose=-1)  # not reported
            out.var_saved[varname] = True
            print_verbose("%20s [%5s]" % (varname, color_boolean(True),), verbose)

    out.directory = directory
    out.is_saved = True
    return out