Ejemplo n.º 1
def band_data_to_image(band_data, colormap):
    Creates an python image from pixel values of a GDALRaster.
    The input is a dictionary that maps pixel values to RGBA UInt8 colors.
    # Get data as 1D array
    dat = band_data.ravel()

    # Create zeros array
    rgba = numpy.zeros((dat.shape[0], 4), dtype='uint8')

    # Replace matched rows with colors
    stats = {}
    for key, color in colormap.items():
        orig_key = key
            # Try to use the key as number directly
            key = float(key)
            selector = dat == key
        except ValueError:
            # Otherwise use it as numpy expression directly
            parser = FormulaParser()
            selector = parser.evaluate({'x': dat}, key)

        # If masked, use mask to filter values additional to formula values
        if numpy.ma.is_masked(selector):
            selector.fill_value = False
            rgba[selector.filled() == 1] = color
            # Compress for getting statistics
            selector = selector.compressed()
            rgba[selector] = color

        # Track pixel statistics for this tile
        stats[orig_key] = int(numpy.sum(selector))

    # Reshape array to image size
    rgba = rgba.reshape(band_data.shape[0], band_data.shape[1], 4)

    # Create image from array
    img = Image.fromarray(rgba)

    return img, stats
Ejemplo n.º 2
def band_data_to_image(band_data, colormap):
    Creates an python image from pixel values of a GDALRaster.
    The input is a dictionary that maps pixel values to RGBA UInt8 colors.
    # Get data as 1D array
    dat = band_data.ravel()

    # Create zeros array
    rgba = numpy.zeros((dat.shape[0], 4), dtype='uint8')

    # Replace matched rows with colors
    stats = {}
    for key, color in colormap.items():
        orig_key = key
            # Try to use the key as number directly
            key = float(key)
            selector = dat == key
        except ValueError:
            # Otherwise use it as numpy expression directly
            parser = FormulaParser()
            selector = parser.evaluate({'x': dat}, key)

        # If masked, use mask to filter values additional to formula values
        if numpy.ma.is_masked(selector):
            selector.fill_value = False
            rgba[selector.filled() == 1] = color
            # Compress for getting statistics
            selector = selector.compressed()
            rgba[selector] = color

        # Track pixel statistics for this tile
        stats[orig_key] = int(numpy.sum(selector))

    # Reshape array to image size
    rgba = rgba.reshape(band_data.shape[0], band_data.shape[1], 4)

    # Create image from array
    img = Image.fromarray(rgba)

    return img, stats
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def value_count(self):
        Compute aggregate statistics for a layers dictionary, potentially for
        an algebra expression and clipped by a geometry.

        The grouping parameter specifies how to group the pixel values for the
        aggregation count.

        Allowed are the following options:

        * 'auto' (the default). The output will be grouped by unique values if all
          input rasters are discrete, otherwise a numpy histogram is used.
        * 'discrete' groups the data will be grouped by unique values
        * 'continuous' groups the data in a numpy histogram
        * If an integer value is passed to the argument, it is interpreted as a
          legend_id. The data will be grouped using the legend expressions. For
          For instance, use grouping=23 for grouping the output with legend 23.
        # Instantiate counter dict for value counts.
        results = Counter({})

        if self.memory_efficient:
            # Loop through tiles individually.
            all_result_data = self.tiles()
            # Combine all tiles into one big array.
            all_result_data = [tile for tile in self.tiles()]
            if len(all_result_data):
                all_result_data = (

        for result_data in all_result_data:

            if self.grouping == 'discrete':
                # Compute unique counts for discrete input data
                unique_counts = numpy.unique(result_data, return_counts=True)
                # Add counts to results
                values = dict(zip(unique_counts[0], unique_counts[1]))

            elif self.grouping == 'continuous':
                if self.memory_efficient and not self.hist_range:
                    raise RasterAggregationException(
                        'Secify a histogram range for memory efficient continuous aggregation.'

                # Handle continuous case - compute histogram on masked data
                counts, bins = numpy.histogram(result_data, range=self.hist_range)

                # Create dictionary with bins as keys and histogram counts as values
                values = {}
                for i in range(len(bins) - 1):
                    values[(bins[i], bins[i + 1])] = counts[i]

                # If input is not a legend, interpret input as legend json data
                if not isinstance(self.grouping, Legend):
                    self.grouping = Legend(json=self.grouping)

                # Try getting a colormap from the input
                    colormap = self.grouping.colormap
                    raise RasterAggregationException(
                        'Invalid grouping value found for valuecount.'

                # Use colormap to compute value counts
                formula_parser = FormulaParser()
                values = {}
                for key, color in colormap.items():
                        # Try to use the key as number directly
                        selector = result_data == float(key)
                    except ValueError:
                        # Otherwise use it as numpy expression directly
                        selector = formula_parser.evaluate({'x': result_data}, key)
                    values[key] = numpy.sum(selector)

            # Add counts to results.
            # Push statistics.

        # Transform pixel count to acres if requested
        scaling_factor = 1
        if self.acres and self.rastgeom and len(results):
            scaling_factor = abs(self.rastgeom.scale.x * self.rastgeom.scale.y) * 0.000247105381

        results = {
            str(int(k) if type(k) == numpy.float64 and int(k) == k else k):
            v * scaling_factor for k, v in results.items()

        return results
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def value_count(self):
        Compute aggregate statistics for a layers dictionary, potentially for
        an algebra expression and clipped by a geometry.

        The grouping parameter specifies how to group the pixel values for the
        aggregation count.

        Allowed are the following options:

        * 'auto' (the default). The output will be grouped by unique values if all
          input rasters are discrete, otherwise a numpy histogram is used.
        * 'discrete' groups the data will be grouped by unique values
        * 'continuous' groups the data in a numpy histogram
        * If an integer value is passed to the argument, it is interpreted as a
          legend_id. The data will be grouped using the legend expressions. For
          For instance, use grouping=23 for grouping the output with legend 23.
        results = Counter({})

        for result_data in self.tiles():

            if self.grouping == 'discrete':
                # Compute unique counts for discrete input data
                unique_counts = numpy.unique(result_data.compressed(),
                # Add counts to results
                values = dict(zip(unique_counts[0], unique_counts[1]))

            elif self.grouping == 'continuous':
                # Handle continuous case - compute histogram on masked (compressed) data
                counts, bins = numpy.histogram(result_data.compressed())

                # Create dictionary with bins as keys and histogram counts as values
                values = {}
                for i in range(len(bins) - 1):
                    values[(bins[i], bins[i + 1])] = counts[i]

                # If input is not a legend, interpret input as legend json data
                if not isinstance(self.grouping, Legend):
                    self.grouping = Legend(json=self.grouping)

                # Try getting a colormap from the input
                    colormap = self.grouping.colormap
                    raise RasterAggregationException(
                        'Invalid grouping value found for valuecount.')

                # Use colormap to compute value counts
                formula_parser = FormulaParser()
                values = {}
                for key, color in colormap.items():
                        # Try to use the key as number directly
                        selector = result_data.compressed() == float(key)
                    except ValueError:
                        # Otherwise use it as numpy expression directly
                        selector = formula_parser.evaluate(
                            {'x': result_data.compressed()}, key)
                    values[key] = numpy.sum(selector)

            # Add counts to results
            results += Counter(values)

        # Transform pixel count to acres if requested
        scaling_factor = 1
        if self.acres and self.rastgeom and len(results):
            scaling_factor = abs(
                self.rastgeom.scale.x * self.rastgeom.scale.y) * 0.000247105381

        results = {
            str(int(k) if type(k) == numpy.float64 and int(k) == k else k):
            v * scaling_factor
            for k, v in results.items()

        return results
Ejemplo n.º 5
class FormulaParserTests(TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.parser = FormulaParser()

    def assertFormulaResult(self, formula, expVal, data={}):
        # Get data from test object if not passed as an argument
        if hasattr(self, 'data'):
            data = self.data

        # Evaluate
        val = self.parser.evaluate(data, formula)

        # Drop nan values
        if data and isinstance(expVal, (list, tuple, numpy.ndarray)) and any(
            val = val[numpy.logical_not(numpy.isnan(val))]
            expVal = expVal[numpy.logical_not(numpy.isnan(expVal))]

        # Assert non nan values are as expected
        if isinstance(val, numpy.ndarray):
            val = val.tolist()
        if isinstance(expVal, numpy.ndarray):
            expVal = expVal.tolist()

        self.assertEqual(val, expVal)

        # Check that nan values are the same
            numpy.array_equal(numpy.isnan(expVal), numpy.isnan(val)))

    def test_formula_parser_without_vars(self):
        self.assertFormulaResult("9", 9)
        self.assertFormulaResult("-9", -9)
        self.assertFormulaResult("--9", 9)
        self.assertFormulaResult("+9 - 8", 1)
        self.assertFormulaResult("9 + 3 + 6", 9 + 3 + 6)
        self.assertFormulaResult("9 + 3 / 11", 9 + 3.0 / 11)
        self.assertFormulaResult("(9 + 3)", (9 + 3))
        self.assertFormulaResult("(9 + 3) / 11", (9 + 3.0) / 11)
        self.assertFormulaResult("9 - 12 - 6", 9 - 12 - 6)
        self.assertFormulaResult("9 - (12 - 6)", 9 - (12 - 6))
        self.assertFormulaResult("2 * 3.14159", 2 * 3.14159)
        self.assertFormulaResult("3.1415926535 * 3.1415926535 / 10",
                                 3.1415926535 * 3.1415926535 / 10)
        self.assertFormulaResult("PI * PI / 10", numpy.pi * numpy.pi / 10)
        self.assertFormulaResult("PI * PI / 10", numpy.pi * numpy.pi / 10)
        self.assertFormulaResult("PI^2", numpy.pi**2)
        self.assertFormulaResult("round(PI^2)", round(numpy.pi**2))
        self.assertFormulaResult("6.02E23 * 8.048", 6.02E23 * 8.048)
        self.assertFormulaResult("6.02e23 * 8.048", 6.02E23 * 8.048)
        self.assertFormulaResult("sin(PI / 2)", numpy.sin(numpy.pi / 2))
        self.assertFormulaResult("cos(PI / 5)", numpy.cos(numpy.pi / 5))
        self.assertFormulaResult("-E", -numpy.e)
        self.assertFormulaResult("int(E)", int(numpy.e))
        self.assertFormulaResult("int(-E)", int(-numpy.e))
        self.assertFormulaResult("round(E)", round(numpy.e))
        self.assertFormulaResult("round(-E)", round(-numpy.e))
        self.assertFormulaResult("E^PI", numpy.e**numpy.pi)
        self.assertFormulaResult("2^1^3^2", 2**1**3**2)
        self.assertFormulaResult("2^0", 1)
        self.assertFormulaResult("2^3^(2 + 1)", 2**3**3)
        self.assertFormulaResult("2^3 + 2", 2**3 + 2)
        self.assertFormulaResult("2^9", 2**9)
        self.assertFormulaResult("sign(-2)", -1)
        self.assertFormulaResult("sign(0)", 0)
        self.assertFormulaResult("sign(0.1)", 1)
        self.assertFormulaResult("exp(0)", 1)
        self.assertFormulaResult("exp(1)", numpy.e)
        self.assertFormulaResult("log(1)", 0)
        self.assertFormulaResult("TRUE", True)
        self.assertFormulaResult("FALSE", False)
        self.assertFormulaResult("FALSE | TRUE", True)
        self.assertFormulaResult("TRUE & TRUE", True)
        self.assertFormulaResult("TRUE & FALSE", False)
        self.assertFormulaResult("2 > 1", True)
        self.assertFormulaResult("2 >= 1", True)
        self.assertFormulaResult("2 < 1", False)
        self.assertFormulaResult("2 <= 1", False)
        self.assertFormulaResult("1 == 1", True)
        self.assertFormulaResult("1 != 2", True)
        self.assertFormulaResult("!TRUE", False)
        self.assertFormulaResult("!1", False)
        self.assertFormulaResult("!-1", False)
        self.assertFormulaResult("!2", False)
        self.assertFormulaResult("2 * 3 * 4 * 5", 2 * 3 * 4 * 5)
        self.assertFormulaResult("2 + 3 + 4 + 5", 2 + 3 + 4 + 5)
            "(2 + 3 * 6) * ((2 + 3 * (3 * 4 + 1)) + 4 + 5)", 1000)
        self.assertFormulaResult("INF > 0", True)
        self.assertFormulaResult("INF < 0", False)
        self.assertFormulaResult("-INF > 0", False)
        self.assertFormulaResult("~300", 300)

    def test_formula_parser_with_vars(self):
        d = self.data = {
            "a": numpy.array([2, 4, 6]),
            "b": numpy.array([True, False, True]),
            "c": numpy.array([True, False, False]),
            "d": [2, 4, 6],
            "x": numpy.array([1.2, 0, -1.2]),
            "y": numpy.array([0, 1, 0]),
            "z": numpy.array([-5, 78, 912]),
            "u": numpy.array([2, 4, 6]),
            "A": numpy.array([1E5, 2.3e4]),
            "e": numpy.array([2, 11e3]),
            "aLongVariable": numpy.array([1, 2, 3]),
            "A1A": numpy.array([1, 2, 3]),
            "a_1_a": numpy.array([1, 2, 3]),
        self.assertFormulaResult("-x", -d['x'])
        self.assertFormulaResult("sin(x)", numpy.sin(d['x']))
        self.assertFormulaResult("cos(x)", numpy.cos(d['x']))
        self.assertFormulaResult("tan(x)", numpy.tan(d['x']))
        self.assertFormulaResult("log(a)", numpy.log(d['a']))
        self.assertFormulaResult("abs(x)", numpy.abs(d['x']))
        self.assertFormulaResult("round(x)", numpy.round(d['x']))
        self.assertFormulaResult("sign(x)", numpy.sign(d['x']))
        self.assertFormulaResult("x == 0", [0, 1, 0])
        self.assertFormulaResult("INF < x", [False, False, False])
        self.assertFormulaResult("x > 0", [1, 0, 0])
        self.assertFormulaResult("x < 0", [0, 0, 1])
        self.assertFormulaResult("x >= 1.0", [1, 0, 0])
        self.assertFormulaResult("x >= 1.2", [1, 0, 0])
        self.assertFormulaResult("x <= 0", [0, 1, 1])
        self.assertFormulaResult("x <= 1", [0, 1, 1])
        self.assertFormulaResult("(x >= 0) & (x <= 0)", [0, 1, 0])
        self.assertFormulaResult("(x > 1) | (x >= 0)", [1, 1, 0])
        self.assertFormulaResult("x + x", [2.4, 0, -2.4])
        self.assertFormulaResult("x - x", [0, 0, 0])
        self.assertFormulaResult("x * x", [1.2 * 1.2, 0, -1.2 * -1.2])
        self.assertFormulaResult("x + y", d['x'] + d['y'])
        self.assertFormulaResult("x / (x + y)", [1, 0, 1])
        self.assertFormulaResult("x * 99999 + 0.5 * y",
                                 [1.2 * 99999, 0.5, -1.2 * 99999])
        self.assertFormulaResult("x + y + z + a",
                                 d['x'] + d['y'] + d['z'] + d['a'])
        self.assertFormulaResult("a ^ 2", [4, 16, 36])
        self.assertFormulaResult("b & c", [True, False, False])
        self.assertFormulaResult("b | c", [True, False, True])
        self.assertFormulaResult("b == TRUE", [True, False, True])
        self.assertFormulaResult("(b == TRUE) & (c == FALSE)",
                                 [False, False, True])
        self.assertFormulaResult("(b == TRUE) | (c == FALSE)",
                                 [True, True, True])
        self.assertFormulaResult("d", d['d'])
        # Mix euler number, scientific notation and variable called e
        self.assertFormulaResult("E * 1e5 * e", numpy.e * 1e5 * d['e'])
        # Nested expressions can be evaluated
        self.assertFormulaResult("((a * 2) + (x * 3)) * 6",
                                 [(2 * 2 + 1.2 * 3) * 6, (4 * 2 + 0 * 3) * 6,
                                  (6 * 2 + -1.2 * 3) * 6])
        # Formula is case sensitive
        self.assertFormulaResult("-A", -d['A'])
        # Long variable name is accepted
        self.assertFormulaResult("-aLongVariable", -d['aLongVariable'])
        # Alphanumeric variable name
        self.assertFormulaResult("-A1A", -d['A1A'])
        # Alphanumeric variable name with underscore
        self.assertFormulaResult("-a_1_a", -d['a_1_a'])
        # Formula with Linebreaks and white space
        self.assertFormulaResult("\n x \n + \r y \r +     z",
                                 d['x'] + d['y'] + d['z'])
        # Long formulas mixing logical with numerical expressions
        self.assertFormulaResult('x*(x>1)', d['x'] * (d['x'] > 1))
        self.assertFormulaResult('(b>0) & (a > 1) & (c < 1) & (d > 0)',
                                 (d['b'] > 0) & (d['a'] > 1) & (d['c'] < 1) &
                                 (d['a'] > 0))
            '(a*b)*((b>0) & (a > 1)) + 99*a*(b <=0)', d['a'] * d['b'] *
            ((d['b'] > 0) & (d['a'] > 0)) + 99 * d['a'] * (d['b'] <= 0))
            'x*(x>1) + 2*y + 3*z*(z==78)',
            d['x'] * (d['x'] > 1) + 2 * d['y'] + 3 * d['z'] * (d['z'] == 78),
                                 d['a'] * (d['a'] <= 1) + (d['a'] > 1))
        self.assertFormulaResult("~a", d['a'])

    def test_formula_parser_with_unknown_vars(self):
        # Unknown variable raises error
        msg = 'Found an undeclared variable "not_a_var" in formula.'
        with self.assertRaisesMessage(RasterAlgebraException, msg):
            self.parser.evaluate({}, "3 * not_a_var")

    def test_formula_parser_without_formula(self):
        # Unknown variable raises error
        msg = 'Formula not specified.'
        with self.assertRaisesMessage(RasterAlgebraException, msg):

    def test_with_null_comparison(self):
        mask = [True, True, False]
        self.data = {
            "masked": numpy.ma.masked_array([1, 2, 3], mask=mask),
            "unmasked": numpy.array([1, 2, 3]),
        self.assertFormulaResult('masked == NULL', mask)
        self.assertFormulaResult('masked != NULL', [not x for x in mask])
        self.assertFormulaResult('NULL == masked', mask)
        self.assertFormulaResult('unmasked == NULL', [False, False, False])
        msg = 'NULL can only be used with "==" or "!=" operators.'
        with self.assertRaisesMessage(RasterAlgebraException, msg):
            self.assertFormulaResult('masked >= NULL', mask)
        # Null value propagation in formula
            "unmasked * (masked != NULL) + 99 * (masked == NULL)", [99, 99, 3])
        # Fill operator removes null values
        self.assertFormulaResult("~masked == NULL", [False, False, False])

    def test_masked_array_result(self):
        data = {
            numpy.ma.masked_array([1, 2, 3],
                                  mask=[True, False, False],
            numpy.ma.masked_array([1, 2, 3],
                                  mask=[False, True, False],
        result = self.parser.evaluate(data, 'x + y')
                         (data['x'] + data['y']).compressed().tolist())

    def test_fill_operator_result(self):
        data = {
            numpy.ma.masked_array([1, 2, 3],
                                  mask=[True, False, False],
            numpy.ma.masked_array([1, 2, 3],
                                  mask=[False, True, False],
        result = self.parser.evaluate(data, '~x + y')
                         (data['x'].filled() +
        result = self.parser.evaluate(data, '~x + ~y')
                         (data['x'].filled() + data['y'].filled()).tolist())
        result = self.parser.evaluate(data, '~x + (~y == NULL)')
        self.assertEqual(result.tolist(), (data['x'].filled()).tolist())

    def test_re_evaluation(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.parser.evaluate({'x': 1}), 1)
        self.assertEqual(self.parser.evaluate({'x': 2}), 2)
        self.assertEqual(self.parser.evaluate({'x': 3}), -3)
        self.assertEqual(self.parser.evaluate({'x': 4}), -4)

    def test_statistics_functions(self):
        d = self.data = {'x': numpy.random.rand(10), 'y': range(3)}
        self.assertFormulaResult('min(x)', numpy.min(d['x']))
        self.assertFormulaResult('max(x)', numpy.max(d['x']))
        self.assertFormulaResult('mean(x)', numpy.mean(d['x']))
        self.assertFormulaResult('median(x)', numpy.median(d['x']))
        self.assertFormulaResult('std(x)', numpy.std(d['x']))
        self.assertFormulaResult('y * min(x)',
                                 numpy.arange(3) * numpy.min(d['x']))

    def test_keyword_variable_exception(self):
        msg = 'Invalid variable name found: "del".'
        with self.assertRaisesMessage(RasterAlgebraException, msg):
            self.parser.evaluate({'del': [1]}, 'del')

    def test_invalid_variables(self):
        d = self.data = {
            '_no': range(5),
            'no_': range(5),
            '__no__': range(5),
            '__': range(5),
        for key, val in d.items():
            msg = 'Invalid variable name found: "{}".'.format(key)
            with self.assertRaisesMessage(RasterAlgebraException, msg):
                self.parser.evaluate({key: val}, key)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def setUp(self):
     self.parser = FormulaParser()
class FormulaParserTests(TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.parser = FormulaParser()

    def assertFormulaResult(self, formula, expVal, data={}):
        # Get data from test object if not passed as an argument
        if hasattr(self, 'data'):
            data = self.data

        # Evaluate
        val = self.parser.evaluate(data, formula)

        # Drop nan values
        if data and isinstance(expVal, (list, tuple, numpy.ndarray)) and any(numpy.array(numpy.isnan(expVal))):
            val = val[numpy.logical_not(numpy.isnan(val))]
            expVal = expVal[numpy.logical_not(numpy.isnan(expVal))]

        # Assert non nan values are as expected
        if isinstance(val, numpy.ndarray):
            val = val.tolist()
        if isinstance(expVal, numpy.ndarray):
            expVal = expVal.tolist()

        self.assertEqual(val, expVal)

        # Check that nan values are the same
        self.assertTrue(numpy.array_equal(numpy.isnan(expVal), numpy.isnan(val)))

    def test_formula_parser_without_vars(self):
        self.assertFormulaResult("9", 9)
        self.assertFormulaResult("-9", -9)
        self.assertFormulaResult("--9", 9)
        self.assertFormulaResult("+9 - 8", 1)
        self.assertFormulaResult("9 + 3 + 6", 9 + 3 + 6)
        self.assertFormulaResult("9 + 3 / 11", 9 + 3.0 / 11)
        self.assertFormulaResult("(9 + 3)", (9 + 3))
        self.assertFormulaResult("(9 + 3) / 11", (9 + 3.0) / 11)
        self.assertFormulaResult("9 - 12 - 6", 9 - 12 - 6)
        self.assertFormulaResult("9 - (12 - 6)", 9 - (12 - 6))
        self.assertFormulaResult("2 * 3.14159", 2 * 3.14159)
        self.assertFormulaResult("3.1415926535 * 3.1415926535 / 10", 3.1415926535 * 3.1415926535 / 10)
        self.assertFormulaResult("PI * PI / 10", numpy.pi * numpy.pi / 10)
        self.assertFormulaResult("PI * PI / 10", numpy.pi * numpy.pi / 10)
        self.assertFormulaResult("PI^2", numpy.pi ** 2)
        self.assertFormulaResult("round(PI^2)", round(numpy.pi ** 2))
        self.assertFormulaResult("6.02E23 * 8.048", 6.02E23 * 8.048)
        self.assertFormulaResult("6.02e23 * 8.048", 6.02E23 * 8.048)
        self.assertFormulaResult("sin(PI / 2)", numpy.sin(numpy.pi / 2))
        self.assertFormulaResult("cos(PI / 5)", numpy.cos(numpy.pi / 5))
        self.assertFormulaResult("-E", -numpy.e)
        self.assertFormulaResult("int(E)", int(numpy.e))
        self.assertFormulaResult("int(-E)", int(-numpy.e))
        self.assertFormulaResult("round(E)", round(numpy.e))
        self.assertFormulaResult("round(-E)", round(-numpy.e))
        self.assertFormulaResult("E^PI", numpy.e ** numpy.pi)
        self.assertFormulaResult("2^1^3^2", 2 ** 1 ** 3 ** 2)
        self.assertFormulaResult("2^0", 1)
        self.assertFormulaResult("2^3^(2 + 1)", 2 ** 3 ** 3)
        self.assertFormulaResult("2^3 + 2", 2 ** 3 + 2)
        self.assertFormulaResult("2^9", 2 ** 9)
        self.assertFormulaResult("sign(-2)", -1)
        self.assertFormulaResult("sign(0)", 0)
        self.assertFormulaResult("sign(0.1)", 1)
        self.assertFormulaResult("exp(0)", 1)
        self.assertFormulaResult("exp(1)", numpy.e)
        self.assertFormulaResult("log(1)", 0)
        self.assertFormulaResult("TRUE", True)
        self.assertFormulaResult("FALSE", False)
        self.assertFormulaResult("FALSE | TRUE", True)
        self.assertFormulaResult("TRUE & TRUE", True)
        self.assertFormulaResult("TRUE & FALSE", False)
        self.assertFormulaResult("2 > 1", True)
        self.assertFormulaResult("2 >= 1", True)
        self.assertFormulaResult("2 < 1", False)
        self.assertFormulaResult("2 <= 1", False)
        self.assertFormulaResult("1 == 1", True)
        self.assertFormulaResult("1 != 2", True)
        self.assertFormulaResult("!TRUE", False)
        self.assertFormulaResult("!1", False)
        self.assertFormulaResult("!-1", False)
        self.assertFormulaResult("!2", False)
        self.assertFormulaResult("2 * 3 * 4 * 5", 2 * 3 * 4 * 5)
        self.assertFormulaResult("2 + 3 + 4 + 5", 2 + 3 + 4 + 5)
        self.assertFormulaResult("(2 + 3 * 6) * ((2 + 3 * (3 * 4 + 1)) + 4 + 5)", 1000)
        self.assertFormulaResult("INF > 0", True)
        self.assertFormulaResult("INF < 0", False)
        self.assertFormulaResult("-INF > 0", False)
        self.assertFormulaResult("~300", 300)

    def test_formula_parser_with_vars(self):
        d = self.data = {
            "a": numpy.array([2, 4, 6]),
            "b": numpy.array([True, False, True]),
            "c": numpy.array([True, False, False]),
            "d": [2, 4, 6],
            "x": numpy.array([1.2, 0, -1.2]),
            "y": numpy.array([0, 1, 0]),
            "z": numpy.array([-5, 78, 912]),
            "u": numpy.array([2, 4, 6]),
            "A": numpy.array([1E5, 2.3e4]),
            "e": numpy.array([2, 11e3]),
            "aLongVariable": numpy.array([1, 2, 3]),
            "A1A": numpy.array([1, 2, 3]),
            "a_1_a": numpy.array([1, 2, 3]),
        self.assertFormulaResult("-x", -d['x'])
        self.assertFormulaResult("sin(x)", numpy.sin(d['x']))
        self.assertFormulaResult("cos(x)", numpy.cos(d['x']))
        self.assertFormulaResult("tan(x)", numpy.tan(d['x']))
        self.assertFormulaResult("log(a)", numpy.log(d['a']))
        self.assertFormulaResult("abs(x)", numpy.abs(d['x']))
        self.assertFormulaResult("round(x)", numpy.round(d['x']))
        self.assertFormulaResult("sign(x)", numpy.sign(d['x']))
        self.assertFormulaResult("x == 0", [0, 1, 0])
        self.assertFormulaResult("INF < x", [False, False, False])
        self.assertFormulaResult("x > 0", [1, 0, 0])
        self.assertFormulaResult("x < 0", [0, 0, 1])
        self.assertFormulaResult("x >= 1.0", [1, 0, 0])
        self.assertFormulaResult("x >= 1.2", [1, 0, 0])
        self.assertFormulaResult("x <= 0", [0, 1, 1])
        self.assertFormulaResult("x <= 1", [0, 1, 1])
        self.assertFormulaResult("(x >= 0) & (x <= 0)", [0, 1, 0])
        self.assertFormulaResult("(x > 1) | (x >= 0)", [1, 1, 0])
        self.assertFormulaResult("x + x", [2.4, 0, -2.4])
        self.assertFormulaResult("x - x", [0, 0, 0])
        self.assertFormulaResult("x * x", [1.2 * 1.2, 0, -1.2 * -1.2])
        self.assertFormulaResult("x + y", d['x'] + d['y'])
        self.assertFormulaResult("x / (x + y)", [1, 0, 1])
        self.assertFormulaResult("x * 99999 + 0.5 * y", [1.2 * 99999, 0.5, -1.2 * 99999])
        self.assertFormulaResult("x + y + z + a", d['x'] + d['y'] + d['z'] + d['a'])
        self.assertFormulaResult("a ^ 2", [4, 16, 36])
        self.assertFormulaResult("b & c", [True, False, False])
        self.assertFormulaResult("b | c", [True, False, True])
        self.assertFormulaResult("b == TRUE", [True, False, True])
        self.assertFormulaResult("(b == TRUE) & (c == FALSE)", [False, False, True])
        self.assertFormulaResult("(b == TRUE) | (c == FALSE)", [True, True, True])
        self.assertFormulaResult("d", d['d'])
        # Mix euler number, scientific notation and variable called e
        self.assertFormulaResult("E * 1e5 * e", numpy.e * 1e5 * d['e'])
        # Nested expressions can be evaluated
            "((a * 2) + (x * 3)) * 6",
            [(2 * 2 + 1.2 * 3) * 6, (4 * 2 + 0 * 3) * 6, (6 * 2 + -1.2 * 3) * 6]
        # Formula is case sensitive
        self.assertFormulaResult("-A", -d['A'])
        # Long variable name is accepted
        self.assertFormulaResult("-aLongVariable", -d['aLongVariable'])
        # Alphanumeric variable name
        self.assertFormulaResult("-A1A", -d['A1A'])
        # Alphanumeric variable name with underscore
        self.assertFormulaResult("-a_1_a", -d['a_1_a'])
        # Formula with Linebreaks and white space
        self.assertFormulaResult("\n x \n + \r y \r +     z", d['x'] + d['y'] + d['z'])
        # Long formulas mixing logical with numerical expressions
        self.assertFormulaResult('x*(x>1)', d['x'] * (d['x'] > 1))
            '(b>0) & (a > 1) & (c < 1) & (d > 0)',
            (d['b'] > 0) & (d['a'] > 1) & (d['c'] < 1) & (d['a'] > 0)
            '(a*b)*((b>0) & (a > 1)) + 99*a*(b <=0)',
            d['a'] * d['b'] * ((d['b'] > 0) & (d['a'] > 0)) + 99 * d['a'] * (d['b'] <= 0)
            'x*(x>1) + 2*y + 3*z*(z==78)',
            d['x'] * (d['x'] > 1) + 2 * d['y'] + 3 * d['z'] * (d['z'] == 78),
        self.assertFormulaResult('a*(a<=1)+(a>1)', d['a'] * (d['a'] <= 1) + (d['a'] > 1))
        self.assertFormulaResult("~a", d['a'])

    def test_formula_parser_with_unknown_vars(self):
        # Unknown variable raises error
        msg = 'Found an undeclared variable "not_a_var" in formula.'
        with self.assertRaisesMessage(RasterAlgebraException, msg):
            self.parser.evaluate({}, "3 * not_a_var")

    def test_formula_parser_without_formula(self):
        # Unknown variable raises error
        msg = 'Formula not specified.'
        with self.assertRaisesMessage(RasterAlgebraException, msg):

    def test_with_null_comparison(self):
        mask = [True, True, False]
        self.data = {
            "masked": numpy.ma.masked_array([1, 2, 3], mask=mask),
            "unmasked": numpy.array([1, 2, 3]),
        self.assertFormulaResult('masked == NULL', mask)
        self.assertFormulaResult('masked != NULL', [not x for x in mask])
        self.assertFormulaResult('NULL == masked', mask)
        self.assertFormulaResult('unmasked == NULL', [False, False, False])
        msg = 'NULL can only be used with "==" or "!=" operators.'
        with self.assertRaisesMessage(RasterAlgebraException, msg):
            self.assertFormulaResult('masked >= NULL', mask)
        # Null value propagation in formula
        self.assertFormulaResult("unmasked * (masked != NULL) + 99 * (masked == NULL)", [99, 99, 3])
        # Fill operator removes null values
        self.assertFormulaResult("~masked == NULL", [False, False, False])

    def test_masked_array_result(self):
        data = {
            'x': numpy.ma.masked_array([1, 2, 3], mask=[True, False, False], fill_value=99),
            'y': numpy.ma.masked_array([1, 2, 3], mask=[False, True, False], fill_value=100),
        result = self.parser.evaluate(data, 'x + y')
            (data['x'] + data['y']).compressed().tolist()

    def test_fill_operator_result(self):
        data = {
            'x': numpy.ma.masked_array([1, 2, 3], mask=[True, False, False], fill_value=99),
            'y': numpy.ma.masked_array([1, 2, 3], mask=[False, True, False], fill_value=100),
        result = self.parser.evaluate(data, '~x + y')
            (data['x'].filled() + data['y']).compressed().tolist()
        result = self.parser.evaluate(data, '~x + ~y')
            (data['x'].filled() + data['y'].filled()).tolist()
        result = self.parser.evaluate(data, '~x + (~y == NULL)')

    def test_re_evaluation(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.parser.evaluate({'x': 1}), 1)
        self.assertEqual(self.parser.evaluate({'x': 2}), 2)
        self.assertEqual(self.parser.evaluate({'x': 3}), -3)
        self.assertEqual(self.parser.evaluate({'x': 4}), -4)

    def test_statistics_functions(self):
        d = self.data = {'x': numpy.random.rand(10), 'y': range(3)}
        self.assertFormulaResult('min(x)', numpy.min(d['x']))
        self.assertFormulaResult('max(x)', numpy.max(d['x']))
        self.assertFormulaResult('mean(x)', numpy.mean(d['x']))
        self.assertFormulaResult('median(x)', numpy.median(d['x']))
        self.assertFormulaResult('std(x)', numpy.std(d['x']))
        self.assertFormulaResult('y * min(x)', numpy.arange(3) * numpy.min(d['x']))

    def test_keyword_variable_exception(self):
        msg = 'Invalid variable name found: "del".'
        with self.assertRaisesMessage(RasterAlgebraException, msg):
            self.parser.evaluate({'del': [1]}, 'del')

    def test_invalid_variables(self):
        d = self.data = {
            '_no': range(5),
            'no_': range(5),
            '__no__': range(5),
            '__': range(5),
        for key, val in d.items():
            msg = 'Invalid variable name found: "{}".'.format(key)
            with self.assertRaisesMessage(RasterAlgebraException, msg):
                self.parser.evaluate({key: val}, key)
 def setUp(self):
     self.parser = FormulaParser()
Ejemplo n.º 9
def band_data_to_image(band_data, colormap):
    Creates an python image from pixel values of a GDALRaster.
    The input is a dictionary that maps pixel values to RGBA UInt8 colors.
    If an interpolation interval is given, the values are
    # Get data as 1D array
    dat = band_data.ravel()
    stats = {}

    if 'continuous' in colormap:
        dmin, dmax = colormap.get('range', (dat.min(), dat.max()))

        if dmax == dmin:
            norm = dat == dmin
            norm = (dat - dmin) / (dmax - dmin)

        color_from = colormap.get('from', [0, 0, 0])
        color_to = colormap.get('to', [1, 1, 1])
        color_over = colormap.get('over', [None, None, None])

        red = rescale_to_channel_range(norm.copy(), color_from[0], color_to[0],
        green = rescale_to_channel_range(norm.copy(), color_from[1],
                                         color_to[1], color_over[1])
        blue = rescale_to_channel_range(norm.copy(), color_from[2],
                                        color_to[2], color_over[2])

        # Compute alpha channel from mask if available.
        if numpy.ma.is_masked(dat):
            alpha = 255 * numpy.logical_not(
                dat.mask) * (norm >= 0) * (norm <= 1)
            alpha = 255 * (norm > 0) * (norm < 1)

        rgba = numpy.array([red, green, blue, alpha], dtype='uint8').T
        # Create zeros array
        rgba = numpy.zeros((dat.shape[0], 4), dtype='uint8')

        # Replace matched rows with colors
        for key, color in colormap.items():
            orig_key = key
                # Try to use the key as number directly
                key = float(key)
                selector = dat == key
            except ValueError:
                # Otherwise use it as numpy expression directly
                parser = FormulaParser()
                selector = parser.evaluate({'x': dat}, key)

            # If masked, use mask to filter values additional to formula values
            if numpy.ma.is_masked(selector):
                selector.fill_value = False
                rgba[selector.filled() == 1] = color
                # Compress for getting statistics
                selector = selector.compressed()
                rgba[selector] = color

            # Track pixel statistics for this tile
            stats[orig_key] = int(numpy.sum(selector))

    # Reshape array to image size
    rgba = rgba.reshape(band_data.shape[0], band_data.shape[1], 4)

    # Create image from array
    img = Image.fromarray(rgba)

    return img, stats
Ejemplo n.º 10
def band_data_to_image(band_data, colormap):
    Creates an python image from pixel values of a GDALRaster.
    The input is a dictionary that maps pixel values to RGBA UInt8 colors.
    If an interpolation interval is given, the values are
    # Get data as 1D array
    dat = band_data.ravel()
    stats = {}

    if 'continuous' in colormap:
        dmin, dmax = colormap.get('range', (dat.min(), dat.max()))

        if dmax == dmin:
            norm = dat == dmin
            norm = (dat - dmin) / (dmax - dmin)

        color_from = colormap.get('from', [0, 0, 0])
        color_to = colormap.get('to', [1, 1, 1])
        color_over = colormap.get('over', [None, None, None])

        red = rescale_to_channel_range(norm.copy(), color_from[0], color_to[0], color_over[0])
        green = rescale_to_channel_range(norm.copy(), color_from[1], color_to[1], color_over[1])
        blue = rescale_to_channel_range(norm.copy(), color_from[2], color_to[2], color_over[2])

        # Compute alpha channel from mask if available.
        if numpy.ma.is_masked(dat):
            alpha = 255 * numpy.logical_not(dat.mask) * (norm >= 0) * (norm <= 1)
            alpha = 255 * (norm > 0) * (norm < 1)

        rgba = numpy.array([red, green, blue, alpha], dtype='uint8').T
        # Create zeros array
        rgba = numpy.zeros((dat.shape[0], 4), dtype='uint8')

        # Replace matched rows with colors
        for key, color in colormap.items():
            orig_key = key
                # Try to use the key as number directly
                key = float(key)
                selector = dat == key
            except ValueError:
                # Otherwise use it as numpy expression directly
                parser = FormulaParser()
                selector = parser.evaluate({'x': dat}, key)

            # If masked, use mask to filter values additional to formula values
            if numpy.ma.is_masked(selector):
                selector.fill_value = False
                rgba[selector.filled() == 1] = color
                # Compress for getting statistics
                selector = selector.compressed()
                rgba[selector] = color

            # Track pixel statistics for this tile
            stats[orig_key] = int(numpy.sum(selector))

    # Reshape array to image size
    rgba = rgba.reshape(band_data.shape[0], band_data.shape[1], 4)

    # Create image from array
    img = Image.fromarray(rgba)

    return img, stats