Ejemplo n.º 1
def TwoHops_CF_ICFsch3(Ps, P3, P4, g13, g14, g23, g24):
    First, take the intersection of rate regions of 1st and 2nd hop
    Then, the the convex hull.
    Conceptually, we should do 
    1). for bigR1, take the intersection of CF_bigR1 and ICF_bigR2
    2). for bigR2, take the intersection of CF_bigR2 and ICF_bigR2
    3). take the union of the above two intersections 
    4). take the convex hull. 
    Actually, we did
    a) take the union of ICF_bigR1 and ICF_bigR2
    b) take the intersection of a) and CF_whole
    c) take the convex hull of b)
    alternative = True
    if alternative:
        # use alternative_rate_region.py 
        return rr.intersection( [rr.union( [alternative_compute.ICF_sch3_bigR1(P3, P4), 
                                 alternative_compute.ICF_sch3_bigR2(P3, P4)]),
                      CF_scheme_integerCoeff(Ps, g13, g14, g23, g24)] ).convexHull()
        # use rate_region.py
        return rr.intersection( [rr.union( [ICF_sch3_bigR1(P3, P4), 
                                 ICF_sch3_bigR2(P3, P4)]),
                      CF_scheme_integerCoeff(Ps, g13, g14, g23, g24) ] ).convexHull()
Ejemplo n.º 2
def TwoHops_CF_ICFsch3_fromRegions(cf_scheme_integerCoeff,
    compute the achievable rate region for the (whole) two-hop network from the 
    given rate regions for the 1st and 2nd hops 
    if len(icf_sch3) == 1:
        return rr.intersection( [rr.union( [icf_sch3[0],
                                            icf_sch3[0].symmetricRegion_yEqualToX() ]),
                                 cf_scheme_integerCoeff] ).convexHull() 
    elif len(icf_sch3) == 2: 
        return rr.intersection( [rr.union( [icf_sch3[0],
                                 cf_scheme_integerCoeff] ).convexHull()  
Ejemplo n.º 3
def TwoHops_DFIntegerCoeff_FCo_fromRegions(df_scheme, fCo_scheme):
    take the convex hull of the intersection of two rate regions for 1st and 
    2nd hop. 
    return rr.intersection( [df_scheme, 
                             fCo_scheme ]).convexHull()
Ejemplo n.º 4
def TwoHops_DFIntegerCoeff_FCo(Ps, P3, P4, g13, g14, g23, g24):
    Both relays decode both messages and then forward these two messages 
    coherently to the destination node.
    return rr.intersection( [DF_scheme(Ps, Ps, g13, g14, g23, g24),
                      FCo_scheme(P3, P4) ]).convexHull()
Ejemplo n.º 5
def TwoHops_CF_ICFsch2_fromRegions(icf_sch2_bigR1, 
    compute the achievable rate region for the (whole) two-hop network from the 
    given rate regions for the 1st and 2nd hops 
    return rr.intersection( [rr.union( [icf_sch2_bigR1,
                             cf_scheme_integerCoeff ] ).convexHull()                        
Ejemplo n.º 6
def DF_scheme(P1, P2, g13, g14, g23, g24):
    Let two relay nodes (node 3 and node 4) both decode both messages, which 
    are independent.
    DF region is the intersection of two 2-user MAC capacity region
    For details: check documents within folder "notes_TwoUserCase"
    return rr.intersection([MAC_capacity_independentMessages(P1, P2, g13, g23),
                            MAC_capacity_independentMessages(P1, P2, g14, g24)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def TwoHops_noInterference_fromRegions(noInterference_1stHop, noInterference_2ndHop):
    take the convex hull of the intersection. 
    return rr.intersection( [noInterference_1stHop,
                             noInterference_2ndHop  ] ).convexHull()
Ejemplo n.º 8
def TwoHops_noInterference(P1, P2, P3, P4):
    take the convex hull of the intersection. 
    return rr.intersection( [NoInterference_1stHop(P1, P2),
                             NoInterference_2ndHop(P3, P4) ]).convexHull()