Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_reconfigure_multiple_replicas(serve_instance, use_handle):
    # Tests that updating the user_config with multiple replicas performs a
    # rolling update.
    client = serve_instance

    name = "test"

    def call():
        if use_handle:
            handle = serve.get_deployment(name).get_handle()
            ret = ray.get(handle.handler.remote())
            ret = requests.get(f"http://*****:*****@serve.deployment(name=name, version="1", num_replicas=2)
    class V1:
        def __init__(self):
            self.config = None

        async def reconfigure(self, config):
            # Don't block when the replica is first created.
            if self.config is not None:
                signal = ray.get_actor(signal_name)
            self.config = config

        async def handler(self):
            return f"{self.config}|{os.getpid()}"

        async def __call__(self, request):
            return await self.handler()

    def make_nonblocking_calls(expected, expect_blocking=False):
        # Returns dict[val, set(pid)].
        blocking = []
        responses = defaultdict(set)
        start = time.time()
        while time.time() - start < 30:
            refs = [call.remote() for _ in range(10)]
            ready, not_ready = ray.wait(refs, timeout=5)
            for ref in ready:
                val, pid = ray.get(ref)
            for ref in not_ready:

            if (all(
                    len(responses[val]) == num
                    for val, num in expected.items())
                    and (expect_blocking is False or len(blocking) > 0)):
            assert False, f"Timed out, responses: {responses}."

        return responses, blocking

    responses1, _ = make_nonblocking_calls({"1": 2})
    pids1 = responses1["1"]

    # Reconfigure should block one replica until the signal is sent. Check that
    # some requests are now blocking.
    goal_ref = V1.options(user_config="2").deploy(_blocking=False)
    responses2, blocking2 = make_nonblocking_calls({"1": 1},
    assert list(responses2["1"])[0] in pids1

    # Signal reconfigure to finish. Now the goal should complete and both
    # replicas should have the updated config.
    assert client._wait_for_goal(goal_ref)
    make_nonblocking_calls({"2": 2})
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_redeploy_single_replica(serve_instance, use_handle):
    # Tests that redeploying a deployment with a single replica waits for the
    # replica to completely shut down before starting a new one.
    client = serve_instance

    name = "test"

    def call(block=False):
        if use_handle:
            handle = serve.get_deployment(name).get_handle()
            ret = ray.get(handle.handler.remote(block))
            ret = requests.get(f"http://*****:*****@serve.deployment(name=name, version="1")
    class V1:
        async def handler(self, block: bool):
            if block:
                signal = ray.get_actor(signal_name)
                await signal.wait.remote()

            return f"1|{os.getpid()}"

        async def __call__(self, request):
            return await self.handler(request.query_params["block"] == "True")

    class V2:
        async def handler(self, *args):
            return f"2|{os.getpid()}"

        async def __call__(self, request):
            return await self.handler()

    ref1 = call.remote(block=False)
    val1, pid1 = ray.get(ref1)
    assert val1 == "1"

    # ref2 will block until the signal is sent.
    ref2 = call.remote(block=True)
    assert len(ray.wait([ref2], timeout=0.1)[0]) == 0

    # Redeploy new version. This should not go through until the old version
    # replica completely stops.
    V2 = V1.options(func_or_class=V2, version="2")
    goal_ref = V2.deploy(_blocking=False)
    assert not client._wait_for_goal(goal_ref, timeout=0.1)

    # It may take some time for the handle change to propagate and requests
    # to get sent to the new version. Repeatedly send requests until they
    # start blocking
    start = time.time()
    new_version_ref = None
    while time.time() - start < 30:
        ready, not_ready = ray.wait([call.remote(block=False)], timeout=5)
        if len(ready) == 1:
            # If the request doesn't block, it must have been the old version.
            val, pid = ray.get(ready[0])
            assert val == "1"
            assert pid == pid1
        elif len(not_ready) == 1:
            # If the request blocks, it must have been the new version.
            new_version_ref = not_ready[0]
        assert False, "Timed out waiting for new version to be called."

    # Signal the original call to exit.
    val2, pid2 = ray.get(ref2)
    assert val2 == "1"
    assert pid2 == pid1

    # Now the goal and request to the new version should complete.
    assert client._wait_for_goal(goal_ref)
    new_version_val, new_version_pid = ray.get(new_version_ref)
    assert new_version_val == "2"
    assert new_version_pid != pid2
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_redeploy_multiple_replicas(serve_instance, use_handle):
    # Tests that redeploying a deployment with multiple replicas performs
    # a rolling update.
    client = serve_instance

    name = "test"

    def call(block=False):
        if use_handle:
            handle = serve.get_deployment(name).get_handle()
            ret = ray.get(handle.handler.remote(block))
            ret = requests.get(f"http://*****:*****@serve.deployment(name=name, version="1", num_replicas=2)
    class V1:
        async def handler(self, block: bool):
            if block:
                signal = ray.get_actor(signal_name)
                await signal.wait.remote()

            return f"1|{os.getpid()}"

        async def __call__(self, request):
            return await self.handler(request.query_params["block"] == "True")

    class V2:
        async def handler(self, *args):
            return f"2|{os.getpid()}"

        async def __call__(self, request):
            return await self.handler()

    def make_nonblocking_calls(expected, expect_blocking=False):
        # Returns dict[val, set(pid)].
        blocking = []
        responses = defaultdict(set)
        start = time.time()
        while time.time() - start < 30:
            refs = [call.remote(block=False) for _ in range(10)]
            ready, not_ready = ray.wait(refs, timeout=5)
            for ref in ready:
                val, pid = ray.get(ref)
            for ref in not_ready:

            if (all(
                    len(responses[val]) == num
                    for val, num in expected.items())
                    and (expect_blocking is False or len(blocking) > 0)):
            assert False, f"Timed out, responses: {responses}."

        return responses, blocking

    responses1, _ = make_nonblocking_calls({"1": 2})
    pids1 = responses1["1"]

    # ref2 will block a single replica until the signal is sent. Check that
    # some requests are now blocking.
    ref2 = call.remote(block=True)
    responses2, blocking2 = make_nonblocking_calls({"1": 1},
    assert list(responses2["1"])[0] in pids1

    # Redeploy new version. Since there is one replica blocking, only one new
    # replica should be started up.
    V2 = V1.options(func_or_class=V2, version="2")
    goal_ref = V2.deploy(_blocking=False)
    assert not client._wait_for_goal(goal_ref, timeout=0.1)
    responses3, blocking3 = make_nonblocking_calls({"1": 1},

    # Signal the original call to exit.
    val, pid = ray.get(ref2)
    assert val == "1"
    assert pid in responses1["1"]

    # Now the goal and requests to the new version should complete.
    # We should have two running replicas of the new version.
    assert client._wait_for_goal(goal_ref)
    make_nonblocking_calls({"2": 2})
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_recover_rolling_update_from_replica_actor_names(serve_instance):
    """Test controller is able to recover starting -> updating -> running
    replicas from actor names, with right replica versions during rolling
    client = serve_instance

    name = "test"

    def call(block=False):
        handle = serve.get_deployment(name).get_handle()
        ret = ray.get(handle.handler.remote(block))

        return ret.split("|")[0], ret.split("|")[1]

    signal_name = f"signal#{get_random_letters()}"
    signal = SignalActor.options(name=signal_name).remote()

    @serve.deployment(name=name, version="1", num_replicas=2)
    class V1:
        async def handler(self, block: bool):
            if block:
                signal = ray.get_actor(signal_name)
                await signal.wait.remote()

            return f"1|{os.getpid()}"

        async def __call__(self, request):
            return await self.handler(request.query_params["block"] == "True")

    class V2:
        async def handler(self, *args):
            return f"2|{os.getpid()}"

        async def __call__(self, request):
            return await self.handler()

    def make_nonblocking_calls(expected, expect_blocking=False, num_returns=1):
        # Returns dict[val, set(pid)].
        blocking = []
        responses = defaultdict(set)
        start = time.time()
        timeout_value = 60 if sys.platform == "win32" else 30
        while time.time() - start < timeout_value:
            refs = [call.remote(block=False) for _ in range(10)]
            ready, not_ready = ray.wait(refs,
            for ref in ready:
                val, pid = ray.get(ref)
            for ref in not_ready:

            if all(
                    len(responses[val]) >= num
                    for val, num in expected.items()) and (
                        expect_blocking is False or len(blocking) > 0):
            assert False, f"Timed out, responses: {responses}."

        return responses, blocking

    responses1, _ = make_nonblocking_calls({"1": 2}, num_returns=2)
    pids1 = responses1["1"]

    # ref2 will block a single replica until the signal is sent. Check that
    # some requests are now blocking.
    ref2 = call.remote(block=True)
    responses2, blocking2 = make_nonblocking_calls({"1": 1},
    assert list(responses2["1"])[0] in pids1

    ray.kill(serve.context._global_client._controller, no_restart=False)

    # Redeploy new version. Since there is one replica blocking, only one new
    # replica should be started up.
    V2 = V1.options(func_or_class=V2, version="2")
    with pytest.raises(TimeoutError):
        client._wait_for_deployment_healthy(V2.name, timeout_s=0.1)
    responses3, blocking3 = make_nonblocking_calls({"1": 1},

    ray.kill(serve.context._global_client._controller, no_restart=False)

    # Signal the original call to exit.
    val, pid = ray.get(ref2)
    assert val == "1"
    assert pid in responses1["1"]

    # Now the goal and requests to the new version should complete.
    # We should have two running replicas of the new version.
    make_nonblocking_calls({"2": 2}, num_returns=2)