Ejemplo n.º 1
def exp(sigma, cts):
  Exponential covariance function
  C(t,t') = sigma^2 * exp(-|t - t'|/cts)

  sigma [mm] : Standard deviation of displacements
  cts [yr] : Characteristic time-scale
    return gauss.gpexp((0.0, sigma**2, cts), dim=1)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def exp(sigma,cts):
  Exponential covariance function
  C(t,t') = sigma^2 * exp(-|t - t'|/cts)

  sigma [mm] : Standard deviation of displacements
  cts [yr] : Characteristic time-scale
  return gauss.gpexp((0.0,sigma**2,cts),dim=1)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def fogm(sigma, w):
  First-order Gauss Markov process
  C(t,t') = sigma^2/(2*w) * exp(-w*|t - t'|)  

  sigma [mm/yr^0.5] : Standard deviation of the forcing term
  w [yr^-1] : Cutoff angular frequency 
    coeff = sigma**2 / (2 * w)
    cts = 1.0 / w
    return gauss.gpexp((0.0, coeff, cts), dim=1)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def fogm(sigma,w):
  First-order Gauss Markov process
  C(t,t') = sigma^2/(2*w) * exp(-w*|t - t'|)  

  sigma [mm/yr^0.5] : Standard deviation of the forcing term
  w [yr^-1] : Cutoff angular frequency 
  coeff = sigma**2/(2*w)
  cts   = 1.0/w
  return gauss.gpexp((0.0,coeff,cts),dim=1)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def estimate_scales(tslength):
    #print('estimating random walk scale for timeseries length %s' % tslength)
    def ml_objective(theta, d, cov_rw, cov_w, p):
        cov = theta**2 * cov_rw + w_scale**2 * cov_w
        mu = np.zeros(d.shape[0])
        return -likelihood(d, mu, cov, p)

    def reml_objective(theta, d, cov_rw, cov_w, p):
        cov = theta**2 * cov_rw + w_scale**2 * cov_w
        mu = np.zeros(d.shape[0])
        return -restricted_likelihood(d, mu, cov, p)

    # time indices to use
    ml_solns = []
    reml_solns = []
    idx = time < tslength

    P = gppoly(1).basis(time[idx, None])
    COV_RW = gpbrown(1.0).covariance(time[idx, None], time[idx, None])
    COV_W = gpexp((0.0, 1.0, 1e-10)).covariance(time[idx, None], time[idx,
    for data in data_sets:
        ans = fmin_pos(ml_objective, [1.0],
                       args=(data[idx], COV_RW, COV_W, P),
        ml_solns += [ans[0]]
        ans = fmin_pos(reml_objective, [1.0],
                       args=(data[idx], COV_RW, COV_W, P),
        reml_solns += [ans[0]]

    # compute statistics on solution
    mean = np.mean(ml_solns)
    percs = np.percentile(ml_solns, np.arange(0, 105, 5))
    entry = '%s %s %s\n' % (tslength, mean, ' '.join(percs.astype(str)))

    mean = np.mean(reml_solns)
    percs = np.percentile(reml_solns, np.arange(0, 105, 5))
    entry = '%s %s %s\n' % (tslength, mean, ' '.join(percs.astype(str)))
Ejemplo n.º 6
        x1, x2 = np.meshgrid(x1, x2, indexing='ij')
        out = coeff * np.min([x1, x2], axis=0)
        return out

    out = GaussianProcess(mean, cov, dim=1)
    return out

# sampling period in years
rw_scale = 1.3
w_scale = 1.1
dt = 1.0 / 365.25
time = np.arange(dt, 2.5, dt)

noise_true = gpbrown(rw_scale**2)
noise_true += gpexp((0.0, w_scale**2, 1e-10))

# view a sample in the time and frequency domain to make sure
# everything looks ok
mu, sigma = noise_true(time[:, None])
sample = noise_true.sample(time[:, None])
freq, pow = periodogram(sample, 1.0 / dt)
freq, pow = freq[1:], pow[1:]
pow_true = rw_scale**2 / (2 * np.pi**2 * freq**2) + 2 * w_scale**2 * dt

fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 1)
axs[0].plot(time, mu, color='k', zorder=2, label='expected')
                    mu - sigma,
                    mu + sigma,
Ejemplo n.º 7
def exp(sigma,cls):
  Exponential covariance function
  return gauss.gpexp((0.0,sigma**2,cls),dim=2)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def objective(x,t,d):
  '''objective function to be minimized'''
  gp = gpexp((0.0,x[0],x[1]))
  return -gp.likelihood(t,d)
Ejemplo n.º 9
This script demonstrate how to optimize the hyperparameters for a 
Gaussian process based on the marginal likelihood. Optimization is 
performed in two ways, first with a grid search method and then with a 
downhill simplex method.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import fmin
from rbf.gauss import gpexp

# True signal which we want to recover. This is a exponential function
# with mean=0.0, variance=2.0, and time-scale=0.1. For graphical
# purposes, we will only estimate the variance and time-scale.
a,b,c = 0.0, 2.0, 0.1
gp  = gpexp((a, b, c))

n = 500 # number of observations
time = np.linspace(-5.0, 5.0, n)[:,None] # observation points
data = gp.sample(time) # signal which we want to describe

# find the optimal hyperparameter with a brute force grid search
b_search = 10**np.linspace(-2, 2, 30)
c_search = 10**np.linspace(-2, 1, 30)
likelihoods = np.zeros((30, 30))
for i, b_test in enumerate(b_search): 
  for j, c_test in enumerate(c_search): 
    gp = gpexp((0.0, b_test, c_test))
    likelihoods[i, j] = gp.likelihood(time, data)

# find the optimal hyperparameters with a positively constrained