Ejemplo n.º 1
 def addtagtoaddress(self, tag_name, to_address, change_address="", asset_data=""):
     if asset_data == "":
        r = self._call('addtagtoaddress', str(tag_name), str(to_address), str(change_address))
        r = self._call('addtagtoaddress', str(tag_name), str(to_address), str(change_address), str(asset_data))
     txid = r[0]
     return lx(txid)
    def fundrawtransaction(self, given_transaction, *args, **kwargs):
        Make up some inputs for the given transaction.
        # just use any txid here
        vintxid = lx("99264749804159db1e342a0c8aa3279f6ef4031872051a1e52fb302e51061bef")

        if isinstance(given_transaction, str):
            given_bytes = x(given_transaction)
        elif isinstance(given_transaction, CMutableTransaction):
            given_bytes = given_transaction.serialize()
            raise FakeRavencoinProxyException("Wrong type passed to fundrawtransaction.")

        # this is also a clever way to not cause a side-effect in this function
        transaction = CMutableTransaction.deserialize(given_bytes)

        for vout_counter in range(0, self._num_fundrawtransaction_inputs):
            txin = CMutableTxIn(COutPoint(vintxid, vout_counter))

        # also allocate a single output (for change)
        txout = make_txout()

        transaction_hex = b2x(transaction.serialize())

        return {"hex": transaction_hex, "fee": 5000000}
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def getblockheader(self, block_hash, verbose=False):
        """Get block header <block_hash>

        verbose - If true a dict is returned with the values returned by
                  getblockheader that are not in the block header itself
                  (height, nextblockhash, etc.)

        Raises IndexError if block_hash is not valid.
            block_hash = b2lx(block_hash)
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError('%s.getblockheader(): block_hash must be bytes; got %r instance' %
                            (self.__class__.__name__, block_hash.__class__))
            r = self._call('getblockheader', block_hash, verbose)
        except InvalidAddressOrKeyError as ex:
            raise IndexError('%s.getblockheader(): %s (%d)' %
                             (self.__class__.__name__, ex.error['message'], ex.error['code']))

        if verbose:
            nextblockhash = None
            if 'nextblockhash' in r:
                nextblockhash = lx(r['nextblockhash'])
            return {'confirmations': r['confirmations'],
                    'height': r['height'],
                    'mediantime': r['mediantime'],
                    'nextblockhash': nextblockhash,
                    'chainwork': x(r['chainwork'])}
            return CBlockHeader.deserialize(unhexlify(r))
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def getrawtransaction(self, txid, verbose=False):
        """Return transaction with hash txid

        Raises IndexError if transaction not found.

        verbose - If true a dict is returned instead with additional
        information on the transaction.

        Note that if all txouts are spent and the transaction index is not
        enabled the transaction may not be available.
            r = self._call('getrawtransaction', b2lx(txid), 1 if verbose else 0)
        except InvalidAddressOrKeyError as ex:
            raise IndexError('%s.getrawtransaction(): %s (%d)' %
                             (self.__class__.__name__, ex.error['message'], ex.error['code']))
        if verbose:
            r['tx'] = CTransaction.deserialize(unhexlify(r['hex']))
            del r['hex']
            del r['txid']
            del r['version']
            del r['locktime']
            del r['vin']
            del r['vout']
            r['blockhash'] = lx(r['blockhash']) if 'blockhash' in r else None
            r = CTransaction.deserialize(unhexlify(r))

        return r
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def listunspent(self, minconf=0, maxconf=9999999, addrs=None):
        """Return unspent transaction outputs in wallet

        Outputs will have between minconf and maxconf (inclusive)
        confirmations, optionally filtered to only include txouts paid to
        addresses in addrs.
        r = None
        if addrs is None:
            r = self._call('listunspent', minconf, maxconf)
            addrs = [str(addr) for addr in addrs]
            r = self._call('listunspent', minconf, maxconf, addrs)

        r2 = []
        for unspent in r:
            unspent['outpoint'] = COutPoint(lx(unspent['txid']), unspent['vout'])
            del unspent['txid']
            del unspent['vout']

            # address isn't always available as Ravencoin Core allows scripts w/o
            # an address type to be imported into the wallet, e.g. non-p2sh
            # segwit
                unspent['address'] = CRavencoinAddress(unspent['address'])
            except KeyError:
            unspent['scriptPubKey'] = CScript(unhexlify(unspent['scriptPubKey']))
            unspent['amount'] = int(unspent['amount'] * COIN)
        return r2
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def issueunique(self, root_name, asset_tags, ipfs_hashes=None, to_address="", change_address=""):
     """Creates a unique asset from a pool of assets with a specific name.
     Example: If the asset name is SOFTLICENSE, then this could make unique assets like SOFTLICENSE#38293 and SOFTLICENSE#48382
     asset_tags_str = [str(x) for x in asset_tags]
     r = self._call('issueunique', str(root_name), asset_tags_str, ipfs_hashes, str(to_address), str(change_address))
     txid = r[0]
     return lx(txid)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def getrawmempool(self, verbose=False):
        """Return the mempool"""
        if verbose:
            return self._call('getrawmempool', verbose)

            r = self._call('getrawmempool')
            r = [lx(txid) for txid in r]
            return r
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def getblockhash(self, height):
        """Return hash of block in best-block-chain at height.

        Raises IndexError if height is not valid.
            return lx(self._call('getblockhash', height))
        except InvalidParameterError as ex:
            raise IndexError('%s.getblockhash(): %s (%d)' %
                             (self.__class__.__name__, ex.error['message'], ex.error['code']))
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def sendmany(self, fromaccount, payments, minconf=1, comment='', subtractfeefromamount=None):
        """Send amount to given addresses.

        payments - dict with {address: amount}
        if subtractfeefromamount is None:
            subtractfeefromamount = []
        json_payments = {str(addr): float(amount) / COIN
                         for addr, amount in payments.items()}
        r = self._call('sendmany', fromaccount, json_payments, minconf, comment, subtractfeefromamount)
        return lx(r)
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def issuequalifierasset(self, asset_name, qty=1, to_address="", change_address="", has_ipfs=False, ipfs_hash=""):
     has_ipfs = bool(has_ipfs)
     if has_ipfs:
         r = self._call('issuequalifierasset', str(asset_name), qty, str(to_address), str(change_address),
                        has_ipfs, str(ipfs_hash))
         r = self._call('issuequalifierasset', str(asset_name), qty, str(to_address), str(change_address),
     txid = r[0]
     return lx(txid)
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def issue(self, asset_name, qty=1, to_address="", change_address="", units=0, reissuable=True, has_ipfs=False,
     """Issue an asset with unique name.
     Unit as 0 for whole units, or 8 for satoshi-like units (0.00000001).
     Qty should be whole number.
     Reissuable is true/false for whether additional units can be issued by the original issuer."""
     r = self._call('issue', str(asset_name), qty, str(to_address), str(change_address), int(units), reissuable,
                    has_ipfs, ipfs_hash)
     txid = r[0]
     return lx(txid)
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def sendrawtransaction(self, tx, allowhighfees=False):
        """Submit transaction to local node and network.

        allowhighfees - Allow even if fees are unreasonably high.
        hextx = hexlify(tx.serialize())
        r = None
        if allowhighfees:
            r = self._call('sendrawtransaction', hextx, True)
            r = self._call('sendrawtransaction', hextx)
        return lx(r)
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def generatetoaddress(self, numblocks, addr):
        """Mine blocks immediately (before the RPC call returns) and
        allocate block reward to passed address. Replaces deprecated 
        "generate(self,numblocks)" method.

        numblocks - How many blocks are generated immediately.
        addr     - Address to receive block reward (CRavencoinAddress instance)

        Returns iterable of block hashes generated.
        r = self._call('generatetoaddress', numblocks, str(addr))
        return (lx(blk_hash) for blk_hash in r)
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def generate(self, numblocks):
        DEPRECATED (will be removed in ravencoin-core v0.19)
        Mine blocks immediately (before the RPC call returns)

        numblocks - How many blocks are generated immediately.

        Returns iterable of block hashes generated.
        r = self._call('generate', numblocks)
        return (lx(blk_hash) for blk_hash in r)
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def issuerestrictedasset(self, asset_name, qty, verifier, to_address, change_address="", units=0, reissuable=True,
                          has_ipfs=False, ipfs_hash=""):
     has_ipfs = bool(has_ipfs)
     if has_ipfs:
         r = self._call('issuerestrictedasset', str(asset_name), qty, str(verifier), str(to_address),
                        str(change_address), int(units), bool(reissuable), has_ipfs, str(ipfs_hash))
         r = self._call('issuerestrictedasset', str(asset_name), qty, str(verifier), str(to_address),
                        str(change_address), int(units), bool(reissuable), has_ipfs)
     txid = r[0]
     return lx(txid)
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def test_getblock_with_bytes(self):
        blockhash0 = "00008c0c84aee66413f1e8ff95fdca5e8ebf35c94b090290077cdcea64936301"

        blocks = [
                "hash": blockhash0

        proxy = FakeRavencoinProxy(blocks=blocks)
        result = proxy.getblock(lx(blockhash0))

        self.assertEqual(type(result), dict)
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def reissue(self, reissue_asset_name, qty, to_address, change_address="", reissuable=True, new_unit=-1,
     """Issue more of a specific asset. This is only allowed by the original issuer of the asset
     and if the reissuable flag was set to true at the time of original issuance."""
     new_unit = int(new_unit)
     if new_ipfs is not None:
         r = self._call('reissue', str(reissue_asset_name), qty, str(to_address), str(change_address), reissuable,
                        new_unit, new_ipfs)
         r = self._call('reissue', str(reissue_asset_name), qty, str(to_address), str(change_address), reissuable,
     txid = r[0]
     return lx(txid)
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def gettxout(self, outpoint, includemempool=True):
        """Return details about an unspent transaction output.

        Raises IndexError if outpoint is not found or was spent.

        includemempool - Include mempool txouts
        r = self._call('gettxout', b2lx(outpoint.hash), outpoint.n, includemempool)

        if r is None:
            raise IndexError('%s.gettxout(): unspent txout %r not found' % (self.__class__.__name__, outpoint))

        r['txout'] = CTxOut(int(r['value'] * COIN),
        del r['value']
        del r['scriptPubKey']
        r['bestblock'] = lx(r['bestblock'])
        return r
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def getbestblockhash(self):
     """Return hash of best (tip) block in longest block chain."""
     return lx(self._call('getbestblockhash'))
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def transfer(self, asset_name, qty, to_address):
     """This sends assets from one asset holder to another"""
     r = self._call('transfer', str(asset_name), qty, str(to_address))
     txid = r[0]
     return lx(txid)
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def sendtoaddress(self, addr, amount, comment='', commentto='', subtractfeefromamount=False):
     """Send amount to a given address"""
     addr = str(addr)
     amount = float(amount) / COIN
     r = self._call('sendtoaddress', addr, amount, comment, commentto, subtractfeefromamount)
     return lx(r)