def param_form(request, username, project, box, param_type=None, param_id=None): box = Box.retrieve(username, project, box, request.user, EDIT_RIGHT) param = None new = None success = False if param_id: try: param = BoxParam.objects.get(pk=param_id) except BoxParam.DoesNotExist: return HttpResponse("Your request returned no results.") else: if param_type not in ("text", "number"): return HttpResponse("Your request cannot be completed.") new = param_type if request.method == "POST": form = ParamForm(request.POST, new=new, param=param, box=box, action=request.path) if form.is_valid(): args = { "name": form.cleaned_data.pop("parameter_name"), "box": form.cleaned_data.pop("box"), "subtype": form.cleaned_data.pop("subtype"), "css_class": form.cleaned_data["type"] == "number" and "input-mini" or "", "field_type": form.cleaned_data.pop("type"), "order": form.cleaned_data.pop("order"), } if "pk" in form.cleaned_data: args["pk"] = form.cleaned_data.pop("pk") args["constraints"] = dumps(form.cleaned_data) BoxParam(**args).save() success = True else: form = ParamForm(new=new, param=param, box=box, action=request.path) return render(request, "edit_param.html", {"form": form, "success": success})
def edit_box(request, username, project, box): status = "edit" box = Box.retrieve(username, project, box, request.user, EDIT_RIGHT) if request.method == "POST": form = BoxForm(request.POST, instance=box, action=box.edit_link(), project=box.project) if form.is_valid(): try: status = "saved" except Exception: status = "error" else: form = BoxForm(instance=box, project=box.project, action=box.edit_link()) return render(request, "edit_box.html", {"box": box, "edit_form": form, "status": status})
def box(request, username, project, box): run = None box = Box.retrieve(username, project, box, request.user) if request.method == "POST" and request.user.is_authenticated(): launch_form = RunForm(request.POST, box=box, user=request.user) if launch_form.is_valid(): try: new_run = Run(box=box, user=request.user.get_profile(), status=1, secret_key=str(uuid4())) new_run.lifetime = launch_form.cleaned_data.pop("lifetime") box_param = BoxParam.objects.filter(box=box) for param, value in launch_form.cleaned_data.items(): RunParam(value=(value or ""), run=new_run, box_param=box_param.get(name=param)).save() new_run.start() messages.success(request, "Run #%s launched successfully" % except Exception: messages.error(request, COMMON_ERROR_MSG) return HttpResponseRedirect( else: launch_form = RunForm(box=box, user=request.user) if "cancel" in request.GET and request.user.is_authenticated(): try: run_id = int(request.GET["cancel"]) cancelled_run = Run.objects.get(pk=run_id) if cancelled_run.user == request.user.get_profile(): if cancelled_run.status in (1, 4): cancelled_run.set_status("cancelled") messages.success(request, "Run #%s cancelled successfully" % run_id) except: messages.error(request, "Sorry, we where unable to cancel this run...") return HttpResponseRedirect( elif "run" in request.GET: try: run_id = int(request.GET["run"]) run = Run.objects.get(pk=run_id, box=box) except: messages.error(request, "Sorry, we where unable to find this run...") return render(request, "box.html", {"box": box, "launch_form": launch_form, "run": run})
def delete_param(request, username, project, box, param_id): box = Box.retrieve(username, project, box, request.user, EDIT_RIGHT) param = get_object_or_404(BoxParam, pk=param_id) param.delete() return HttpResponse("{status: 0}")