Ejemplo n.º 1
def updateWithUcanMetadata(station,
    """ Update a station dictionary with metadata from Ucan/Tsvar
    if ucan_connection is not None:
        ucan = ucan_connection
        ucan = UcanConnection()

    ucanid = ucan.ucanid(station)
    station['ucanid'] = ucanid
    station_keys = station.keys()

    meta = ucan.getMetadata(station)
    for key in ('county', 'elev', 'lat', 'lon'):
        if key not in station_keys: station[key] = meta[key]
    if 'state' not in station_keys: station['state'] = meta['postal']
    if 'gmt' not in station_keys:
        gmt = int(meta['gmt_offset'])
        if gmt > 0: gmt = -gmt
        station['gmt'] = gmt

    datasets = []
    first_hour = 9999999999
    last_report = 0
    for dataset_name in CONFIG.raw_datasets:
            ts_var = ucan.getTsVar(station, dataset_name)
            start_hour, end_hour = ts_var.getValidDateRange()
            first_hour = min(first_hour, dateAsInt(start_hour, True))
            last_report = max(last_report, dateAsInt(end_hour, True))
            del ts_var

    if ucan_connection is not None: del ucan

    if update_datasets:
        station['datasets'] = ','.join(datasets)

    if first_hour == 9999999999: station['first_hour'] = -32768
    else: station['first_hour'] = first_hour

    if last_report == 0: station['last_report'] = -32768
    else: station['last_report'] = last_report

    return station
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def updateLastReport(self, station):
     valid_hours = station['valid_hours']
     if len(valid_hours) > 0:
         last_hour = max(valid_hours)
         last_hour = self.start_time + relativedelta(hours=last_hour)
         last_report = dateAsInt(last_hour, True)
         self.last_report_column[station['index']] = last_report
         station['last_report'] = last_report
     return station
def getStationPrecip(factory, station, _date_, cushion=0, test_run=False):
    _datetime_ = asDatetime(_date_)
    start_time = _datetime_ - ONE_DAY + relativedelta(hours=7)
    end_time = _datetime_ + relativedelta(hours=7)
    if cushion != 0:
        start_time -= relativedelta(hours=cushion)
        end_time += relativedelta(hours=cushion)

    if test_run:
        if station['sid'] == STATION_CACHE['sid']:
            data = STATION_CACHE['data']
            dates = STATION_CACHE['dates']
            # hourly data file must already exist
            filepath = factory.getFilepathForUcanid(station['ucanid'], 'hours')
            if not os.path.exists(filepath):
                print SKIP_MSG % station
                print 'Hourly data file does not exist : %s' % filepath
                return None
            manager = HDF5DataFileManager(filepath, 'r')
            data = manager.getData('pcpn.value')
            STATION_CACHE['data'] = data
            dates = manager.getData('pcpn.date')
            STATION_CACHE['dates'] = dates
            STATION_CACHE['sid'] = station['sid']

        _start_time = dateAsInt(start_time, True)
        _end_time = dateAsInt(end_time, True)
        indexes = N.where((dates > (_start_time - 1)) & (dates < _end_time))
        if len(indexes[0]) > 0: return data[indexes]
        return None

        start_time = dateAsTuple(start_time, True)
        end_time = dateAsTuple(end_time, True)
        ucan = HourlyDataConnection(days_per_request=1)
        _start_date_, _end_date_, precip =\
        ucan.getData(station, 'pcpn', start_time, end_time)
        precip = N.array(precip)
        precip[N.where(N.isinf(precip))] = N.nan
        return precip
                (where, exception_type, formatted, details))
        if log_file:
            msg = 'Created spike log file for %s at %s'
            print msg % (station_name, log_filepath)

    # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    if debug: print 'locate buddies for %d' % ucanid

        num_buddies =\
        buddy_locator.findAndSave(station['ucanid'], station['lon'],
        where = 'buddy locator for station %d' % ucanid
        exception_type, formatted, details = captureLastException()
        if True:  #debug:
            print where
            print exception_type
            if details is not None: print details
            print ''.join(formatted)
                (where, exception_type, formatted, details))
        print '    %d buddies found for %d' % (num_buddies, ucanid)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    # make connection to UCAN server
    connection = HourlyDataConnection(2, first_hour_in_day=1)
    end_time = base_time
    start_time = end_time - relativedelta(hours=23)

    invalid = True
    while invalid:
        missing = [ ]

        for element in raw_elements:
            #if debug: print '\nelement', element
            first_hour, last_hour, data = \
            num_hours = len(data)
            if num_hours == 24 and len(N.where(N.isfinite(data))[0]) > 0:
                station['last_report'] = dateAsInt(start_time)
                invalid = False

        end_time -= ONE_DAY
        start_time -= ONE_DAY

dump_file = open(dump_filepath, 'w')
for station in stations[1:]:

today = datetime.now()
today = datetime(today.year, today.month, today.day, 23)
icao_base_time = today - ONE_DAY

# date is input, use it as the latest possible report date
if len(args) > 0:
    year = int(args[0])
    month = int(args[1])
    day = int(args[2])
    if len(args) > 3: newa_base_time = datetime(year, month, day, int(args[3]))
    else: newa_base_time = datetime(year, month, day, 23)
# otherwise, latest_possible report date is yesterday
    newa_base_time = today - ONE_DAY
test_last_day = dateAsInt(newa_base_time)

# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

criteria = ('bbox', 'county', 'name', 'network', 'sid', 'state')
factory = ObsnetDataFactory(options)
criteria = factory._validCriteria(options, criteria)
metadata = list(factory._parseMetadata(options.metadata))
if 'datasets' not in metadata: metadata.append('datasets')
if 'first_hour' not in metadata: metadata.append('first_hour')
if 'last_report' not in metadata: metadata.append('last_report')
if 'name' not in metadata: metadata.append('name')
if 'sid' not in metadata: metadata.append('sid')
if 'state' not in metadata: metadata.append('state')
if 'ucanid' not in metadata: metadata.append('ucanid')
    stats_manager = factory.getStationFileManager((ucanid,'hour-stats'), 'w')
    stats_manager.setFileAttribute('created', stats_manager._timestamp())

    earliest_hour = 9999999999
    latest_hour = -32768

    for element in elements:
        if debug:
            print ' '
            print ' '

        # get start/end time
        hours_attrs = hours_manager.getDataAttributes('%s.date' % element)
        first_hour = tuple(hours_attrs['first_hour'])
        earliest_hour = min(earliest_hour, dateAsInt(first_hour))
        base_hour = datetime(*first_hour)
        last_hour = tuple(hours_attrs['last_hour'])
        latest_hour = max(latest_hour, dateAsInt(last_hour))
        last_hour = datetime(*last_hour)
        num_years = (last_hour.year - first_hour.year) + 1
        if num_years < min_year_span:
            print SKIPPING_MSG % (element, ucanid)
            print TOO_SHORT_MSG % (min_year_span, num_years)
            print PROCESSING_MSG % (element, ucanid)

        raw_data, raw_attrs = hours_manager.getData('%s.value' % element, True)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def latestReportDate(station, newa_base_time, icao_base_time, debug=False):
    """ Returns latest date that any sensor reported
    last_report = 0

    if debug:
        print '\nprocessing station %(sid)s : %(name)s' % station
    # get list of datasets to check
    sensor_types = [sensor_type.strip()
                     for sensor_type in station['datasets'].split(',')]

    # make connection to UCAN server
    connection = HourlyDataConnection()

    # reset start/end times
    if station['network'] == 'icao':
        requested_end_time = icao_base_time
    else: requested_end_time = newa_base_time

    # looking for latest date that any data sensor reported
    for sensor_type in sensor_types:

        # find out the range of dates available for this dataset
        data_start_time, data_end_time =\
        connection.getValidDatetimeRange(station, sensor_type, False)
        if debug:
            msg = '    %s : ucan advertised time span = %s thru %s'
            print msg % (sensor_type, data_start_time.strftime('%Y%m%d:%H'),

        end_time = min(requested_end_time, data_end_time)
        start_time = end_time - relativedelta(hours=23)
        if debug:
            msg = '    %s : interval start time = %s, interval end time = %s'
            print msg % (sensor_type, start_time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H'),
        # get data for first interval
        data_from, data_to, data = \
        connection.getData(station, sensor_type, start_time, end_time, False)
        data_from = dateAsInt(data_from,True)
        data_to = dateAsInt(data_to,True)

        # work backwards to latest finite value returned, if any
        _continue_ = True
        while _continue_:
            # must contain 24 hours to be valid data
            if len(data) == 24:
                if debug:
                    msg = '    %s : data returned for period %d to %d'
                    print msg % (sensor_type, data_from, data_to)
                # look for latest hour that a finite data value was returned
                for hour in range(23,-1,-1):
                    if N.isfinite(data[hour]):
                        valid_time = start_time + relativedelta(hours=hour)
                        valid_time = dateAsInt(valid_time, True)
                        last_report = max(valid_time, last_report)
                        if debug:
                            msg = '    %s : finite value (%-.2f) found at data[%d] : %d'
                            print msg % (sensor_type, data[hour], hour, valid_time)
                        _continue_ = False
                if debug:
                    msg = '    %s : ALL data missing in period %d to %d'
                    print msg % (sensor_type, data_from, data_to)

            # go back one day and check again
            start_time -= ONE_DAY
            if (int(start_time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H')) > last_report
                and start_time >= data_start_time):
                end_time -= ONE_DAY
                data_from, data_to, data = \
                data_from = dateAsInt(data_from,True)
                data_to = dateAsInt(data_to,True)
            else: _continue_ = False

    # delete the UCAN connection for this station
    del connection
    return last_report
Ejemplo n.º 9
options, args = parser.parse_args()

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

if len(args) > 0:
    year = int(args[0])
    month = int(args[1])
    day = int(args[2])
    if len(args) > 3: first_hour_in_day = int(args[3])
    end_time = datetime(year, month, day, 23)
    start_time = datetime(year, month, day, 0)
    date = datetime.now() - ONE_DAY
    end_time = datetime(date.year, date.month, date.day, 23)
    start_time = datetime(date.year, date.month, date.day, 0)
end_time_as_int = dateAsInt(end_time, True)
date_str = end_time.strftime('%B %d, %Y')
prev_date = dateAsInt(end_time - ONE_DAY, True)

debug = options.debug
verbose = options.verbose
if verbose: print 'verbose debug output requested'
networks = stringToTuple(options.networks)
test_run = options.test_run
update_index = options.update_index

# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

# create factory and get required data from index file
factory = ObsnetDataFactory(options)
index_manager = factory.getFileManager('index', 'r')
parser.add_option('-w', action='store', type='string', dest='working_dir',
parser.add_option('-y', action='store_true', dest='test', default=False)
parser.add_option('-z', action='store_true', dest='debug', default=False)

options, args = parser.parse_args()

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

year = int(args[0])
month = int(args[1])
day = int(args[2])
if len(args) > 3: hour = int(args[3])
else: hour = 23
max_report_date = dateAsInt((year, month, day))
max_report_time = (max_report_date * 100) + hour

# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

factory = ObsnetDataFactory(options)

index_manager = factory.getFileManager('index', mode='r')
last_reports = index_manager.getData('last_report')

for indx in range(len(last_reports)):
    last_report = last_reports[indx]
    if last_report == max_report_date:
        last_reports[indx] = max_report_time
    elif last_report > max_report_time: