Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _getEndpointConnection(self, epA, epB):
        """ Internally used method to get the connection between two endpoints.

            @param epX:         The endpoint which is part of the connection
                                that should be retrieved.
            @type  epX:         rce.core.network.Endpoint

            @return:            Connection between the two endpoints.
            @rtype:             rce.core.network.EndpointConnection
        if epA not in self._endpoints or epB not in self._endpoints:
            raise InternalError('Endpoint is not part of this network.')

        if epA == epB:
            return epA.getLoopback()
            connectionsA = self._endpoints[epA]
            connectionsB = self._endpoints[epB]

            candidates = connectionsA.intersection(connectionsB)

            if candidates:
                if len(candidates) != 1:
                    raise InternalError('There are more than one possible '
                                        'endpoint connections.')

                return candidates.pop()
                connection = EndpointConnection(epA, epB)
                return connection
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def remote_createTunnel(self, name, targetIP):
        """ Create a new GRE Tunnel.

            @param name:        Unique name of the network group.
            @type  name:        str

            @param targetIP:    Target IP for the GRE Tunnel.
            @type  targetIP:    str

            @return:            Exit status of command.
            @rtype:             twisted.internet.defer.Deferred
        if name not in self._bridges:
            raise InternalError('Bridge does not exist.')

        key = (name, targetIP)

        if key in self._uid:
            raise InternalError('Tunnel already exists.')

        while 1:
            uid = randomString(self._UID_LEN)

            if uid not in self._uid.itervalues():

        self._uid[key] = uid
        port = 'gre-{0}'.format(uid)

        return execute(
            ('/usr/bin/ovs-vsctl', 'add-port', 'br-{0}'.format(name), port,
             '--', 'set', 'interface', port, 'type=gre',
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def send(self, msg, msgID, protocol, remoteID):
        """ This method is used to send a message to the endpoint.

            Don't overwrite this method; instead overwrite the method _send.
            If the interface does not overwrite the method _send, it is assumed
            that the interface does not support this action and an
            InternalError is raised when send is called.

            @param msg:         Message which should be sent in serialized
            @type  msg:         str

            @param msgID:       Message ID which is used to match response
            @type  msgID:       str

            @param protocol:    Protocol instance through which the message
                                was sent.
            @type  protocol:    rce.slave.protocol._Protocol

            @param remoteID:    Unique ID of the Interface which sent the
            @type  remoteID:    uuid.UUID
        if not self._ready:
            raise InternalError('Interface is not ready to send a message.')

            if remoteID not in self._protocols[protocol]:
                raise KeyError
        except KeyError:
            log.msg('Received message dropped, because interface does not '
                    'expected the message.')

        self._send(msg, msgID, protocol, remoteID)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def _send(self, msg, msgID, protocol, remoteID):
        """ Convert a ROS message into a JSON encoded message.

            @param msg:         Received ROS message in serialized form.
            @type  msg:         str

            @param msgID:       Unique ID to identify the message.
            @type  msgID:       str

            @param protocol:    Protocol instance through which the message
                                was sent.
            @type  protocol:    rce.slave.protocol._Protocol

            @param remoteID:    Unique ID of the Interface which sent the
            @type  remoteID:    uuid.UUID
        if not self._outputMsgCls:
            raise InternalError('This converter can not handle outgoing '

        rosMsg = self._outputMsgCls()

            jsonMsg = self._converter.encode(rosMsg)
        except (TypeError, ValueError) as e:
            raise ConversionError(str(e))

        self._sendToClient(jsonMsg, msgID, protocol, remoteID)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def requestAvatar(self, avatarId, mind, *interfaces):
        """ Returns Avatar for slave processes of the cloud engine.

            Implementation for IRealm
        if IPerspective not in interfaces:
            raise NotImplementedError('RoboEarthCloudEngine only '
                                      'handles IPerspective.')

        # There are three possible roles (=avatarId):
        #     'container', 'robot', and 'environment'
        if avatarId == 'container':
            machine = self._balancer.createMachine(mind[0], mind[1])
            avatar = MachineAvatar(machine, self._balancer)
            detach = lambda: avatar.logout()
            print('Connection to Container process established.')
        elif avatarId == 'robot':
            endpoint = RobotEndpoint(self._network, self._distributor,
            avatar = RobotEndpointAvatar(self, endpoint)
            detach = lambda: avatar.logout()
            print('Connection to Robot process established.')
        elif avatarId == 'environment':
            endpoint = self._pendingContainer.pop(mind[1])
            avatar = EnvironmentEndpointAvatar(self, endpoint)
            detach = lambda: avatar.logout()
            print('Connection to Environment process established.')
            raise InternalError('Invalid avatar ID received.')

        return IPerspective, avatar, detach
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def remote_createInterface(self, uid, iType, msgType, addr):
        """ Create an Interface object in the namespace and therefore in
            the endpoint.

            @param uid:         Unique ID which is used to identify the
                                interface in the internal communication.
            @type  uid:         str

            @param iType:       Type of the interface encoded as an integer.
                                Refer to rce.slave.interface.Types for more
            @type  IType:       int

            @param clsName:     Message type/Service type consisting of the
                                package and the name of the message/service,
                                i.e. 'std_msgs/Int32'.
            @type  clsName:     str

            @param addr:        Unique address which is used to identify the
                                interface in the external communication.
            @type  addr:        str

            @return:            New Interface instance.
            @rtype:             rce.slave.interface.Interface
            cls = self._map[iType]
        except KeyError:
            raise InternalError('Interface type is not supported by this '

        return cls(self, UUID(bytes=uid), msgType, addr)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def createContainer(self, userID, data):
        """ Callback for User instance to create a new Container object in a
            container process.

            @param userID:      UserID of the user who created the container.
            @type  userID:      str

            @param data:        Extra data which is used to configure the
            @param data:        dict

            @return:            New Namespace and Container instance.
            @rtype:             (rce.core.environment.Environment,
                                 (subclasses of rce.core.base.Proxy)
        while 1:
            uid = uuid4().hex

            if uid not in self._pendingContainer:

            container = self._balancer.createContainer(uid, userID, data)
        except ContainerProcessError:
            # TODO: What should we do here?
            raise InternalError('Container can not be created.')

        endpoint = EnvironmentEndpoint(self._network, container)
        self._pendingContainer[uid] = endpoint
        return endpoint.createNamespace(), container
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def receive(self, clsName, msgID, msg):
        """ Convert a JSON encoded message into a ROS message.

            @param clsName:     Message/Service type of the received message.
            @type  clsName:     str

            @param msgID:       Identifier which is used to match request /
                                response message.
            @type  msgID:       str

            @param msg:         JSON compatible message which should be
            @type  msg:         dict
        if not self._inputMsgCls:
            raise InternalError('This converter can not handle incoming'
                                ' messages.')

        if clsName != self._clsName:
            raise InvalidResoureName('Sent message type does not match the '
                                     'used message type for this interface.')

            msg = self._converter.decode(self._inputMsgCls, msg)
        except (TypeError, ValueError) as e:
            raise ConversionError(str(e))

        buf = StringIO()
        msg = buf.getvalue()

        self._receive(msg, msgID)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def returnNr(self, nr):
        """ Callback for Container to return a container number when it is
            no longer in use such that it can be reused.
        if nr in self._nrs:
            raise InternalError('Number was never rented out.')

Ejemplo n.º 10
    def createEnvironment(self, _):
        """ Create the Environment namespace.
        if self._namespaces:
            raise InternalError('The environment can have only one namespace '
                                'at a time.')

        environment = Environment(self)
        return self._avatar.callRemote('setupNamespace', environment)
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def registerIAASHook(self, hook):
        """ Register an IAAS Hook object.

             # TODO: Add doc
        if not isinstance(hook, IaasHook):
            raise InternalError('IAAS hook has to be a subclass of '

        self._iaas = hook
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def assignMachine(self, machine):
        """ # TODO: Add doc
        if self._machine:
            raise InternalError('Can not assign the same container multiple '

        self._machine = machine

Ejemplo n.º 13
    def destroyMachine(self, machine):
        """ Destroy a Machine object.

            @param machine:     Machine instance which should be destroyed.
            @type  machine:     rce.core.machine.Machine
        except KeyError:
            raise InternalError('Tried to remove a non existent machine.')

Ejemplo n.º 14
    def createNamespace(self):
        """ Create a Environment object in the environment endpoint.

            @return:            New Environment instance.
            @rtype:             rce.master.environment.Environment
                                (subclass of rce.core.base.Proxy)
        if self._namespaces:
            raise InternalError('Can not have more than one namespace '
                                'in an Environment endpoint at a time.')

        return Environment(self)
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def addCustomConverter(self, converter):
        """ Register a new custom Converter.

            @raise:     rce.error.InternalError,
        verifyClass(ICustomROSConverter, converter)

        if converter.MESSAGE_TYPE in self._customTypes:
            raise InternalError('There are multiple Converters given for '
                                'message type "{0}".'.format(

            pkg, name = package_resource_name(converter.MESSAGE_TYPE)
        except ValueError:
            raise InternalError('msg type is not valid. Has to be of the from '
                                'pkg/msg, i.e. std_msgs/Int8.')

        self._customTypes[converter.MESSAGE_TYPE] = (converter,
            self._loader.loadMsg(pkg, name))
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def removeCustomConverter(self, msgType):
        """ Unregister a custom Converter.

            @param msgType:     Message type of ROS message as a string, i.e.
                                'std_msgs/Int8', for which the converter should
                                be removed.
            @type  msgType:     str
            del self._customTypes[msgType]
        except KeyError:
            InternalError('Tried to remove a custom converter which was '
                          'never added.')
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def getInterfaceConnection(self, interface, protocol):
        """ Get the connection between an interface and a protocol.

            @param interface:   Interface which belongs to this endpoint and
                                which is on one side of the connection.
            @type  interface:   rce.core.network.Interface

            @param protocol:    Protocol which belongs to this endpoint and
                                which is on one side of the connection.
            @type  protocol:    rce.core.network.Protocol

            @return:            Connection between the interface and the
            @rtype:             rce.core.network.InterfaceConnection
            connectionI = self._interfaces[interface]
        except KeyError:
            raise InternalError('Interface does not belong to this endpoint.')

            connectionP = self._protocols[protocol]
        except KeyError:
            raise InternalError('Protocol does not belong to this endpoint.')

        candidates = connectionP.intersection(connectionI)

        if candidates:
            if len(candidates) != 1:
                raise InternalError('There are more than one possible '
                                    'interface-protocol connections.')

            return candidates.pop()
            connection = InterfaceConnection(interface, protocol)
            return connection
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def remote_destroyTunnel(self, name, targetIP):
        """ Destroy a GRE Tunnel.

            @param name:        Unique name of the network group.
            @type  name:        str

            @param targetIP:    Target IP for the GRE Tunnel.
            @type  targetIP:    str

            @return:            Exit status of command.
            @rtype:             twisted.internet.defer.Deferred
        if name not in self._bridges:
            raise InternalError('Bridge does not exist.')

        key = (name, targetIP)

        if key not in self._uid:
            raise InternalError('Tunnel deos not exist.')

        return execute(('/usr/bin/ovs-vsctl', 'del-port', 'gre-{0}'.format(
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def remote_destroyBridge(self, name):
        """ Destroy a OVS Bridge.

            @param name:        Unique name of the network group.
            @type  name:        str

            @return:            Exit status of command.
            @rtype:             twisted.internet.defer.Deferred
        if name not in self._bridges:
            raise InternalError('Bridge does not exist.')

        return execute(('/usr/bin/ovs-vsctl', 'del-br', 'br-{0}'.format(name)),
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def remote_createBridge(self, name):
        """ Create a new OVS Bridge.

            @param name:        Unique name of the network group.
            @type  name:        str

            @return:            Exit status of command.
            @rtype:             twisted.internet.defer.Deferred
        if name in self._bridges:
            raise InternalError('Bridge already exists.')

        return execute(('/usr/bin/ovs-vsctl', '--', '--may-exist', 'add-br',
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def _validate(self, result):
        """ Internally used method which is part of a callback chain.
            Its task is to verify that both sides of the connection could be
            authenticated. In case both signal success the corresponding
            protocols are registered.
        ((serverAuth, clientProtocol), (clientAuth, serverProtocol)) = result

        if not (serverAuth and clientAuth):
            # There was a problem in authenticating the connection
            # TODO: What should we do here?
            return Failure(
                InternalError('Connection could not be '

Ejemplo n.º 22
    def sendMessage(self, interface, msg, msgID, remoteID=None):
        assert self._initialized

        uid = interface.UID.bytes
        assert len(uid) == 16

            idLen = self._MSG_ID_STRUCT.pack(len(msgID))
        except struct.error:
            raise InternalError('Message ID is too long.')

        if remoteID:
            flag = self._TRUE
            rmtID = remoteID.bytes
            assert len(rmtID) == 16
            flag = self._FALSE
            rmtID = ''

        self.sendString(''.join((flag, rmtID, uid, idLen, msgID, msg)))
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def requestURL(self, userID):
        """ Callback for Robot resource to retrieve the location of the Robot
            process to which a WebSocket connection should be established.

            @param userID:      User ID under which the robot will login.
                                (Can be used to do optimizations in distributing
                                the load.)
            @type  userID:      str

            @return:            The IP address of Robot process to which a
                                WebSocket connection should be established.
                                (type: str)
            @rtype:             twisted.internet.defer.Deferred
            location = self._distributor.getNextLocation()
        except RobotProcessError:
            # TODO: What should we do here?
            raise InternalError('Robot can not be created.')

        return location.getWebsocketAddress()
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def createMachine(self, ref, data):
        """ Create a new Machine object, which can be used to create new

            @param ref:         Remote reference to the ContainerClient in the
                                container process.
            @type  ref:         twisted.spread.pb.RemoteReference

            @param data:        Data about the machine
            @type  data:        dict

            @return:            New Machine instance.
            @rtype:             rce.core.machine.Machine
        machine = Machine(ref, data, self)

        if machine in self._machines:
            raise InternalError(
                'Tried to add the same machine multiple times.')

        return machine
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def getProtocol(self, endpoint):
        """ Get the protocol which is part of this connection and belongs to
            the given endpoint.

            @param endpoint:    Endpoint to which the protocol has to belong.
            @type  endpoint:    rce.core.network.Endpoint

            @return:            Protocol which belongs to the endpoint and is
                                part of this connection.
            @rtype:             rce.core.network.Protocol
                                (subclass of rce.core.base.Proxy)
        if not (self._serverProtocol and self._serverEndpoint
                and self._clientProtocol and self._clientEndpoint):
            raise ConnectionError('Endpoint connection is dead.')

        if self._serverEndpoint == endpoint:
            return self._serverProtocol
        elif self._clientEndpoint == endpoint:
            return self._clientProtocol
            raise InternalError('The endpoint is not part of this connection.')
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def _getAddress(self, result):
        """ Internally used method which is part of a callback chain.
            Its task is to verify that both endpoints are ready for the
            connection attempt. In case both signal readiness the address
            of the designated server endpoint is retrieved.

            @param result:      Response of the DeferredList containing the
                                Deferreds of the 'prepareConnection' calls.

            @return:            Address of the endpoint's internal
                                communication server.
            @rtype:             twisted.internet.address.IPv4Address
        ((serverReady, _), (clientReady, _)) = result

        if not (serverReady and clientReady):
            # There was a problem in making the server/client ready for the
            # connection attempt
            # TODO: What should we do here?
            return Failure(
                InternalError('Server/Client could not be prepared '
                              'for connection attempt.'))

        return self._serverEndpoint.getAddress()
Ejemplo n.º 27
 def _send(self, msg, msgID, protocol, remoteID):
     raise InternalError('Interface does not support sending of a message.')
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def remote_connect(self, protocol, remoteID):
        if self._protocols:
            raise InternalError('Can not register more than one interface '
                                'at a time with a Service-Provider.')

        return _ROSInterfaceBase.remote_connect(self, protocol, remoteID)